Hello there! Yes, you! Take a cookie and come have a seat. 🍪✨ You are amazing, brave, and strong for coming to take a peek in my bio. I know it is not easy to even consider asking for help!
🍪✨~~~~~ Before Reaching Out ~~~~~✨🍪
I am a trained active listener here on 7cups of Tea. My role as a listener is to provide support to our amazing teen members here. During our conversations we must remain within community guidelines, if you are unfamiliar with them you can read them here:
Teen Community Guidelines here:
I can also not provide Crisis Support if you are feeling suicidal, even passive suicidal ideations please reach out to a Crisis Resoruce provider here:
Even though I am a trained active listener I may not be fit for your needs, and that is alright! If I do not list a certain topic you would like to speak about feel free to bounce over to the browse listener page here: to find a listener who can support you within your topic(s)!
Topics I do take chats on:
- LGBTQ Issues 🌈
- Disabilities & Chronic Pain ❤️🩹
- Diabetes (and in some peoples cases what I like to call “reverse diabetes” - hypoglycemia) 🎗️
- Student Life 📚
- Getting unstuck 🚀
- Bullying 🫶
- Anxiety 😬
- Depression 🦋
🍪✨~~~~~ Sending a Message ~~~~~ ✨🍪
Congrats on making it this far! I am so proud of you to consider sending a message. Here take some juice 🧃. This is not like an English class where if you “do not use grammatically correct sentences” I will not respond. You can type as freely or as grammatically right as you wish. There are a few things I ask that you consider when sending that first message. I am not a minder reader, so a simple “hi” will not suffice. Give me some details so I can understand you better! State the topics you would like to talk about, this will help me guide our conversation and see what is important to you! If you do not know about something within 7cups ask! I can provide assistance if you are struggling. Finally, the biggest thing of all is ‼️ Respect ‼️ I will respect you but in return I ask you do the same.
🍪✨ ~~~~~ During the conversation ~~~~~ ✨🍪
I will always introduce myself and welcome you to get our conversation started. I will provide a safe, judgment free space, and confidential space where you can share as much or as little as you would like. Anything you say in the chat stays in the chat. If we are having a live conversation, it will last around 30-45 minutes. If we are having an offline conversation I will do my best to reply within 72 hours. No matter what type of chat we may be having I will be here to provide a supporting ear for all who may need it.
🍪✨ ~~~~ A little bit about me ~~~~ ✨🍪
Off 7cups I enjoy various outside activities and partaking in school activities. I am a retired field hockey player and will be entering my final season of lacrosse in spring. I plan to study science in college, I’m a bit of a nerd 🤓.
I have had many personal and 7cups experiences that has helped me become more sympathetic towards others. I have lived with a chronic illness for more than half of my life, which in return has helped shape me into the person I am today. I also faced bullying from my peers at a young age, the battle is very harsh, but one you do not need to go through it alone. I am a high school student in the United States.
🍪✨ ~~~~ My Experience on 7cups ~~~~ ✨🍪
Finally, I would like to take a movement and share my story of some of my time here on 7cups. We are all humans and make mistakes, and I hope by reading about mine you will not do the same.
I cannot say it has always been perfect, it has been exactly the difference of that. I joined 7cups of tea October 30th 2023. Within my first month I made my first appearance in TL (teen listener room). With the project revive TL happening I took it to my heart to make the room active again. However, at first I only came to cups for volunteer hours and leadership roles. But, within my first couple of months here my mind changed. I fell in love with TL and from there my thoughts changed. It was not about getting the roles, it was about helping a community and partly messing with the CommunityMods. I have loved getting to meet all the amazing listeners and members I have gotten to meet.
However, for a month my time on cups had stopped. I pulled off something extremely stupid and dangerous. I cannot ever stress that enough! I went off-site with an ATL. This caused me to lose my account for a month as well as the 14 leadership roles I had. This is beyond something I am not proud of and hope no one else does as I did. My case was the spot on of what everyone fears about when going off-site. It was not ideal at all. Staying on cups is the safest thing you can do. Here, our admin team can help in times of need. Off-site they have no control over anything.
Breaking community guidelines was not in my plans during my time on cups. However it does happen, even though I regret it immensely. This does let me enhance my perspective of why someone would break a community guideline and I understand more than you would think. I will never want anyone to break a community guideline however, I do understand that after doing such a thing people need guidance and a supportive space to express all those feelings you are feeling. They are so valid.
Your safety and others' safety is so important. If something like this happens to you or anything else you can always report it to the admin as well as the help desk. It is always better to say something than not to say something. I know how scary it is to speak up. However no one is going to be mad at you, they may be disappointed in your actions however at the end of the day all the matters is you.
Admin team: Community-Team-10d106df0eed40c6bc0de5c07e4a6629
Help Desk:
Somethings I do within our 7cups Community
🍪 Listener Discussion Host
🍪 Listener Discussion Project Agent
🍪 Teen Quality Star
🍪 Quality Mentor Project Agent
🍪 Anonymous Evaluation Team Member
🍪 Anonymous Evaluation Project Agent
🍪 Safety Patrol Member
🍪 Listener Room Supporter
🍪 Chat Support
🍪 Peer Support
🍪 Care Team