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Peer Appreciation Program

October 27th, 2021

We present to you Peer Appreciation Program where you can observe and appreciate good qualities in a 7cups peer. The peer could be any fellow cupser- a fellow member, a fellow listener, anyone on cups basically or yourself, yes, you can appreciate yourself as well. Read more about it Here (clickable). ❤

If you take time to observe and talk about a good quality in another, then that quality starts becoming a part of your personality.

Is that not amazing?!!

Use this form to Appreciate a fellow cupser or yourself:

Peer Appreciation Form (clickable)

The appreciation submitted through the above form will be posted in this thread!


Want to join our team? Click here to apply.

Need tips for writing an appreciation message? Check out this wonderful post by @Hope

Got questions about the program? Read the FAQ here.

Have feedback for us? Write to us in this thread. We are all ears.

Appreciated someone or yourself, And/ Or you're a smile spreader who posted an appreciation? Please share your experience by clicking here. We'd like to encourage you more.

(Sunisshiningandsoareyou last updated this thread with additional information on 03/28/2023)

Sunisshiningandsoareyou April 22nd, 2023

Hi hi @hopedreamlove, sooo happy to share this well deserved appreciation for your impeccably supportive, resourceful, uplifting self, from our lovely @blueRiverCares, who is a constant source of joy around the community. ❤


Yay for bringing more support and engagement in the listener chatrooms, specially on the teen side. Go youuu, Jasmineeee! ❤

Blueeee, it amazes me how you only meet people briefly AND still find something appreciable about them AND take out time to tell them you do. Thankyou for consistently filling your bio with all these fantastic people you meet here! 😛 *youuu* are sooo appreciated! ❤

hopedreamlove April 22nd, 2023


Blueee! This was a wonderful message to wake up to, thank you so much. Interacting with you in the chatrooms is always a joy and a pleasure; you’re such a fun, kind human being. I appreciate all the support you show our teenies. 💙


Thank you so much for posting this Sun!

BlueRivercares April 23rd, 2023

@hopedreamlove ❤️❤️❤️

VictoriaLove7 April 22nd, 2023
Hey everyone! 😊
We got a wonderful appreciation for
@GeekGoddess 🐳

From the grapest appreciator
@IndependentGrapes4222 🎉


These are the qualities that Grapes find in you


From me

@IndependentGrapes4222 Thank you for giving this appreciation. You are a wonderful person! 🍇

@GeekGoddess Thank you for being nice and respectful to others members. You are appreciated! 🐳
SophTheListener2022 April 23rd, 2023

Hey amazing people! I've got a supertastic appreciation from @Waterfallsofnature36 to @BlueRivercares


For a bigger picture click here!

Note from me:

Waterfallsofnature: Thank you so much for a lovely and meaningful appreciation! Your kindness is appreciated. Thanks for being such an amazing listener!

Blue: You are amazing for making people feel supported. Never stop being kind and supportive. Thank you for being part of the community!


BlueRivercares April 26th, 2023

@SophTheListener2022 thank you for the post and amazing graphics
nature thank you so much for the appreciation. also thank *you* for supporting lsr as well :)

Optimisticempath April 23rd, 2023
Hello @TimeTravellingjedi you are appreciated by @independentGrapes4222 🌸


It's ok to just hang out in rooms too I think 😊 but you are even amazing for supporting fellow members Jedi 💜 thanks for being here ✨
Thanks for sending so many appreciations Grapes. You're really cool 💜

Optimisticempath April 23rd, 2023

For one of the most hilarious and adorable people 💛 @popsmokes you are appreciated by @independentgrapes4222 🦄


I agree popsy is too fun to be around, always a chill time with her in mcr 🤗

Optimisticempath April 23rd, 2023

Another appreciation 🥰

💜 Appreciator @amiableBlackberry92

💜 Appreciated peer @Grits1910


You sound great Grits 💜 sending you good wishes as you continue on your healing path 💜

Thankyou Berry 💜 for being so kind.

amiableBunny4016 April 23rd, 2023


another beautiful beautiful beautiful post!

just beautiful.

Optimisticempath April 27th, 2023

@amiableBunny4016 bestie bunny 💕 you're the bestest 🐰💕 thanks for making me smile always

amiableBunny4016 April 23rd, 2023
Hi @MothLaidre,
You have been appreciated by your peer @IndependentGrapes422


I know its tough to believe in ourselves and to not doubt ourselves. But I have to say, I am so so proud of you for coming this far Moth. You are amazing just the way you are!

You have been appreciated for showing these qualities:

Patient, Respectful, Problem-Solver, Inquisitive, Coachable, Emotionally intelligent

I am proud of you Moth!


amiableBunny4016 April 23rd, 2023


Heyyooooo lovely Fristooo, you have been appreciated by @AmiableBlackberry92. 🔮


You have been appreciated for showing these qualities:

Problem-Solver, Supportive, Intuitive, Emotionally Intelligent, Respectful, Consistent, Optimistic



Avaria April 23rd, 2023
Hi @Sibafo , you have received a fabuloustastic appreciation for being a super-duper cool human being!

An Incredibly insightful person from our community, called @IndependentGrapes4222 has appreciated you for the following:

Being a problem-solver! Grapes thinks you avoid using emotional reactions to guide your decisions and collaborate with others to problem-solve together.
Teamwork makes dreamwork, like they say! 💌
Staying motivated! Grapes says you are internally motivated to achieve your goals.
What a wonderful trait to have! 💌
Being inquisitive! Grapes agrees that you look for new ways to improve and build a healthy future.
Optimism and coachability always go a long way in life, look at you go! 💌
Being a great communicator! Grapes agrees that you always speak with everyone's best interest in mind, you're genuine and you're always open to a conversation.
One can never have enough good communication skills! 💌
Being emotionally intelligent! Grapes has noticed that you read emotional cues and respond appropriately!
This is definitely a trait a good listener (like you!) would have! 💌
Staying respectful! Grapes sees that you always try to make everyone feel heard, seen and respected!
Truly awesome trait that is, you sound like a true champion! Big thank you for staying awesome and kind! 💌

Here's a note from Grapes themselves: Sibafo keeps member community room friendly. Nice to have listener in MCR.

Now that the post is coming to an end - done and dusted, I'd like to add my own comments besides to what I already added when listing the details. Siba, thank you, truly, for being the gorgeous person you are. The world truly needs a lot more fellas like you! Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. I don't know you very well personally, but I admire what you do for the community~ 🤗💘

Look, I also made a thank-you card for you!

Sunisshiningandsoareyou April 23rd, 2023

@Avaria Aww this is sooo beautiful, and what a creative way to present the qualities! Way to go, Ava!❤

Avaria April 23rd, 2023

@Sunisshiningandsoareyou Sunnyy <3 Thank you so much for the feedback. <3

YourCaringConfidant April 23rd, 2023

@Avaria I totally agree with 🌞! Wow! Amazing job. Beautiful posting! You did wonderful. So glad you are apart of the team, smile spreader. The way you mentioned the qualities...really makes you stand out! ♡

Avaria April 23rd, 2023

@YourCaringConfidant Biiiiig thank you 🥰

Sibafo April 24th, 2023

@Avaria Wow This was really unexpected. I'm about to celebrate my 5 years cupversary and what a better way. Thank you Grapes for indeed noticing me. 5 years ago, when I first joined 7 cups, i dedicated all my time and attention to group support. Spent countless time with amazing listeners in Listener community Room and Compassion corner. MCR is my new home. Thanks to the amazing members and listeners, i find pleasure in dedicating few hours everyday in supporting everyone.

Thanks @Avaria for making this post and adding a personal touch. This means a lot.

Avaria April 24th, 2023

@Sibafo An unexpected surprise is always the best surprise!
I'm so happy to hear you're nearing 5 years, congratulations! <3
Listeners and members are both so happy to have you spreading smiles and being awesome! Keep doing you, thank you for being who you are. 🥰

You're very welcome for the post and the personal touch, that's what I'm here for!

AnnaSilverberg April 23rd, 2023

🎊 What a wonderful day 🎊


🌸 Hey there @Highlight88 🌸
🌟 You have just been appreciated by @IndependentGrapes4222 🌟


🌟 They think you are 🌟

🔅Inquisitive🔅Great Communicator🔅Problem Solver🔅
🔅Respectful🔅Emotionally Intelligent🔅Patient🔅


They left you a wonderful message:

Click Here To See Photo

"Highlight tries to console people though they dealing with their own problems.
That is the reason they are in here."


🌟 What a wonderful message and a wonderful appreciation IndependentGrapes4222 🌟
⭐️ You are absolutely great Independent and we're glad to have you here ⭐️

🌸 You sure have a lot of kindness within you Highlight88 🌸
🌺 It's truly wonderful to know that people like you, are here in our community 🌺


😊 We wish you both a wonderful rest of your day 😊

Avaria April 23rd, 2023

@AnnaSilverberg Ooh! This is such a great way to show qualities.. Might snatch your idea and make something similar in the future.. if that's ok xD

AnnaSilverberg April 23rd, 2023


😊 We all take our inspirations from somewhere 😊
It's wonderful that you like how I do my appreciations and you're welcome to use them as inspiration

Avaria April 24th, 2023

Yoohoo, @iyu ~~!

You have received an appreciation by @IndependentGrapes4222 <3


@IndependentGrapes4222 described you as the following:

Great communicator, respectful, intuitive, emotionally intelligent, problem-solver, patient.

。゚•┈୨♡୧┈• 。゚

Iyu, thank you so much for what you do for the community. Having a member like you around, encouraging other members is very cool to see. You seem like you are genuinely a very kind and supportive person, I would definitely find it fun to be around you!
P.S. something I must mention is that I am incredibly jealous of your username. It's simple and pretty!
P.S.S. Thank you, again. <3

Sunisshiningandsoareyou April 24th, 2023

Hey hey @HamsterMum, your Empathetic, Respectful, Supportive, Authentic, Helpful, Emotionally intelligent and great at communication self is appreciated by @Masterekat yay! 💛


Thankyouu for all you do and for having the cutest username hehe! 💛

Sending love to Kat, for being the sweet one here, sending across this appreciation! 💛


Hamstermum April 24th, 2023


Baer Hamster sends his regards 🐹


Sunisshiningandsoareyou April 24th, 2023

Helloooo @fineFrog15, I hope you're doing well, and have a smile on your face as you see this post! 💜 Because you received an appreciation yay! 💜

@ToughCup4675 thinks you are:





🐸Great Communicator

And have a sweet note for you! 💜


We sure love having a funny froggie around hehe, thankyouu for being a bright and cheerful peer, Frog! 💜

Something for y'all wonderful people, Cup, Frog and the awesome hooman reading this! 💜


FineFrog15 April 24th, 2023


Thank you Sunshine! ❤️ So nice of you to do this for me! It's so very pretty. I love the graphics, the layout and thank you for providing my most favorite emoji! *hugs* ❤️


Thank you Cup! ❤️ You are so sweet! I feel the same way about you! Feeling is so very mutual! I love spending time with you in the MCR and am so happy when I see you enter the room! 😊 *hugs* ❤️

Sunisshiningandsoareyou April 24th, 2023

@FineFrog15 Awww ofcourse the emoji had to be there hehe, I'm so glad you love it. Thankyouu!🥰 *hugs back* 🐸❤

FineFrog15 April 24th, 2023



VictoriaLove7 April 24th, 2023
Hey everyone! 😊
We got a wonderful appreciation for @Nessa00 🌼

From the one who shines the brightest light

@Sunisshiningandsoareyou 🌞


These are the qualities that Sunshine find in you 🌼


From me

To @Sunisshiningandsoareyou Thank you for the innumerable contributions you have made for Cups. Thank you for everything, Sunshine. I'm blessed to have you in my life. ❤

(I'm still tempted to put this sign ©️ 🥳 )

To @Nessa00 Thank you for making posts in simplicity. Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication! 🌸

Sunisshiningandsoareyou April 24th, 2023


Aww a lovely post as always, Vicc, thankyouuu sooo much!❤ Owlways ©️ super grateful for you! ❤

VictoriaLove7 April 24th, 2023


Thank *youu*, Sunshine! 🌞❤ It's smol way to say it, chu know. I'm more grateful for you, owlways ©️ ❤

Sunisshiningandsoareyou May 6th, 2023

@VictoriaLove7 Thanks so much for making this beautiful post for me, for @Nessa00, Viccc! You're the bestest!❤

Sunisshiningandsoareyou April 24th, 2023

Hey hey @CountessHugHug, to begin with, sending some hugs for your adorable username hehe, and now a gratitude note for you, from @OliveBalloon8665 for being a wonderful listener. 🧡


Sooo glad you reached out and received the support you were looking for, Olive, you are super brave for taking this plunge! 🧡 And a big thank*you* for applauding your listener's efforts and valuing their time in supporting you! 🧡

Keep up the great work, Hug, you're such a cherished part of our community! 🧡

CountessHugHug April 24th, 2023

It means so much to me that you mentioned how I helped you and you appreciated it <3

Sunisshiningandsoareyou April 24th, 2023

Hey hey Soulll, day in and out, people see you for who you are ~ Patient, Respectful, Empathetic, Thoughtful, Kind, Cheerful, Loving, Caring .... the list goes on lol and how you are *you*, the best you there is, always looking out for your peers, sharing kindness and spreading so much love and light around. Makes me happy always to see you being *seen* for being absolutely fantabulously *you*. The *you* all of us appreciate, value, love and care for too! ❤

Today is yet another reminder of you being awesome and being appreciated for it, from the very sweet and thoughtful peer @amiableBlackberry92


Thankyouu ABB for sending this note full of compassion and thoughtfulness for @mytwistedsoul, who certainly is all that you mentioned and so much more! ❤


mytwistedsoul April 25th, 2023

Oh my gosh this is such a wonderful thing to see this morning! Thank you so much @amiableBlackberry92 and @Sunisshiningandsoareyou 🍦 and 🍕 for putting such a wonderful post together for me with the little ratties dancing! 😊 Thank you both for "seeing" me ❤️ ❤️

Sunisshiningandsoareyou April 25th, 2023

@mytwistedsoul A light so warm and bright is hard to not-see!❤ *noms and shares 🍕🍦*

Ranaeil April 24th, 2023

Hello again!

We have an appreciation for @shubhra08 from @Chetan1408

It's been said that @shubhra08 has the following qualities:

"Motivated - They are internally motivated to achieve their goals., Emotionally Intelligent - They read emotional cues and respond appropriately., Great Communicator - They speak with everyone’s best interest in mind, are genuine, and are open to conversation., Respectful - They try to make sure everyone feels respected and understood., Purposeful - They act with a purpose, a dream that the world can be a better place., Cheerful - They are fun to be around., Supportive - They are kind and helpful."

And @Chetan1408 had this to say

"Hello di, How are you? I hope you are doing well... So, where to start?? Lol, I have lots of things to share... I hope you know that... hahahaha... Well, let's start from the beginning. I want to give a credit of mine to be a listener to you. Yeah, because you were the only person whom I met first on the cups when I really needed support. And I respect your time and efforts that you put into helping me. To this date in my life, I have never met a person like you. And I don't feel that I would get one. I can definitely say you are "The One". I appreciated many of my friends here... But you are unique, and you can't be replaced, never... I really wanted a mentor like you in my life. And I am blessed to have one. I never fear being alone or having any problem eating me inside because I know there is someone out there who can really listen to me, help me, and encourage me to overcome those problems. You never made me feel like I was alone. Today, words are not enough to explain everything. The form is limited. But I hope you know what you really mean to me... No doubt, you are the true definition of a best friend and a best mentor. I feel so proud to call you my best friend because friend is not something we give and take; it is an emotion. And I see that in you. I don't know what to say... what to describe... But all I want to say is thank you di for always helping me. For always being ready to help, whatever the situation is. That really means a lot to me. I really wish I could do anything for you to make you happy and enjoy the moment. Although you are not that active on Cups, but I want to thank you for supporting people here. I respect your efforts and your time in making this platform much better. Last but not least, "Never get changed, Di. I always love your caring nature, which you always share. What else does a person need in life? Just a little care and the company of a good friend." Definitely, this is the longest appreciation form I have ever written for anyone... But you really deserve it. Take care, Di, and have a nice day ahead. Be in touch."

I couldn't have said it better myself. Ya'll are awesomesauce!