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In the Corner

unassumingEyes January 18th

Sometimes, the thoughts in my head repeat over and over and over again until I need to tell them to someone, even if noone's listening. So, this is my little corner to do that. Thoughts and thoughts and thoughts. Trigger warnings, just incase. And, @LoveMyMoonflowers, @justmeeva @DarkerPlaces and @iloveyouxx are welcome to replies. Not really comfortable with anyone else. Sorry for tagging. Be safe everyone <3

mytwistedsoul July 12th

@unassumingEyes Sorry - I don't mean to make you uncomfortable or anything. Just wanted to say congratulations! That's an awesome score!

unassumingEyes OP July 14th

@mytwistedsoul Aw im not uncomfortable ❤️ i can tell youre an amazing person xD and im grateful for your upvotes ❤️ thank you 💙

mytwistedsoul July 15th

@unassumingEyes I'm glad it didn't make you uncomfortable. I was torn between replying and not lol. That really is an awesome score. Hopefully you get a break from school work now

Aww thank you 😅 and you're welcome. You're pretty awesome yourself from things I've seen here and there. I still can't believe they limit the number of hearts *smh* 
And you know - there's nothing wrong with needing a little bit of help through life 💙
unassumingEyes OP July 15th

@mytwistedsoul I try to know that soul. I try ❤️

unassumingEyes OP July 14th

I dont think i live an awful life, just that i need some help through it. 

unassumingEyes OP July 15th

Mom is going through the result gazette (international) comparing every students marks. It makes me feel just as sick as it did last year. Some things never change

LoveMyMoonflowers July 15th

@unassumingEyes you got good grades tho eyes 💜 i know you’ve been trying and working hard, you did well friend. i don’t understand why she needs to compare your grades with other people’s 🙄 *sigh* 

*sends a hug if okay* 💜

unassumingEyes OP July 15th

*inhales* its 11pm and i checked the switches four times by now. I swear the switches are laughing at me rn. Theres on near the end of my bed and i *need* to check it-again- but if i check that ill have to do *all* of them again and thatll make it five times and i need to s t o p

unassumingEyes OP July 15th

@unassumingEyes i hadnt done more than 2times recently it got worse again tonight

LoveMyMoonflowers July 15th

@unassumingEyes lol ik this feeling. i literally do it all the time too. checking the switches like a million times. 

unassumingEyes OP July 16th

@LoveMyMoonflowers oof xD i did check them 5times last night 🙄

unassumingEyes OP July 16th

sick of walking on eggshells all the time. nothing I do is ever right.

LoveMyMoonflowers July 16th

@unassumingEyes *offers hugs*

unassumingEyes OP July 16th

She keeps giving vague threats disguised as casual talk. Im not dumb. I can hear the "do better" behind her jokes on my results. The "you wont get the phone" behind her sarcastic comments. A silent, constant threat. A promise, almost. Ill fix you. Ill make you perfect. Just wait. Just wait. 

No wonder- we're leaving dad again this friday. Wont see him after that till end of august

Sis said a few mins ago, "you used to be funny. What happened to that? Now ur just on the phone all the time" 

And mom said "youre not getting the phone after friday, you know." 

I didnt respond. Does she think thatll make me funny? Happy? Smart? Nice? Perfect? She thinks thatll fix me? She thinks thats what needs to be fixed? 

I second thought every single word i spoke today. Second thought and third thought and quadruple thought. So much *** tension. "Ill fix you," mom glares. Not in any way that matters, i think. So tiring. So stupid. If i am useless than her drama is even more so. I will lock myself in the damn bathrooms for hours on end if i need to. Take my escape away. Ill find another. What does she expect? 

unassumingEyes OP July 16th

Plan to survive till august end: 

- dont yell back

- avoid checking switches

- use grounding techniques

- study but not obsessively 

- just move from one day to the next 

unassumingEyes OP July 17th

Mom yelled alot. Also im this close 🤏 to finishing the CDM program

unassumingEyes OP July 17th

I am thoroughly upset.

LoveMyMoonflowers July 17th

@unassumingEyes did something happen? <3 (no pressure) 

unassumingEyes OP July 18th

Tw caps, religion

Guess who's mom remembered that TWO YEARS AGO i said i wld start hijab in grade11. ✨️my mom✨️ she spent all day figuring out how to best put the hijab on me.

1. Hijab is not a symbol of oppression.

2. However in this case i am very unlucky to have disconnected from religion right when Id early said I wld try hijab... 

No, i cant say no. Again, thats not islam. Thats my mom.

I feel...uneasy.

Its not the hijab itself i dont mind covering my hair 

Its what it means. Wearing the hijab is saying, loud and clear, that Im a muslim. By birth, I am. According to my parents, I am.

According to me, I barely exist rn, id rather not think about religion, thanks.

It just feels like another...act. Im a bit tired of acting.

unassumingEyes OP July 22nd

Nightmares, being annoyed with grandmother, talks on Hijab and religion research. And the days just begun ✨️

unassumingEyes OP July 23rd

GUYS i officially graduated the CDM program 🎉🎉🎉 without honors but i didnt have time for the honors option xD im so glad i was worried i wldnt be able to with mom and just everything anyways love yall 💕

(also if you see this nadia sending lots of love <3 sorry kinda in a rush but ilyy)

iloveyouxx July 23rd


yayy you managed to get it done💕🎉💕

(this is so randomly sweet aww ilyy moree <3🩷)

iloveyouxx July 23rd


*considers eyes internet*



unassumingEyes OP July 24th

@iloveyouxx 😭💓 thank youuu shdhdk 💞

iloveyouxx July 24th


ofcourseee shdhdk/j/j🩷I was honestly hoping you were gonna say your internet’s better now😭💕

can you see this?


goodmorning because I think it’s morning there- I’ll poof now tho hugs ily❤️

unassumingEyes OP July 25th

@iloveyouxx I hv no memory of what time it was then :p but it's morning now so goodmorning xD

I cnt see that 😔😔😔 I see kitty-high-kitten.gif xD 

mytwistedsoul July 23rd

@unassumingEyes This is great news! Congratulations! 🥳🎉


unassumingEyes OP July 24th

@mytwistedsoul thanks soul! 💙💙

mytwistedsoul July 24th

@unassumingEyes You're welcome 😊

unassumingEyes OP July 25th

**angry eyes noises**

unassumingEyes OP July 30th

Stupid, dumb, useless rambles and weird thoughts up ahead, a million tws, and a suggestion you go on with your day instead of reading this,

 Okay. What the ***. 

Beginning to think that the point of being on earth is to struggle and heaven is the happy ending

Like earth is like Cinderella living with her step-mothers, and the prince’s castle is like heaven

And i guess thats basically what islam says like this world is the test and the hereafter is the result

But unlike actual tests you can help each other out… 

and i guess people could find peace in this interpretation. Like yes people in Gaza are struggling because of human cruelty and going through things noone should ever have to go through

I mean when you look at how writers try to put maximum angst in their book you might see themes like watching loved ones pass away, starvation, humiliation, homelessness and the like and thats literally all happening in Palestine right now and even in Yemen, Afghanistan, Ukraine, Syria, Rhodesia, the list goes on…

but all those um like people would surely- no matter the religion that is right- go to heaven, right? After all that- i mean what would the point be to take them from one kind of H.ell and put them in another

but that also requires like a very strong belief that yes 100% there is god and there is heaven

And i think without that belief its impossible to actually come to terms with everything

because right now like taking Palestine as an example again Israel has like 100% usa’s support

Like you blame hamas, terrorists, israel, the us…

Who ever you blame, politics aside- 

there is no solution until all parties co-operate.

and do you see any chances of that? 

At this point maybe the best thing that could happen is an apocalypse- 

and then the survivors can rebuild everything

Only the generations after a supposed apocalypse might just start this whole nonsense again knowing humans

so it again comes to just everyone dying and going to heaven and *** 

Or some *** miracle fixing everything- what are the chances?

What im saying is i doubt- highly doubt- a human-made or natural way to fix all of this even exists. Because when it isnt Palestinians, its Syrians, Lebanese, Ukrainian, Afghans, Yemenis

Its even Pakistanis going days with water, food and electricity and considering it normal

So, I have both given up and not- 

I have given up on the idea that a solution will emerge, that these tragedies will be stopped by anyway that is not death and human wipe-out

but i have not given up on the people who are still fighting and hoping. I support the, despite my own lack of hope, and in a way, wherever possible, i mean to fight alongside them

Because whether its a test I might fail, a friend I might disappoint, or nations full of suffering i might not be able to make a difference for, i think I owe it, to myself, to others, to try

And when i think about it, really, really, think about it, we live in a ***-up, ***, down-right depressing world.

and when i think beyond that point, think about it even more, we live in this *** up, ***, down-right depressing world, and maybe we cant save everyone, but we can save a few, and thats always worth it. 

For those of us who have seen suffering- who have walked through roads of homeless people, starving people, dying people, dead people

for those of us who have been a part of it, who have spent days in despair of their lives

for those of us who have been “lucky”, lucky to be blind, lucky to be disconnected

i think the best thing we can do is keep trying, and wait, for either a final tragedy, or a miracle

but the moment we stop trying, we stop being

unassumingEyes OP August 3rd

Tw i might- i might throw up. God. Hate it when things break. Keep hearing the glass shatter. Over and over and over. God. Not good.

unassumingEyes OP August 9th

Good day today. Wish i cld send some good vibes @justmeeva @iloveyouxx 💓

justmeeva August 9th


yay for good day 🥳 



thank you eyes friend 💕🩷

iloveyouxx August 10th


awe, glad you had a good day🩷I love your random kindness hehe so sweet thankyou💕💗*noms good vibes*



iloveyouxx August 10th


oh wait, your internet/lh


(second one says you are awesome😭💞)


iloveyouxx August 10th

maybe this one’s clearer xD okay that’s it lol sorry🩷


unassumingEyes OP August 10th

@iloveyouxx thank you 🥹 i always get so teary eyed when you consider my internet xD like you didnt have to but you did 🥹🩷 love youu ❤️

iloveyouxx August 10th


awwww what🥺❤️

teary eyedd, teary eyess😎/j/j sorry idk xD💖😛

but of course I did I was thinking of finding the gifs on google and getting a bunch of individual screenshots so you could see them clearer but I thought that's too much xD I love youu more❤️❤️

unassumingEyes OP August 11th


My maths sir from grade 8 is dead.

He had cancer.

He's the reason I like maths.

He's the reason I got full in maths in grade8, not just because he taught well but also because he encouraged well. 

Because he was so sure I could do it that I did.

And now he's dead, and thats not...okay.