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Peer Appreciation Program

October 27th, 2021

We present to you Peer Appreciation Program where you can observe and appreciate good qualities in a 7cups peer. The peer could be any fellow cupser- a fellow member, a fellow listener, anyone on cups basically or yourself, yes, you can appreciate yourself as well. Read more about it Here (clickable). ❤

If you take time to observe and talk about a good quality in another, then that quality starts becoming a part of your personality.

Is that not amazing?!!

Use this form to Appreciate a fellow cupser or yourself:

Peer Appreciation Form (clickable)

The appreciation submitted through the above form will be posted in this thread!


Want to join our team? Click here to apply.

Need tips for writing an appreciation message? Check out this wonderful post by @Hope

Got questions about the program? Read the FAQ here.

Have feedback for us? Write to us in this thread. We are all ears.

Appreciated someone or yourself, And/ Or you're a smile spreader who posted an appreciation? Please share your experience by clicking here. We'd like to encourage you more.

(Sunisshiningandsoareyou last updated this thread with additional information on 03/28/2023)

GrimSox October 23rd, 2023

😊 Is you a rat 🐀 , is you a bat🦇?  😊
🐰 Well, Ni doesn't worry about none of that! 🌙🌸

Ni-buddy is here with a soul message, for an absolute gem of a human being :) 




🐰🌙🌸 Moonie has an additional gift beyond these powerfully cute words as well... It's a Self-Care Kit! 🐰🌙🌸



I see your and Ni's interactions especially in the Little Solace ^ ^ I am awed by your kindness and strength, Soul 💖. You have a tremendous ability to make people feel comfortable, relaxed, and just okay. All of this despite facing your own battles, struggles. I really admire the power within you, and I'm grateful that I know you, both of you. May your bond becomes stronger and stronger. Ni, I cherish your heart soo much 😭. You are much much needed here on 7cups😸, you make it beautiful and cute, buddy!😭 Love you, give you many, many virtual hugs 😊 Be happy, you silly beans ^ ^

 High resolution images: Soul

LoveMyMoonflowers October 23rd, 2023


hehe thank you 💜 I can see you’ve put in so much thought, time and love into these posts 🥺💕 thank you 💜 for that, and for your kind words :'3 sending so much love your way 💖

VictoriaLove7 October 23rd, 2023


It is a cute rat 🐀 background in the last graphic, Charlie! Hihi ☺

The opening is catchy "Is it a rat 🐀 is it a bat 🦇' What is the name of the font you use? ☺

GrimSox October 27th, 2023

@VictoriaLove7 hehe, thank you vic... the font is called 'One Little Font' >_<  hehe ^^

Optimisticempath October 28th, 2023

@mytwistedsoul  Soul did you see this?🥺  flower buddy said everything true about you Soul you are the bestest and kindest and you deserve lots of love and kindness always ❤

thank you Charlie bear and Flower buddy for your kind messages for Soul 🥰 they vv amazing and truly deserve all the love!!

LoveMyMoonflowers October 28th, 2023


aww thank you for tagging soul buddy again to check if they saw it 🥺 that was so sweet and thoughtful of you opti bear 💜 *hugs if okay* 

Optimisticempath November 5th, 2023

@LoveMyMoonflowers  🙈 me just wanted soul to know they are so appreciated also that your message is so sweet flower buddy you're so full of kindness and sweetness 🥺 lots of luvssss to you *hugs back🤗💕🥰💕

LoveMyMoonflowers November 5th, 2023


awwwe 🥺😭💜 that goes for you too, sweet Optiii bear 💜 you might not see it in yourself, but you are such a wonderful hooman bean spreading so much sweetness around owlways 🥺💕 sending so much love right back atcha 💕

GrimSox October 23rd, 2023

🥛🧸 Hi Milkyy bearrr @Optimisticempath🥛🧸

Moonie @LoveMyMoonflowers 🐰🌙🌸 is on a roll with the appreciations, and this special one is for you 😊



🐰🌙🌸 Moonie is a diligent owner of the Hugs Factory, so has sent you the special Warm Hugs that have just been freshly made 🐰🌙🌸



I feel owlsome living in the Milky Way and the same planet as MilkyBear :)
*hugs Optibear* With Optibear's balloon and binoculars, every friend is need is checked upon 
You deserve all the love you give to others, my dear people. 
Love you both, 😊 Opti and Moonie 😊 Stay hydrated, stay awesome ^ ^ 

 High resolution images: OptiBear
LoveMyMoonflowers October 23rd, 2023


this post is so adorable! 🥺😭💜 I love it! thank you so much 💕

Optimisticempath November 18th, 2023


oh dear gooooodddd this is soooo fricknnn cute I can't evenn😭😭😭 and idk why im replying so late :/ totally slipped my mind :( im so sorry you guys, you are literally so sweet and gosh im idk at a loss for words fr rn🥺😭


Flower buddy yes we haven't talked so much but still you always take time to check in, send cutesie reminders and then this... you always appreciate people and me too and it means the world to me 🥺 you broke down self care into such simple sounding things for me ... water, sleep and something I love doing... idk I don't love doing anything lately tbh lol but it is just how you put it in simple... doable thingy way for my stoopid brain to understand better and this really means a lot to me..thank so much flower buddy, I hope we can talk more 😅 me luvvss seeing you around and me would be v grateful to talk to you more pretty boring tho... so yeah lol...still would be nice ...ok imma shut up now🤣 you are just the best and this made my entire frickin year 🥺💕🥺🥺💕🥺

And and Charliebearrr meow meowwww luvvvzsss chu back so much, you are one of my favorite smile spreaders 👀you always make the cutest graphics fr and say such kind things too and always so adorable and mushhyyy mushhyyy vibes from getting Optibear's squishy huggs for being your lovely self 🥺🥰🤗🤗 thank you for this bootifulll graphics me luvss it so much and me saving it🥳

LoveMyMoonflowers November 18th, 2023


optiii beaaarrrr 🥺💖 there’s absolutely no need to be sorry 💜 it okie 💕 i don’t think there’s a thing as a ‘late’ reply. Replies are always so precious even if they are sent a little later 💖 so it’s okies (: 

your not stupid :< but me understand it can feel differently a lot of the time. i know things are probably v tough now 😞 but we can do this slowly 💜 little steps, okie? 

hehe yes i wish we could talk more too 💜 who said your boring? :o i don’t think your boring at all! Milky bear is always so sweet and spreading wholesomeness around owlways 🥺 owlways being so kind and genuine and thoughtful, and giving the warmest bestest hugsss 💕 how is that boring :0 me don’t think your boring, me thinks your the bestestest milky bear 🥛🧸💖

sending big hugs for opti if okay! 💖🫂

Optimisticempath November 25th, 2023

@LoveMyMoonflowers 🥺🥺🥺🥺 this made me tear up so much flower buddyyy😭 you are so sweeeeet and so very special 💕💕💕💕 *hugs tighttlyy🤗🤗🤗

LoveMyMoonflowers November 25th, 2023


*biggg squeeziees for milky bear* 

LoveMyMoonflowers October 23rd, 2023
Hey hey @HealingTime 💛 I hope you’re doing okay :3 You’ve received this adorable appreciation note from the sweet appreciator, @trueconfidant123 💕


A big high-five for you both! 🖐️


💛 A little note from me 💛

Thank you so much, Confie buddy, for taking the time to pen this adorable little note! 💕 I hope you know how loved and appreciated you are as well 💛 Sending positive vibes and lots of love your way :3

Time, thank you so much for being *you* 💕 and for being such an inspiration to sweet Confie! I think we’re so blessed to have your caring, wonderful self here at cupsies 💛 Sending best wishes your way

🌙 Ni 🌸
HealingTime October 23rd, 2023

@LoveMyMoonflowers, Thank you so much for the kind words Moon. Indeed Confie is awesome and doing their best to help people around her, we are glad to have Confie with us. 

@trueconfidant123, Chhoti, I am not so good with handling compliments or the appreciation haha. But thank you for writing that note for me. I didn't know I irritated you on LSR :P (But no wonder) Haha. My PMs are always open for you, even if you want to  complain about HealingTime, I will be there. So don't hesitate. Keep the good work going. Thanks again Chhoti. 

LoveMyMoonflowers October 23rd, 2023


hehe you’re awesome! 💜 

trueconfidant123 October 23rd, 2023

@LoveMyMoonflowers, Niiii buddie! 🐇 So well executed. 👏🏻 Thank you so much 😊 for the aesthetic 🤌 depiction of my emotions. 🌺


To the sweetest @HealingTime , Time bhaiya 🫂 I've figured you're a lil socially awkward 😕 or should I say forum awkward. 😛 But what else is a sister for. 😉 I mean I've to do my duties 🤳 of being a lil troublemaker right? 😁 Well on a serious note, 🧑‍🤝‍🧑 your thought provoking questions ❓ really engage some mind blowing 🤯 discussions. Keep them going. 💯 Much love. 💕


DarkerPlaces October 23rd, 2023


aw thx so much bunny ur so awesum 

heathermarie95 October 24th, 2023

Hello @kindHug676

You have received an appreciation from a Secret Friend!


They also sent you flowers!


To kindHug676 -

Your profile picture is adorable!

To Secret Friend -

Thank you for sending

in an appreciation.

Keep being the kind

person that you are.

LoveMyMoonflowers October 24th, 2023


the sloth graphic is so cute, heather! 💛 i love this post :3 

October 24th, 2023

Hey everyone!

@SparkyGizmo you received a sweet appreciation from @trueconfidant123

Here’s what true thinks of you!


Also, true has also sent an awesome champion’s trophy for all the amazing work you’ve done around 7cups!


SparkyGizmo October 24th, 2023



Hi Wolf! 😊 ❤️ Thank you so very much for creating this beautiful post for True and for me! I love it!     It's amazing to see your graphics and it's so special to me that you made it look like my pfp! Like Wow! Big Wow! 😊

*high fives* 😊 and big *hugs* ❤️

Hi True! 😊 ❤️ Oh my gosh! I cannot thank you enough my sweet friend! ❤️ This is the very first thing I get to see when signing onto the site today. I am absolutely floored and almost speechless! 

Your kind words to me have deeply moved me! The feeling is mutual my friend! ❤️ I see the great work that you do consistently across the platform. You are consistent and consistently good. To me, you are always on point, always on target and a true powerhouse on 7 cups! Your presence makes 7 cups an even better place and you make us all better people with what you do and the care you give to us all! 

I am grateful for you, grateful for your friendship and 7 cups and each teammate here is lucky to have you here on the platform! ❤️

What is truly amazing to me is that you "see" me too ❤️.  Thank you for "seeing me" and noticing my presence and indeed, my unwavering support for you and all of your efforts! I'm a huge fan of yours as well as your body of work here. You are someone to be respected and admired. Thank you for being a wonderful example to us all! 

Sending lots of love your way as well! ❤️ Keep being you my sweet friend! Stay great and being so seems to be your natural inclination. We are most fortunate for that! 

*high fives* 😊 and big big *hugs* ❤️

trueconfidant123 October 25th, 2023


Thank you for your incredibly kind and heartwarming message! 🥰  Your support and appreciation mean a lot to me, and I'm grateful to have wonderful friends like you on 7 Cups. Let's continue making this community a better place together! ❤️😊

*high fives* 😊 and big big *hugs* ❤️


SparkyGizmo October 25th, 2023



October 24th, 2023

Hey everyone 😊

We have a secret appreciation for…


It’s @Comphi 

Here’s what your secret friend has sent in their sweet appreciation note for you!


Also, they have also sent you a champion’s trophy for all the work you’ve done here!


VictoriaLove7 October 24th, 2023


I like the dandelion background in the graphic, Wolf! ☺

Comphi October 26th, 2023


Thank you Wolf for the awesome post. 😃

I just wonder who this nice person be, well lets wonder only🫠

teenytinyturtle October 25th, 2023

@Suryansh has been appreciated by @bluerivercares :0

thank you both for being amazing, always so supportive and eager to help. your fun personalities make cups so much better!


BlueRivercares October 25th, 2023

@teenytinyturtle thanks for making the most beautiful. and mouth-watering graphic turtleee :)

LoveMyMoonflowers October 25th, 2023


that pizza looks absolutely delicious 🍕 

Suryansh October 25th, 2023

@teenytinyturtle Thank you for such a sweet, tasty, and lovely post, Turtle! 

@BlueRivercares Awh, Blue, that is so sweet of you! Your words of praise and encouragement have touched me deeply. I am grateful for your recognition of my personality and behaviour in rooms.. I love Pizza and JEE Talks with you too! I have forever loved having you around! 💜

teenytinyturtle October 25th, 2023

Heatherrrrr 🪻 it's your turn to be appreciated!! Soo deserved, thank you for being an amazing human being. your leadership is so natural, and I love all that you do for our community.

Niiiii, thank you for sharing this wonderful appreciation!!


LoveMyMoonflowers October 25th, 2023


aww I love this! It’s so beautiful 💛

VictoriaLove7 October 25th, 2023



It is a cute graphic with the sunglasses, strawberry, and the plants, teeny! 🐢☺ 

purpleSea7109 October 25th, 2023

Thank you for letting everyone join. I am just a click away.Xx 

LoveMyMoonflowers October 25th, 2023

Hey hey @MoonlitSummer I really hope you’re well :3 You’ve received this sweet appreciation note from the kind appreciator, @KindnessMatters2020


Kindness sent you a self-care kit as well! 💛

click here

They would also like to share this with you :3 

💛 A little note from me 💛

Kindness thank you so much for being your kind self :'3 and for sending in this lovely appreciation note 💛 I really hope you know how loved and appreciated you are here as well. Sending best wishes your way 💛 

Moon thank you for being your kind, compassionate self 💛 we’re so blessed to have you here at cupsies :3 I hope you’re taking care of yourself too 💛

🌙 Ni 🌸
VictoriaLove7 October 25th, 2023


I like the Owl in the graphic, Nii! 🌙☺

The color of the letters are pink because the owl, the flower, and the font color in the graphic are pink. The names are in green because the leaves and the font color for the names in the graphic are green! ☺

LoveMyMoonflowers October 25th, 2023


Hehe yes the owl 🦉 is vv cute! 💙 thank you for being so sweet and observant as owlways, Viccc buddy 🥲💖🌈

MoonlitSummer October 25th, 2023


Awh!!! Wow I am literally speechless. This makes everything that I have been going through so much better. I am so blessed to have met KindnessMatters and everyone on here! You are all so special and amazing. I have been going through a lot of personal issues with things in real life, this stuff shows me I do have a place in the world and it is here on 7 Cups helping as much as I can. 

Thank you all so much, and to KindnessMatters, you are a blessing. Thank you for all your support and you have really given me so much motivation, and shown me that I belong here. 

Wishing you and everyone else happiness, love and light. 

- Moon 💞