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Not taking new chats. Sorry.
Number of ratings720 Number of reviews295 Listens toTeens & Over 18 LanguagesEnglish Listener sinceDec 30, 2015 Last activein last week PathStep 15,409 People helped1,426 Chats7,847 Forum posts5,807 Forum upvotes11,967

Not taking new chats.

Coming, going, the waterbirds
don't leave a trace, don't follow a path.

I'm Charlie and I'm trained, verified and experienced as an active listener for both adults and teens. I like to support people who are struggling with something. Also people who aren't struggling with anything. And people who aren't sure whether they're struggling with anything or not.

Please do not message me hoping to start a chat. I am not taking new chats.

The poem is said to be by Eihei Dōgen, a Japanese poet who wrote it around eight hundred years ago. I don't know why I like it. I just do. My photo is the moon shining on the sea. There's some darkness and some clouds there but the light of the moon shines on everything. I like this too.

Thank you for reading my profile. I'm glad you are here!

In an emergency or a crisis: If you are in an emergency or a crisis—for example, if you are at immediate risk of suicide or other serious harm—7 Cups is not the right place, because we cannot deal with emergencies or provide crisis counselling. Click here for information about getting help: Get emergency or crisis support

Listener support: I'm happy to support other listeners with issues related to listening, although I don't have any official role. Please do not message me from a listener account to chat about personal issues. Use a member account for that. To understand why, see: Listener and Member Roles

Schedule: I don't have a fixed schedule. I'm online some weekdays between about 4:30 a.m. and 8:30 a.m. US Eastern Time. In the UK this is 9:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. On other days and at weekends I'm often online too, but at times that are not predictable. If you message me or tag me in a forum I'm usually able to respond within a day or two.

Miscellaneous resources: For some other resources, mainly for listeners, see my unofficial companion site: The 8th Cup

Recent forum posts
RarelyCharlie profile picture
Newbie Hub / by RarelyCharlie
Last post
April 19th, 2023
...See more This is a follow-up to a post I wrote back in 2018: A bunch of bots []. You might want to read that before continuing here. Back then I tried out a bunch of "listener" bots to see how each of them responded to the same prompt. The conclusion was that none of them actually listened. They ignored basic rules of listening that all 7 Cups listeners are taught. Since then a lot of progress has been made in artificial intelligence (AI) research. Some of the latest bots are capable of realistic online chat. So I tried a fairly recent bot, [] to see how it responded to the same prompt I used before. Charlie: Every time I go to the house I feel the fear again. Character: Oh, that sounds really tough. Was that house a place where you experienced emotional or physical trauma, by any chance? That was weirdly apt, so I continued the chat. Charlie: Yes Character: Okay. That would definitely be why you feel this way when you go there. It's the perfect normal response of any person in this kind of situation. Is there anything you usually do for yourself when you have these feelings, like a place to go, a TV show to watch, a way to get some comfort, or a technique that helps you think differently about your situation? Charlie: I usually go home and cry. Character: Aww! It's so normal to cry when you are faced with something that is this difficult. Crying is literally the natural response to these kinds of feelings. It sounds like you are able to get yourself home safely, which is wonderful news. Do you have a special place to cry (like your bed, a closet, or the shower) that makes you feel the safest, or do you usually just cry wherever you are when the feelings come up? I am just astonished by how good this bot is. And it's not even using state-of-the-art AI. To try chatting to this character yourself, go to Character.AI [], choose the Helpers category, and then choose the Are-you-feeling-okay character. There might be other characters that are also good listeners—this was just the first one I tried. Charlie
RarelyCharlie profile picture
Tea & Cake — Searching for topics
Site Updates / by RarelyCharlie
Last post
December 11th, 2022
...See more This feature adds topic search to the Community Home page. For example, you can search for topics that mention DBT: It also enables topic links, which link directly to individual topics within a community. You can bookmark these links for your own use, but please do not share them with other people who might not have Tea & Cake, because 7 Cups does not yet support them. To enable Tea & Cake in your web browser, first you must have Tampermonkey [] installed. Most desktop and laptop browsers can install Tampermonkey, and also some on Android (for example, Kiwi []). But apps and Apple iOS devices do not support it. Next, install the Tea & Cake script [] or update it to at least version 4. (If Tampermonkey is working, you should see a green Install button.)
RarelyCharlie profile picture
Tea & Cake — Forum display controls
Site Updates / by RarelyCharlie
Last post
December 10th, 2022
...See more This feature prevents the forum from automatically resetting the way forum threads are displayed. For example, if you choose Recent, then it does not reset until you yourself change it. The forum pages where this feature operates comprise the Community Home page and the 30 or more community pages, which all display lists of forum threads. There are three display controls: * the display order (Popular / Highlights / Recent / Needs reply / Top), * an Expand / Collapse setting, and * a topic filter. (The Community Home page does not have Highlights or a topic filter.) Topic filters only apply within a community. If you choose a topic filter, then the next time you visit that community you see the same topic filter. In addition, this feature provides working URLs for the display order, allowing you to bookmark them. Do not share these URLs as links, because until 7 Cups fixes its bug (a timing issue) they will only work for people who have Tea & Cake. To enable Tea & Cake in your web browser, first you must have Tampermonkey [] installed. Most desktop and laptop browsers can install Tampermonkey, and also some on Android (for example, Kiwi []). But apps and Apple iOS devices do not support it. Next, install the Tea & Cake script [] or update it to at least version 3. (If Tampermonkey is working, you should see a green Install button there.) Then go to your Listener Settings [] or Member Settings [] page, and check the box "Forum display controls". This setting autosaves, unlike the rest of that page. To provide feedback on this feature, please reply in this forum thread or message me.
RarelyCharlie profile picture
Tea & Cake — Compiling automated taglists
Site Updates / by RarelyCharlie
Last post
April 15th, 2024
...See more This feature can compile an auto-updating taglist so you can copy and use the latest list. To enable Tea & Cake in your web browser, first you must have Tampermonkey [] installed. Most desktop and laptop browsers can install Tampermonkey, and also some on Android (for example, Kiwi []). But apps and Apple iOS devices do not support it. Next, install the Tea & Cake script []. (If Tampermonkey is working, you should see a green Install button there.) Then go to your Listener Settings [] or Member Settings [] page, and check the box "Compile taglists". This setting autosaves, unlike the rest of that page. In any taglist control thread, press the "Compile the taglist" button (beside the subscribe button at the bottom of the original post). To provide feedback on this feature, please reply in this forum thread or message me. For more information on automated taglists, see: Manage taglists [] Charlie
RarelyCharlie profile picture
Tea & Cake — Monitoring group chats
Site Updates / by RarelyCharlie
Last post
November 24th, 2022
...See more Mainly for chatroom mods, this feature can automatically watch group chats for trigger words that you specify. When one of the trigger words appears in a message, you hear a gong sound. To enable Tea & Cake in your web browser, first you must have Tampermonkey [] installed. Most desktop and laptop browsers can install Tampermonkey, and also some on Android (for example, Kiwi []). But apps and Apple iOS devices do not support it. Next, install the Tea & Cake script []. (If Tampermonkey is working, you should see a green Install button there.) Then go to your Listener Settings [] or Member Settings [] page. Check the box "Watch group chats for these trigger words" and specify the trigger words you want to watch for. These settings autosave, unlike the rest of that page. In each group chat that you want to monitor, press the new "Watch this conversation" button in the toolbar at the top right. To provide feedback on this feature, please reply in this forum thread or message me. Hat tips to AlphaAtom (author of the obsolete 7Cups Highlight Extension) and to @CommunityModKay who brought the idea to my attention. Charlie
RarelyCharlie profile picture
Freezing GIFs
Site Updates / by RarelyCharlie
Last post
August 15th, 2022
...See more In a recent discussion [] @AffyAvo and @cloudySummer proposed a new option setting that would freeze GIF animations. Then each animation would only run when you hover your mouse pointer over it, making the feed and the forum less distracting. I was wondering how difficult this might be, and so I published a simple prototype that should work in many web browsers. I think it works well enough to be useful, but it's not perfect. To try the prototype, you first need Tampermonkey []. Then install the script from here: 7 Cups - GIF freezer [] This prototype freezes most animations and displays a snowflake on the frozen image, like the picture above. In actual use, hover over the image to see the animation. (The one in this post is only a picture!) One unresolved problem is that some GIFs are stills, not animations, so when you hover your mouse the snowflake disappears but nothing else happens. Some animations are not GIFs, or they are GIFs with the wrong file type, so they continue to animate all the time. And you might occasionally see the snowflake when there's no image at all. I can't fully and cleanly resolve these problems because some of the websites where people find GIFs impose a weird security restriction on them. A better solution would have to be created within 7 Cups or in a custom browser extension, as far as I can tell. Also, hover only works if you have a pointing device like a mouse or a stylus. Something different would be needed on a device that only has a touch screen. Conclusion: A simple solution like this prototype would be easy for 7 Cups to implement in the website and the app, but a complete solution that solves all the problems would be more complicated. (Sample image was AI-generated at This Anime Does Not Exist [].) Charlie
RarelyCharlie profile picture
Work & Career / by RarelyCharlie
Last post
October 6th, 2022
...See more A short article on the Silicon Valley venture capital firm Andreesson Horowitz' Future [] blog looks forward to what's being called Web3, an internet owned by builders and users: Why Web3 Matters [] Web2 is what we have now: "…siloed, centralized services run by corporations. Most of the value accrued to a handful of companies like Google, Apple, Amazon, and Facebook." (7 Cups pays Amazon to operate its web servers, and relies on Google, Apple and Facebook in other ways.) The problem with Web2 is that the relationship between the company and its users changes as the company matures: "To continue growing requires extracting data from users and competing with (former) partners." (The post you are reading now is part of the "data from users" 7 Cups needs to continue growing. Actually it appears to be shrinking at the moment, but that's another story.) The claim is that Web3… "…fixes the core problem of centralized networks, where the value is accumulated by one company, and the company ends up fighting its own users and partners." (Trying to find a way to format quotes nicely in this forum definitely feels like fighting!) Web3 does this by using tokens to represent value: "Tokens align network participants to work together toward a common goal…" For example, a future decentralized Web3 competitor to 7 Cups might have a fluid collection of independent support communities instead of our fixed set of centrally-managed subcommunities, another fluid collection of independent listener cooperatives offering different listening styles instead of our fixed and centrally-managed listener training and support, and so on. More at: What is Web3? The Decentralized Internet of the Future Explained [] and: DAO Landscape [] ("Decentralized Autonomous Organizations") Charlie
Feedback & Reviews
Great and reflective Listener who gives honest feedback.
Thanks so much for your response
They personally reached out to me after I sought help on a forum. They’re caring.
So very helpful, went out of his way to message and help me. A lovely hard to find great listener! Thanks again!
Charlie is extremely present and tuned into the chat. I love chatting with them!
Good Listener. Helpful and affirming.
Rarely Charlie engaged with me on the topic of Artificial Intelligence in an engaging way. They even sent me articles that were relevant to what we were discussing. They have a good sense of humour and were willing to engage and chit chat and let the conversation flow here and there. I found them to be an interesting person, if a bit mysterious, but then, aren't we all?
amazing, amazing, amazing
They helped me get through a really hard time. I am doing better now 😊
super supportive, and listens well. I really appreciated our chat
They've been really helpful
They are a wonderful listener!
Always helpful with their replies.
Has listened very well and has tried to better understand the situation in order to provide exceptional care
Very understanding
Patient, responsive. Feels like they care.
Very helpful for someone I am just getting to know.
Good listener, was really helpful!
They were good at hearing me out and reassuring me that I’m not a monster. Also, they just had that ✨chill✨ vibe about them.
A great person and a great listener showed me the insides and the out wishing to talk more again
Always there to listen
really nice and kind and i really liked our chat
Reached out to me on a thread and remembered details of it a few days later. Very considerate
they're a really good listener and made me feel a lot more secure about what I was thinking
You're a good listener my brit friend
Charlie is really kind and thoughtful. I love how they seem to be really observant of whatever I'm saying and trying to say. I've been in 7Cups for a quite a while, but this is one of the few rare conversations I had that felt like I was talking to someone face to face comfortably. Charlie seems to be wise, really dedicated to listen through any kind of problems and it really shows. I'm really grateful to have the chance and meet someone special like them. Thank you so much for spending your time and energy here, Charlie.
detailed, patient and wanted to help
A helpful listener! Thank you so much, Charlie :)
I really hope I’m fortunate enough to get to chat again with RarelyCharlie. It’s obvious from his profile that he is qualified in almost everything!!!! I’m so amazed and impressed at the time he spent educating himself so he could help others as best as possible. He deserves a Purple Heart for that amount of dedication!!! His knowledge and tolerance hru in my conversation with him. Ive needed to talk about some painful things with someone for so long!!! I felt like i was going to explode. Finally I was able to let some of the pressure out get person that I was finally able to share it all with. Well, I was able to share my life since 2015, but I know I could have talked about even my abuse that started at age 2 and what caused my personality to of diagnosed bpd, severe major depression, complicated
It is always admirable when a person donates their time to helping others.
A good listener
A really patient listener
The most honest and trustworthy listener on 7 Cups.
RarelyCharlie is very well versed and adept as a Listener. He is extremely helpful.
Great listener. Very helpful. Asked good questions. Very responsive.
I get really nervous chatting, but Charlie asked thoughtful questions in a nonjudgmental way that made me feel more comfortable. They helped the conversation flow and made me feel like what I was sharing wasn't as silly as I thought it was. Thank you, Charlie.
He listened to me and helped know I am not wrong about my choices.
theyre very helpful
Thank you for listening actively.
Charlie is awesome!
Such an amazing conversation, I can't imagine how I would've felt without it. He's not only kind and considerate, but also tries his best to resonate with his audience and put things into perspective. Really such a gem, honestly. Thank you for this, Charlie. :)
Pretty normal chat, but at the end I really liked his way of treating me. 👍
Nice listener
They're really kind, thoughtful and caring. I really appreciate them being there
First time talking to someone in here and I am glad to have RarelyCharlie listen to my thoughts. Thank you.
Thank you for hearing me out
This has been exactly what I needed, and this Listener has been very helpful, I absolutely recommend :)
Thank you for chating.
i really like them. the we're nice and understood where I was coming from.
amazing listener
Very helpful and is really nice
This is very good I love the people up here thet are awesome😊❗
is a great and gentle listener/responder
asks questions to keep it going, makes it feel worth it. thank you!
Gostei dela é muito atenciosa
He is a wonderful listener,out first conversation helped me alot
A great listener who I feel comfortable going to with any topic
A non judgemental listener
They are good, patient and calming almost and definitely an optimist!
very good, it is very alsome.
Amazing listener
Very supportive and caring
A very kind and empathetic person, who exudes calmness and makes you feel heard and understood without any judgement. Helped me feel better at the end of a rough day. Appreciate their help!
Great listener, kept things simple and pointed out important things that I hadn't thought of. Great perspective thank you x
Very sweet and caring. I love talking to her. Understanding and a great listener.
She is very nice, and caring,she is also a great listener! She made me feel better :D
you are an awesome person, thank you so much
He is very helpful
Charlie is such a good listener and really provided me with useful information! Thank you so much! 😊
Awesome listener. They really care and SO helpful.
He really is helping a lot and makes my feelings valid in a friendly way. He really is good at this!
Charlie is the best listener I have seen on 7cups so far. He is an amazingly skilled listener helping you to feel better and let the weight off the shoulders. The conversations with him help me to feel calmer and be more realistic as Charlie is very understanding, always very patient, thoughtful and doesn't judge. Thank you for lighting this place! You are magnificent, Charlie!=)
Professional. Great.
Feel so much better to get it all out and have someone to listen. Thank you
Best listener, was able to reveal personal things to him and it made me feel better.
Nice, easy to talk with, unrushed and friendly chat.
Mr. Charlie is wonderful. There's something really soothing and light about having a conversation with me. Greatly appreciate his wisdom and humor. Thanks a million!
Nice person to talk to, it's nice to talk to someone who has talk before about DID
She is great, only talked for a little bit but she seems to be very understanding
I just started a random chat, he picked it up and things just flowed! Really empathetic guy!
Rarely Charlie is the best listener in the world (7cups is a global platform, so I can say this). Gives their full attention to you and helps you think carefully through your problems with empathy, intelligence and gentle humor.
was very helpful and caring, seemed interested and wanted to help
Angel. Most helpful listener ever.
They listened to me without being judgmental
he was very helpfull so i will come back.
Really thoughtful responses. Really caring.
Actually listened to me and it felt like I was valid for once.
Supportive, and active listener, and totally non judgemental.
he listened with attention
the listener is so good
Really good, light-hearted conversation about writing. I think it was exactly what I needed today.
Charlie was very supportive and helpful.
Really helpful chat, like always. No matter how awful I feel a chat with RarelyCharlie always makes things seem a bit more tolerable.
Helped me through panic attacks very well. Only left when he was sure i had made it through the panic attack or someone was here to help me.
He's a really good listener and helps me with advice 😁
Kind and very professional
With some listeners from their first few words you can instantly tell how they truly have a gift of listening. And rarelycharlie reached out and gave me that soft comfort that is not so easy to find. Thank you.
they were actually really patient and nice to me. i felt welcomed and understood. thank you so much :D
thank you, it'll always be a mystery what happened but yiu helped me calm
RarelyCharlie always seems to have something interesting to say if I wish to hear it, is great to bounce ideas off of and someone that I have great discussions with.
Badges & Awards
118 total badges
Editor Listening Ear Long Ears Magnet Sage Messenger PenPal Jester of Smiles Clerk of Bear Hugs Piper of Dedication Baron of Big-Hearts Knight of Smilehood Anxiety Depression Eating Disorders Managing Emotions Panic Attacks Surviving Breakups Traumatic Experiences Crisis Intervention ATL Work Related Stress Self Harm Sexual Abuse Alcohol & Drug Abuse Family Support Grad Cultural Diversity Verified Listener Bullying Chronic Pain Psychological First Aid Family Stress Sleeping Well Love Bug Refresher Voice Talker Communicator Speaker Orator Help Angel Self-Care College Guide Loneliness Guide Test Anxiety Exercise Motivation ACT Therapy Affirmative Reflection Chat & Text Listening Ace Active Listening Startup Support Perinatal Schizophrenia Schizophrenia Support Fly Swatter People of Color Guide ADHD Social Anxiety OCD Boundaries Forgiveness Grief Managing Bipolar Managing Finances Surviving Domestic Assault Getting Unstuck End of Year Award 7Cups Guide 12 Steps Community 101 2nd Birthday Party Loyal Friend Tick Tock Fellow Friend NAMI Listener Steadfast Soul I Steadfast Soul II Steadfast Soul III Meet & Greet Proudly Proactive I Proudly Proactive II Proudly Proactive III Proudly Proactive IV Proudly Proactive V Reconnection Hero I Reconnection Hero II First Community First Chat First Post Five Steps High 5 Hang 10 Open Door Weight Management Diabetes CBT Wiki Team Thankful Heart Gratitude Abound Hope Training Peer Pro Peer Training 01 Peer Training 02 Peer Training 03 Peer Training 04 Peer Training 05 Peer Training 06 Peer Training 07 Peer Training 08 Peer Training 09 Peer Training 10 Peer Training 11 Peer Training 12 New Mom Support Continuing Education Pineapple Tulip