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That 'Special Meal' Let's build together!

MistyMagic February 12th

Love it 💘or hate it 💔 this week we have Valentine's Day! 😍

But what about your                   special meal?


Menu - What would you like someone to prepare for you, no expense spared, no ingredient too hard to find?

Location - Where would you like to have your meal?The beach, a restaurant, a picnic?

Music - Would you like a mariachi band, a full orchestra, or a romantic tune on the radio?

Gift - A red rose, a lilac, chocolates, cookies, a handmade card?

Who - who would you choose to share this special meal with you?

Conversation - what would you talk about?

Wear - what would you both be wearing, formal ball gowns, swimsuits, jeans?

Add or remove yourself from the taglist Here
@adaptableOcean4193 @Aileen1114117 @AJ1232005 @Aliceiin3rdwonderland @beachyone @BelovedMe @butdoesanyonenotice @butterlycow @calmmoon2104 @calmSky3414 @charmingSky5972 @confidentrabbit7311 @CosmicMiracle @DipityEnigma @EchoicEternity @EmotionsListener @FallandWinterPlease00 @hiraxx @Interestingkiwi @interlligentshawzk @intoxfantasy @jujubears @Katieinbloom @LadyOrgasma @Liv125 @Lou73 @LoveMyMoonflowers @lyricalAngel70 @Merliah001 @MilaAvery @MistyMagic @Mrunal11 @MunchieTaters @mytwistedsoul @NicholasW @Paisleykaat @Paprika001 @practicalTree3613 @PurpleLady568 @SerenitysFire @shiningBeauty72 @SleepyShyCat @SmileSravani @SomebodySpicy13 @SparklingSeashells @Sunisshiningandsoareyou @sweetrosa1987 @ThadSterling @theboymoana @thetoastgod @tidyHickory3283 @victoriousblue17 @warmheartedCamp3360 @WarmLightXO @wisly03 @WorkingitThrough2 @WorriedMagpie

Tinywhisper11 February 14th

@WeEarth 😁😁😁 actually I'm not busy, I'm going hans solo, this Valentine's day😎

😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 yaaaay! Chocolate

enigmaticpanda4152 February 13th


Nomm nomm Cookies.. 


enigmaticpanda4152 February 13th


Thanks for Invite Earth


WeEarth February 13th



Tinywhisper11 February 14th

@enigmaticpanda4152 that chocolate is reserved for me! Get your own😎

WeEarth February 14th



enigmaticpanda4152 February 14th


Gives chocolates to dear Tiny with a Giant Hug.. 


Sunisshiningandsoareyou February 13th


Aww a musical disney get together is just the best, anywhere would be with such awesome people around. Thank youuu, Earth for the thoughtfully created picnic for us. I appreciate the tag soooo much. Will bring pizzaaa for everyone.🥰

WeEarth February 13th


Thank you for the pizza😋😁


Snowy00 February 14th





Sending love and hugs!! 🥰🤗

sadcat13 February 14th

@WeEarth *jumps on the table and sings Let it go from frozen⛄

warmheartedCamp3360 February 13th


Menu - icecream sundae🍨

Location - any pretty looking, less crowded restaurant 

Music - need shawn mendes with some slow catchy tunes in the bg

Gift - tough one; chocolates ? Beautiful vibrant bouquet of flowers? Some soft spongy cake?..I dunno ..shud be a suspense fun if I imagine everything (and this is about the gift I ll be receiving)

What will I give? A portrait of them? Yes a portrait done using all the artistic skills that I hv got and some chocolates? "Never been good in the art of gift giving"

Who - ik the whole thing is overdramatic cuz the person is fictional but very much real in my head

Conversation - tricky again! Just things.. happening in our lives...

Wear - princess gown tadaaaa

MistyMagic OP February 13th

@warmheartedCamp3360 aportrait! I am in awe, that is one thing I cannot master but would love to!


Listening - One Step At A Time!

Tinywhisper11 February 13th

@MistyMagic menu= icecream😋 location= in the moon 😁 music= 🤔🤔🤔 some country and western stars singing on a small stage gift = gold, diamonds and rubys😍 conversation= mermaids and unicorns wear= probably pjs and take cosy blankets ❤❤

MistyMagic OP February 13th

@Tinywhisper11 Sounds lovely, can we have Garth Brookes singing please


Listening - One Step At A Time!

thoughtfulmomma February 13th

Menu - I don't know exactly what kind of food, but I would love to go to one of those fancy restaurants where it's a "Chef's Kitchen" and they cook in front of you, explaining about the food, and it's multiple courses, paired with the best wines.

Location - High end restaurant.  Then again, I could have a nice picnic, too!

Music - Probably some jazz or blues playing in the background.

Gift - No gifts necessary, but I'm not going to say no to a treat!

Who - My husband

Conversation - Anything and everything.  The conversation is always serious and silly.

Wear - High end restaurant - definitely a dress for me, but anywhere else would be jeans and a comfortable top.

MistyMagic OP February 13th

@thoughtfulmomma It is really nice to go out somewhere special and dress up, I agree 


Listening - One Step At A Time!

ImpudentIncognito February 13th

Menu - What would you like someone to prepare for you, no expense spared, no ingredient too hard to find?

Breakfast - Chicken Fried steak w/ gravy and scrambled eggs on the side along with hashbrowns.
Lunch - I love tacos al pastor or barbacoa tacos with horchata to drink. Any Mexican food is fine!

Dinner - Sushi or a BBQ dinner haha.


Location - Where would you like to have your meal? The beach, a restaurant, a picnic?

Morning - Maybe go out to eat for this one with my partner while little one is in daycare? Then go for a stroll downtown possibly to look around or sightsee.
Afternoon- Would probably rest a bit and eat at home while cuddling and watching movies.

Dinner - The little one would be picked up then, we'd more likely end up eating BBQ! Could be at a restaurant or we could go to the park and make it by ourselves at the park -- either up on the mountains or just a regular park. I like the park that's maybe a 15-20min drive that has a lake and playground. Depending on if we're tired, we might just eat at home lol.  I might get sushi before dinner as a snack before we pick up the little one from daycare.

If my partner and I had our own house together, we'd probably have a bonfire, grill, and chill and eat....that'd be nice.

I like going out a lot, just to sightsee and be around nature, but my partner likes being home more. I don't mind, as long as I'm with him, and he's the same with me haha.

Music - Would you like a mariachi band, a full orchestra, or a romantic tune on the radio?

Hmm...Just listening to music on my phone, in the car, or using Bluetooth speakers, doesn't matter.
I listen to a lot of Spanish Rock like Maná. Enanitos Verdes, Radio Futura, Soda Stereo, Caifanes, etc. And I like old Spanish music by Rocio Durcal, Vincente Fernandez, Juan Gabriel, etc. I listen to other Spanish artists like Juanes, Shakira, Thalia, Flan, Emmanuel, etc too. 

I like a lot of different genres in English too (Ex. Funk, Reggae, Rock, Country, Rap, R&B, Hip-Hop, and so on), so probably just have a mixed playlist if anything.

Idk, I listen to some other languages too, but I'll stop there! :)


Gift - A red rose, a lilac, chocolates, cookies, a handmade card?

What gift would I want?...uh...good company? haha

I'd probably get the little one some cookies or treats.

My partner would get their preferred vodka, favourite snacks, and a big hug & kiss ha.

Who - who would you choose to share this special meal with you?

Some alone time with my partner, but also family time with my son included -- so 2 different parts in the same day.

Conversation - what would you talk about?

Idk, whatever zany topic pops up in our heads haha. I'm waiting till I'm financially stable before I'm able to pop the question. 💍

Wear - what would you both be wearing, formal ball gowns, swimsuits, jeans?

In the morning, I might dress up in something a bit fancier if we go out to eat at the breakfast place.

If we're going up to the mountains, then just my favourite pair of jeans and a t-shirt I suppose with my camo jacket.

Then at the end of the day when the little one is in bed and it's just me and my partner uh...clothes aren't required. 😆

JollyRacher February 15th


Sushi! rabbit-drool.gif

ImpudentIncognito February 20th

@JollyRacher Sushi's delicious.~🍣

MistyMagic OP February 15th

@ImpudentIncognito I love that you have done a full day of answers that is inspiring,!


Listening - One Step At A Time!

ImpudentIncognito February 20th

@MistyMagic Thanks! I didn't get to spend time with my long distance partner, unfortunately, as I got my tax money later and they're far away but... I plan on spending some time with the little one this weekend!

MistyMagic OP February 20th

@ImpudentIncognito hope you have a great time then!

Countrygirl095 February 13th

@MistyMagic I love this

Rainboho February 13th

No meal, just sunsets.

Torean February 14th


Arright, I'm going to make this as romantic as possible.  😁

Menu - I want a huge international buffet with authentic food, I'm not talking Golden Corral style.  I want the real stuff!

Location - a floating invisible platform high in the sky, that teleports to different beautiful locations, and also somehow has a swimming pool and hot tub in addition to the buffet.  Oh, and an entertainment center with everything we could want.  And a super comfy bed.  Also, if we want, it would have these silent fireworks it could shoot that would make people "ooh" and "ahh" but wouldn't upset animals.

Music - maybe just my Spotify playlist, but better, like the list I'll have when I die.  It already has a decent sampling of rock, rap, metal, electronic, jazz, video game soundtracks, other stuff (almost no country, and I'm at peace with that)

Gift - I want some really good wines that we can share over dinner. 

Who - Uhh, there are lots of people I know and don't personally know that I could pick, but I'm going to go with Claire Redfield from the Resident Evil games, just because I'd actually like to get to know her. Also, I just don't know who to definitively pick out of real people. 😂

Conversation - everything from killing zombies and videogames to societal worldviews and scientific theory.

Clothing - Definitely some Tarzan sort of leopard loincloth type stuff.  😋

See? Romantic. ❤️

sadcat13 February 14th

@MistyMagic I would absolutely love to have a dinner with my boyfriend because he´s amazing 🥰 Here is how i imagine my ideal valentines day date. Simple, cozy, and full of love and calmness 😊

Menu - a cheese sandwich

Location - at home, cuddled up on the coach

Music - some classical music that is playing in the background of video games we like

Gift - just being together and giving each other our time and company 

Conversation - He would be playing a video game and i would relax, watching him play and talking about it

Wear - comfy pijamas

MistyMagic OP February 15th

@sadcat13  sounds purrrfect!


Listening - One Step At A Time!

sadcat13 February 15th

@MistyMagic yessss 😊

slowdecline48 February 20th

@MistyMagic Who is that cute Indian-looking girl in the meme? Does anyone know?

Sunisshiningandsoareyou February 21st


The gif says it's Priya Bapat! :0