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Course 3, Discussion 3: When you don't get the role you want

FrenchToast December 5th, 2022

Hello, students! Let's talk leadership!

Many of you have or will apply for certain roles that interest you! And some times we get it and some times we don't! It can be difficult to find out that we didn't get the role, but we can control how we react to it.

Here are some DOs and DON'Ts:

- DO talk to the leader of the role that you applied for and get some input on what you can/need to do in order to get the role next time! Be aware though most leaders of these roles are busy so give it some time!

- DON'T bring the issue into the support rooms. If you are upset, talking to a peer supporter about how you are feeling is ok!

- DO take some self-care, self-care is good for any occasion but its best to deal with those feelings of failure or disappointment outside of 7 cups, things like going on your member account can be so helpful to overcome some of these feelings

- DON'T think that you are obligated to stay on 7 cups right after finding out bad news, especially if you are in LSR/TL and you see other listeners who have gotten the role that you wanted! It can be hard to deal with and it can cause unneeded jealousy or hurt on your part! Not everyone is like this but if you think that this is a possibility that you can think this way staying away might be a great option!

- DON'T take it personally, everyone is ready at different times. It can be hard for us to realize this but just because someone got the role and they might have been here in less or the same amount of time doesn't mean that you personally are ready! Everyone grows and accomplishes things at different times!

- DO get a mentor, in general its a good idea to get a mentor but for things like your goals on 7 cups mentors can be great and helpful! They can give you feedback, do mock chats with you, and overall help you with your goals as I said before!

- DON'T think you have to apply for every role and every team out there! There is time you don't have to apply for everything! Its super easy to burnout that way, and that can lead to more "rejection" and hurt that none of us want!

*Never let not getting a role the first time discourage you! You will be told when you can apply again and use the feedback that you get to better yourself when you can/decide that you are ready to! practice makes perfect none for us are perfect and no one will ever be! Its a good thing to remember no matter your role as a listener your help is greatly appreciated and you are still helping so many people!*

✒️Question: If you find out you were not given a role, how should you respond? What would you say to the leader who has informed you?

✒️ Please reply to at least 1 of your peers in this thread with encouraging or supportive words!

After fulfilling the requirements of this post, please check out the next post here!

🔉This post is brought to you by the Leadership Development Program, find information on it here

January 5th, 2023


✒️Question: If you find out you were not given a role, how should you respond? What would you say to the leader who has informed you?

If I was not given a role I wanted, I would respond with the following:

Hi 'Leader's Username',

Thank you so much for getting back to me. While I am a little disappointed, I'm grateful for your time and consideration in reading my application. If you have a few minutes, I would really appreciate some feedback to help me improve with future applications. I wish you all the best.


✒️ Please reply to at least 1 of your peers in this thread with encouraging or supportive words!

I will do when one arrives 😮

CallumCares421 January 20th, 2023



S l a y

starryCandy6123 December 9th, 2023

Hi leader, I really wanted to join but I totally understand, I am not ready. Maybe sometime in the future

wonderousLove3994 March 2nd

Sounds like very understanding

sunnySea4551 January 20th, 2023


Question: If you find out you were not given a role, how should you respond? What would you say to the leader who has informed you?

Hello leader oh thats a bummer i really wanted that role. thanks for letting me know

BenittaJ February 18th, 2023


❤️ Positively taken ❤️

CallumCares421 January 20th, 2023

Hi leader

Thank you for informing me, although I am a tad upset, I accept it and know I can always apply later on. Is it possible you can give me some tips and tricks how to complete (this) better? I feel like it would help me. Thank you again for taking time to review me :)

NanditaB January 22nd, 2023

@CallumCares421 awesome reply!

purplelady568 January 26th, 2023

@CallumCares421 Great response. Thanks for your example.

NanditaB January 22nd, 2023


✒️Question: If you find out you were not given a role, how should you respond? What would you say to the leader who has informed you?

Hey, Thanks a lot for letting me know. Can you give me some feedback to improve myself so I can work on it to get the role the next time?

purplelady568 January 26th, 2023

@NanditaB That is a very succinct response. Good job.

NanditaB January 27th, 2023

@purplelady568 Thanks a lot

YourCaringConfidant February 9th, 2023

@NanditaB Your response is spot on! Way to go! I hope you never experience a denial/rejection from a role that you truly want because you are amazing!

purplelady568 January 26th, 2023


If you find out you were not given a role, how should you respond? What would you say to the leader who has informed you? l would respond graciously and thank them for their time. I would also want to ask for feedback about how I could improve or what steps I may need to take in order to re-apply for the role in the future.

I think of this scenario much like job-hunting. You may get a call back, you may not. You may get some job offers or you may not, but you can't control the actions/decisions of others. You can only control your response and your attitude.

kindJewel5362 February 8th, 2023


I LOVE the job hunt analogy!!

JasmineFlower222 February 20th, 2023

@purplelady568 great response

WishUponAStar968 February 21st


Yes, it is a lot like job hunting and you may or may not get a call back or the job at the time but it doesnt mean you arent fit for the position, it just means at that time, there are other requirements or candidates that do meet it and in time you will find the perfect role/job for you.  You control how you feel and how you respond !

kindJewel5362 February 8th, 2023


✒️Question: If you find out you were not given a role, how should you respond? What would you say to the leader who has informed you?

Thanks for telling me. Appreciate it. Just for my own information, I'd like to know if there is anything I can work on to improve, any feedback? That said if it's confidential please don't feel like you need to share. Thanks.

purplelady568 February 8th, 2023

@kindJewel5362 nice answer :)

jasishereforallofu February 17th, 2023

@kindJewel5362 good answer 😊

YourCaringConfidant February 9th, 2023

If you find out you were not given a role, how should you respond? What would you say to the leader who has informed you?

So, this is actually happened to me before. I applied to join safety patrol and really thought I gave it my best by answering the questions of when I would flag somethig vs. when I would not. Someone contacted me and was nice about it but pretty much wanted me to resubmit explaining further in detail. I will admit I was a bit disappointed but did not take it to heart. I replied back kindly saying I decline the opportunity to resubmit since it seems I did not do well enough to get approved to join safety patrol. And honestly, that was ok with me that I did not make the cut. Everything happens for a reason and denial or rejection or whatever you want to call it does not stop me from pushing on and doing other great things. :)

BenittaJ February 15th, 2023


I hope you get it this time ❤️

Mitanshi003 February 22nd, 2023


That is very inspiring, Confi 🌺

iPHOENIX February 26th, 2023


It did happen to me once too, and I declined the role that time too. Later I understand they need clear details why you want to flag. More descriptive, and I did it again got that as part of being a mentor. But yes, it's important to know what we can do and we don't need to have every role. I'm glad to know that you understand and you doing wonders as a smile spreder, Twin ☺

BenittaJ February 15th, 2023


If you find out you were not given a role, how should you respond? What would you say to the leader who has informed you?

Hello xxxx Thankyou for letting me know. Can I do the test again? Please let me know when I should apply . Thankyou.

jasishereforallofu February 17th, 2023

@FrenchToastClub ✒️Question: If you find out you were not given a role, how should you respond? What would you say to the leader who has informed you?

Hi thank you for letting me know! Could you provide me some feedback so I can understand better what needs to be changed.
March 22nd, 2023


Nice answer :)

JasmineFlower222 February 20th, 2023

Hey! Thanks for letting me know that I didn't get the role. Could you give me feedback and let me know when I can reapply?

Mitanshi003 February 22nd, 2023


If you find out you were not given a role, how should you respond?

<3 Firstly, I will ask the leader to provide me with feedback, inform me about the areas of improvement, and provide me with any suggestions possible. Then I'd prefer to take a self-care break. After the break, I'd find a compatible mentor and seek guidance. I believe this process would keep me grounded and avoid burnout. 🌺

What would you say to the leader who has informed you?

<3 My response would be:

Hello there, hope you're having a wonderful day. Thank you for informing me that my enrollment has been rejected. I'd appreciate it if you could provide me with feedback in regards to why I've been rejected and my areas of improvement along with suggestions if you have any.

YourCaringConfidant February 22nd, 2023

@Mitanshi003 Great reply! But I do not know who would reject you... you are pretty great! :)

Mitanshi003 February 22nd, 2023

@YourCaringConfidant Awww, I'm glad you feel that way 🌺

iPHOENIX February 26th, 2023

✒️Question: If you find out you were not given a role, how should you respond? What would you say to the leader who has informed you?

First of all obviously I'll be a bit sad not getting that role, because I believe it makes us human. But I also know that it doesn't define anything, it doesn't mean we are not worthy of that role or anything. It just say that,

1. We may not be ready for that role or we doesn't have the required requirements yet.

2. Or simply it's not for us. Because people are different and our strength and weakness too.

I'll say to the the leader who brings the feedback,

"Thank you for letting me know and giving the feedback, it's a bit sad news but I do understand I'm not ready for that role yet. But may I ask for your help to prepare the role for better or can you give me resources that I can be better at this?"

EnigmaticCat24 March 1st, 2023


Great answers! Keep it up!

EnigmaticCat24 March 1st, 2023


✒️Question: If you find out you were not given a role, how should you respond? What would you say to the leader who has informed you?

I would ask about feedbacks and suggestions regarding that matter, contact a mentor and take help (tricks and tips) before applying next time. I would like to take self care break if i felt burn out.

Hello leader! I hope you are having great day! Thanks for contacting me. Can i know the reason i got rejected ? Do you have feedbacks and suggestions regarding that, if you have any can you please share them with me? Please take your time and respond back to this message. Thank you!!!

Trintzu March 8th, 2023

@Tobedoctor good answer! ❤️

Trintzu March 8th, 2023


✒️Question: If you find out you were not given a role, how should you respond? What would you say to the leader who has informed you?

First I would take a breath and take a moment for myself.

Then would reply:

Dear (username), thank you for the information, I appreciate that. Could you please kindly share with me the feedback on my test and areas, where I could improve more to succeed next time?

Thank you in advance, Trin

vivelespatates March 11th, 2023

@Trintzu great response!

Comfortablesmile December 4th, 2023


I like your professional respond to rejection. One great skill we all have to learn is how to accept rejections sincerely. Put up a good fight and you will get your desired congratulations.

vivelespatates March 11th, 2023

Here is how I would respond to someone that inform me of my rejection:

"Hi (name).
I'm so sad I havent got the role. Can I know what weighed in your decision? What are the things I could improve for being considered again in future? Will I can reapply someday or is it final decision? Anyway thank you for letting me know! "

Though, what do I do when I applied, and NEVER heard back, not even negative or positive? After how long it's ok to contact the leader?
and if we don't know who the leader is?

FrenchMarbles March 15th, 2023


Sadly, if you haven't heard back, it might be a form of rejection; ensuring all applicants get a response should be mandatory. Great answer and this is a comment to demonstrate that due to the compulsory rule of having to respond to a comment to demonstrate that I am a leader. Makes absolutely no sense.