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Peer Appreciation Program

October 27th, 2021

We present to you Peer Appreciation Program where you can observe and appreciate good qualities in a 7cups peer. The peer could be any fellow cupser- a fellow member, a fellow listener, anyone on cups basically or yourself, yes, you can appreciate yourself as well. Read more about it Here (clickable). ❤

If you take time to observe and talk about a good quality in another, then that quality starts becoming a part of your personality.

Is that not amazing?!!

Use this form to Appreciate a fellow cupser or yourself:

Peer Appreciation Form (clickable)

The appreciation submitted through the above form will be posted in this thread!


Want to join our team? Click here to apply.

Need tips for writing an appreciation message? Check out this wonderful post by @Hope

Got questions about the program? Read the FAQ here.

Have feedback for us? Write to us in this thread. We are all ears.

Appreciated someone or yourself, And/ Or you're a smile spreader who posted an appreciation? Please share your experience by clicking here. We'd like to encourage you more.

(Sunisshiningandsoareyou last updated this thread with additional information on 03/28/2023)

DelicateButterfly78 September 15th, 2022

Appreciator - @calmMango9611

Appreciated - @affyAvo

Pink 🌸

Supportive. They are kind and helpful,

Respectful. They try to make sure everyone feels respected and understood,

Empathetic. They look to understand and share the feelings of another,

Resilient. They bounce back when things fall apart, Humble. They humbly admit when they are wrong

Why are they appreciated?

In the forums. They are always working very hard to keep everyone safe and building up the 7cups community.

Sunisshiningandsoareyou September 15th, 2022

Appreciated peer: @MyNameIsNicole Appreciated by: @WarmLightXO


Such a lovely gesture, Elliot, thankyou for being so kind always. ❤

Nicole, you fantastic hooman, I hope this message finds you well. Cannot appreciate you more for being the effortlessly talented, kind, articulate, supportive being you are. Always a pleasant forum face hehe. ❤

MyNameIsNicole September 15th, 2022

@Sunisshiningandsoareyou ahhhh thank you for posting this sunnie! Never been called articulate before hehe.

@WarmLightXO it's such a coincidence because I've thought about you too this week! I was planning to check in, but I didn't want to bother because I know how hectic school can be.

Thank you for this beautiful message, I love all your colourful illustrations and I save them to my gallery anytime I get them lol.

Sunisshiningandsoareyou September 15th, 2022


Aye ofcourse, lovely! Andddd always a time for a first. :p 🤗

Anyone who has read your forum discussions, would certainly agree with me. <3

DelicateButterfly78 September 15th, 2022

Appreciated - @DelicateButterfly78

Appreciator - @DelicateButterfly78

Pink 🌸

Resilient. They bounce back when things fall apart.

Why is this person appreciated?

I didn't quit.

Sunisshiningandsoareyou September 15th, 2022


Aww, so proud of you for bouncing back, inspiring others with your resilience too. Much love! ❤

StargirlTina September 16th, 2022

Okay people, this appreciation has me pondering.. I think there is no specific time for us to appreciate each other, it's something that is very pure,timeless and wholesome!✨🧡

Today we have an anonymous appreciation for a wonderful listener who is no longer a part of our 7cups family here. Wishing both the appreciator and the appreciated peer all the light and happiness in the world and for those of you reading this, you are so appreciated too!😍💖


(Picture art by Tina)

Words used for Naman:

💗Supportive: They are kind and helpful

💗Respectful: They try to make sure everyone feels respected and understood.

💗Empathetic: They look to share and understand the feelings of another.

💗Resilient: They bounce back when things fall apart.

💗Humble: They humbly admit when they are wrong.

All these qualities definitely make you one of a kind Naman! We applaud and commend you for all the smiles you've brought here.

With love,


KimByeongIn September 16th, 2022

Hey @SnowflakeRose42

A thousand ships of love have been launched by @SeavaMan

Here's what they said about you!

_1663332728.Read A Book Motivational Quote Poster.png

Hope to see you continue your amazing work for a long time!
KimByeongIn September 16th, 2022


A package has arrived for @lavenderWest4360

It's a sweet message from an unnamed but greatly loved peer!

_1663335295.Read A Book Motivational Quote Poster (2).png

Isn't that amazing! I hope this brings a smile to your cute face!
P.S. I love how you state in your bio that We all heal one day we shall hang in there!
It's amazing to have you as our peer. Love, from all of 7 cups!

justFarheen September 16th, 2022

Hello @Jaiden0102 , You have been appreciated by @Oxyy ! :)

Check this out!

_1663342812.Appreciation @Jaiden0102.png

It's so amazing that you are trying out new coping mechanisms. We are so proud of you too! Keep going! You've got this! 💗

justFarheen September 17th, 2022

@StargirlTina has been appreciated by @AlisicaDawn !!

_1663410051.Appreciation - Stargirl Tina.png

Way To Go Tina! 💗You're amazing!

justFarheen September 17th, 2022

Hey Hey Hey, We got an appreciation for @AlisicaDawn from @StargirlTina !

It's wonderful to see you appreciating each other!

_1663411305.Appreciation - AlisicaDawn.png

Here's a gift from Tina to you :)


Keep soaring, Keep appreciating and Keep smiling 💗

StargirlTina September 17th, 2022

@justFarheen Woohoo, thanks for posting these Farheen! You’re so appreciated too🧡🌻

GloriaD September 17th, 2022


YOU have been appreciated by @DazedandConfused69 😊

Here is what Dazed wants to say to YOU!

_1663415547. DazedandConfused69  FOR  calmDew1576 - Original (GloriaD).png

Thank you Dazed, for appreciating your listener - I'm glad you are able to confide in someone, it truly does feel great to be heard and understood 🌸

Dew, thank you for being an amazing listener and friend, for Dazed, as well as others that you've talked to on 7cups. You have a beautiful soul for giving a safe space for others to be in. I hope many good things come your way 💜

Virtual hugs to both Dazed and Dew 🌻 - GloriaD

SirenOfSerenity September 17th, 2022

Hello hello @KimByeongIn! 🍪🍪🍪 Guess what 😮....

You've been appreciated by the lovely
@HavenonEarth ! 💌💌💌


🥰 Qualities appreciated 🥰

✨️ Supportive: You are kind and helpful 🌈

✨️ Respectful: You try to make sure everyone feels respected and understood 🌈

✨️ Motivated: You are internally motivated to achieve your goals 🌈

✨️ Great Communicator: You speak with everyone’s best interest in mind, are genuine, and are open to conversation 🌈

✨️ Purposeful: You act with a purpose, a dream that the world can be a better place 🌈

It was a pleasure to make this post for you Kim, please continue to be awesome 🌷

KimByeongIn September 17th, 2022

You got me in tears, @HavenonEarth

Thank you so much for remembering the things I said and the aims I have. Sending you lots and lots of love! Take care of yourself!

@SirenOfSerenity Thank you so much for this lovely post! You got some mad skills and I like it so much I'd have tapped on the heart a thousand times if I could.

KimByeongIn September 17th, 2022

Hold onto your heart @Sunisshiningandsoareyou

An arrow loaded with the potion of love is bound your way from @CupidtheKingofLove

Here's the message that it carries:

ada-lovelace-was-a-mathematician-analyst-and-metaphysician-known-as-the-founder-of-scientific-computing-she-frequently-collaborated-with-her-fellow-mathematician-and-mentor-charles-babbage_1663426398. In her translation of.png
I hope this message makes you smile.
To Cupid, you're a great person and I'm happy to have both you and sun as my peer.

From my side, Sun, you are the cutest and the sweetest person I've met here. I don't remember when we started talking but it has been great and you've always been a supportive personality. The only one to ever reply on my posts or the only one to spot me in the listener room, you've been a great friend, mentor and human being, through and through. I'm really thankful to you for being who you are.
KimByeongIn September 17th, 2022

Oh look, something's falling from the sky! No, it's not snow, it's love!

Heya @creativeField7705

You are the one who'll be receiving a little shower of love and appreciation from @Overthinker13579TU

Here's what they say about you!

i-ve-seen-all-5-of-these-qualities-within-this-individual-on-a-consistent-basis-they-are-very-motivated-and-resilient-despite-any-adversities-they-may-face_1663429723. I'm extremely proud of this individual and I'm honore (4).png

I hope it brightens your day!

KimByeongIn September 17th, 2022

*Rings bells*

Hey @Farrah17

I've got a package for you from @emeraldlynn04

Here's what it says!

i-ve-seen-all-5-of-these-qualities-within-this-individual-on-a-consistent-basis-they-are-very-motivated-and-resilient-despite-any-adversities-they-may-face_1663430154. I'm extremely proud of this individual and I'm honore (1).png

Lots of love from all of 7 cups!

Farrah17 September 17th, 2022


thanks so much for letting me know

thank you @emeraldlynn04 its so kind of you

KimByeongIn September 17th, 2022

And here comes a warm little gift for our beloved @CassieJones from @Jass1301

Here's what it says!

i-ve-seen-all-5-of-these-qualities-within-this-individual-on-a-consistent-basis-they-are-very-motivated-and-resilient-despite-any-adversities-they-may-face_1663433701. I'm extremely proud of this individual and I'm honore (2).png

Hope that it made your day shinier and your smile brighter!


gentleemperor September 17th, 2022

🌺 🌺 🌺 @Neil465 🌺 🌺 🌺

~ You've been appreciated by @findyourinnerpeace

This is Peace's message to you 💌


☁️ 🌈 ☁️ 🌈 ☁️

Hey Neil! I'm happy to have you on Cups. Your presence has left a positive mark on the community. Keep going strong! You're awesome!

Peace, it's very nice to meet you! Thank you for being on the listener team and for showing your peers appreciation. You rock!

Take care, both of you!

(Hey, we don't seem to have the right tag for Neil, let us know if you know it! 💕)

❤️ 🧡 💛 💚 💙 💜

KimByeongIn September 17th, 2022

@Fristo (I didn't have to copy-paste a name! 😜)

I'd like to present a warm-hearted message for you from none other than @CupidtheKingofLove

i-ve-seen-all-5-of-these-qualities-within-this-individual-on-a-consistent-basis-they-are-very-motivated-and-resilient-despite-any-adversities-they-may-face_1663434062. I'm extremely proud of this individual and I'm honore (3).png

Wish you all the love in this world in all its shade! I'm sure everyone would agree when I say that you are one of the best of us. We love you and support you with both hands, legs, eyes, ears and whatever else you can count. Keep making our rooms warm and our hearts warmer!

Here4good74 September 17th, 2022

@CommunityModFinn , you have been appreciated by an anonymous appreciator!

These genuine words are touching, and Finn deserves them by all means. Thank you for being a remarkable moderator and spreading love and positivity among the 7Cups community ♥️


anjellyna September 17th, 2022

hello!! @Courageousheart96 you have been appreciated by @Recliningfate :) 💚

Fate says: "They listened to me and showed me support. Also appreciated sharing pet pictures."

Remember that you are loved 💚 Thank you for being awesome!

_1663456753.Untitled-Artwork (7).jpg

Here4good74 September 18th, 2022

@CommunityModCharlie , you have been appreciated by an anonymous appreciator!

Thank you for being kind and supportive, you deserve these awesome words 💕

The appreciator words in a card-_1663459227.Screenshot_20220918-015620_PowerPoint.jpg

The appreciator words: "Charlie is a great mod! (all mods are great, but I wanted to appreciate Charlie specifically). Sometimes chats get really busy and when you message it can be left unseen and you feel ignored, but every time Charlie has been in a room they have made me feel seen and appreciated and heard, even when it's busy. Charlie is always kind and inclusive of everyone and is very friendly and welcoming. Charlie makes the rooms feel less overwhelming and anxious to me."


Harsvin September 18th, 2022

Hey everyone, hope you are doing well, today we have a lovely self-appreciation message by @SliverInUniverse

Qualities they identify in themselves :

💙 Supportive -They are kind and helpful

🤍 Empathetic - They look to understand and share the feelings of another

💙 Problem-solver - They avoid using emotional reactions to guide their decisions and collaborate with others to problem-solve together

🤍 Purposeful - They act with a purpose, a dream that the world can be a better place

💙 Having Growth Mindset - Instead of being stuck with an existing set of skills, they believe growth is always possible


Thank you for writing this beautiful self-appreciation message @SliverInUniverse, we are so proud of your qualities. You are truly an amazing person, keep shining 🌟

KimByeongIn September 18th, 2022

I'm here to deliver a gift for @ImpudentIncognito from @Optimisticempath. It's wrapped up with the cloth of love and deep admiration.

Here's what it says!

i-really-like-to-see-you-in-forums-as-you-re-always-helping-and-supporting-others-with-your-kind-words-shared-experiences-and-insights-send-warm-wishes_1663498545. 🥰.png

Hope that this gives all the fuzzy balls in your stomach!

Wish that both of you continue to be a warm presence in this world!

ImpudentIncognito September 18th, 2022

Oh wow, this is a very nice surprise to wake up to! Thank you @Optimisticempath, I appreciate it. You are too kind. ( ◍ • ᴗ • ◍ )

Optimisticempath September 19th, 2022

@ImpudentIncognito you deserve all the kindness ❤❤❤

Sunisshiningandsoareyou September 18th, 2022

Hey hey @sunkissedearth, I'm so proud of you for trying this self-appreciation, you're a valued part of the community, and from so many years, you're truly an exceptionally kind, supportive, empathetic, resilient and lovely being. And we are so grateful to have you with us. 💖


I hope the fantastic photographer of this wonderful click doesn't mind me using this picture as a background here. 😛 (yes, had to hehe, you deserve a special customization all to yourself) Sending lots of love. 💖

KimByeongIn September 18th, 2022

"I, I, follow...I follow you...deep sea baby...I follow you..."

Have you heard this song yet? Well, it's for you, @theriverissinging

And it's been sent to you by @Optimisticempath

Here's a message that they have for you!

i-really-like-to-see-you-in-forums-as-you-re-always-helping-and-supporting-others-with-your-kind-words-shared-experiences-and-insights-send-warm-wishes_1663499100. 🥰 (1).png

Hope you listened to the song and felt the deep admiration that empath and all of 7 cups have for you!

Keep up your great work!

Optimisticempath September 19th, 2022

@KimByeongIn thanks for making all these posts your so talented and creative ! I love these! ❤❤❤

theriverissinging September 20th, 2022

@KimByeongIn aw thank you Kim for the lovely post, your words too and all that you have been doing. so beautiful. 😔❤️

@Optimisticempath wasn't expecting this haha, it really made me smile. you are a beautiful person inside out and not sure if anyone who meets you wouldn't admire all the lovely things and wonderful human that you are. thank you so much for this!

Optimisticempath September 22nd, 2022

@theriverissinging *huggiee*

theriverissinging September 22nd, 2022

@Optimisticempath hugss 🦦❤️

Sunisshiningandsoareyou September 18th, 2022

Great job taking this moment to reflect on your appreciable qualities, and pat your back, @pamharley003, you've been such a wonderful support to the community consistently, and are super appreciated by all of us as well. ❤


Way to go, Pam!

KimByeongIn September 18th, 2022

Hey @Juliak1968

Hope you're doing well and carrying out the thing you mentioned in your bio- looking for the positives.

Here's a positive message for you from @Optimisticempath


juliak1968 September 18th, 2022

@KimByeongIn @Optimisticempath

Thank you so much!!~ I appreciate your kindness very much!~❤️

KimByeongIn September 18th, 2022

Just like your amazing poetry @Exulansis00, we've got a few amazing words for you from our peer @Optimisticempath

Here, have a look!


Such a sweet message for a sweet soul.

Hope you make this world a brighter place with your existence! ❤️