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Course 2, Discussion 2: Lead by example

Hope December 5th, 2022

Great Leadership, unsurprisingly, starts with yourself!

Practice what you preach. Lead by example. I am sure all of you heard these phrases. But why are they so iconic?

Because the journey starts with the first step and you are the person who is taking the initiative to lead -- Start a journey! So, you are the one who needs to take the first step before expecting others to do it.

To start with leading yourself, close your eyes and visualize two people: someone who inspired and encouraged you to be like them, and someone who discouraged you to be not like them.

Then, write down the good qualities of the person who inspired you as well as the qualities of the second person. You do not have to be specific with the details. Just a bulleted list.

Now, compare the list to yourself. Note the good qualities you have, the bad qualities you have, and give yourself a rating on a scale of 1-10. What we just did is identified your strengths and weaknesses and what you need in order to lead yourself. This allows you to create self-awareness.

Self-awareness is key to leading yourself in the right direction. But, leading yourself is not easy. Just being self-aware isn't enough. It's igniting the spark but not enough to catch the fire. To catch the fire, you need to be persistent with your practice, which is regular reflection. Be consistent with monitoring your efforts and holding yourself accountable.

You can't effectively lead others until you know how to lead yourself. That happens through Self-Observant Leadership: when you deeply understand your identity, compare it to your reputation (how others experience you) and then make meaning of the observations, and choose to adapt.


✒️ What did you learn about yourself through the given exercise?

✒️ Respond to one of your peers in this thread

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betty212 August 3rd, 2023


I learned that leadership requires self-leadership which is basically reflection about ourselves."You can't effectively lead others until you know how to lead yourself." This emphasises that self-leadership is a crucial foundation for effective leadership of other.

warmheartedCamp3360 August 5th, 2023


It's important to

  • lead ourselves first before leading others by setting an example.
  • Support the team and our mission
  • Motivate the team
  • Don't brag
  • Instead of pointing out their flaws or comparing with other team members, help them to work on their weaknesses.

warmheartedCamp3360 August 5th, 2023


What did I learn?

We have both strengths and weaknesses. What we can do is strengthen our plus points and try to work on our minus points to make things smooth and efficient.

pandanfe August 29th, 2023


I agree with you warm. It is important that we walk hand in hand with our teammates rather than bossing around.

lovelyApple6441 August 16th, 2023

@Hope I learned that it is important to be very self-aware of your own strengths and weaknesses and work on improving yourself, and that this will lend itself to a positive outcome for everyone around you (not just you). It is not being a burden or taking up too much time for yourself to engage in these actions, but rather an even better way for you to help others.

AwarmHEART December 24th, 2023

@lovelyApple6441 I also think self-awareness is of paramount importance in leadership skills.

pandanfe August 29th, 2023

@Hope I need to stop procrastinating and start being consistent about the things that I start. If I tackle these stuffs, then I feel like I can win half the world.

nitinbais1988 August 30th, 2023


practice makes a man perfect

LightsFromDark September 3rd, 2023

This exercise helped me remember the good things in me, which I usually repress.

LOOPHOLE September 7th, 2023



✒️ What did you learn about yourself through the given exercise?

Best things that I learned from this exercise is the how important self introspection is in turning around our lives. No matter how much SWOT analysis we do for our businesses but we rarely try to do that for our own business of LIFE. And persistence is the key , you keep trying everyday, you win a little everyday.

✒️ Respond to one of your peers in this thread

@ Hope .

Thanks a lot for this.

LoveMyMoonflowers September 15th, 2023

What did you learn about yourself through the given exercise?

I learned that self-observant leadership includes deeply understanding your identity, comparing it to your reputation, making meaning of those observations and choosing to adapt.

bestBraveheart57 October 10th, 2023


Sounds like an in-depth analysis. It's interesting how you see interpersonal skills combined with how others view us as leaders provides significant introspection into the value we provide.

bestBraveheart57 October 10th, 2023


What did you learn about yourself through the given exercise?

Thee best way to inspire others through example. Simple do like being on time are appropriate. And don't like when we are speaking as a team, triangulation must be avoided.

Grace3012 October 15th, 2023


This was awesome. So well explained! 👍❤️. Loved it!

Grace3012 October 15th, 2023


What did you learn about yourself through the given exercise?

I learnt that it is important to know about myself, know how to lead myself only then can I be a good leader to others. If we cannot judge ourselves, if we cannot tell who we are really, then we cannot be a good leader for a group!

Soul576 December 19th, 2023


Very well said!! Thank you for sharing, I think it's important to judge ourselves for improvement too!

Shannon1996 November 7th, 2023


✒️ What did you learn about yourself through the given exercise?

I think its important to understand the whole team as individuals and what each other's strengths and weaknesses are so you are utilising everybody's strengths to the highest standard and help fill in gaps where there may be weaknesses. Lead self before leading others.

ChillingRain November 8th, 2023

@Shannon1996 great work participating in this program and learning more about leadership! I wish you luck! 

ChillingRain November 8th, 2023

@Hope I learned through the exercise that I possess qualities such as empathy, determination, and good communication skills, which I admire in others. On the other hand, I also recognized an occasional lack of assertiveness, which is an area I need to work on to lead more effectively. This exercise helped me gain a clearer understanding of my strengths and weaknesses, enabling me to focus on personal growth and self-improvement. 

8grim8 November 11th, 2023


It's interesting that you managed to take note of all of this, good work:)

8grim8 November 11th, 2023


✒️ What did you learn about yourself through the given exercise?

By doing the given exercise, it helped me linearize the sort of traits that I look up to and in which I could use to be a good leader for not only the people around me but for myself too. It was just good to brush up on in a way

Comfortablesmile December 6th, 2023


That's awesome. It will open up good doors for you 

WeEarth November 11th, 2023


In the exercise, I identified qualities that inspire and discourage, creating a self-awareness snapshot. I also identified and rated my strengths and weaknesses. This exercise emphasized continuous self-reflection for personal growth, crucial for my academic and career pursuits.

Greetings to all my besties of 7 Cups.

starryCandy6123 November 14th, 2023


I scored 31/35 

I am a democrat

and I agree with that. in any situation, i have always strived to help others 

which ,akes me perfect for my role

ABrightBlueHeart November 17th, 2023


The democratic leadership style is quite wonderful! It's awesome that you relate to it :)

I get a feeling that you'd make a wonderful boss!

ABrightBlueHeart November 17th, 2023


✒️ What did you learn about yourself through the given exercise?

I realized that while questing for perfection is something I learned from someone I hold in high regard, my personal hyper-focus on it often leads to inertia. 
Instead of creating a perfect picture of something in my head and trying to achieve that, I should create SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Timely) goals so that I have something concrete to measure my progress against. 

Kristynsmama December 2nd, 2023


i find your first paragraph fascinating.  It is so interesting that we learn questing for perfection from someone we admire, and yet that becomes one of our biggest struggles.  I am in this same exact boat!

Kristynsmama December 2nd, 2023


i learned that I mostly admire people who are in leadership roles and the qualities that I admire in them are usually coaching and pacesetting which ironically were my highest scores in the leadership style in the last discussion.

my response to my peer.


i find your first paragraph fascinating.  It is so interesting that we learn questing for perfection from someone we admire, and yet that becomes one of our biggest struggles.  I am in this same exact boat!

DanCat1128 January 18th


I love the leaders who coach as well. 

Comfortablesmile December 6th, 2023

I learnt about important self awareness is. If don't know myself that much, how i can be to lead others i barely know. My first priority should be on self discovery.

Comfortablesmile December 8th, 2023

I learnt that self observant cannot be overemphasized. That's the most important quality of a good leadership. If you aren't able to lead yourself, how can you lead others. Is not possible.

Rosey16 December 12th, 2023


great job keep going

Rosey16 December 12th, 2023


 I learned that its important to lead myself before I can lead others. and learned that everyone has their strengths and weaknesses, and we work together to build a strong system and whole.

CaringSub December 18th, 2023


Very true. We need to lead ourselves first, before we can lead others.

crypticwhisperss1 December 12th, 2023


✒️ What did you learn about yourself through the given exercise?

Through this self-observatory leadership exercise, I learned some valuable lessons about myself. I realized the importance of taking initiative and being the one to start the journey. I discovered qualities that influenced me positively and negatively, and it's all because I reflected on individuals who inspired and discouraged me. 

After I compared those qualities to myself, I gained insights into my strengths and weaknesses as a leader. This self-awareness helped me understand my identity and reputation better. It was a beneficial strategy to making me identify areas where I excel and areas for improvement.

The exercise also made me acknowledge the significance of self-awareness and self-leadership. By regularly reflecting on my behavior, I can make meaningful observations, derive meaning from them, and chose to adapt and grow as a leader. 

Most importantly, it highlighted the role of reflection and accountability. It reminded me that self-awareness alone isn't enough; I need to constantly reflect and hold myself accountable to ignite personal growth! 😊✨

Overall, this exercise provided valuable insights into the importance of: 

  1. Taking Initiative 
  2. Self-reflection
  3. Self-awareness
  4. Accountability 
  5. Constant practice in leading myself effectively
  6. Empowerment in making meaningful changes 
  7. Adaptation to enhance my leadership abilities 

✒️ Respond to one of your peers in this thread. 

Done! 😊🌸

~ Xaverie

crypticwhisperss1 December 13th, 2023


You're so sweet for the encouragement! I am determined to apply these morals in my life and avert from any imbalances that might deteriorate the functionality of a community or ignite demotivation. I am sure that you'll be able to use these in the future too. You're doing great. Keep it up! Have a lovely day! 😁💖✨

crypticwhisperss1 December 13th, 2023


This is a very crucial lesson to apply while you're leading a group. Such responsibilities might feel overwhelming or uneasy due to your tendencies to fulfill others' needs before your own, but I am sure that using this exercise regularly will help you finally realize your worth. I believe in your potential. You can do this! 💪🏻💗

CaringSub December 18th, 2023


What did you learn about yourself through the given exercise?

With this exercise, I have been reminded of being compassionate, open to change, courage and perservering. It also has reminded me of weaknesses I still need to work on.

Soul576 December 19th, 2023


✒️ What did you learn about yourself through the given exercise?

I learned that I shouldn’t get angry about my short comings and instead focus on how I can improve those skills. I learned that I should keep trying to improve, because no one will do it for me

AwarmHEART December 24th, 2023

@HopeWhat did you learn about yourself through the given exercise?

I learnt that it is crucial to lead myself first, before leading others. That was an impactful fact!