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Peer Appreciation Program

October 27th, 2021

We present to you Peer Appreciation Program where you can observe and appreciate good qualities in a 7cups peer. The peer could be any fellow cupser- a fellow member, a fellow listener, anyone on cups basically or yourself, yes, you can appreciate yourself as well. Read more about it Here (clickable). ❤

If you take time to observe and talk about a good quality in another, then that quality starts becoming a part of your personality.

Is that not amazing?!!

Use this form to Appreciate a fellow cupser or yourself:

Peer Appreciation Form (clickable)

The appreciation submitted through the above form will be posted in this thread!


Want to join our team? Click here to apply.

Need tips for writing an appreciation message? Check out this wonderful post by @Hope

Got questions about the program? Read the FAQ here.

Have feedback for us? Write to us in this thread. We are all ears.

Appreciated someone or yourself, And/ Or you're a smile spreader who posted an appreciation? Please share your experience by clicking here. We'd like to encourage you more.

(Sunisshiningandsoareyou last updated this thread with additional information on 03/28/2023)

KimByeongIn September 20th, 2022

Heya @HelpfulDiamond There's loads of love for you from @DarkGalaxy55555

Here's what they have to say to you!


Hope this makes you smile!

HelpfulDiamond September 20th, 2022


Thank you <3

KimByeongIn September 20th, 2022

Hey @ASilentObserver

To say that I jumped over this opportunity to appreciate you along with @Ginevra962 would be watering it down.

Here's what Ginerva has to say to you!


From my side, I love love love working with you, Obs! You've always been there for me, whether it was support or help with any of the roles. You are a true gem!

Ginevra962 September 20th, 2022


Thank you @ASilentObserver

KimByeongIn September 20th, 2022

Here comes a beautiful message for @Recliningfate from an anonymous peer!


I hope this brings a smile to your face. Wish you all the love and luck in this world!

StargirlTina September 20th, 2022

Woahhhh, we have another anonymous appreciation for @HelpfulDiamond! Way to go!🤩🥳❤️


Thank you so much Diamond for doing such a wonderful job in this community! You are so awesomeee!🌻💐🌹

HelpfulDiamond September 20th, 2022

Thank you my anonymous friend, I think I know whom you are though ❤️😉

Ginevra962 September 20th, 2022



HelpfulDiamond September 20th, 2022



KimByeongIn September 20th, 2022

A self-appreciation message by @SkRameez


KimByeongIn September 20th, 2022

Okay fellas, this is a special one.

Honestly, I have a lot of respect for our Community mods and today, @HavenonEarth has taken the lead in appreciating the one and only, @CommunityModAlex

Here's the sweet message!


I hope this makes you smile, Alex. Really appreciate all the work that you've done for 7 cups. Hope to see you continue your amazing work for a long time!

CommunityModAlex September 22nd, 2022

@KimByeongIn This so beautiful. Thank you so much! 🦄

KimByeongIn September 20th, 2022

This one made me laugh a lot.

Here's a really witty and warm message for @iampapaya from dear @WingstoYou


Hope to see you both smile your widest all your life!

WingstoYou September 20th, 2022

Haha, I love that silly shibe GIF. 😝 Aww, you're welcome and thank you, that means a lot to me. Why, I do wish I could share my listener account with you as well, but alas, rules are rules I guess. 📏

I am full of surprises, what can I say? 🤗 Yes for chaos, I was born chaos incarnate. I hope that the both of us proper in the ways we wish to. ❣️

Pa-pa-ya! Pa-pa-ya!

It's my new chant. 🤣

StargirlTina September 20th, 2022

*Knock knock*

Who’s there you ask?😮

Tina here with another a-Noni-mous appreciation for @Kiskoutofwater!🧡💐🥳


Thank you anonymous person for appreciating another gem on 7cups! Congratulations Kish, way to go! 💃💗

To those of you reading this, have a great day ahead and know that I love you with all of my person!🌹

Kishoutofwater September 20th, 2022

@StargirlTina thanks jass

jovialSunshine5049 September 20th, 2022

Hello everyone! I'm here glad to apprieciate


who is an active member!


Appreciated by anonymous.

Hope you all have a nice day/night!

confusedRaven6140 September 21st, 2022


Oh well thank you anonymous :)

September 20th, 2022

@worldwalker has sent an appreciation for @hounddog2021

"Hounddog is one of the best peers on 7cups - mike always listens with a keen "ear" and an emotionally intelligent way. Mike you are an amazing person, and I'm so grateful to you for all the times I have whined, or complained, or whatever and you have always been patient, kind, and helpful. Thank you."

Hound, keep being the amazing you! -fristo

Here4good74 September 21st, 2022
@ALeXaNdEr0712 ,

You received an appreciation by an anonymous appreciator!

They said, "I can't explain in words, although I'll try.. Alex is so determined and level headed, they were always there for me anytime I need help and support. Although they might not like themselve, they are one of the best people I've ever met. They might not believe this, but deep down they have such a wonderful spirit 💚 I wish them the best and I hope they overcome their struggles because they can"

I hope it made you happy, you deserve these words 💚


StargirlTina September 21st, 2022

Another day, another appreciation!

@MistyMagic you’ve been appreciated by @calmMango9611

Here’s what they had to say :

When I was first starting out at 7cups. I was on the listener side of things, they took the time to explain things so I could understand them. I learned so much from them. They also helped me when I was starting out in leadership. My very first leadership roll was Peer Support. In that roll I was trained to support my fellow listeners after a hard chat. In the early stages of being in Peer Support, I made mistakes, and Misty was always there to help me along with the rest of the peer support team/staff. I am very grateful and very humbled to have had them by my side and also very humbled to have the rest of the peer support team by my side as well. Now that I am retired from being a listener/Leader, I still remember some of what I learned from them and now use some of it as a community leader on the member side of things. Thanks Misty for everything, I mean it. You are my rock and my strong hold, Misty.”


It’s so lovely to hear about both of you appreciating and motivating each other! You’re awesomee!❤️💃🌹🎈

MistyMagic September 21st, 2022

@StargirlTina Wow! Thanks so much! @calmMango9611 those are really lovely words to hear! Thank-you so much for taking the time to appreciate me like this. I personally know how much small gestures of kindness and appreciation like this can mean, I will pay this forwards!


Listening - One Step At A Time!

Sunisshiningandsoareyou September 21st, 2022

Hey hey lovely @Harsvin, we have a sweet appreciation, a truly well deserved one, for you by @HavenonEarth, who so generously appreciates your valuable time and support in their listening journey.💐

You're incredible, Harsvin, always admire your supportive presence here. Keep it up, you. We all appreciate you lots.❤


(Translator's note: Malay / Indonesian meaning, 'good morning from Australia and thank you, see you again!)

Also a pretty picture!


Understandable to find balancing amongst listening, leadership roles and off cups life a juggling act, Haven, we've all been there (sometimes still there lol), you are trying and doing your best and it definitely shows, it is okay to take time for yourself as well, and move around at your pace. Glad you're taking your time to explore the community more. Good wishes always. Thankyou for sending this sweet message for Harsvin.❤

Harsvin September 21st, 2022

@HavenonEarth thank you so much for the beautiful appreciation message it truly means a lot to me ❤

I understand it is overwhelming juggling roles and internship on Cups. Please take as much time as you need and there's no rush. I'm here to guide and support you

Thank you for sharing the beautiful picture, Haven

That was a lovely greeting in the Malay language 😁 *Terima Kasih, Selamat Malam dari Malaysia. Jaga diri* (thank you, good night from Malaysia. Take care)

Thank you so much for the beautiful graphic and lovely words, Sun. ❤
Sunisshiningandsoareyou September 21st, 2022

So kind of you to appreciate your peer on behalf of your friend, @AlecAfton, thankyou for sending this note.💛

Hey @benevolentcocunut, your benevolent self is appreciated for being so supportive and kind. Thankyou for being a part of the community.💛


Sunisshiningandsoareyou September 21st, 2022

Couldn't agree more with the anonymous kind hooman here. @EmoRex, you're one of the most welcoming, kind, encouraging, funny, supportive, appreciative, and super lovely people (oops dino*) around. We all love ya loads, Emoo. Thankyou for being you! 💖



emotionalTalker2260 September 21st, 2022


😮 im gonna cry a river, thats so sweet 🥺💖 thank you kind hooman bean, this has made my day 🥺💖💖💖

StargirlTina September 21st, 2022

@EmoRex Emoooo *wipes your tears and offers super crunchy freshly baked cookies* youuuu deserve all the love and appreciation!🧡🦋💃 :∆

emotionalTalker2260 September 21st, 2022


awies Tina 🥺💖 see i said you are a sweetie D: and I’m okay *saves cookies for later*

KimByeongIn September 21st, 2022

Heya @ingeniousFriend59 we've got a sweet sweet message for you from @Shreya9800


KimByeongIn September 21st, 2022

Guess who's the one who'll smile the brightest today? It's you, @SliverInUniverse


Thank you to that amazing anonymous peer who took the time to appreciate Sliver. We love you both and wish you all the happiness in the world!

KimByeongIn September 21st, 2022

Here ye @bestVase7265

Wanna know what an amazing peer said about you?


I hope you feel happy for being appreciated about your punctuality, supportive, respectful and patient nature.

All of 7 cups is proud to have you!


KimByeongIn September 21st, 2022

To the one and only @SweetPea321, here's a pod of love and appreciation from @bestVase7265


We hope that it encourages you to be much more than you already are! We respect you and love you just as you have done so far. Both of you are our gems!


SweetPea321 September 21st, 2022

I responded to this on our Depression forum thread, but thanks again. This means the world to me 🤗

KimByeongIn September 21st, 2022

Hello, @comfortableNight4463 Do you know what I found in my inbox today? A lovely star, surrounded by thousands of galaxies and you know what was special? All of them had your name written on them! With a dextrous hand, @EmberShard has crafted a beautiful message for you.

Here, have a look!


KimByeongIn September 21st, 2022

Heya @amiablePeace77 Do you know the song where the lyrics go by as-

"When the days are cold and the card all fold.."

Well, it reminded me of you and maybe it did to @kala for they have sent you a beautiful message today.

Here, it's all yours:

_1663769148.amiable peace.png

amiablePeace77 September 21st, 2022



Thank you so much! You warmed my heart ❤️

Sunisshiningandsoareyou September 21st, 2022

Hey @dogsaregreat44, you received an anonymous *yet* a kind appreciation to let you know how your words and presence provide comfort to others, and how your story is inspiring and motivating. ❤


I have seen you around in the forums as well, and truly appreciate how compassionate your replies are to others, you also have a great ability to communicate and connect with people, something I personally admire a lot in a fellow being. ❤

It is always nice to see your signature emoji combination hehe, emojis definitely speak more than thousand words, look at you again, sharing your stories and connecting with people even without using words, how freaking cool is that! "🐾✌️🌄🦘🇦🇺 🌅🐶"

It really is great to have you as a part of the community. Sending good wishes!💐

Dogsaregreat44 September 21st, 2022

@Sunisshiningandsoareyou thank you for passing that on.. with tears in my eyes.. happy ones for a change.. this time the light at the end of the tunnel isn’t a train.. it is those here on 7cups shining a light with those loved and lost 🐾✌️🌄🐶👍🇦🇺🦘🌅🤗

much love to all :-)

Sunisshiningandsoareyou September 22nd, 2022

@Dogsaregreat44 Aw *offers hugs* ❤