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Course 2, Discussion 2: Lead by example

Hope December 5th, 2022

Great Leadership, unsurprisingly, starts with yourself!

Practice what you preach. Lead by example. I am sure all of you heard these phrases. But why are they so iconic?

Because the journey starts with the first step and you are the person who is taking the initiative to lead -- Start a journey! So, you are the one who needs to take the first step before expecting others to do it.

To start with leading yourself, close your eyes and visualize two people: someone who inspired and encouraged you to be like them, and someone who discouraged you to be not like them.

Then, write down the good qualities of the person who inspired you as well as the qualities of the second person. You do not have to be specific with the details. Just a bulleted list.

Now, compare the list to yourself. Note the good qualities you have, the bad qualities you have, and give yourself a rating on a scale of 1-10. What we just did is identified your strengths and weaknesses and what you need in order to lead yourself. This allows you to create self-awareness.

Self-awareness is key to leading yourself in the right direction. But, leading yourself is not easy. Just being self-aware isn't enough. It's igniting the spark but not enough to catch the fire. To catch the fire, you need to be persistent with your practice, which is regular reflection. Be consistent with monitoring your efforts and holding yourself accountable.

You can't effectively lead others until you know how to lead yourself. That happens through Self-Observant Leadership: when you deeply understand your identity, compare it to your reputation (how others experience you) and then make meaning of the observations, and choose to adapt.


✒️ What did you learn about yourself through the given exercise?

✒️ Respond to one of your peers in this thread

After fulfilling the requirements of this post, please check out the next post here!

🔉This post is brought to you by the Leadership Development Program, find information on it here

LittleEggHarbor August 2nd

@Alambo905 It's wonderful that you recognized this as a kid! I don't think I was very self aware as a child but I do know there were some behaviors that scared me and others that made me feel safe. 

LittleEggHarbor August 2nd


What I learned about myself is that I'm inspired to be like people who are respectful, driven, and compassionate. While on the other side, I am not inspired by people that are ego-driven, power hungry, and vindictive. 

I believe being aware of our strengths and weaknesses helps us grow as individuals. In order to reach enlightenment, we need to be self aware.

CaringCompanion22 August 3rd


those are some very good points you made there! I agree with you :)

Onyx000 September 5th

@LittleEggHarbor I love this your so self aware of yourself !

CaringCompanion22 August 3rd

@Hope What did you learn about yourself through the given exercise?

When reflecting on myself, to also take note of the good qualities and not just the bad ones. A good balance is better

twerp August 12th


balance is key! I hope this program is going well for you.

twerp August 12th


I learned that to be the best person and leader for others you have to get your own priorities right first. It could be fixing your mental health, emotional maturity, or anything that would benefit yourself. If you don't have these things then you can't help others effetely.   

KindleMissie August 20th


Very well put Twerp!😃🌟

KindleMissie August 20th


✒️ What did you learn about yourself through the given exercise?

I learned about my strengths and weaknesses through this exercise and it helped me to clearly set my goals to work on leading myself because it is important for us to be able to lead ourselves before leading others.

And this persistence approaches toward these goals would help me to lead effectively with keeping in mind the ‘Things to Do’ as a leader.

heathermarie95 August 20th


What did you learn about yourself through the given exercise?

- being self-aware

- consistency 

- efficiency 

- supportive/communicative 

- being on time or even early

Dorcas00 September 1st


I learnt that I have to be aware about myself to lead me in the right direction. In addition to that I also have to be consistent with my efforts too.

NeonDragon September 2nd

@Hope This really made me look into my qualities, both bad and good!

I think that great leadership truly begins with yourself! If I want to become a better leader, I should guide myself before I guide others just like somebody in this post just said!

In a world where it's so easy to focus on how others think of us, this exercise really reminded me to first understand how I think of myself. It's a call to action to lead myself with the same energy and passion I hope to inspire in others!


i love your perspective on the exercise!! I’m really glad it helped you identify your good and bad qualities and helped you to understand leading begins with yourself. This was a pretty cool lesson 

Onyx000 September 5th

@Hope I learned about how things to avoid when leading by example 


✒️ What did you learn about yourself through the given exercise?

I learned that to be able to lead we need to first identify our strengths and weaknesses and have self awareness to be able to help others do the same. 

In terms of the exercise itself I learned that 
I may have certain weaknesses that I tend to forget about so I’m glad this exercise reminded me of some things I need to improve on 

and I also discovered I had certain strengths as well that could be described as good qualities which I think I can further improve onto build my skills.

kabir22 3 days ago


Through this exercise, I learned that I value empathy, purpose, and calmness under pressure, and I strive to lead in a way that uplifts others. It also highlighted that I can sometimes be too self-critical and overthink decisions, which can hold me back from fully trusting myself or delegating effectively. This self-awareness has shown me that while I have strong qualities as a leader, I need to focus on balancing my inner critic and being more decisive in certain situations.

LovelyKittyCat 2 days ago


I feel like I couldn't have described myself better. It's comforting to know I share these qualities with a fellow 7cups academy student. :) 

LovelyKittyCat 2 days ago

✒️ What did you learn about yourself through the given exercise?

This was tricky because I've often compared myself to others, especially if they have greater success than me. Or at least that's the way I see it. I am pretty self-aware and know my strengths lie in empathy and kindness. I guess what I wish I could emulate is confidence and the ability to stay motivated. These have been difficult for me as someone with GAD/Depression/CPTSD/ADHD, but I got to keep trying! 


kabir22 1 day ago

I love your never giving up attitude! It's inspiring and just so cool!