What would you do...
If you were given a new life, what would you do differently?
Or would you not change a thing?
Please share.
It's not like "what we do differently" it's more like what genes/environment that we could have differently, if we ever have the ability to choose..
@carefulWest6083 I would be conscious of not choosing anything that interrupts my relationship to Spirit. I wouldn't I participate in alcohol, love-less sex, gossip, self-hate, jealousy, self-doubt, fake food, and lies… I would be wise to choose the higher ground instead of indulging in them and overcoming the negative consequences as a means of learning.
I will not trust anyone and will not make friends.
@carefulWest6083 I would probably change a lot. But I would feel like I owe my old life it’s time and not change a thing
@carefulWest6083 I would’ve done more extra curricular activities like sports, clubs and societies. I would’ve put in the effort and become really good so that I can win tournaments and make my parents and myself proud. I could easily go for a leadership role if I did that. I would’ve taken education more seriously, I would’ve appreciated myself more for all the good things I do and how nice of a person I really am, I would’ve distanced the harmful people in my life sooner and stopped distancing the good people just because I think they deserved better. I would’ve tried to make my relationship with my mom work sooner, I would’ve tried on a lot of things actually now that I’m typing this out.
Well I would avoid the mistakes I made, at least the ones I regret, and try something else! Like stuff I never did
I would scream for help at age 4.