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Course 2, Discussion 2: Lead by example

Hope December 5th, 2022

Great Leadership, unsurprisingly, starts with yourself!

Practice what you preach. Lead by example. I am sure all of you heard these phrases. But why are they so iconic?

Because the journey starts with the first step and you are the person who is taking the initiative to lead -- Start a journey! So, you are the one who needs to take the first step before expecting others to do it.

To start with leading yourself, close your eyes and visualize two people: someone who inspired and encouraged you to be like them, and someone who discouraged you to be not like them.

Then, write down the good qualities of the person who inspired you as well as the qualities of the second person. You do not have to be specific with the details. Just a bulleted list.

Now, compare the list to yourself. Note the good qualities you have, the bad qualities you have, and give yourself a rating on a scale of 1-10. What we just did is identified your strengths and weaknesses and what you need in order to lead yourself. This allows you to create self-awareness.

Self-awareness is key to leading yourself in the right direction. But, leading yourself is not easy. Just being self-aware isn't enough. It's igniting the spark but not enough to catch the fire. To catch the fire, you need to be persistent with your practice, which is regular reflection. Be consistent with monitoring your efforts and holding yourself accountable.

You can't effectively lead others until you know how to lead yourself. That happens through Self-Observant Leadership: when you deeply understand your identity, compare it to your reputation (how others experience you) and then make meaning of the observations, and choose to adapt.


✒️ What did you learn about yourself through the given exercise?

✒️ Respond to one of your peers in this thread

After fulfilling the requirements of this post, please check out the next post here!

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Lillom January 2nd

A simple fact, yet it can change people and improve awareness!

starryCandy6123 December 27th, 2023

@HopeI learned, that I have a lot more to give, I am good at talking, and helping the members.  I Realise that people need to find their comfort zone. I have found mines here. I also found out that I can excel in this type of organisation, which also built my self confidence.

Lillom January 2nd

✒️ What did you learn about yourself through the given exercise?

Being self aware = First step

Reflection and Action = Engine for success

Be accountable to yourself, before you expect things from others

✒️ Respond to one of your peers in this thread

Lillom January 2nd


Examples in my situation:

- Start slowly, not quickly and approach things more so like a marathon/not cramming

- When encountering a roadblock, reflect on it using Kolb's and don't skip it for an easier task

NewYorker11 January 7th


this is great, that you have your own way of problem solving, highly commendable!

NewYorker11 January 7th


✒️ What did you learn about yourself through the given exercise?

through this exercise, the things that i learned about myself are that i am, in all aspects of personal qualities, a perfectionist. being a perfectionist is not at all times a good thing, it leads to getting stressed out and being nervous... also, i re-learned that i am not clearly a leader and/or a follower, but i like setting a good example for others.

✒️ Respond to one of your peers in this thread

ReganL January 14th



You are doing a great job my friend! I am a profecastiont as well that has some good qualities in it and no doubt some bad qualities in it! Keep up all the good work you are doing!

~ Regan

NewYorker11 January 14th


thanks so much for the words of encouragement friend!

ReganL January 14th


What did you learn about yourself through the given exercise?

I have more good qualities in me then I know I do. Being a good leader does not mean you need to have all the strengths you are aloud to have weakness to, it is important to understand those weakness and act on them so you can improve them, thus improving the team you are trying to lead. 

~ Regan

quietlistener2023 January 22nd
 I agree with you,  even as leaders we still need to grow and develop and maybe need feedback sometimes@ReganL
heathermarie95 August 20th


i do agree that self-aware is important and to be able to spot your faults and being able to fix them. 

WhereIsRed January 17th


Through this exercise, I've identified several positive qualities within myself, such as a positive attitude, determination, and an open-minded approach. However, I've also recognized areas for improvement, particularly in communication skills, empathy, and addressing procrastination.

SilverSeastar January 23rd

Hello, @WhereIsRed

Amazing self-awareness. 💙 Keep it up! With your positive attitude, determination, and open-mindedness, I'm sure you can improve exponentially. 

WhereIsRed January 24th



DanCat1128 January 18th

✒️ What did you learn about yourself through the given exercise?

Person who inspired me is someone who has set an excellent example here on cups by being themselves and very positive and supportive and mighty enthusiastic.


A person who doesn't want me to be like them but I look up to is a person who is very good at having boundaries and will explain why the boundaries are there. (not anyone on cups)

I replied to Kristynsmama 

kabir22 Monday


oh captain my captain
quietlistener2023 January 22nd

@Hope I think I learned about myself that I often work quite independently but need to develop better team orientation skills and be concerned with helping to improve others and also pay attention to how others see me to be a good example

safetysource12 January 22nd

Hi @quietlistener2023

I think it is amazing how you reflected this on yourself and able to understand your style better

Snowy00 February 21st


I love how you were able to realize this about yourself and notice where you can grow! 💗 Sometimes, it can be hard for us to realize and accept the things about us that we need to work on or change. You've got this! 💪 💕

quietlistener2023 February 22nd

@KaylaMaulfair Thank you so much Kayla for your reply.  I hope we can continue to learn and grow 

safetysource12 January 22nd

Hi @Hope

This exercise has taught me the significance of self-leadership as a prerequisite to leading others effectively. It underscores the importance of gaining a thorough understanding of the team, identifying both weaknesses and strengths. Motivating the team and fostering a drive for success are crucial aspects of leadership. Additionally, refraining from mentioning other team members or competitors is emphasized, as it can have a negative impact on the team's overall productivity.

wonderousLove3994 February 13th

@safetysource12 sounds like me!

SilverSeastar January 23rd
✒️ What did you learn about yourself through the given exercise?
  • I learnt about the qualities I value and some areas for improvement. 
  • Self-awareness alone isn't enough; we also need consistency and accountability.
serenePeace3726 February 2nd

@SilverSeastar it's me again! I completely agree it's important to stay consistent especially in a leadership position so people know what the expectations are. I am also a huge champion for accountability. I think it is so important to  take accountability for yourself and your actions. this was something I've firmly stressed with my kids.

serenePeace3726 February 2nd

✒️ What did you learn about yourself through the given exercise?

• That my strengths outweigh my weaknesses. However, there is always room to grow.

• I think my strongest qualities are positivity, encouraging, and self-confidence.

• things I need to work on organization and procrastination

wonderousLove3994 February 13th

@Hope I learned that I need to know myself and be able to lead myself before going to others.

Countrygirl095 February 19th

@Hope I learned that one of my biggest strength as a leader is having compassion for others, but also being a visionary and evaluating every situation

ChromaticFinss February 20th

@StompingOnCP Having the vision and being affiliative sounds like an awesome combination of traits as a listener. Keep going ☺️

ChromaticFinss February 20th


I understand that I'm someone who is particular about the plans I make and I find it difficult to deal when my teammates being irresponsible. I need to improve my tolerance when working as a team.

JustSophia February 28th


I hear you, Finss. I am similar in expecting a lot of others and being less emotionally supportive than I'd like to be. 

Snowy00 February 21st


What did you learn about yourself through the given exercise?

I learned that I am a lot like the person who inspired me, but still my own unique person. I'm hardworking, kind, proactive, understanding, strong, and generous, just like the person who inspired me. I try my hardest every day not to be like the person who discouraged me. The person I try every day not to be like is vindictive, mean, manipulative, abusive, selfish, a liar, a sociopath, and a narcissist. I've learned through this exercise, that even with everything I have been through in life, and the horrible role models I have had along the way, I have still somehow managed to become the person I am today. And it's all because of just that one person who inspired me the most. Some days, I fail. But I use those failures as a way to grow and learn, instead of things to beat myself up over.

I will respond to one of my peers after posting this discussion.

Snowy00 February 21st

Basically I learned that I have a lot of good strengths! But I also do have some weaknesses. Fortunately, the good outweighs the bad. I still have a lot of life left to live, a lot of lessons to learn, and a lot of growth and improvement to do. I have learned from the person who inspired me, that we all grow and learn new things every day. Up until the day we die. Everyone has more room for growth, and people CAN change. I certainly did. I used to be a lot like the person who discouraged me, but the person who inspired me, helped me to turn my life around and become the woman I am today.

4Jasmine February 25th


I really liked how you explained what your strengths and weaknesses are. We all have them, but being able to expound on them, as you did, is awesome. I agree that having a person or persons, a mentor or mentors, to help guide and encourage are a wonderful asset to one's positive growth. Great post! 

JustSophia February 28th


First of all, I agree with 4Jasmine.  But I'll reply more specifically below (even though the formatting is messed up - forgive me! lol):

"I'm hardworking, kind, proactive, understanding, strong, and generous, just like the person who inspired me."

It's so wonderful that you can recognize all of these positive things in yourself so specifically, and that you can articulate them.  That's a real skill, and it seems like it serves you very well.  

"The person I try every day not to be like is vindictive, mean, manipulative, abusive, selfish, a liar, a sociopath, and a narcissist."

Wow, sounds like their behavior modeled a great example of what *not* to do.  I'm glad it's something you've been able to learn from. 

"we all grow and learn new things every day. Up until the day we die."

I believe that too, though it's better if we're paying attention about how and what we learn, I think.  If we can control that, that is.  Sometimes I don't think we can.  Sometimes we learn the very things that we don't want to - like negative things from the person you're talking about above. 

"Everyone has more room for growth, and people CAN change. I certainly did. I used to be a lot like the person who discouraged me, but the person who inspired me, helped me to turn my life around and become the woman I am today."

That's awesome, Kayla.  Rock on. 

Snowy00 February 28th


you are so sweet! 🥹🩵🤍🌸 Thank you girly 💕 

4Jasmine February 25th


I discovered that I need to be a little more democratic in leadership. 

calmstrawberry0608 February 25th


Thanks for sharing!

calmstrawberry0608 February 25th

I learned how I have a hard time delegating specific and/or harder tasks to people because I'm afraid that it will not get done right. But upon self reflection, I realized how it's not fair to others and I need to be willing to put in more trust.

4Jasmine February 27th


I learned that I will make sure that I walk the walk, not just talk the talk. That I will have high attention to details. I will follow up and follow through to get things resolved. I will to lead by example, have self awareness, be encouraging, inspire, and motivate. I will always fight for humanitarian causes. I will be early, not just on time. I will declare an unthinkable goal and achieve it.

These are some of the high standards that I will work towards. I won't be perfect, but I will try 100% to reach for these standards and more. I want to be part of the solution, not part of the problem! 

sky2Ocean20 March 6th


that's a great insight. The things you have said are inspiring to read. 💚