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Weekly Prompt #25: What can I learn from this?

ASilentObserver November 29th, 2023

Hello everyone! 

Last week we discussed- What triggers your feelings of low self-esteem? If you haven't checked yet, please click here to add your thoughts. 

This week's prompt is a two-step process- 

1. State the obstacle that you are experiencing or experienced
2. Ask yourself and share, "What can I learn from this? How can I grow from this experience?"


Today I want us to reflect upon the learnings and insights we gained encountering obstacles. Please share and discuss here among us.

Join us in the 24/7 General Support Group Chat to share and support each other.  

enigmaticpanda4152 November 29th, 2023


My obstacle was adjusting in new environment with new people. Whole set up was changed upside down. Initially it was really difficult for me as I didn't use to understand and everything seemed weird. 

Then I started accepting things as they are. Since then I don't find anything weird and have developed understanding.

There is alot more to learn for me still. I am work in progress for my own betterment.

Hope I succeed. 🤞

Tinywhisper11 November 29th, 2023

@enigmaticpanda4152 I really hope you succeed too ❤ what you wrote I can relate to very much. It's like being brought to a whole new world, where you have to learn everything from scratch, whilst trying to understand what's going on. I'm a work in progress too😁 it's just kinda nice to realise we are not alone ❤❤❤ gives you a giant festive tiny hug ❤

enigmaticpanda4152 November 29th, 2023


Thanks for support and hugs.

Good to know that we are in this progress together. We can do it.

This thing is something so common that we all face at times in our life but don't talk about as it is just taken for granted.

We can support each other here and grow together.

Compassionate hearts for you 🧡 🧡 

Tinywhisper11 November 29th, 2023

@enigmaticpanda4152 yep! We can do it, we are doing it ❤❤ yaaaay you have me compassion hearts, that's so sweet. Keep me /us informed on your progress ❤❤

ASilentObserver OP November 29th, 2023

@enigmaticpanda4152 thank you for sharing with us panda. It sounds like adjusting to a new environment and people was challenging at first. Moving and changing situations can stir up many feelings. i am glad to hear you feel you've developed understanding and there is still learning you see ahead. Facing changes with openness and a desire to keep progressing speaks to your strength and resilience. What helped you start accepting and understanding more about your new surroundings?

enigmaticpanda4152 November 29th, 2023


Thanks for your supporting words. 

I started accepting things as there was no way I could change it. As I was new addition  to already set environment with people, I was expected to adapt.

Accepting was more easier than resisting and far peaceful for my mind. 

ASilentObserver OP November 30th, 2023

@enigmaticpanda4152 accepting your situation was the healthiest choice for your well-being. You found the inner strength and wisdom to make challenging adjustments. I am glad to hear you prioritized peace of mind during that transition.

enigmaticpanda4152 December 1st, 2023


Tthanks for your support Observer. 

November 29th, 2023

@ASilentObserver Life and my expectations for it have always been at odds. You can’t always get what you want, but, if you try, sometimes you just might find, you just might find, you get what you need. 

slowdecline48 November 29th, 2023

@FlatenedByLife Nice to see someone else in here has good taste in music. 😁

Tinywhisper11 November 29th, 2023

@FlatenedByLife gives you a giant festive tiny hug ❤❤ I hope you don't just get what you need I hope you get everything your heart wants too ❤❤

ASilentObserver OP November 29th, 2023

@FlatenedByLife thank you life for sharing. It sounds like there have been tensions between your expectations and experiences in life. It seems this is something you have noticed for a while. How are you currently feeling about this difference between what you hope for and what happens? Please know you are not alone in finding life can be unpredictable at times.

purpleTree4652 November 29th, 2023


Hi, ASO,

State the obstacle that you are experiencing or experienced

I don't know if this problem fits into what type of obstacle you were looking for.  I have a member who i thought i was friends with.  But he recently suggested that we talk off 7cups.  I'm not interested in that so i told him i'd rather not and that i want us to remain friends here.  I talked to a listener about it and she asked me to report him.  

This is my obstacle.  I feel bad for reporting him.  Even though I  have noticed that he ignores my questions, i still feel bad about turning him in.  I almost always pick the wrong people to be in my life.  I hate being ignored exactly like how he doesn't answer my questions.  I don't know how to get past this obstacle.

2. Ask yourself and share, "What can I learn from this? How can I grow from this experience?"

I should learn to listen to the listener whom I respect and admire.  I don't know how to grow from this experience.

Tinywhisper11 November 29th, 2023

@purpleTree4652 😥 I don't like to report people either, it's really hard and I don't want any trouble. But safety first, especially in this site is a must. I hope you make lots of friends here ❤ deal friends ❤ gives you a giant festive tiny hug ❤

ASilentObserver OP November 29th, 2023

@purpleTree4652 Thank you purple for opening up and sharing with us. It seems this is a difficult situation to navigate. You care about maintaining friendships yet also want to feel heard and respected. Relationships that leave us feeling ignored can be painful. What feelings arise as you consider how to proceed in a way aligned with your values?

purpleTree4652 November 30th, 2023


I don't know what my values are in this situation.  They are completely twisted up.  

ASilentObserver OP December 1st, 2023

@purpleTree4652 that is understandable, purple. Perhaps taking some time for quiet reflection could help bring more light, in a way and pace that's best for you. You have got this.

purpleTree4652 December 1st, 2023


Thanks, ASO, but I don't think so.  I am in finals.  

Tinywhisper11 November 29th, 2023

@ASilentObserver I don't always understand thing's, and therefore I get scared easily and over react to things.

going forward what I've learnt is I need to calm my fear down, and think about this new information before completely having a panic attack. Or I need to ask calmly for reassurance 

merry Christmas obs ❤❤ gives you a giant festive tiny hug ❤

ASilentObserver OP November 29th, 2023

@Tinywhisper11 Thank you for sharing, tiny. It sounds like you become quite frightened when you don't understand things or have all the information. Reflecting on situations before reacting can help reduce feelings of panic. What helps you feel calm and reassured during uncertain times? 

Tinywhisper11 November 29th, 2023

@ASilentObserver mostly talking about it on here, like how you helped me yesterday when I was panicking. Also talking to health professional s and my carers ❤

InsightfulPhoenix November 29th, 2023

1. The Obstacle that I was facing at the time was when I felt guilt/shame for going no contact with my daughter's bio for a long time after doing it. 

2. What I learned from the experience was understanding that I can not "fix" or "change" him into understanding any of my emotions. I have grown from the experience, by recognizing that I can be empathetic and compassionate, an still say no to someone's crap. I also learned that no one is entitled to treating me like crap, and that I deserve respect, kindness and genuine unconditional love. Another lesson I took away from this is what man wont to another will, and my fiancée displays this very especially with the unconditional love he has for my daughter and I. 

ASilentObserver OP November 30th, 2023

@InsightfulPhoenix It sounds like going no contact was a difficult decision that brought up many complex emotions. Reflecting on that experience helped you gain valuable insight into prioritizing your well-being and the unconditional love you deserve. You hve clearly demonstrated growth and compassion through this journey.

ImpudentIncognito November 30th, 2023

1. State the obstacle that you are experiencing or experienced.

One obstacle I am facing is work-related. Later today when I go into work, I am thinking of giving a one-day notice.

2. Ask yourself and share, "What can I learn from this? How can I grow from this experience?"

I have learnt to value myself over a job that doesn't value my time nor well-being at all, especially when I have been extremely ill for a week along with the little one, only to be scolded when I came back.

ASilentObserver OP December 2nd, 2023

@ImpudentIncognito Thank you for sharing with me, Impudent <3. It sounds like you hae been through a difficult time with your health and work not providing the support you need during that. How are you feeling about the decision you are considering? 

ImpudentIncognito December 3rd, 2023


How are you feeling about the decision you are considering? 

I ended up leaving the job the same-day. I felt frustrated with the workplace environment and decided it's best to quit now rather than later for my own mental health. Recently, my doctor referred me out to a therapist due to scoring high on the assessment for depression/PTSD... So going to be working on myself for a bit. It's only kind of worse than usual due to chronic pain that I'm trying to get fixed, if possible...

ASilentObserver OP December 4th, 2023

@ImpudentIncognito hmm, it sounds like leaving your previous job was a difficult decision to make, but focusing on your mental health and wellbeing is important. I am glad to hear you will be working with a therapist to help with your depression and PTSD. Dealing with chronic pain on top of that must make things feel even more challenging. I am glad you care about your own self-care and healing. 

adventurousBranch3786 December 1st, 2023

@ASilentObserver. The picture of this bunny is the cutest! Thank you.

ASilentObserver OP December 2nd, 2023

@adventurousBranch3786 🧡 I am glad you found it cute <3 branch, what are your thoughts on the prompt? 

Mekuland3050 December 2nd, 2023

I shared last time i felt low when others tell about themselves and brag about them i feel behind and useless! Now i try to focus on my achievements too and not to take anything personally about others .

ASilentObserver OP December 2nd, 2023

@Mekuland3050 I hear you hearing about others' achievements can sometimes make you feel down on yourself. Focusing on appreciating your own accomplishments is a positive step. You are doing well to work on not taking things personally - it may help to remember that every person's path is different. 

LetsCherishLife December 3rd, 2023


The obstacle were my abusive parents who didn't leave me the option to say goodbye to my beloved grandmother and won't let me go to her funeral. What I learned was that I cannot trust then but I can absolutely rely on my brother. I also learned that there are always alternate options in addition to the usual ways and that I can find individual solutions, no matter what people think of them.

ASilentObserver OP December 4th, 2023

@LetsCherishLife I am sorry to hear about the difficult situation with your parents. Not being able to say goodbye to your grandmother or attend her funeral must have been very painful. You mentioned finding your own solutions - it sounds like you were able to look past the obstacles and find strength within yourself. How are you feeling now after learning you can rely on your brother for support during that time? 

LetsCherishLife December 4th, 2023

It's the comfort that keeps me going but I am getting a lot of fear of losing him because he is the only reliable family member I have left.

ASilentObserver OP December 5th, 2023

@LetsCherishLife I am glad you find comfort and support from your family member, and the thought of losing that reliable connection causes fear. You're not alone in needing family during challenging times.

Tinywhisper11 December 3rd, 2023

@ASilentObserver I've already answered this post. But I want to answer with a different one. The obstycle I'm facing is my feelings  and emotions, I don't understand them, the past couple of days I've felt scared,  crying alot, jumpy just not myself. I'm having a hard time right now 😞 

moving on, I need to start understanding who I am more and what's happened and is happening. It's just easier to ignore thread weird stuff in my head

ASilentObserver OP December 4th, 2023

@Tinywhisper11 Thank you for sharing your experience. It sounds like you have been feeling quite a lot emotionally over the past few days. You do not have to go through this alone.

Camus00 December 3rd, 2023


No idea what my obstacle is, I'm finding that out now. All I know is that no matter how much I adjust my life, it always ends up being highly stressful. I suspect my obstacle to be myself, my inhability to say no or to take on more than I can chew when I'm ok, forgetting that not everyday is a good day. 

ASilentObserver OP December 4th, 2023

@Camus00 It sounds like taking on more than you can handle and having difficulty saying no is creating a lot of stress in your life. You are aware of your tendency to overcommit, and that self-awareness is a good first step to making changes. What kinds of pressures do you feel make it hard to have good boundaries?

Camus00 December 6th, 2023


I asked for a raise yesterday and didn't get a no. Lol also I'm doing yoga and therapy.