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Announcing the 2024 PB Award Winners!!

Heather225 July 5th

One of our annual rituals to mark another year of serving our community is the bestowing of the PB Award.

The PB Award is named after Paul Buchheit (PB), the first big believer in 7 Cups. PB is mostly known as the creator of g/mail and the person responsible for their early motto do no evil. He has the keen ability to see through to the essence of things and often uses this ability to help make the world a better place. He immediately saw the potential of 7 Cups and was instrumental in our initial success. The 2024 winners of this award embody these traits and then some.

They are… -drumroll-... @AnnaSilverBerg and @kenzolena!



Since joining our family in October 2022, Anna has become a radiant beacon of positivity within our community.  Her impact is undeniable, as you've likely witnessed her infectious enthusiasm in both the forums and listener rooms.  As the head of our Quality Mentor program, Anna fosters exceptional leaders and skillfully guides new listeners on their journey.  She readily lends a helping hand to people and projects, no matter the need.  Anna's brilliance isn't limited to her innovative mind; it shines through her genuine care for everyone she encounters.

Anna’s dependability, compassionate nature, and teamwork-first approach encapsulate the essence of the 7 Cups mission. Anna, you’re a true gem and we’re lucky to have you!



Kenzolena has been consistently contributing to our teen community as a leader and she has been a teen for most of it. She is now an aged-up teen, still passionate and dedicated to the community. She joined our Mindful Mondays and Fantastic Fridays as a host, her consistency and hard work propelled her to team leadership. Currently, she is the team lead for Mindful Minutes sessions. Kenzolena's dedication extends beyond her leadership role. She consistently champions her peers by nominating them for teen awards, fostering a supportive and growth-oriented environment. We are grateful for her efforts, hard work, and her enthusiasm. 

(Here are some shoutouts from other leads on our platform for you PB Award Winners!)


Everyone, please join me in congratulating the 2024 PBs below!!

ASilentObserver July 5th

@Heather225 Congratulations bothhh! Well deserved! thank you for your service to the community and being an inspiration to all of us. <3 

daydreammemories July 5th


Congrats everyone! 💚✨🥳

GlenM July 5th

Big congrats to @AnnaSilverberg and @Kenzolena for receiving our highest honor! Anna, I interact with you quite a bit as an ambassador. Thank you for always being so positive, helpful, and HOPEFUL! And thank you for caring for community so much. Your artwork sends such a message of compassion and care. You always lift people up and champion people across our community. Thank you!

@Kenzolena, thank you for being such a strong and powerful presence in the teen community! I appreciate you looking out for our teens, being a force for goodness, positivity and hope! I've also appreciated your sense of humor and fun. I think that makes a difference and is also one of our key values. Thank you for being an excellent representation of Cups!

WeEarth July 5th

Thank you @Heather225 for this wonderful announcement

Hearty congrats @AnnaSilverBerg and @kenzolena 💓


unassumingEyes July 5th

Congrats to both of you! This award is well deserved! ❤️🎉🎉

Fuechsin July 5th


Congratulations to the both of you. Very well deserved. 🎉

LittleBirdie30 July 5th

@Heather225 Congratulations to you both @kenzolena and @AnnaSilverberg! You are two amazing leaders and role models in the community that we can all look toward as we continue to improve ourselves every day! Thank you for all you do! 



Congratulations to @Anna and @Kenzolena, our 2024 PB Award winners! @Anna, your radiant positivity and dedication as the head of our Quality Mentor program have made an undeniable impact on our community. Your compassion, innovation, and teamwork-first approach truly embody the essence of 7 Cups. @Kenzolena, your unwavering commitment to the teen community, leadership in Mindful Minutes sessions, and consistent support for your peers have been exemplary. Your enthusiasm and hard work are deeply appreciated. We are incredibly grateful to have both of you and celebrate your remarkable contributions to 7 Cups!

LittleEggHarbor July 6th

Congrats @AnnaSilverBerg and @kenzolena! 💚

EmmaE July 6th


Huge congratulations @AnnaSilverBerg and @kenzolena! So well deserved both of you <3

Tinywhisper11 July 6th

@Heather225 yaaaaay ❤❤❤ well done you two ❤❤


@AnnaSilverberg and @Kenzolena amazing work throughout the years and a hearty congratulations for receiving this prestigious award. You both deserve it. 💓


SolitaryBird July 6th

A round of applause and huge congratulations to @AnnaSilverBerg and @kenzolena!


Lou73 July 6th


Huge congratulations to @AnnaSilverberg and @Kenzolena  

Anna you are endlessly kind and patient and I thank you for all the support you've given to me personally 💙

SparkyGizmo July 6th


Congrats to you both! *high fives* 😊 and *hugs* ❤️

mytwistedsoul July 6th

@Kenzolena @AnnaSilverberg

Congratulations to you both!! 


Hey @kenzolena and @AnnaSilverberg Congratulations! 🥳 You really deserve this! Let's celebrate hehe! 🎊🎉

slowdecline48 July 6th

Congrats to the winners!

At first I thought the "PB" stood for Peanut Butter & was like "what kinda award is this?..."

slowdecline48 July 7th

@PurpleHearts13 Props for looking out for the community, but...this isn't the right forum for that. I presume you reported that profile yourself by now.

@Heather225 Congratulations @AnnaSilverBerg and @kenzolena!

Congratulations to you both! Thank you for the love, compassion, and empathy you bring in your path of service to humankind!

VictoriaLove7 July 8th


Congratulations, Anna & Lena!  🥳


  Thank you for your works & the way you are being authentic & do not seek attention in things you do 🐋


Thank you for your contribution & works for the teenies 🙆‍♀️


CoolMeCool July 8th


congratulations to all! 🙋‍♀️🎉
