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in the wonders of my mindšŸ’—.

iloveyouxx March 17th

hey there :D hm. last time I checked you didnā€™t look like mešŸ§makes sense doesnā€™t itšŸ˜›since there can only be one *me*āœØone of a kind now arent IšŸ˜/sar. one out of 8118835999āœØšŸŒ·can you imagine :0 o right- you can- becoss youā€™re also one of a kindšŸ’– sorrysorry haha :PšŸ¤im just messing around xDšŸ’žalso itā€™s 2am- but shush no snitchingšŸ¤«Iā€™ll sleep in a whilešŸ˜when Iā€™m feeling a bit more sane :>šŸ˜›šŸ©·

wanted to have my own space.šŸ’œ for thoughts feelings vents or just anything on my mind.šŸ’™

to whoever'sĀ coming acrossĀ :'3šŸ’œplease dont lurk here.šŸ©· I know anyone can have access to this forumĀ :')šŸ’™but please be respectfulšŸ©·.(but honestly..I know someone will either way :PšŸ’› yā€™all get crazy nosy haha- itā€™s alright.šŸ’›nothing too interesting will be here anywayšŸ’›if you would like to come in and be supportive itā€™s completely okiešŸ’›but please donā€™t make it a regular or "normal" thing if that makes sense. just have a sort of limitšŸ’›because Iā€™d still like this to be just my space ^-^šŸ’›)


iloveyouxx OP August 28th

I left my house at 7:15 on the first day. I was waiting for my friends (I think I can call her my friend now ;-; I kept waiting for the moment sheā€™d idk hate me or leave or make other friends and replace me but idk) bus but apparently she doesnā€™t go by bus anymore

and I used to be in a group of 5 (best friends) and we stopped being friends a long time ago but one of them just ran up to me and started talking so excitedly and she hugged me and I was just talking the same way she wasĀ 

she used to be in the class Iā€™m in now, 9b. but she just switched this year too. I was thinking like sheā€™d be the only good part if we actually ended up talking or something but the year I switch she switches to my old class. it used to be me, A(her), A, F and J and I was like aw youā€™re so lucky youā€™re gonna be with J and A and F and she was like oh well not F and I knew there were like problems I guess F was making her feel left out and then A told all of them about it and F wasnā€™t taking anything seriously and was sort of rude sometimes :ā€™)Ā 

iloveyouxx OP August 28th
and then we saw my friend and everything else after that is so..I mean I remember everything itā€™s just. if I start then I wonā€™t know where to stop it was such a long day
iloveyouxx OP August 29th

we saw J in assembly and she kept waving at us and by the time the pe assembly started my friend left early so J started talking to me and she was like (nadia) why did you move and today I talked to A (a different one-) after science because she was in my science set and both of them kept saying that now her and A J (f still hasnā€™t come back) are the only not popular girls in the class because like 2/3 new girls joined that group and are already just like everyone in it and people moved to that class so now theyā€™re one big group and they wonā€™t stop staring at my friends like "O-O"

oh and I stayed after school with J because her mom was so far away when she called her and she was alone so :ā€™) no one yelled at me in front of the guests or after they left or anything.Ā 

and I had another friend from 9c that also wonā€™t stop talking to me casually

iloveyouxx OP August 28th

I canā€™t believe Iā€™m on page 91 :p I always saw those 100+ or even just around 80 page diary threads and even if itā€™s been around for 2+ years Iā€™d still be shocked because well- 40x100ā€¦

yeah thatā€™s great I lost all the knowledge Iā€™ve ever had

do you add the zeros? thatā€™s 4000 right. or 40,000? I think itā€™s


I feel so dumb that was 4000

how do I do so horrible and gets proper marks I donā€™t even know how I did what I did in English last year I thought my brain was foggy and I was in so much pain and I couldnā€™t think but like-

land he reads them and assesses them fairly :ā€™) my english teacher was really nice tho and he was really good at helping you understand and actually teachingĀ 

iloveyouxx OP August 28th
get* and*-
iloveyouxx OP August 28th

theres a new kid that was put next to my friend in the seating plan and everyoneā€™s already picking on him and every time he talks everyoneā€™s like giggling :ā€™) itā€™s not even an accent itā€™s just his voice. itā€™s not weird or anything itā€™s still- just his voice. :ā€™) but heā€™s not mainly targeted for that anyway, everyone calls him Leena 2.0Ā 

idk if I can explain why. leena was a girl in this school that left not too many years agoĀ 

iloveyouxx OP August 28th
she had bad mental issues and she talked about mrder a lotĀ 
iloveyouxx OP August 28th
she had a pocket knife on her all the time and a spare in her bag. sheā€™d go around saying things like "concussion or stabbing or do I strangle them"
iloveyouxx OP August 28th

she used to hold the knife to my face and threaten me to death pretty often. if I didnā€™t do things she wanted me to and one time she came on me from the back and held a knife to my throat butĀ 

honestly I donā€™t know what was going on in my head but I just knew itā€™s not like sheā€™s gonna kll me and I wasnā€™t ever scared or her or anything just annoyed sometimes but that was it

iloveyouxx OP August 28th

sheā€™d go around like helloo this is my friend she has an eating disorder

she skinny shamed me at such random times and just as an example one time she walked into lead and she came to me and she just went girl youre so skinny youre skinner than my nail but not my nail like this (sgehbss the rest is just idk) (and she was just going into descriptions about how skinny I am )

iloveyouxx OP August 28th

sometimes sheā€™d be staring at nothing with the craziest smile and Iā€™d be like leena what are you doing and sheā€™d say some really creepy things I wonā€™t mention

but Iā€™m not talking about her like sheā€™s a bad person she wasnā€™t :ā€™) I just got carried away. there was so much to it. but she told me that her bed doesnā€™t have the thing at the back itā€™s just a bed and a mattress and stuff but thereā€™s a space behind it so even when she knows thereā€™s nothing there all night sheā€™d be too scared to sleep. she was obese and had a problem with stress eating, her parents literally nickname her the word trash but in arabic. she made a sui.cide joke about herself once before.Ā 

sheā€™d think about something happening and sheā€™d think it actually happenedĀ 

she went to therapy except she wasnā€™t the one talking to the therapist she would stand outside and her mom would talk about what medicine to get for her like her mom knew her better ( they got her sleeping pills)Ā 

yeah but one day in english someone yelled she has a knife. and everyone surrounded her and I saw her face and I wanted to run because she actually looked like she wouldā€™ve done something (but she didnā€™t) but they were saying things like "bro are you good are you mentally insane bro" and everyone started saying she was mental or mentally ill, she held the knife up at one guy and opened her mouth and :ā€™) I feel like she couldā€™ve had it in her to just. idk. then the teacher walked in and made everyone sit down and another girl raised her hand and said that she had a knife and

yeah long story short she got suspended. got switched to a class where everyone was told to be kind to her, got out into proper therapy and she moved a while afterĀ 

iloveyouxx OP August 28th

there are so many rumors about it tho. like that she had a day planned to mrder this one guy (and I did see that plan in her reminders app thing but idk I mean maybe she wanted me to see it) and she did always talk to everyone about mrdering him. but :ā€™) okay well idk if itā€™s a rumor

but other things are. like she never said "I donā€™t care if I get kicked out of the school or get sent to prison as long as I make sure theyā€™re"

I mean I doubt that itā€™s true

actually let me think about something thatā€™s definitely not :p

thereā€™re rumors that she actually tried to kll *me* in that english class. I even heard year 13s talking about it like they know my name for being in that story idk who made upĀ 

iloveyouxx OP August 28th

I got sooo distractedd :ā€™) Iā€™m surprised I havenā€™t been caughtĀ 

iloveyouxx OP August 28th

but yeah now people talk about it like "itā€™s not that bad we used to have a murderer in our class"

iloveyouxx OP August 28th

and people are talking about how he looks like heā€™ll end up like her or heā€™s the type of guy to or heā€™s like the male version or weā€™re reliving leena

iloveyouxx OP August 28th

he doesnā€™t even do anything he just reads in breaks and listens in class. heā€™s really smart too way smarter than a lot of us idk why anyoneā€™s making fun of him, he talked to me and my friend a couple of times because I moved to my friends table most of that day since we were just in lead time for 5 hours.Ā 

idk I want to stop thinking about it. he seems nice tho but really lonely :ā€™) and he looks really really sad sometimes.Ā 

yeah I should think about something elseĀ 

iloveyouxx OP August 28th

12:20am. Itā€™s still so early

iloveyouxx OP August 29th
my dad came and stayed for a long time and I fell asleepĀ 
iloveyouxx OP August 29th

everyone keeps smiling at me and I love people smiling at me but then I have to smile back like every couple of minutesĀ 

iloveyouxx OP August 29th

also. apparently the last 2 weeks I wasnā€™t in school my friend only came for one day.

I need a third day of the week to decide what I thinkĀ 

iloveyouxx OP August 29th

we have pe two times a week now. it used to be three. still wish I could skip to year 10 for the pe :ā€™) Iā€™d just pick the most random things Ā Ā 

iloveyouxx OP August 29th
still grateful tho ;-; I hope they keep it that way
iloveyouxx OP August 29th

I donā€™t even know but everyoneā€™s so smiley and nice and I mean I smile at them and then they see me and smile and go up to me but- Iā€™ve always smiled at them.Ā 

iloveyouxx OP August 29th

I donā€™t even know whoā€™s new and whoā€™s not this class is so random

its hard to explain but everyone here looks so normal and differentĀ 

I feel like Iā€™ve seen so little. some of them think Iā€™m new. :ā€™) Iā€™ve always been just- the class next door. I thought everyone knew their year group

iloveyouxx OP August 29th

back. I love how I was just talking about the most random parts of the 2 days that passed :] everything else is too long tho.Ā 

but anywho.

this class is a lot more chaotic and weird but I like it better, my friend that moved to my old class hates it.Ā 

iloveyouxx OP August 29th

Iā€™m in the last class of the day :>

iloveyouxx OP August 29th

I made another friend from my new class. she used to just stare at me all the time so I thought she didnā€™t like me but she was just lonely because she switched here too :ā€™)Ā 

iloveyouxx OP August 29th

I was thinking, maybe I should add a tw, so here I am xD thereā€™s a mentioned um..object? that was used for an unaliving attempt. maybe the tw should have a tw what- this isnā€™t triggering right. and thereā€™s also mentions of unaliving so TWšŸ¤

the girl came today she had the funniest story about how she managed to not come yesterdayĀ 

and Iā€™ve been laughing all day because honestly with her I always am something funny always happens or one of us says something really funny and then weā€™re both crying laughing but when I laugh my stomach hurts more and it still hurts all the way till nowĀ 

im so confused no but really I come home and then I think about the day and Iā€™m so confused because why am I having good days. and I donā€™t want to be so happy because I know the girls gonna make new friends and leave so easily and then Iā€™ll relive year 7 year 7 was such a horrible year for me it was the year I just stood there with the knife for so long and well maybe I shouldnā€™t talk about it :ā€™)Ā 

I donā€™t know if anyoneā€™s noticed but, Iā€™ve been trying to not talk about the negativest of thingsšŸ˜ŽI think Iā€™m doing great/j

i donā€™t even remember what I was talking about beforeĀ 

but yeah it was the first year I actually attempted- I had a full plan to when I was 7 but it was really stupid and how I thought and everything but when I was 10/11 that was when it got really bad year 7 was really really bad.

i went up to third floor, Iā€™m gonna stay for a while but not too long Iā€™m gonna leave at like 3:30 maybe and if not too many teachers are there Iā€™ll take pictures of all the things they built cause itā€™s also for myself xDĀ 

iloveyouxx OP August 29th

I had food given to me for school today. and I gave it all to my friend. she was really happy xD

iloveyouxx OP August 29th
well. tbh :ā€™) I didnā€™t really have it given to me, but I took some and put them in my bag and I already planned to give it all to her from thenĀ 
iloveyouxx OP August 29th

I might start going down now because Iā€™m still gonna just go around so


iloveyouxx OP August 29th

there were so many teachers I couldnā€™t

i logged on somewhere else because one of our guests is having a call in my room and I put my bag in my room :ā€™)Ā 

iloveyouxx OP August 29th

I have a presentation I need to get done. for moral ed

Iā€™m so tired. Iā€™ve been sleeping right after school too much and itā€™s not a good habit I knowĀ 

I have a french test tomorrow but itā€™s only a baseline for the teachers to know where we are as a class :p

i feel so disappointing this year Iā€™m having the same french teacher I had in year 7 and she loved me so much and she was like (nadia) is really good at french normally I think and then she made me read out my answers and I mean they were answered but not as good as I used to be I feel like every time my mind is on something or I learn something or something happens i forget everything else beforeĀ 

iloveyouxx OP August 29th

my lead teacher was yelling at me for so long today I just hate her she got the email from the teacher that helped me get to my class so that my lead teacher can help me get on my account

and I told her how IT told me she had the passwords and everything I needed for my account and apps

and she was like yeah and she said that yesterday I told her specifically that the problem was with the internet and thatā€™s why she told me to go down to ITĀ 

but I swear :ā€™) I could swear on everything a billion times itā€™s how sure I am. I swear I told her I remember I told her my device got reseted so my school accounts arenā€™t there anymore and I remember she asked me do you know any of the passwords and I said no and she asked why my ipad got reseted and I told her like I got locked out and we couldnā€™t access it and she was like okay in break go down to IT theyā€™ll help you get your accounts back

couldnt that day went the next they said my lead teacher has all of that I got lost and couldnā€™t find anyone a teacher found me and emailed my lead teacher literally just to help me access my account she didnā€™t lecture her for not doing her job properly

but I walked in lead today and she wanted to talk so I went to her and I just stood there the whole time and she was like

(nadia) okay this is unbelievable right now youā€™re making it appear as if Iā€™m not doing my job properlyĀ 

like youā€™re such a *** lead teacher I wonā€™t like vent about it but she was yelling at me like she was my mom I hope she gets fired sheā€™s just ruthless :ā€™)Ā 

and I kept saying Iā€™m sorry and that ill tell the teacher it was my mistakeĀ 

like should I tell her youā€™re an awesome lead teacher too

but for a long time she kept saying that I said the problem was my internet and I kept saying maybe she heard wrong or maybe she saw me raise my hand when she asked who had a problem with their device and maybe she assumed it was the internet from there but I kept saying that I definitely didnt say that and I knew she was getting madder the more I denied but I know Iā€™m right Iā€™m not just gonna be like yeah youā€™re totally right I did say that when I didnā€™tĀ 

she gave up eventually and literally just got my accounts back so easy like it was never even that big of a deal

guests left Iā€™m gonna go change and maybe sleep Iā€™m really tired.



iloveyouxx OP August 29th

Iā€™m back :> again. Iā€™m trying really hard not to fall asleep because maybe if I sleep after sunset but still early enough Iā€™ll be able to wake up and like not start crying about the time because part of the reason I was crying that day was because I woke up at 6:21 and I was crying so hard because itā€™s like what the second day and Iā€™m waking up at 6:21 and I was so mad and really sad because I didnā€™t even want to go to school and now I was forced to get ready in a couple of minutes when I planned to be up at like 3am idk to do what but it makes me feel safer and better to be awake then and not have to rush like crazy to make it to the gates I really hate walking throughĀ 

iloveyouxx OP August 29th

in moral ed in like the middle of that lesson the teacher was spinning a name wheel and whoever it goes on would have to tell us the last time they were in conflict with someone and what happened and after some awkward people it landed on one guy and everyone started..yelling, talking, screaming, and um what I got out of it was ohhhh (Iā€™m gonna call him n) nā€™s got a good oneĀ 

and he said it was 30 minutes ago. (actually some people were yelling over him that it was like 30 minutes ago then he said it himself and went on so I guess other people were there) with someone in the class and they were in conflict because the person was being racist to them and everyone went crazy again and some people were yelling to say who it was and some were just laughing and some people were like oh well that got um..

and then later after the teacher said that racism is taken really seriously in this school she made people raise their hands and say what they think n should do if heā€™s receiving racismĀ 

and one guy raised his hand and he looked at n and went "just donā€™t care" and the teacher picked someone else I donā€™t remember what they said and then another guy raised his hand and he went "I think he should either tell a teacher.." and everyone just starting cussing at him and it started with the guy that said just donā€™t care saying bro get a life

and then he finished it with "or if you want to you can just punch him in the face" and everyone got excited againĀ 

iloveyouxx OP August 29th

there are physical fights happening already but really serious fights and itā€™s only the third day backĀ 

iloveyouxx OP August 29th

a bunch of people were surrounded infront of the big stairs at the end of the math corridor and apparently there was another fight there too with different people

iloveyouxx OP August 29th

maybe Iā€™ll just close my eyes for a while

iloveyouxx OP August 30th

I did fall asleep- again :ā€™) but even after sleeping so early I still woke up really late and crying again

um I think why Iā€™m so emotional in the mornings now is because Iā€™m waken up from something peaceful and (Iā€™d do anything to keep sleeping but then I think about school-) then I have to think about school first thing after I open my eyes and rush like crazy to- make it to the gates I really donā€™t want to go through :> and I donā€™t want to go to school especially with how late I wouldā€™ve woken up but I never have a choice.

Iā€™m so happy today tho :p it feels so weird to say

for some reason I feel bad for being happy while other people arenā€™tĀ 

Iā€™m still in a lot of pain :> Iā€™m not sure of course but I think itā€™s myā€¦left, yeah left-. I think itā€™s my left lung it hurts really really bad and at school Iā€™m always in so much pain because my bags so heavy

we didnā€™t have any tests this week tho Ā 

Iā€™m really really really tired I didnā€™t feel like coming on cups but I still did xD good night (in the morning)<3
