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What would you do...

If you were given a new life, what would you do differently?

Or would you not change a thing?

Please share.

wonderfulKermit1936 2 days ago


I would heal the trauma if I can't prevent it. 

I would be more gentle with myself and past mistakes. 


carefulWest6083 OP 2 days ago

Note to self:

"I would be more gentle with myself and past mistakes".

OhLookItsRay 2 days ago

If I was given a new life, I would change some choices I made that hurt others.

I wouldn't change the ultimate course of my life, though.

I'd have asked to be put into therapy. I'd have spoken up for my needs instead of allowing my fear and uncertainty stop me.

I'd have pushed less people away out of fear... that one I'm grieving hard right now.

I'd be kinder to myself for my mistakes instead of insisting that it wasn't okay for me to make them.

I'd have made peace with the things that had hurt me sooner, so they didn't pour out of me into the lives of others...

I'd have been more trusting. I'd have put myself on the path of healing sooner.

Ultimately, though, I'd still choose some of the mistakes I made.

Thank you for this thought-provoking and reflective question. Thank you for challenging me in this way.

carefulWest6083 OP 2 days ago

And thank you for this beautiful contribution.

reallyoverallofit 2 days ago

@carefulWest6083 I'd start learning math and science much sooner and take my education a lot more seriously

carefulWest6083 OP 2 days ago

It's never too late.



a full repeat of afraid i cant accept so many accidents and coincidents and happen chances shaped me and my circle of friends today i would never be able to replecate

but a new lease a fresh start from scratch ay i can do that but not yet , got too many repsoniblities to abondon and waltz off into the sunset a blessing and a curse but its my ot in life

plumSugar3000 2 days ago

I won't trust people blindly.

carefulWest6083 OP 2 days ago

That's a good advice.


Not enter any porn site

carefulWest6083 OP 2 days ago

That's always a good advice.

Arie3 2 days ago

@carefulWest6083 deep question, theres so much i wanna change. But the top one would be start hustling from the very beginning. Keep the consistency from the start and not wait for tomorrow. Just working on yourself from the start, because ive lost so much from procastination. i wish i could turn back things and do it again. from always waiting and waiting for tom and making myself believe theres time, i ran out of it. 
what about you? what would u do differently?

carefulWest6083 OP 2 days ago

Interesting response.

Me... I don't really know the answer to that question and that's why I posted it, to have other perspectives.

I would say though that there's still time.. For both of us. There's still time.

Arie3 2 days ago

@carefulWest6083 yes there is still time, lets make most of it instead of waiting longer. I hope u got to see the different perspectives, i really liked looking at all responses too

carefulWest6083 OP 1 day ago


Gettingbettertoday 2 days ago


I started a new life about 5 years ago. I don't know what  to do with it. 

carefulWest6083 OP 2 days ago

I'm not sure why but your honesty really shook me a bit. Thank you for your response.

I myself would do so much to have a new life. At the moment it feels like I would know what to do with it.

Gettingbettertoday 2 days ago


I gave up drinking. Once I recovered i had lost all interest in the things that once gave me pleasure or found important.

Now nothing "Feels" right. Nothing piques my interest: food, drink, activities, people or even sex is just blah in my mind. 

I was told just to do the things I once did and my interest will come back. It hasn't. 

carefulWest6083 OP 1 day ago

I actually would have said the same. Just give it time and do what you do. But it obviously hasn't helped.

But don't you dare despair, if we like or not some things tend to have specific timing and that's ok. Keep at it. You never know. Your interest might come when you least expect it.

annadaisy50749 2 days ago


i would try to be a better person than i am now...

carefulWest6083 OP 2 days ago

And that is something for all of us to think about.

CatListener 2 days ago

Switch family and perfect life

carefulWest6083 OP 1 day ago

It's incredibly hard for me to say this but.. I can definitely relate.

Yet I think there must be a divine wisdom behind the fact that we can't choose our parents and family. There must be.

Swetha23 2 days ago


I want to start my new life i want to independent

carefulWest6083 OP 1 day ago

New life and Independent. Beautiful.

Kieyana1997 1 day ago


I would want the way how I think and how I moved to be different. I feel like a lot of things that I’ve done in my life now has reflected into a standstill because I didn’t go through with what I said I was gonna do.

carefulWest6083 OP 1 day ago

And now... Would you like to say something and do it? :)

ulena 1 day ago

@carefulWest6083 I wouldn't do anything. To be honest, I don't enjoy thinking about what I would do in another life, another year, another anything. Every moment you get to experience is precious, life is precious. I am really grateful for what I was given, for the fact that I get to wake up every single day, that I have a warm bed, and a healthy body. That is the most precious thing a human can have - life.

carefulWest6083 OP 20 hours ago

Thank you fo this response.

I think subconsciously I've been waiting for someone to say they wouldn't change a thing.

To wake up in a warm bed and a healthy body is indeed a precious gift but gratitude is precious beyond comprehension.

jackinpain5 20 hours ago

I will probably spend more time with the loved one's, instead of isolating myself.