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7 Cups Culture Guide + Badge!

GlenM August 12th, 2020

Hello Community!

Ive been enjoying the launch of the Leadership Development Program (LDP). We are all learning a lot. We have a lot of great new leaders signing up to serve our community. Im thankful for them and their service!

One thing that has struck me is the impact of the 7 Cups Culture Guide. I wrote the first draft of ths on a long flight back in 2017. New leaders were commenting that it was meaningful and some were surprised to see how it is a foundation to all the work we do here on 7 Cups. New leaders review the guide and take a test as part of the first course in the LDP. Their reaction to the guide and the test made me realize that we should more deliberately extend access to the guide and test to our broader community.

If you are interested in learning more about our culture and embracing it, then, please

Take the test here! (Blue Text is clickable)

Next, post the 3 most important things you learned and why they are important to you. Then, post that you have read the guide and taken the test with the following words:

I, (username), have read the 7 Cups culture guide, taken the test, and am now a 7 Cups Culture Holder.

Once youve made the post, we will award you the 7 Cups Culture Holder Badge. We will do this manually at first so there will be a small delay from the time that you complete the course and receive the badge.

Im looking forward to hearing your feedback. Thank you for being a part of our community!

victoryhavealittlefaith5555 August 13th, 2020

Thank you for summerizing this neatly:)yes

bubblybubbles22 August 13th, 2020


I really loved reading through the guide,taking the test and also took the know your strengths survey and I'm very impressed

Three things I have learnt: your work matters and knowingly or unknowingly you are saving a life, Failure is absolutely cause all the while you are learning and lastly i/we shouldn't walk away from problems but face them and work to get passed them and that we each have strengths that make us stand out even in a group all are important to me cause now I can keep calm after failing and work better with people..

I Cuddles17 read the 7 cups culture guide,taken the test and now a 7 cups culture holder

Kritikaaa August 13th, 2020


Three things that i've learnt is that

One, It wouldn't cost you anything to be kind to someone but it'll earn them happiness.

Two, By helping others you just don't help them grow but yourself too

Three, What you give will come back at you.

I, Kritikaaa, have read the 7 Cups culture guide, taken the test, and am now a 7 Cups Culture Holder.

August 13th, 2020

♧ Respect the opinions and feelings of others

♧ Understand the shortcomings of others

♧ Give your best in everything and hope for the best

♧ Accept things that you can't control

♧ A listener that shares, helps and understands a friend to be a better person of theirselves

♧ Just be yourself 🤍

caffeinatedcatio August 13th, 2020

@GlenM This was such a wonderful and informative test! 💓

The three important things I learned are:

1. Failure is inevitable sometimes, but it should be taken as a learning experience more than anything else. We must face problems head on to continually develop.

2. When we aren't performing as well as we would like, it's always best to ask for feedback and improve oneself, instead of doing things the same way even when we aren't satisfied with the result, or leaving them altogether.

3. Helping others will not only help them grow but us as well. This value on self-care and acknowledging our worth even while doing something which might not originally be seen as self-improving is very important to me: we can care for others even while we care for ourselves. We care for others more when we know how to care for ourselves, as a matter of fact!

I, caffeinatedcatio, have read the 7 Cups culture guide, taken the test, and am now a 7 Cups Culture Holder.

MistyMagic August 13th, 2020


I really like the idea of self efficacy and mastery by stacking up wins so that we grow and gain knowledge and experience. Then I thought that second, we primarily focus on the biggest and most important problems in front of us. The problem is the path! Its not the destination it is the path that gets us there that is most fascinating. The Big 5 was fun too!

I, MistyMagic , have read the 7 Cups culture guide, taken the test, and am now a 7 Cups Culture Holder.

Listening - One Step At A Time!

FloweryFish August 13th, 2020


Learning ; giving an advice is not the way to solve things. But always feel like the urge to give advice. I D K Why.

backing away my emotional state. at the end of some member chat; I feel like neurons have multipled, having more nervous, So, now it is time. to go make a cup of coffee. or simply start laughing at my self or Simply Chill.

Some members, are awesome; they express the issues smoothly. and some they simply listen some and talk some. I get confused who is the listener, me or them. Or maybe I'm simply writing too little of something.

learning is how much you know, learning never stops. And There is so much. For me, it is better. to learn so little of why? but enough. and so much of how they can accept or fix it.

learning that not every you learn now is suitable for everything. some, maybe most, but not all.


Freedom BH

August 13th, 2020

I learned that facing problems helps a person to be a better version of themselves, working on purpose helps others, and giving value to everyone.

I, amiableJoy, have read the 7 Cups culture guide, has taken the test, and am now a 7 Cups Culture Holde .

Rebekah August 13th, 2020


I think among the things that I learned, everyone being equal on 7 Cups stood out to me a lot! The fact that our amazing site caters for all and aims to help as many people as possible completely baffles me, and I'm proud to be a part of it. Another thing that stood out was that our work matters. For a very long time, I felt as though I wasn't helping anyone - but, I realised that while I cannot help everyone, the people who I do help, I have helped (if that makes sense). The final thing is caring for people with fewer financial resources. As someone who can't really afford most therapies, I benefitted so much from utilising 7 Cups as a member (and that's how I'm here today as a listener!) and I wil forever be grateful.

I, RebekahRebel, have read the 7 Cups Culture Guide, taken the test (did so previously before this post was made), and am now a 7 Cups Culture Holder.

mollyviolet12 August 13th, 2020


I, mollyviolet 12, have read the 7 Cups culture guide, taken the test, and am now a 7 Cups culture holder.

mollyviolet12 August 13th, 2020

Things I learned from reading the culture guide:

1. I found an analogy in a post linked in the guide that compared effective time management to putting big rocks in a jar, then small rocks, then sand, so that everything fits. This helped me visualize a good way to solve problems. I struggle a bit with time management, so this is a helpful thing to remember and strive for.

2. I learned that most of the people 7 Cups serve have few financial resources. This makes me want to be in the community even more, because I know how unfair and difficult things are to people who struggle financially, even though they work extremely hard. I want to participate in something that helps others without the (often selfish) give-and-take attitude of capitalism.

3. The third thing I learned is that 7 Cups is a very welcoming community - they want to get to know the whole you, so that they can best support you and direct you towards work that you're good at, that interests you, and that solves a problem. They operate on trust so that they can be decentralized. This is different from most companies/organizations I have seen. They care about you, not just how much you can give them.

I, mollyviolet12, have read the 7 Cups culture guide, taken the test, and am now a 7 Cups culture holder.

Rebekahwriter13 August 14th, 2020

I, Rebekahwriter13, have read the 7 Cups culture guide, taken the test, and am now a 7 Cups Culture Holder (16/20)

I've learned . . .

1. This site wants to help as many as they can, but they want to guide them so they can learn to help themselves.

2. Distraction can truly get in way of your goals.

3. Failure is to teach a lesson.

redemptionblue17 August 14th, 2020


I, redemptionblue17, have read the 7 Cups culture guide, taken the test, and am now a 7 Cups Culture Holder.

redemptionblue17 August 14th, 2020


the most important things i highlighted are:

TRUST- Being genuine,compassion, and sharing warm ambience within the people are able to foster growth.

COLLABORATE- 7cups helps those people who're in downsides (either listeners or members). As part of community, we're allowed to share our shoes and help each other going through together. We might feel fighting alone, but in here we have people listen to us and bolster our strength

EXPECTING FAILURES- No beings are created as perfect. Even, what hinders us to see beyond our view is that we think we're great already. Whereas the best teacher in the world is by learning from mistakes and exert towards the improved ones (not the best self, but the better one)

mikayla7 August 14th, 2020


I, mikayla7, have read the 7 Cups culture guide, taken the test, and am now a 7 Cups Culture Holder.

1) Every relationship is built on trust. This is important to me because it reminds me that trust goes both ways and can be a fragile thing at first.

2) Self-growth happens gradually, and people can help create a nurturing environment for that to happen. This is important to me because I need to be reminded that the people around me are in charge of themselves and creating a good environment around them, but I have that same responsibility, creating a good environment for learning and growing.

3) There are lots of key values in life that will be learned/taught, and it's ok not to know them all at once so long as you're trying. This is important to me because I always feel as though I have to have certain things done perfectly or memorized right away, but it takes time to learn a new skill and so long as I'm working towards the goal of learning/mastering it I'm making good progress.


And my badge?

BloodthirstyBat August 14th, 2020


Still waiting for mine too.

sophiasanae August 14th, 2020

1) Failure is not something to be ashamed of, and it should actually be encouraged. Failure results in growth and learning that we would have never achieved otherwise. One question I can ask myself is, "What did I fail at today and what can I learn from it?"

2) Inclusivity means suporting everyone, even those who you don't get along with. For those who you feel like you don't "fit" or "click" with, you can still support them by helping them find their own place on 7 Cups and encouraging them to continue their journey. I can take away a lot from this lesson, and even apply it in my own life when I have to work with partners or in teams.

3) Be present. Focus on this moment, right here, right now. Be accountable for your actions and also be responsible. Don't be distracted while chatting or make appointments that you don't show up to. This reflects badly on yourself and it also results in disappointment from the other side. They deserve better, and you deserve to do better.

I, sophiasanae, have read the 7 Cups culture guide, taken the test, and am now a 7 Cups Culture Holder.

crystalclearnow August 14th, 2020


3 most important things I learnt and are important to me are-

1) My work matters. This is important to me because it gives me a sense of purpose and value. The platform saves lives, gives us all a sense of hope and light.

2) Trust- Trust is important because it instils soldarity and a collaborative process in having things done. We can together work towards a mission because there is trust in having and getting things done.

3) We expect failure. This is so imperative because failure is nothing but a stepping stone towards success. We are in this together and there is a huge learning curve for all of us. To learn is important for our growth.

I, crystalclearnow, have read the 7 Cups culture guide, taken the test, and am now a 7 Cups Culture Holder.

JiglyPuff August 14th, 2020


The three important things that i learned is

1. How to be receptive for members and fellow listeners.

2. Feedback is the most important criteria of anything

3. Identify and solve the one problem at a time.

I, JiglyPuff, have read the 7 Cups culture guide, taken the test, and am now a 7 Cups Culture Holder.

LadyDair August 14th, 2020

I really enjoyed this fresh and inviting approach to the universal issues that are only becoming more of a problem for many.

I learned more than three things, but the 3 I would highlight would be that:

1- "The Problem is the Path" - I love this idea because it's such a good reminder to be mindful.

2- Being interested in your work and good at it can directly impact everyone's efficacy.

3- This is an incredibly inviting community of people who are waiting for a chance to help. It's a nice community to be a part of!

I, LadyDair, have read the culture and values guides, taken the culture guide test and am now a 7 Cups Culture Holder.

Grace8402 August 14th, 2020


3 key things I've learned from the Culture and Values guides:

1) 7 Cups is a platform with high expectations and high warmth.

2) We need to work on something that we are good at, interested in and have a goal to operate in our flow states.

3) Trust is crucial for any community and individual to grow.

I, Grace8402, have read the 7 Cups culture guide, taken the test, and am now a 7 Cups Culture Holder.

Thank you.

BookChunky August 14th, 2020


I, BookChunky, have read the 7 Cups culture guide, taken the test, and am now a 7 Cups Culture Holder.

BookChunky August 14th, 2020


Thank you for creating this amazing guide, I learnt so much more about 7 cups and the community from it.

The key things that stuck with me were:

1) Trust amongst the people in a community is the most important thing, it like the oil that motivates the engine and body to work well.

2) Working hard and being accountable is very important to show good results and accomplish our goals. And, high expectations should motivate us to do even better rather than pull us down.

3) 7 Cups is a big, beautiful mental health support community. Being a budding psychologist, this platform has taught me many many different things I never would have learned to any course or work. I promise to keep pushing myself to do good for the amazing people of this community.


hazelandpine August 14th, 2020


1. Loving yourself and others is very crucial. I think it's important to me cause I have come from a point in life where it wasn't, and now I feel this is what the world needs more of.

2. I learnt that the community of 7 cups is based on trust. Where there is trust, there is hope, and that is exactly why it's important to me.

3. And another important lesson I learnt is accountability. You need to be accountable to the community, to members, and to yourself so that you can work to the best of your capabilities.



I, @hazelandpine, have read the 7 Cups culture guide, taken the test, and am now a 7 Cups Culture Holder


LetsCherishLife August 14th, 2020


That was some very interesting insight – thanks for providing it.

I took the test and got everything right. I actually learned a few new things that I would have gotten wrong before checking the two links out. The most important lessons to me were:

- 1. Everything is more or less mutual and even if it might seem like that nothing on 7cups happens due to pure benevolence and charity.

It was interesting for me to see how there is a system behind the way we work which is aimed towards gain and efficiency.

A community that is focused on helping people with fewer financial resources and supports a warm and encouraging setting might seem like an assembly of selfless altruists at first glance and while that might apply to people more or less thats not all its about. The warmth helps people discover and realize their potential which will then directly be invested into 7cups and it so enhances likeliness that the high expectations will be fulfilled by the members whos motivation is elevated by the warm setting, leading them to achieve better work which will then result in even more motivation and potential. Investing resources like for example time into people with less financial resources is not only an output for charity purposes but aimed towards gaining an input leading to a positive end result for 7cups. Though this is not pure exploitation where we make use of peoples need because they get something back and we can never know what big difference the few time and resources we invested can make for one persons life.

This leads to the second thing I found very important to be reminded to:

- 2. Despite participation on here is voluntary it comes with responsibility that may not be underestimated.

I kind of always thought that made up excuses are lame and honest ones are strong. Of course an honest excuse is still the least you can do if it is really needed and transparency can help prevent misunderstandings. There may be situations where people can simply not do anything about being dragged away, for example if they have a health issue like I do with seizures. I always thought I cant help them so it is fine if I take longer for things or my response time suddenly gets longer as long as I excuse and explain it afterwards. Yet understanding more about the great responsibility we carry motivated me to work on making unexpected things expectable through for example working on by skills of self reflection even more. Also in order to prevent confusion and insecurity, especially for members that may already be unstable I want to be more transparent straight away before it comes to such situations. The gas tank analogy has helped me understand how it can be draining if a person is unreliable, no matter for which reason. In fact there is always a reason for everything but that usually comes with options to change it.

Chats can be limited to a time frame in order to assure greater focus and attention for it and that way high expectations that can also come with member chats can be easier fulfilled. While the expectation of life-saving or life-changing might seem overwhelming at first it may sometimes not even need much. Just a shoulder to lend on, an ear to vent to, being provided some empathy and validation etc can be more than they ever had to some members and so already lead to a change for them and an output which is way greater than the input and resources we invested.

Another thing we may not forget is that something that can be life-saving and so has the ability to change lives can also be life-destructive. We have the chance to show people some light in the dark and some last sparks of hope by providing a good chat based on Active Listening Skills. But we can also blow out their last candle by making them feel insecure, judged, not heard/understood/ cared for etc. when that is what they already know from real life and they just wanted to give things a last try with us.

Thats the connection to the last aspect I found important to understand:

- 3. 7cups and real life affect each other and should not be viewed as conflicting.

I always thought self-care means more or less putting real life over 7cups, taking a break when you need to focus on real life things and that if I dont make this firm distinction I will perform worse on here as well as in real life. I eventually ended up reviewing that attitude and came to the conclusion that I was denying connections that are definitely there.

As I already explained listening online through 7cups can have a great effect on a persons (real) life. As well we can use resources that we develop or discover through 7cups for challenges in real life including private as well as work or student life and things we achieve/ resources we discover here can make us more motivated to address real life challenges differently.

Reading through the posts here I think that some people that were surprised about the teamwork and collaboration might benefit from checking out the (Listener) Group Chats from time to time, as for example the Listener Support room which is aimed to find support with challenges one is confronted with. When I started participating more in there I got the first basic impression of culture so some things here didnt surprise me as much as they would probably have before.

I, LetsCherishLife, have read the 7 Cups culture guide, taken the test, and am now a 7 Cups Culture Holder.

willowispfire August 14th, 2020


I, willowispfire, have read the 7 Cups culture guide, taken the test, and am now a 7 Cups Culture Holder.

Three things I have learn:

1. The importance of team work how we can all work to create a better community.

2. Accountability means that we should speak up whenever we see something wrong.

3. We should take care of our own mental health too! And support others!

iwanttobreathe August 14th, 2020


I, iwanttobreathe, have read the 7 Cups culture guide, taken the test, and am now a 7 Cups Culture Holder.

Three things I have learned:

1. We should be accountable for all our actions and promises and we should stand true to all of them.

2. We should be there for each other, through the good, bad, okay, and not so okay times.

3. Have high expectations and also give high warmth to those whom you're expecting these things from (this includes yourself).

SunshineNaina August 14th, 2020


Three things that I learned are:

1. The importance of putting your skin into and the ways by which it can be done. This will help me to do follow this even outside 7cups.

2. How the focus is to help people with fewer financial resources and its importance

3. The core values of 7cups and it has helped me to go through them, understand them and made me think of different ways to implement it even outside 7cups.

I, SunshineNaina, have read the 7 Cups culture guide, taken the test, and am now a 7 Cups Culture Holder

Mankka August 14th, 2020


is it possible that I did this test early already? Very familiar the questions and I read the granted links already

GlenM OP August 14th, 2020

@Mankka yes you did it in the LDP :). I'm just extending the test to the broader community here!

Mankka August 14th, 2020

@GlenM thank you smileyno problem, I did the test again Rákacsintás

queenviebsonly August 14th, 2020


I've learnt that prioritizing problems and focusing on solving one at a time is a key as well as hard work and of course enjoying what I do. This is important because this is the thing to success, achieving your goals and feeling good about yourself.

I, queenviebsonly, have read the 7 Cups culture guide, taken the test, and am now a 7 Cups Culture Holder.

DayDreamWithYou August 14th, 2020


(also reposted from the LDP Discussion #5)

The Three Most Important Things I Learned From the 7 Cups Culture Guide

Solving Problems that Matter

At first, I had this off thought that perhaps that term meant that only some problems matter, and we should only solve those problems, making me perceive the statement as something negative. However, after reading the description and thinking more about it, I began to realize that it's something very worth remembering and understanding. To understand that we need to prioritize certain problems. To understand that we need to focus. It is something that will definitely stick by me.

We Expect Failure

I think this one was something that I personally need to keep on reminding myself, and by reading this guide, it reminded me once again that everyone fails; it's something part of our learning process. I am sure it is not just me that feels that we are a failure sometimes. It's something that we can't escape because we all fail, but we need to remember to get up and learn, which is honestly not as easy as it sounds. There are so many instances in my personal life that makes me feel like a failure, and there are even some on 7 Cups even though I have not been here very long, but it's really important to pick ourselves up and continue. I really like how the guide even mentions that "we expect failure" not "don't give up" nor "you can do it" nor "failure is common" because it gives a sense of (I'm not sure if this makes sense) empowerment and understanding.

Not Everyone is a Good Fit

This definitely was both something I expected yet was still surprised. Indeed, some roles and even 7 cups in general isn't the perfect fit for some people. I have to say though the fact that the guide mentioned, "we will ask you to transition out sooner rather than later" if you aren't a good fit, was very straightfoward and (I'm not sure if I'm explaining this right) wow. ahaha, I do think the wording could be slightly less and it did get me thinking if 7 Cups is a good for me. I want to say that 7 Cups is a perfect fit, but if I were to be honest with myself, only parts of 7 Cups is a good place for me, making me truly understand which roles and opportunities I will be exploring on 7 Cups. This section really hit close to home, and to be honest, it brought up some deep thinking on my part about fitting in society in general as well (ahaha I am philosophical that way).

I, DayDreamWithYou, have read the 7 Cups culture guide, taken the test, and am now a 7 Cups Culture Holder.

jaedae August 15th, 2020


How do I get to "7 cups culture guide" to take the test?

DayDreamWithYou August 15th, 2020


Hey Jaedae! Please click here to access the 7 cups culture guide, and here to take the test! Hope this helped!! :)

jaedae August 15th, 2020


I took the test and got 7 out of 10 correct. Does that mean I failed?

jaedae August 15th, 2020


I took it again and got 8 out of 10. Does that mean I failed?

jaedae August 15th, 2020


i took the test and got 7 out of 10 correct. Does that mean I failed.

jaedae August 15th, 2020


I took it again and got 8 out of ten correct. Does that mean I failed?