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Leadership Award for Excellence in Mental Health

GlenM 5 hours ago

Dear Community,

I am writing with some great news. We recently received the USA National Leadership Award for Leadership Excellence in Digital Mental Health Implementation. The award was presented by the eMental Health International Collaborative (eMHIC) at the 9th Digital Mental Health International Congress. eMHIC honors excellence in digital mental health. I flew up to Ottawa to receive it on our behalf. It is a high honor for our community!

Here is my acceptance speech. If I can find a video then I’ll share it soon.
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Thank you for this significant honor!

I was talking to a friend about the mental health field and how challenging it can be; like a big puzzle.

I have 4 kids. I’ve put together a lot of puzzles. My favorite ones are the 4 piece wooden puzzles with big pieces. My kids graduated to 20, 100, and 1000 piece puzzles. 

The bigger the puzzle the bigger the box. How big would the box be that holds the mental health puzzle? Is the puzzle 10 billion pieces, 100 billion pieces? The box would likely be the size of this room or bigger.

Events like this remind us that we are not alone. We are friends all working together to solve this giant puzzle. Some of you have been working on the corners. Some have been working on the challenging middle sections.

Sometimes we get lucky and we accidentally solve a part of the puzzle without realizing it. That happened with us on internationalization. We were one of the first free mental health services. Millions of people have come to 7 Cups and we likely have thousands of volunteer listeners in your country. If you go to and scroll down to the number of people helped you can see how many people we’ve reached in your country.

We will happily connect users from 7 Cups to your services. We are on the cloud and you are on the ground. Just reach out and let me know.

This is a big puzzle we are solving. A special thank you to Anil for bringing us together and helping us realize that we are not alone and can lean on one another for help, especially when we can’t find that piece we are looking for. It is likely that someone in this room has seen it and can point us in the right direction.  

Thank you again!

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I wanted to take a minute and unpack what this means for all of us. We have been working on our part, the 7 Cups part, of the mental health puzzle together for 11 years now. Every single one of us has found pieces and slid them into place. Many of you have put giant sections together. I have spent months hunting for pieces only to find out that a few of you put together a 10,000 piece section in a small corner of the site. This has happened countless times. We are all excellent puzzle masters! 

I could not be more proud of us (sorry for another metaphor); We built a shining city on the Internet (likely the toughest place to build a city as all the bad guys are just one click away). In the beginning, it was incredibly challenging but with time, we have gained more and more mastery. Now our gardens predictably yield fruit and vegetables and the trains run on time!

And we have made a lot of mistakes. We learn through failure. Innovation is another way of saying ‘I don’t know how to do it’ or ‘It hasn’t been done before’. Through following the problem is the path approach, solving one challenge after another, the path has revealed itself to us. We went from never being able to find enough listeners in the summer of 2013 to now being recognized as leaders in mental health implementation. We won this! Our community! What a great story! 

On 7 Cups, we do an amazing job of collaborating and not competing. We know that when one person is lifted up, we are all lifted up. This is the essence of community. When a person succeeds, we all succeed. I would love for the broader mental health field to have this same approach. The pain and suffering is too much for people to be taking potshots at one another. We have timely and important work to do and we are all needed to help build the puzzle.

I’m imagining we are in a tavern in a Tolkien story. There is song and dancing. Lift up your mug with whatever you’ve got in it and share a toast in the comments below.

My toast to all of you: 

Thank you for your trust, your love, your patience, and your dedication. You have held out lanterns in the darkness. You have healed deep wounds. You have taught me about community. I humbly thank you for walking with me on this path. Cheers! 


To help us celebrate, we ask you to share the word! Please share our press release link with family and friends via social media - this is a win for all of us!

Jenna 5 hours ago


You can really feel the pride and excitement in these words. 7 Cups is this huge, ever-growing community, and it takes a lot of teamwork to bring it all together. It has come a long way since 2013 and it has been amazing to see each step it has taken and be a part of it. Raising my "glass" for a big cheers to the whole community for this huge honor!

GlenM OP 4 hours ago

@Jenna Thank you for being a key part of this journey, walking with us and serving our community for 10 years! Big Cheers!

Antonio7Cups 5 hours ago

Congratulations 7 Cups Community! ❤️

GlenM OP 4 hours ago

@Antonio7Cups thank you Antonio!

LisaMeighanMScGMBPsS 5 hours ago

7 Cups is such a great and caring place to be with all of you who provide buckets full of empathy, compassion and support. All of you are amazing and you uplift one another so beautifully. I've had the greatest honour in getting to know some of you and I look forward to getting to know many more of you! We are all in this together and working to provide care and support to those who need it. Each puzzle piece we complete together is such important work that we make happen! 

Each of you contribute to 7 Cups in wonderful ways and you should be so proud of how far you have come to help others. Congratulations to 7 Cups on winning another well-deserved award! 

Want more personalized guidance? Check out my profile
GlenM OP 4 hours ago

@LisaMeighanMScGMBPsS Thank you Lisa! I appreciate all of your kind, conscientious and thoughtful work! You do an excellent job of bridging the clinical and community aspects of the site! An important part of the puzzle!

SparkyGizmo 4 hours ago



yourbuddy30 5 hours ago

@GlenM This is so good to know. We did it as a community. Thank you for sharing and making cups what it is. 

GlenM OP 4 hours ago

@yourbuddy30 yes WE did it! So well said Buddy! 



Aw a proud moment for all of us.🥰

Way to go 7 cups!🥳

Cheering with iced coffee lol!


GlenM OP 4 hours ago

@Sunisshiningandsoareyou thank you Sun! I'm so proud of us too. What a remarkable community! And cheers with an extra sugary cup of ice coffee!

aCalmOasis 4 hours ago


What an incredible honor! Congratulations Glen, how far you have come. This is a shining moment in 7 cups history, enjoy every moment of it. This well deserved accolade symbolizes all of the countless hours put in by volunteers worldwide and I am proud to be apart of that. May this beautiful sanctuary that is 7 cups continue its growth, message and mission to bring healing and community to those who need it. 💗


GlenM OP 4 hours ago

@aCalmOasis thank you for these lovely words and for celebrating our progress! And sanctuary is such a great word- a place of refuge and protection. Cheers to us all for creating a safe haven!

Hope 4 hours ago

What an honor for us! I really enjoyed the acceptance speech. Thank you for sharing with us

Congratulations everyone! This is a collective win for our community. 

GlenM OP 3 hours ago

@Hope thank you! And I'll take the high marks on metaphor construction from our Dean :)

ASilentObserver 4 hours ago

@GlenM Congratulations Glen and Community.  With everyone's efforts and support, 7cups is the ever-evolving community to ensure we bring the best support for all. Way to go! 

T h a n k  Y o u  T o  A l l!! 🙏

GlenM OP 3 hours ago

@ASilentObserver thank you Obs for playing an integral part and ensuring that group is a supportive environment for all!

MelodyoftheOcean 4 hours ago

Cheers everyone!

I want to take this opportunity to thank every member of mine, for trusting me with their story, and every listener, for making me smile, and giving me strength, after difficult chats. 

I hope to meet many more of you, and to be able to talk to all of you for a long time to come.

GlenM OP 3 hours ago

@MelodyoftheOcean such beautiful words! Members trusting us and listeners giving one another strength. We have a rich, vibrant, deep and strong community. A safety net for many! Thank you for being a core part of our work Melody!

peacefulpurple08 4 hours ago


What an honor, and your choice of analogy was unparalleled. "It is likely that someone in this room has seen it and can point us in the right direction." This sentence stood out to me, a perfect example of why we shouldn't be afraid to ask for help or collaborate with others. They can lead us, to exactly where we need to be. 

GlenM OP 3 hours ago

@peacefulpurple08 really glad you like it! What we are trying to do here is nearly impossible - I mean incredibly challenging - we really need all of us to help sort it out, because it is just way too difficult. We've come such a long ways. 11 years is a very long time, but still so much further to go. It reminds me of that proverb, "If you want to go fast go alone. If you want to go far, go together." 

SparkyGizmo 4 hours ago


Thank you Glen! 😊 ❤️

Thank you for this forum post and sharing with us, thank you for accepting this award on "our" behalf. Thank you for being such a giver to the world, giving more, taking less. Thank you for being "the example" of teamwork, what it means to be vulnerable, what it means to be humble and kind. 

Thank you for sharing with us what true leadership looks like. It's "WE" and "US" and yes, we rise by lifting others up. Thank you for giving credit where credit is due and giving us something to feel proud of. You have been such a wonderful example of asking for help and support from all of us in a united front as well as coming right back and sharing our accomplishments....all shared! You have never once said "I did it" you say "we" did it. 

Feels amazing to be a part of something so much bigger than yourself, 7 Cups! ❤️

Thank you for sharing your acceptance speech. It was beautifully written, incredibly profound and I would love if we could see the vid of you publicly speaking. Public speaking is such a hard thing for so very many to do and you make it look easy, seamless. I know I couldn't do it! I have seen you speak publicly on a few videos years back and it was great for me to see that. It's another thing for me to be proud of for being here.

Glen, thank you for believing in yourself as well as us. You rolled the dice, you took a risk so many years ago. You did it my friend! You have arrived! If more knew of the origin story of 7 Cups and what it took for you to bring this all to fruition, they might have an even deeper respect and deeper appreciation for being here. That's courage and monumental my friend! 

I'm so happy and proud to be here. You know, I saved something from a previous forum post of yours. I kind of enjoy "whipping it out" from time to time if there is some "nay sayer" in my midst. I be like....."oh, us, no bueno.....? Well, if this may help to have a bit of confidence in what is that we are doing around here, I'll gladly provide it" ...

Awards: as of 2023

- StanfordMedX Award for Healthcare System Design Innovation
- Tech Pioneer Award for Transforming Mental Health
- VeryWell Mind: Best Online Group Therapy
- VeryWell Mind: Best Online Therapy for Postpartum Depression
- VeryWell Mind: Best Online Text Therapy Companies
- Best Online Therapy Platforms: Best for Free Services
- PsychCentral: Best Online Therapy Programs for Kids
- Very Well Mind Award for Best Peer Support for Cancer
- Healthline: Best Free Online Therapy Service for Teens
- PsychCentral: Best Chat Service for Bipolar Disorder

Thank you again for sharing with all of us Glen. ❤️ I'll be happily adding to the list today.

*high fives* 😊 *hugs* ❤️ and keep rockin' the house! 

GlenM OP 3 hours ago

@SparkyGizmo thank you Sparky! 7 Cups is an US and a WE thing. I have a friend Victor that was dealing with an Ebola breakout. The experts came in and didn't have much impact. He helped all of the people there start sharing solutions and ideas. And, TOGETHER, they overcame and solved the problems. He is one of the only people that I have seen that deeply understands the importance of trusting community. Any one of us alone, unfortunately, is just not that smart. All of us together, we are brilliant! 

I love this part of your comment: "Feels amazing to be a part of something so much bigger than yourself, 7 Cups! ❤️." Indeed it does! 

Heather225 3 hours ago


This award is a testament to the incredible work and dedication of our entire community and it's inspiring to see how our collective efforts have come together so beautifully. Every single one of you has played a vital role in making this possible. I can't express enough my gratitude for you all. I am so proud of us and privileged to be a part of this moment with you. Congratulations to our 7 Cups family!

SparkyGizmo 3 hours ago


I hope you will take a *bow* right now as well! You are our Community Director ❤️ . You lead the way for us all, day in and day out. I am most grateful! ❤️

*high fives* 😊 and *hugs* ❤️

GlenM OP 3 hours ago

@Heather225 I agree with @sparkygizmo. Take a bow H! Thank you for modeling vulnerability and a welcoming spirit. You've got a great way of seeing people and helping them find their place here. Cheers!

AmmieCarrLPC 3 hours ago

Congratulations! What an honor!

Want more personalized guidance? Check out my profile
GlenM OP 3 hours ago

@AmmieCarrLPC thank you Ammie!

HealingTalk 3 hours ago

Congratulations, Glen!

This is huge!

And it’s all your merit.

Yes, many many people have contributed a lot over the years, but you designed it, you did all the efforts to make it real and lead it, and all those contributions were so fruitful because they were made under an effective scheme you devised.

The award is for “Leadership Excellence in Digital Mental Health Implementation” and we all know who envisioned how the internet could be used for Mental Health support, and who did the Leadership of this adventure with such amazing Excellence. 

By the way, while we all know 7 Cups is on the right path, it’s always reassuring that a group of experts confirms it with such a superlative validation.

I hope this award helps propel 7 Cups even higher, gaining visibility to enroll many more volunteers and reach more and more people with emotional support needs (that’s like everyone on this planet).

You are a hero of mental health support for the myriad of people who benefited from superb support they could not find anywhere else, and for the zillions more to come in the future. 

Please accept that!

Congratulations again, Mr. Glen Moriarty, and all our gratitude to you in this time of joy and celebration!

GlenM OP 3 hours ago

@HealingTalk HT, thank you for your kind words! I appreciate it. One thing that is fascinating about 7 Cups is most of the the things that I think will work don't end up working. And some of the things that I think won't work end up working! 

The best predictor of something working is the community naturally doing it. e.g., something organically starts developing and then the community picks it up and people start propelling it forward. There is deep wisdom in the community that isn't immediately obvious. You have to kind of look at the signals and then when you see them you try to design to give that impetus more voice. 

And thankfully we have a great team, leaders, listeners and members! We try to listen and learn. If it wasn't for all of you we would have crashed many times. I get a lot of credit for 7 Cups, and I've definitely put my time in, but what we've done together is brilliant. And one thing I love is that we are getting collectively smarter too! The gains we are making are starting to compound. 

Thank you again for your kind words and for being such a warm member of our community! You've got a deep understanding of what we do and I appreciate you looking out for others and championing our efforts!

SparkyGizmo 2 hours ago


You see this, you know this ..."The best predictor of something working is the community naturally doing it. e.g., something organically starts developing and then the community picks it up and people start propelling it forward"


Here, all this time, I thought it was only me being able to see it. I underestimate the power of no one here. Oh, even "the flap of a butterflys wings could cause a tornado". - Edward Norton Lorenz   Being small can be quite mighty with enough love in ones heart. ❤️

Weeeeeeeeeeee-weeeeeeeeee! 😊

*high fives* 😊 and *hugs* ❤️

HealingTalk 2 hours ago

Thank you Glen!

I agree that there is much collective wisdom and creativity in 7 Cups, and many activities that became important and got much traction have this grassroots origin.

And Cups is blessed with a superb leadership team of brilliant and committed people, who run Cups with much love, dedication, and intelligence. 

The whole Community is awesome, Cups attracts and retains the most compassionate, clever and creative people around.

All of this is no coincidence, but product of the way Cups was designed and how it operates. 

Being attentive and channeling the "wisdom of the crowd" in the organization, empowering the team, acknowledging the contributions of the whole community, and having the equanimity to give space to other people's initiatives instead of imposing your own, are the marks of a great leader, I think, and key ingredients of success.

Cups is about "Active Listening" after all! 😊


CalmRosebud 2 hours ago



AnnaSilverberg 1 hour ago
🙏 @GlenM 🙏

Aww! This is amazingly wonderful news! 
I am so very proud of all the work that we all do here,
we are changing the world in such a positive way. 
By using our active listening skills, focusing on being a supportive
and a caring community, we are changing the world in a 
wonderful way, just one chat at a time! 
That's magic! 

amiablePeace77 36 minutes ago


This is amazing! I am so proud of being part of this community! 


Tinywhisper11 29 minutes ago

@GlenM 👏👏👏 and none of this would be possible if it wasn't for you ❤ thankyou Glen ❤and thank you everyone, the only family and friends I've ever had are the loving people I've met here at cups, and I'm forever greatful ❤ now let's partttyyy


AffyAvo 6 minutes ago

This is awesome and I like the puzzle metaphor. 

Sometimes I'm off focusing on one area and later find out someone has put something cool together in another area that I didn't even know existed until tht picture comes together. Some of us are working on a section together and sometimes we're working on adjacent sections, passing pieces over when we realize they go to that neighboring section.