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Course 3, Discussion 3: When you don't get the role you want

FrenchToast December 5th, 2022

Hello, students! Let's talk leadership!

Many of you have or will apply for certain roles that interest you! And some times we get it and some times we don't! It can be difficult to find out that we didn't get the role, but we can control how we react to it.

Here are some DOs and DON'Ts:

- DO talk to the leader of the role that you applied for and get some input on what you can/need to do in order to get the role next time! Be aware though most leaders of these roles are busy so give it some time!

- DON'T bring the issue into the support rooms. If you are upset, talking to a peer supporter about how you are feeling is ok!

- DO take some self-care, self-care is good for any occasion but its best to deal with those feelings of failure or disappointment outside of 7 cups, things like going on your member account can be so helpful to overcome some of these feelings

- DON'T think that you are obligated to stay on 7 cups right after finding out bad news, especially if you are in LSR/TL and you see other listeners who have gotten the role that you wanted! It can be hard to deal with and it can cause unneeded jealousy or hurt on your part! Not everyone is like this but if you think that this is a possibility that you can think this way staying away might be a great option!

- DON'T take it personally, everyone is ready at different times. It can be hard for us to realize this but just because someone got the role and they might have been here in less or the same amount of time doesn't mean that you personally are ready! Everyone grows and accomplishes things at different times!

- DO get a mentor, in general its a good idea to get a mentor but for things like your goals on 7 cups mentors can be great and helpful! They can give you feedback, do mock chats with you, and overall help you with your goals as I said before!

- DON'T think you have to apply for every role and every team out there! There is time you don't have to apply for everything! Its super easy to burnout that way, and that can lead to more "rejection" and hurt that none of us want!

*Never let not getting a role the first time discourage you! You will be told when you can apply again and use the feedback that you get to better yourself when you can/decide that you are ready to! practice makes perfect none for us are perfect and no one will ever be! Its a good thing to remember no matter your role as a listener your help is greatly appreciated and you are still helping so many people!*

✒️Question: If you find out you were not given a role, how should you respond? What would you say to the leader who has informed you?

✒️ Please reply to at least 1 of your peers in this thread with encouraging or supportive words!

After fulfilling the requirements of this post, please check out the next post here!

🔉This post is brought to you by the Leadership Development Program, find information on it here

ReganL January 27th


If you find out you were not given a role, how should you respond? What would you say to the leader who has informed you?

Firstly, I would not respond that minute, give myself time to process that information. I should respond in a professional understanding way, do not take any of what I am feeling out on this leader or anyone else. 

Hello leader, 

thank you for reaching out about this. I understand that I may not be ready for this role due to (whatever reasons they give). I will keep working hard and improve on the skills that need improvement on. Thank you for your time and communication.

~ Regan 

SilverSeastar February 6th

Hello, @ReganL

Great answer! 💙 It's good that you consider taking some time to process the information. 

DanCat1128 January 29th

✒️Question: If you find out you were not given a role, how should you respond? What would you say to the leader who has informed you?

Remember to stay professional. Don't whine and cry just because they said not at this time. Work on the feedback that was given and the roles you have right now. Remember that it's not the end of the world there will be another chance to reapply.

Thank you ____ I love that you got back to me. I will certainly work on my (empathy). I will continue to be peer supporter and room supporter. I will reapply in a few months when I am eligible again. Thank you for your service and what you do in the community. 🙂

✒️ Please reply to at least 1 of your peers in this thread with encouraging or supportive words!


You're doing a fantabulous job with the leadership development program!!!

quietlistener2023 February 2nd


Your response was both positive and professional.  I wish you all the best in the program

DanCat1128 February 2nd


Thank you!!!

quietlistener2023 February 2nd


I would reply: Dear leader thank you for getting back to me and letting me know your response.  I was wondering if it possible to get some feedback and if it is possible to apply for the role again in the future.  I look forward to hearing your response.  Thank you so much again.

calmstrawberry0608 February 18th

I love how you are open to feedback in your response! 

SilverSeastar February 6th

✒️ If you find out you were not given a role, how should you respond? What would you say to the leader who has informed you?

Here's what I would say:

Thank you for letting me know about the decision regarding this role. While I'm naturally disappointed I won’t be taking on the role this time, I understand and respect it. I remain committed to supporting the team in any way I can and am open to future opportunities. If you have any feedback or insights, I would greatly appreciate it! Thank you for the opportunity to be involved in the process.

serenePeace3726 February 6th

@SilverSeastar great answer! i've really enjoyed reading all of your responses along the way.

Countrygirl095 February 20th

@serenePeace3726 great answer

serenePeace3726 February 6th

I think it's great that they inform you one way or another to begin with. I would be gracious and appreciate the consideration. I would also want to emphasize that I am still interested in the position and ask what I could do to better my chances in the future.

Thank you very much for letting me know.. Although I am disappointed, I fully understand. If there is any constructive criticism you could provide me with for the next time I apply, I would be grateful to receive it. Once again, thank you for your consideration. 

calmstrawberry0608 February 18th

✒️Question: If you find out you were not given a role, how should you respond? What would you say to the leader who has informed you?

I would first respond by thanking them for taking the time to consider me for that position. Then, I would ask if there is any skill(s) that the leader believed I had lacked in order for me to improve and achieve better results!

Countrygirl095 February 20th

@FrenchToastDear 'Leader

I hope this email finds you well. I wanted to take a moment to express my gratitude for considering my application for the specific role Although I was not selected for the position, I understand that there may be various reasons, and I am grateful for the opportunity to have been considered.

Being part of a community like [7 cups] is something that truly inspires me, and I am truly disappointed that I will not be joining this particular team. However, I am determined to continue contributing to the [specific community] and working hard to excel in future opportunities.

I would appreciate any feedback or suggestions you may have regarding my application. If there are any specific areas where I can improve or areas where I fell short, I would be grateful for your input. Your insights could help me to refine my skills and approach for future applications.

Once again, thank you for considering my application. I am grateful for your time and consideration. I wish you and the entire 7 cups continued success.

Best regards,

Stomping On CP
ChromaticFinss February 29th

@Countrygirl095 that was a well structured and professional one ❤️

WishUponAStar968 February 21st


✒️Question: If you find out you were not given a role, how should you respond? What would you say to the leader who has informed you?

In my current job I am the one that is a leader and has to tell others they did not get the leadership role available due to other needs met or other candidates that fit better.  So if I were to not get the role I wanted, I would be very understanding and now that at this time the role wasn't for me, and that I can always try again later and keep trying until one day I get it.  I would not be upset, as I understand there is a reason for everything and perhaps at this moment its not my time yet.  I would thank the leader that responded to me, definitely ask for constructive feedback and when ready (self care) and try again!

4Jasmine March 4th


I appreciate your answer.👍

ChromaticFinss February 29th

Hi _______

Thanks for letting me know the update. Even though it is a little bit disappointing news, I acknowledge the scenerio. I will certainly try to improve and apply again at the next best time.  I would appreciate if you have any feedbacks for me which you think might be helpful for my further attempts. Thanks again for your time .

wonderousLove3994 March 2nd

✒️Question: If you find out you were not given a role, how should you respond? What would you say to the leader who has informed you?

Hi! I had a great time applying for the role, and it did open my eyes to great areas of improvements and highlighted my strengths. If you have any feedback, I will be more than happy to hear it. Thanks!

sky2Ocean20 March 11th


that's a very warm response. I will definitely include this one on my note for reference. 💛

4Jasmine March 4th


If I find out that I was not given a role, I might eventually try again at some point, but all the work and effort I put in was quite a lot. I would say to the leader who informed me, that I am disappointed, but obviously it must not have been the right time for me. 

Then I would return to 7 Cups as a attending member instead. 

4Jasmine March 4th



I would return as an attending member. 

JustSophia March 11th


Sounds like you have understanding of yourself and your own needs in terms of self-care.  

March 8th


Question: If you find out you were not given a role, how should you respond? What would you say to the leader who has informed you?

Thankyou for letting me know, while I'm a bit disappointed but that's ok also Can you give me some feedback to improve myself so I can work on it to get the role the next time?

JustSophia March 11th

With grace.  Not get upset or bitter, or if I did, to take that negative feeling elsewhere and provide myself with self-care until I was in a more healthy frame of mind.  I could ask for constructive feedback and offer words of understanding.  I would also try to offer myself patience and understanding.

JustSophia March 11th

Whoops.  I only answered the first question.  

What would I say to the person telling me I didn't get the role?

Thanks for letting me know.  If you have any feedback for me, I'd really appreciate hearing it.  I'd like to understand what I could do better and learn from it.  Thanks!

TheOnlyChresser March 11th

@JustSophia As always good writing :D!

TheOnlyChresser March 11th

Its good this time because its compact also everyone can forget :)

JustSophia March 12th


Thank you so much Chresser!  I so appreciate your support.  

Being "compact" is not always my strong suit, though, as you may have noticed (lol).  That's something I continue to work on.  Keep me on my toes.  :D 

TheOnlyChresser March 13th

@JustSophia Yea I'm also bad at doing messages compact usually when talking with members :D.

sky2Ocean20 March 11th


✒️Question: If you find out you were not given a role, how should you respond? What would you say to the leader who has informed you?

-> Hi (leader-username). Thank you for informing. Although I was eagerly waiting to be in this role, I completely respect the decision. Let me know how can I improve and become ready for the next time. I appreciate your time and effort in making this community a better place. 

daydreammemories March 18th


Nicely put 👏😊

TheOnlyChresser March 11th


✒️Question: If you find out you were not given a role, how should you respond? What would you say to the leader who has informed you?

Thank you for taking your time to provide me some feedback while im disappointed to not be selected i understand theres some areas i can improve if possible i would love to discuss the feedback you have for me so i can work on those areas and be better off in the future :D Thanks again for your time!

JustSophia March 12th


Hey Chresser - I'm watching and appreciating your responses, too.

It seems like you could almost just cut and paste this one if you wanted to at some point.  I hope you get the roles that fit, though, and that you never need to. 

PetiteSouris March 16th

@FrenchToast @yourbuddy30

Question: If you find out you were not given a role, how should you respond? What would you say to the leader who has informed you? 

Good Day Mr/Miss/Mrs Doe, 

         It was a pleasure learning about the X role, and interviewing for the position. I was looking forward to working with the team, however I was not choosen for this role. Though I am disappointed, I would like to know if given the opportunity to reapply, how can I strengthen my soft and hard skills. Again, thank you for the opportunity and I looking forward to reapplying in the future.

Warmest Regards,


✒️ Please reply to at least 1 of your peers in this thread with encouraging or supportive words! Well written response @theonlychresser. If I were the leader I would definitely give you the feedback for you to improve yourself.


Renjik8013 April 13th


I appreciate how you responded professionally!

daydreammemories March 18th


✒️Question: If you find out you were not given a role, how should you respond? What would you say to the leader who has informed you?

something like this in my mind: " Hi, thanks for letting me know. mind if you tell me about the reason so i can improve and reapply after i did some training? " 

Renjik8013 April 13th

✒️Question: If you find out you were not given a role, how should you respond? What would you say to the leader who has informed you?

"Dear XXX, thank you for informing me that I have not been given the role I applied for. Although I am disappointed, I would appreciate any feedback or suggestions you may have for me to improve my skills. Additionally, I would like to know if there is any possibility of reapplying for the position in the future. Thank you for your time and consideration."

Ivy229 May 23rd


I like your response and how you answered the question as a direct message you might send to the leader, instead of just writing out your answer :)

Ivy229 May 23rd


Question: If you find out you were not given a role, how should you respond? What would you say to the leader who has informed you?

I would be upset at first, but I would respond by asking the leader who informed me what I can do to improve and next time I get the chance to apply I would be successful in getting the desired role.

whimsicalCloud4661 June 19th


✒️Question: If you find out you were not given a role, how should you respond? What would you say to the leader who has informed you? 

Thank you for informing me of my role. Although I am grateful for this position, I am a little disappointed that I did not receive the role I originally intended. Is there anything I can do to be reconsidered for my first choice?