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Feature Update: Chat 2.0 rollout

Jon7Cups June 22nd, 2023

As you’ve probably noticed if you use the website, you now have access to the improved Chat 2.0 system via the “Try 7 Cups Chat 2.0” button on the chat page. We’ve been working hard for months to rebuild the chat system from the ground up to make it more reliable, stable and useful.

We want to thank early testers who have been using it and sharing their feedback. We’ve been catching bugs and making some UI tweaks in response to all the feedback. This has really been a community endeavour.

Now is a good time to outline the feature improvements in Chat 2.0. Change is never easy, so we appreciate that for long term users of 7 Cups some changes are difficult to adjust to. We hope you will give it a try and enjoy the benefits even if there are some aspects that are not your preference.

Key updates

  • The chat inbox (left column for laptop/PC/tablet users) now orders groups by time of last message, shows a live indicator if a message was sent recently and tells you how many users are currently active in the room. The inbox is also now scrollable rather than needing to click show more.
  • The central chat/messages window is narrower, has redesigned message bubbles and moved action buttons into an ellipsis (3 dots) to make the screen calmer, less chaotic and easier to read. The message bubbles have been tweaked even further thanks to user feedback so that we can fit a good amount of messages on the screen.
  • Created a new right column (laptop/PC) that includes different guidelines for each group chat and will be used to display prompts and other items that help facilitate supportive conversations in the future. This is particularly aimed at newbies who report finding group chats a bit confusing.
  • Chats now each get their own URL so that you can refresh each chat page and so that you can directly link to a group chat.
  • And lots of updates under the hood to make chats stable and more robust.

From next week, all website users will be switched over to the Chat 2.0 system.

Everything we do is in service of you the community. As you know, products like 7 Cups are used by lots of different people with lots of different preferences. We hope that you will appreciate the effort and intent from the team to make your experience better. Please be mindful when sharing your comments and thoughts - everything shared is read and we are real people.

GlenM June 22nd, 2023

@Jon7Cups Thank you Jon for the careful, conscientious, and deliberate work here! You and the product team have done a great job of building and testing. You all rapidly fixed 100s of small issues in the last week by listening closely to the community. Much appreciated!

ASilentObserver June 22nd, 2023

@Jon7Cups Thank you, Jon. The new layout and upgrades look simpler and easier to navigate with comfort. Thank you for hearing our feedback and finding ways to integrate different elements.

Congratulations and thank you community to work with us on creating a better community experience for everyone. We are all thankful for your support and patience with us. We are progressing every day!

Jenna June 22nd, 2023


Thanks for all the hard work everyone did on this project and change for 7 Cups. I appreciate the effort to make the site more user-friendly and "calm" as you stated. I have enjoyed how much better the rooms and PMs seem to "flow" when in conversation.

June 22nd, 2023


Thank you and the team for working hard to fix many bugs spotted by our amazing community!

The new chat interface is neater and calmer, which is what I like.

Once again, thanks a ton for the work behind the scenes to build and roll out the Chat 2.0!

innateJoy9602 June 22nd, 2023


Thank you so much to you and the team!!

You’ve done an incredible job and I’ve been really liking chat 2.0!

Appreciate everyone for working so hard on this! :)

June 25th, 2023


Wonderful ❤️

Astraeuss June 25th, 2023

Honestly a lot of it is okay, I don’t like it as much but that’s natural. But truly the right hand if the screen having a culum isn’t helpful to me. I’m on a iPad so the screen really isn’t all that big when it’s full screen on cups, yet it makes it tinier then half a screen was open. I feel it should truly truly on be computers. And even so most people sue computers for the bigger screen yet the side box makes it ***, maybe an option to pop it out or out it away under the 3 dots would work? Also the narrow screen is really not the best as it feels really cramped :’) but I guess that’s something I can sorta get used to? I also really hope auto scroll was fixed cause mine never auto scrolled when trying I’m happy we are getting new updates and being included in this don’t get me wrong but for this to be functional for me and a lot of other people I feel these changes do needs be made

Astraeuss June 25th, 2023


also truly not to keep complaining but the pups really need to be bigger :’) it’s how most of us identify people and now they are lots harder to see :’)

AnnaSilverberg June 25th, 2023

Thank you so much for all the work you and the team have put into this
I absolutely love the new chat feature, it's so comfortable and easier to use

trueconfidant123 June 25th, 2023


Thank you for designing the intricacies of our platform and making it easier for cupsers to navigate across. Your inputs towards this work are much appreciated Jon.

HopieRemi June 25th, 2023

great update

HealingTalk June 26th, 2023


Congratulations on the successful accomplishment of this large project, which beautifully revamped such a critical component of the 7 Cups platform, thanks to your skill, courage, determination and hard work. And that of your team.

This new UI is better and cleaner, making it easier to focus on what's important: the messages. Following and participating in the conversations.

We understand that any new complex software like this one will have bugs at launch. This is unavoidable. You have done a great job at fixing many bugs discovered by the first batch of users.

Must have been some very intense days.

You must take a self-care break! 😄

It's mandatory policy around here...

Jon7Cups OP June 26th, 2023

@HealingTalk haha. Yes it was quite the endeavour. We appreciate the support!

heathermarie95 June 26th, 2023

im loving the new update, Jon!

Fradiga June 26th, 2023


I can't imagine all the time you've spent on this. A lot of it works fine, although I wish I had a longer chat list on the left.

My problem now is that whenever I click on notifications, I get what seems to be the right screen fleetingly, and it immediately switches over to this (for instance):


What can be done about it, please?

Thank you

Jon7Cups OP June 26th, 2023

@Fradiga its on the list. Will PM you.

pepsiplunge90 July 19th, 2023

@Jon7Cups Does anyone know how to rate a listener in Chat 2.0? I know how to do it in 1.0 but I can't get my browser to revert back to that, and don't see anyway to rate/leave a review for a listener in 2.0.

ASilentObserver July 25th, 2023

@pepsiplunge90 To leave a review in Chat 2.0, once you completed the chat, click on 3 dots and select "End Chat". When you end a chat, it opens the listener review pop-up where you can submit constructive feedback and rating for the listener based on your experience with them.



Thank you for reaching out and your question. I hope it helps but if you experience any issue related to Chat 2.0, please submit the feedback through Chat 2.0 feedback form. It is linked under 3 dots and here is the direct link as well.

pepsiplunge90 July 25th, 2023

@ASilentObserver you can only do it after you've ended chat?? what if you have ongoing communication with the listener ?

ASilentObserver July 26th, 2023

@pepsiplunge90 If you have ongoing communication, then you can focus on the conversation to share and get support. Because we received feedback from the community, about how showing up a review pop-up in the middle of the conversation was distracting for members and also feedback submitted wasn't constructive. So now when members/listeners feel the conversation is done for the hour, either of them can end the chat to prompt the feedback pop-up for constructive feedback.

Astraeuss July 26th, 2023


often time so when we have ongoing chats with listeners they aren’t conversations that are actively going. Often times we leave long term listeners messages and they get back to us. I think it would be much more beneficial to really just have the review right under the 3 dots. That way no matter what type of conversation you have with a listener you can still rate them (of course shows up after you’ve had a full chat) and you can also have it pop up when you end a chat?

CocoaCassie September 2nd, 2023

@ASilentObserver it is a shame we need to click end the chat as I want to keep the chat ongoing.

CocoaCassie September 2nd, 2023

@CocoaCassie forgot to add clicking end the chat did bring up the review box but clears all the chat 😔 that I want to keep and carry on with next time.

lauren387 August 21st, 2023

I do truly appreciate 7cups, and all the work put into the updates.

I normally hate to complain (since it is so much easier to critique something than it is to actually put in the work to build it.) However, despite multiple attempts, I've found chat 2.0 very difficult to use on mobile via browser (don't wish to use the app).

I used to chat frequently (sometimes daily) on my mobile with chat 1.0, but have almost stopped using the site entirely because it is just too hard maintaining conversations with others using chat 2.0 :-(

The main issues contributing to this IMO are:

Chat doesn't appear to refresh or maybe scroll frequently enough?

I'm not sure if this is a refresh or scroll issue. After sending a comment, I frequently find the chat list hasn't scrolled, and suddenly I'm lagging about 4 to 8 messages behind. Even in rooms with only 2 or 3 people.

It doesn't appear to be connectivity related as it occurs with both wifi and mobile, and there's no noticable lag on other sites

Chat history isn't visible when typing.

With the new narrower layout, menu, banners, headers, position of the chat box, only 1 line of chat history is visible when typing on a small devices.

(Admittedly this is mostly a limitation of small mobile devices. Virtual keyboards always consumed a lot of space, but the history issue didn't seem quite this bad under chat 1.0.)

Chat 2.0 Screenshot20230821-165544_1692656521.jpg

Being unable to view what is being said while typing, combined with the lag in messages from others, makes it even harder to connect with other people :-(

I would love to be able to use the chat feature again. Any suggestions?

lauren387 December 8th, 2023

Bueller? Anyone? 🤣

CocoaCassie September 2nd, 2023


I like 2.0 so far but why can't I give a review to a listener more than once? Sometimes they have been so good to me over a length of time, so it would be nice to give them another rating as encouragement and thanks?

PatienceImpatiens September 3rd, 2023


Hey, Cocoa, I figured out the answer to this one by trial and error.

When you're done with the chat, click on the the three little dots to the right above the chat.

Close the chat.

The listener review box will pop up!

Hope this helps!

OpenAndHonestGuy7 September 3rd, 2023

I am not sure if this will be read or not or the suggestions be seriously considered, but I have two ideas for improvement I hope that will be considered ---

They both have to do with the chat request box where listeners see all the chat requests.

1) First, is that there are many times that the usernames or the topic information is rather inappropriate. Sometimes there are very sexualized names and requests that are sexual in nature. Almost daily I see someone with a name sexual in nature and then the category will be "Loneliness - any single girls". Perhaps there is nothing to be done about this, but I see it more and more.

2) On a similar note, and again just an idea, but the "more information" box to go a long with the tag seems like its only an option - I think a good case could be made for it to be required. It would be nice to have a little information in selecting someone. For example, if someone has chosen the tag spirituality, but says nothing about it, it could be anything from a Christian seeking help in reading the Bible to a Muslim struggling with dietary restrictions. Some things I feel comfortable listening to, others not. "Relationship stress" could be as something as a fight over who is going to cook dinner to my husband had an affair. I find it most helpful when I know a little bit of the situation, so I know that I can feel confident in taking the request. While the tags alerting the listener as to the category of the issue they are having (and even those do not seem to be required; at least they do not always show up), they are so broad that it could be one of 1000 things.

I think it would be nice for the listener to know a little more going in and make that a requirement. for thought.

Lunaire00 October 11th, 2023


@Jon7Cups @GlenM @Heather225 @ASilentObserver @7CupsCommunity

Hi all! These are excellent suggestions and concerns which I believe should be taken into consideration on 7Cups, for the safety and convenience of listeners and to improve the quality of the support members receive. I am not sure if the admin team has seen this post, and a response regarding these suggestions would be greatly appreciated. 

Fradiga October 11th, 2023


Hi there! I could not agree more about those trolls who think they can have fun with their sexual obsession at the cost of listeners wasting their time. New listeners ought to be warned about this and given some heads-up on what to do. Some do not have a particular username that flags their interest, but.. you find out only when you've taken on their request. I've got a polite blurb to close the conversation with these people, but.., they stole my time. 

While it is true that it would help us listeners to have a better idea of what brings people here, it can fluctuate a lot. For instance, some users write that they are dealing with breakups, but they are actually worried about their safety or... having to move back to their parents'.  Some use "grief" and you realize later on that this person has failed an important university exam rather than lost a loved one. 

Let me know and thanks for a inspiring message!

Jon7Cups OP October 12th, 2023

@OpenAndHonestGuy7 thanks for sharing your thoughts. If we made it an essential requirement, then 00s, maybe 000s of people a day would choose not to request a chat and thus not get the support they need. An optional approach, where there is a clear incentive to provide the info (you're likely to get a better match), works well here. 

Fradiga December 8th, 2023


I agree with your concern. When we choose to talk with someone, there is a huge question mark over our heads!!

There are times when I ask directly for clarification so I know if I want to take this chat on or not. Some chats do offer more challenge than others. 

 Yes, it would be nice to have a blurb about their issues ahead of time, but I understand why 7cups only offers categories of subject. At least, it helps us choose somewhat.  But admin considers the balance of needs between us listeners and them "listenees".

When I pick someone in the waiting room, particularly someone  who seems new to 7cups, I always tell them to take a look at my profile so they have an idea if I am the kind of person they would be okay to talk to. 

OpenAndHonestGuy7 October 7th, 2023

I have not had anyone contact me about my suggestions - shame.

I will say that lately, I have been getting a personal request from a username, something along the lines of "nakedmale".

While I pride myself a non-discriminating listener, I am not going to take a request from someone by the name of naked male - with all the other restrictions on this site, why is that allowed?

PatienceImpatiens October 11th, 2023


I don't think you "have to" take a request from anyone you don't want to and in fact, if you want, I think there's a way to report a username as inappropriate.



Fradiga October 11th, 2023


.......I think there's a way to report a username as inappropriate.

How is it done, do you know?

Heather225 October 11th, 2023


@OpenAndHonestGuy7 I'm tagging @Jon7Cups to take your suggestions into consideration. Thanks for sharing them!

Patience is correct - you never have to take a request you don't wish to or would make you uncomfortable. All inappropriate names reported to the platform are removed. Here are a couple ways you can report:

You can use our helpdesk to report them - just use the drop box and click on report listener.

If you're in a 1:1 with them, you can block them by clicking on the three dots on the right-hand side of the chat. That also generates a flag in the system to be reviewed for removal. I hope these methods help, and if you have any questions please do PM me.

Fradiga October 11th, 2023


Thank you! I sometimes see those inappropriate people as people who need help themselves. Not that I am trying to convert anyone, but some chats which started in an awkward fashion ended up being legit. It requires some patience from me and trust from them. Difficult chats are seen as a social challenge which you can accept or not, depending on your own mood or experience.

Jon7Cups OP October 12th, 2023

@Fradiga you are an example to us all. Thats an amazing attitude 🙏

OpenAndHonestGuy7 October 25th, 2023

Hello all,

I decided to check back on my post again and I see a lot of responses. I wanted to take a moment to respond:

Obviously, I realize I do not have to take a request. I actually do not understand the feedback, though from Jon7Cups. He wrote: "If we made it an essential requirement, then 00s, maybe 000s of people a day would choose not to request a chat." Are you talking about requiring the listener to give the topic beforehand? Why would that deter people from seeking help? If anything, making it more clear to the listeners as to what the topic is would better equip the right listener to take the request. I am not sure how that would make people (who are really seeking help) not request a chat.

I appreciate Heather225 and her reminder that people can be reported. However there is no way to report someone in the chat box (whose request has not yet been taken) who writes something they should not (usually sexual nature). Suppose, it does not even have to be that obscene. Its just a username like "LonelyGuyforGirl" and he writes that he is looking "for single female listeners". Now, there is not anything inherently wrong with this, but 7cups is not a dating site (and of course the names and subject requests can be a bit more descriptive than that). And people are right...I can ignore these people...I can, if its necessary, report these people and I can, as I have, lived with the inconvenience of being blocked, reading inappropriate names and sexually-related requests and questions about my own life etc. But the whole purpose of my original post was simply to ask....isn't there anything that can be done to address this? At all?

I appreciate Fradiga and her comments and she is right - time is stolen from the listener. There are a lot of trolls out there (I cannot tell you the number of times I have accepted a request, only for me to be blocked, presumably because its quite clear I am a guy and not a girl). Its frustrating wanting to do good work and help people only to find those who are not on here with sincere intentions get the upperhand simply by being able to block me and then pursue another listener.

As I said before, I know this is not going to be perfect and the good outweighs the bad. But I I think a few tweeks in the right direction to address these issues will actually better help those who come on here sincerely looking for a listener and better help listeners.

Thank you for replies and your time.