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Peer Appreciation Program

October 27th, 2021

We present to you Peer Appreciation Program where you can observe and appreciate good qualities in a 7cups peer. The peer could be any fellow cupser- a fellow member, a fellow listener, anyone on cups basically or yourself, yes, you can appreciate yourself as well. Read more about it Here (clickable). ❤

If you take time to observe and talk about a good quality in another, then that quality starts becoming a part of your personality.

Is that not amazing?!!

Use this form to Appreciate a fellow cupser or yourself:

Peer Appreciation Form (clickable)

The appreciation submitted through the above form will be posted in this thread!


Want to join our team? Click here to apply.

Need tips for writing an appreciation message? Check out this wonderful post by @Hope

Got questions about the program? Read the FAQ here.

Have feedback for us? Write to us in this thread. We are all ears.

Appreciated someone or yourself, And/ Or you're a smile spreader who posted an appreciation? Please share your experience by clicking here. We'd like to encourage you more.

(Sunisshiningandsoareyou last updated this thread with additional information on 03/28/2023)

UniversalSmile September 26th, 2022

Thank you for helping me mention the right username , Sun❤

Sunisshiningandsoareyou September 26th, 2022

@UniversalSmile hehe no worries! ❤

mytwistedsoul September 26th, 2022

@Sunisshiningandsoareyou *hugs* ❤️ 🍕🍪 for you Sun

Sunisshiningandsoareyou September 26th, 2022

@mytwistedsoul *shares 🍪🍕* with youu and more hugs back! ❤

mytwistedsoul September 26th, 2022

@UniversalSmile @Redirecting This is a pleasant and unexpected surprise! What a wonderful way to start a Monday morning! Thank you! It definitely brought a smile to my face 😊 Thank you so much for all your kind words @Redirecting ❤️

Redirecting September 27th, 2022

@MyTwistedSoul You are so deserving. I celebrate your works and appreciate your community efforts so much. Stay well! - Redirecting

iCareUK September 26th, 2022


Someone is special!!!

@Amymir6 someone has seen some amazing things in you!!

"She is a great peer who hosted the LSC every Saturday 8pm ET! A great and engaging host indeedShe is purposeful and a really great communicator - she talked to everyone with the same kindness and values! She is welcoming to everyone! She is also someone who seems to know exactly what she want and worked hard for it - I think is a very admirable trait of her!"


Empathetic. They look to understand and share the feelings of another

Innovative. They are open to new ideas and discussions

Motivated. They are internally motivated to achieve their goals

Great Communicator. They speak with everyone’s best interest in mind, are genuine, and are open to conversation

Purposeful. They act with a purpose, a dream that the world can be a better place

This person wishes to remain anonymous but be very proud of yourself, because we're all absolutely proud of you

AmyMir6 September 26th, 2022

@iCareUK omg I wasn't expecting this at all!!! I don't know who wrote this but I appreciate it so so very much! It means the world to me that I had so many listeners present in the Listener Sharing Circle, and then to get someone writing this about me is such a gift. I could not be more thankful for this words thank you 💜💜💜💜

iCareUK September 26th, 2022


It is such a lovely thing to be appreciated, and you have obviously impressed someone very much :) congratulations on being a star :)

AmyMir6 September 26th, 2022

@iCareUK thank you :)

KimByeongIn September 26th, 2022
I'm really really happy to announce that my dear friend @HavenonEarth is loved and appreciated by another awesome being @understandingSail4987

Here's what they said about you, Haven!

HavenonEarth September 26th, 2022


Aw, thank you to @understandingSail4987 and Kim for posting this! :D It's very sweet.

KimByeongIn September 26th, 2022
Here's a shower of love and appreciation for @Jaeteuk



Hope this makes you smile a million!
Jaeteuk September 26th, 2022

Thank you, @KimByeongIn for your recognition! This made my day!~

KimByeongIn September 26th, 2022
I've always heard that whoever respects someone, gets respect in return. The same goes for love and appreciation. There's one person among us who does all three and today, I'm going to present a tiny gift to @Sunisshiningandsoareyou from @WingstoYou for all the love, respect, and appreciation that they've showered upon so many souls here.


Sun, you've been such a lively presence in not just my, but in a lot of other people's life. I love you and your work. You've earned my deepest respect and I have a lot to learn from you. Wishing you all the happiness in this world.

Wings, you are such a cool person, I can't even begin to appreciate you. I love you too and hope that you get everything you wish for.

Sending both of you lots of beams of love!!!


WingstoYou September 26th, 2022

Thanks Kim for posting this! I wish the best for you too. 😛

Sunisshiningandsoareyou September 26th, 2022

@KimByeongIn @WingsToYou

Aww thankyou for the loveliest message, Kim, and the beautiful graphic, I really appreciate all your time and efforts put into this, and no, not just for me, rather for every appreciation you post here, it has *your* magic in it, and well, we are all here for it. Keep shining always. ❤ Much much much more love and respect and appreciation for you, you're truly amazing for finding such creative ways to multiply the smiles you spread. Thankyou for everything! 🤗

Wingsssss *cries happy tears* omigoodness this is such a sweet surprise haha, what was rather a 'casual' encounter, you've made it 1000 times more special, by adding your special touch to it. If I'm allowed a pun here lol, thankyouu for spreading your wings full of kindness, compassion, appreciation and cheerfulness here.

It really astonishes me when someone picks on the "seemingly-existing" things, and ones that can be easily 'overlooked' to be an opportunity to be kind and appreciative of someone, it really does make me count my blessings twice to be surrounded with such wonder-souls, exactly like *you*.

Thank*you* for gifting me your time, thoughtfulness and kindness, for making me feel so so so seen and appreciated, I value you so much. ❤

We gotta agree definitely Haha, it was a fun time with everyone, had to be, with such lovely people like you around. *sending lactose-free ice cream your way*.

Again from the absolute bottom of my heart, thankyou so much for being you, forever grateful to this sweet gesture of yours, and just you thinking of me. Sending lots and lots of love and hugs your way. ❤ Keep being you!


CosmicMiracle September 26th, 2022

I am very honoured to post this anonymous appreciation for our magical founder and head lightworker; our resident spreader of positivity and one-of-a-kind radiant soul - @GlenM


Respectful. They try to make sure everyone feels respected and understood
Humble. They humbly admit when they are wrong
Patient. They take the time to calm down before they act
Motivated. They are internally motivated to achieve their goals
Purposeful. They act with a purpose, a dream that the world can be a better place

_1664214543.Peer Appreciation Team (2).png


Thank you, @GlenM for this platform <3 it saved me several times from decisions I learned never to entertain again. I am proud and humbled to be one of your many peers. May you remain the supreme force behind all our endeavours :)

And to the anonymous peer who sent this in, thank you for never forgetting the backbone and foundation of our community. May you be blessed beyond your imaginings :)

For you both, I dedicate this version of "We Are the World"; recorded for the benefit of the earthquake in Haiti as it also coincided with the 25th anniversary of the song and its phenomenal artists, I pay homage to each of the artists inside us who create a safe space and healthy environment for people to be their most vulnerable selves.

GlenM September 27th, 2022

@CosmicMiracle thank you for sharing this appreciation message. Humbled and happy to serve right alongside you. I agree that 7 Cups pulls us all up and helps us listen to our better angels. And what a great version of this song! I hadn't heard it before. I like Jamie Foxx's point that we all have gifts to give - big or small - and what matters is we give. Thank you again ❤️✨

emotionalTalker2260 September 28th, 2022


Darn i forgot to mention cookies ☹️ @GlenM a plateful of cookies for you for once 😀 its well deserved 💖


cristlecares September 26th, 2022
Heylo beautiful cupsers🌻🌼 Hope y'all are doing well😇🍪
Cris is back with another appreciation post🌻🌻

So the person who's being appreciated today isssssss one of our favourite buddy
@DonaldDraper 🌻🌻🌻🌸🌸🌸

And they are appreciated by @yourbuddy30 😄🌸🌸🌸



Note from Cris (me) : Donnnn what can I say ahhh🌻🌼 You're one of the best listeners I've ever met🌸🌻 You just bright up the wholeee room when you enter😄 It feels sooo good to talk to you and discuss things with you🌻 A constant supporter you are😊 A friend we all adore alot and are grateful to have🌸 Plus your reminders/posts are just wholesome everytime, which just makes my day😄🌻 Thank you so much for being the wonderful YOU😇 May you always be happy🌸🌻

Thank you so much @yourbuddy30 🌸🌻 We are so happy to see you appreciating your peers and supporting them🌼 Keep supporting and keep shining😇🌻

Cookies and chocolates for Buddy and Don🍪🍪🍪🍫🍫🍫

Peer appreciation form : 1 click = 2 smiles

Have a nice day/evening everyone😇🌻
September 28th, 2022

@yourbuddy30 & @cristlecares Awww. You 2 are such sweethearts 💞
The way you keep the rooms and community cheerful, how can one not smile around you and make others smile 😊 So a large credit goes to both of you too..
As they say, beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder 😇

Cant thank you 2 enough for this appreciation..
Bud - looking forward too 💖
Cri - 🌷💖
Takes all cookies and chocolates and clicks submit

KimByeongIn September 27th, 2022



This might be the longest post in the history of the Peer Appreciation Program!

Today, I’m presenting loads and loads of love for someone who deserves a lot more.

Here’s all of it for you, Fristo!

There’s a sweet message for you from @Calmnesssearch

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We’ve only just begun!

Here’s another sweet message for Fristo from an anonymous 😺 peer!

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Ah, we’re not ending this here!

Presenting another amazing appreciation from @secrecykhasya

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Oi, this does not end here. Have a break, drink some water for there’s more to come!

Another sweet message from @creatinghappiness

_1664261185.Fristo 4.png

Hehe….we’re rolling today. Here’s another one for you, Fristo from @yourbuddy30

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Phew, this may be the posts for you from our peers, but I’ve got a few words for you.

Fristo, you’re sucha beautiful and wonderful soul. Your presence brightens so many days and nights. You’re one of the people who inspire me.

You’ve done so much for this community, making all those posts, replying to so many of us, and also taking the time to explain something if we’re lost.

I respect you so much!!!

Wish you all the sunshine of this world!!!

Here’s a song that I want to dedicate to you!!

Elvis Presley - The Wonder of You (Official Audio)

UniversalSmile September 27th, 2022

Hello, so today we have a self appreciation (which is my favourite type of appreciation!) by @Notfound20

"Peer showed great progress since day 1 till now. I appreciate the hard work done by her to work on her issues and continuing on the healing process."

Here is the message in card form! :)

_1664265059.20220927_152126_0000.pngin addition, they also recognize and appreciates these qualities they have in themselves - respectful, empathetic, resilient, humble and emotionally intelligent!

I am so happy to hear that you are working continuously on your healing process❤ I hope that someday you will be able to find the light at the end of the tunnel. I wish you all the loves and happiness. Thank you for being compassionate towards yourself🌷

UniversalSmile September 27th, 2022
To add more, this peer also included this quote ❤


  • from the loveliest @Notfound20 🌷
UniversalSmile September 27th, 2022

I am sorry for the mistake🙏

NotFound20 September 27th, 2022

Not to worry Smile 😊.

Thank you for sharing my appreciation message.

UniversalSmile October 2nd, 2022

@NotFound20 You are always sweeet,Found <3 Thank you for always being so nice and kind :)

And I am really glad to post your appreciation messages *hugss* I really believe your messages are well received and able to inspire others to be self-compassionate toward themselves<3 Your messages really did speak volumes!

NotFound20 September 27th, 2022

Thank you for the wishes 😊.

My healing wouldn’t be possible without the help from 7cups listeners. They provided the required support in the time of need.

UniversalSmile October 2nd, 2022


I am really glad to hear you are able to receive very good emotional support from a lot of people here and making them a part of your healing journey ❤️ You, yourself too are doing so good, for constantly making progress in your healing process and keep hanging in there tightly. Even as a mere passerby, I could say that I am very much of you *huggs again* I am sending you a lot of love, strength, happiness, and endurance to go through all of it!

NotFound20 October 21st, 2022


Thank you Smile for all the love and support. 😍😊

Your positive, happy vibe is amazing and it always makes me feel more positive towards life. 💐💐💐

KimByeongIn September 27th, 2022
There's one amazing person that I'm never going to get tired of appreciating and I guess no one's going to stop doing so either!!
We have @calmMango9611 appreciating @ASilentObserver



ASilentObserver is an amazing leader here at 7cups. For those who do not know, they are the Group Support Manager here at 7cups. They handle all things related to group support, including any issues with staff in group support to problems with the rooms. They are an amazing person who goes above and beyond the call of duty. I am so glad I get to work with them in group support as a Community Leader here at 7cups. If you would like to get involved in group support please reach out to them. They are a person with a lot of wisdom. They have taught me a lot over the years hear at 7cups. I was a listener/leader here at one point, and when I started in leadership, they said Take it slow, we are here for you, we have your back. Now that I am on the member side of leadership, he is still that wise person. ASilentObserver thanks for everything you have done for me. Thanks for making this community so special for everyone. You are a gem. Thank you for our friendship.

I hope this makes you smile, Obs.

KimByeongIn September 27th, 2022
Heya @Jasminerice
I've got a sweet appreciation for you from an anonymous 😺 peer!


May there be a smile on your face forever!

FreshOrangeJuice143 September 27th, 2022

Thank you so much for sending this, you really put a smile on my face! <3 <3 <3

KimByeongIn September 27th, 2022
Hey @Nihao22
This is your day to feel the happiness for all your great work and presence in this community!!
Here's an anonymous 😺 appreciation for you!

Moonzies September 27th, 2022

@KimByeongIn thanks

KimByeongIn September 27th, 2022
🎁💝❤️ Hey @OneErased ❤️💝🎁

I've got a sweet message for you from an anonymous 😺 peer!


Hope this makes you smile a bunch!!
GloriaD September 27th, 2022


You have received an appreciation from @KimByeongIn 😊

Kim wanted it to be extra special for you, so Em - here is an appreciation card for you, reflecting your colorful personality!

_1664273050. KimByeongIn  FOR  EmotionsListener - Original (GloriaD) x2.png

Kim also says that Em is -

Supportive : They are kind and helpful.

Respectful : They try to make sure everyone feels respected and understood.

Empathetic : They look to understand and share the feelings of another.

Patient : They take the time to calm down before they act.

Problem-solver : They avoid using emotional reactions to guide their decisions and collaborate with others to problem-solve together.

Thank you Kim, for appreciating your peers, as well as contributing to the PA project - you are appreciated back a hundred times more 💜

Thank you Em, for supporting your peers and the community in so many ways - I hope you know how loved you are, and I hope you are doing well ❤

My best wishes to both of you, Kim and Em. Keep being your amazing selfs - GloriaD 🌻

EmotionsListener September 27th, 2022

@GloriaD & @KimByeongIn

Thank you both so much! (And yes, I can read French)


KimByeongIn September 27th, 2022


I made a bet on your Canadian status. Love you a million! ❤️