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[Members]Farewell/Taking a Break/Returning Thread: Send Your Regards

MonBon March 1st, 2016

We often time come to 7 cups in search of something:

-Someone who understands

-Someone to talk to

-Someone who will listen

-Someone to keep us company

Many of us find that - which is awesome!

However, there may come a time when as a member, you are ready to leave. And that is okay. It doesn't have to be forever or even an awfully long time. Maybe you are leaving to go out to eat with friends for the first time in weeks or months. Let us know so we can send you off with warm regards!

December 28th, 2021

@JennyINFP haha thanks but I’m not taking a break just not going to be on as much but still on at least 2 times a week or maybe more but on less

TicketSystemVersion January 19th, 2022

@StarryMilkywaySystem I completely understand Starry, I did pretty much the same as you're doing right now, I hope you get all the rest you need in order to feel better, that's what matters <3

BrokenbutnotfixedbonesM December 29th, 2021

Hi everyone its me bones the skeleton aka fhe man with all the tattoos and who likes coffee and lives in coffee land as most of you know i have some heath problems and from that I only have a couple weeks left so on the 5th i will be leaving you all from mu coffy lovers to my tea lovers to my aussie aussie aussie oi oi oi to my music lovers to my peppa pig and baby shark lovers you have all changed my life for the better i cant say in words how much you all mean to me im sorry for being crazy that’s adhd for you

when i say your all truly amazing and i will be praying thay you all have a good life that you deserve i mean it from the bottom of my heart god bless you all remember

if people dont like you they can jog on and of course

sorry if i have missed anyone if i have i will add people to it

@amusingcoconutL @YourSupportiveTransDad @BookishBlue13 @emotionaltalker2260

@knockoffwolf @issac18 @HealingBrokenWings @SoftFaith2004 @Nerdtastic01 @navyHouse3677

emotionalTalker2260 December 29th, 2021


🥺 bones, oi oi oi *hugs* i am very sorry to hear🥺 *hugs* thank you for being my friend 💕💕💕

BrokenbutnotfixedbonesM December 29th, 2021


BrokenbutnotfixedbonesM December 29th, 2021

@XBlair @RebekahKIwii

BrokenbutnotfixedbonesM December 29th, 2021

@communitymodChristine @communitymodWIllow

December 29th, 2021

im so sorry to hear that bones, I am lost for words.

you mean a lot to me, you have helped me get through so much and have really helped me get through things no matter what, your kindness, compassion and consideration has changed my life for the better, I will always remember taking your side as we all debate coffee vs tea! (Coffee is def better!) your such an amazing person and friend, you have helped and inspired way more people than you could ever know, im here for you always, we all care and love you so much bones, you are amazing, and one of the kindest people I know, I’m always just a pm away, if you ever want to talk or need me, love you lots bones, *hugs if wanted* We all will miss you so so much bones, you are just a wonderful and kind person, I mean that from the bottom of my heart.

~ Coco

BrokenbutnotfixedbonesM December 29th, 2021


BrokenbutnotfixedbonesM December 30th, 2021


BrokenbutnotfixedbonesM December 30th, 2021

@Artlistens @fairmindedWater1140

fairmindedWater1140 December 30th, 2021


This must be so much for you to be going through :( You can always pm me if you want to talk about anything and I'll be here like you've been here for me. I haven't known you long, but I've appreciated your friendship so much and will continue to do so over the remaining time we have together ❤️

navyHouse3677 December 30th, 2021


Bony💜 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺

Have a cup of ☕ with me one last time 🥺🥺


I would miss you a lot, all time you have supported me, the lovely nature of yours.... And all funny moments we have together...

I wish you a good luck for your future 💜💜💜💜

Take care of yourself and your little guy 💜💜💜💜

Don't let Peppa pig, upset!!

On last time : Baby shark do do do do!!!!!

navyHouse3677 December 30th, 2021


Bony 💜💜💜💜💜

Thank you for everything!!!!

Idk.. What to say but the way you have made a special place in my heart will never gonna fadeaway. Thank you for the supporting each of us the time we needed you the most.

I know I am not great at writing posts (sorry for that....)

But really the way you have helped so many tennies like me is really a lot apperciable 💜💜💜

I really hope you have a good future 💜


Take care 💜💜💜

HealingBrokenWIngs December 30th, 2021


*hugs tight if alright* You shall be deeply missed, Bones. I wish you all the best. I'm so very very glad to have met you, you rapidly became one of my closest friends. I hope, someday, we will meet again. :D <3

Much love and support,

MJ <3

SoftFaith2004 December 30th, 2021

@BrokenbutnotfixedbonesM Hey bones, I am very sorry to know that. You are one of the most amazing people I met on cups ❤ *hugs you *

BrokenbutnotfixedbonesM December 30th, 2021


Izzzzzyyyyyy December 30th, 2021

Bonesssssssss *hugs* i havent known you for too long and i dont even know why you are leaving but thank you for always being here for me..... You are the most amazing pineapple head i know and ill miss you lots. Love ya<3

KyleBorg December 30th, 2021


I am ever so saddened to of waken up and read this, Bones you have been amazing you have always welcomed me into the chatrooms, been involved in the discussions I host and all around been an amazing member of the community and for that I am eternally grateful <3

Live these last few weeks without regret; do everything you have ever wanted to do and leave Your mark on the world you leave behind

Life is short and unpredictable and this is why we need to make the most of everyday because as a wise women once told me "For your today, tomorrow may not see the light of day" in brief strive to do things, strive to improve and do not let it get to you. You will face challenges you will come across up's and down's

Take it from me when I exaggerate how important it is to make everyday count - my career never guarantees I shall see tomorrow and that is why I make everyday count and leave a mark behind

We love you Bones, stay strong, stay well and you shall be with us always

"Life is like a camera, focus on what's important and capture the moment"

Most Sincerely,

Chatroom Moderator @ The Newbie Hub Community

BrokenbutnotfixedbonesM December 30th, 2021

@Nerdtastic aka parrot

BrokenbutnotfixedbonesM December 30th, 2021


BrokenbutnotfixedbonesM December 30th, 2021


BiaKiaSia January 6th, 2022

This has been coming for a long while but I am leaving Cups. My life has become a stressful mess and I need to get it together and I am going to work hard to figure it out. For a specific time or day, I will be leaving early February possibly on the 10th.

I worry about my Cups family and I worry about how my absence without the knowledge of knowing where I am does but this is a goodbye meant to bring you comfort not worry. Please don't worry. People live their lives every day and I am a person just like all of you.

I am so happy to have had the honor of meeting and talking to you all. I hope I have made you all realize who you are and your values. I am so thankful to have seen you all grow and become wonderful people who will light a torch to the newcomers and send a warm farewell to those of us who are going to head down a different path.

I know goodbyes are hard and some of you will be sad to see me go and I hope you know that, if we ever meet again, I will be the same and I will always care and love you all. I will never forget you ad hope you'll remember me as something positive. I wished to have helped you all down a stretch of your walk of life that was hard or you thought you weren't going to do it alone. We, as people with compassion, will always be like lighthouses and flashlights to those who seem to have lost their way, we get them back to a path and walk with them either all the way or halfway with them. It's what we do.

I like to think I am wise and I have done a lot in my life so I will give you a little wisdom: Be brave and march on steadfast. Keep your head up and use your voice for yourself and others. Stand up for yourself but never think you are so and that you can never help someone up.

And remember, in the words of Mr. Rogers "I like you just the way you are."

Thank you all for my part in your life. I will never forget you all.

@ShawntellaStrawberryVanilla @Nerdtasic @StarryMilkywaySystem @Mel002 @ShapeshiftSystem

@ToastyMuffinKing @BookishBlue13 @emotionalTalker2260

January 6th, 2022

@BiaKiaSia I know this has been coming for a while and wish you the best and thank you for the times you spent with us all but there is one last thing I must say.. you made a spelling mistake and I love it hehehe you said ad instead of and ✨ anyway thank you again love you and will miss you hope for the best for you and however life leads you

BiaKiaSia January 6th, 2022


I know I made a mistake and here I was hoping no one could catch it. Keep your head up, kid. You'll do great!

emotionalTalker2260 January 6th, 2022


thank you so much for being my friend Kia, i will miss you heaps, but i do wish you all the best in life and i hope everything goes the way you want it to 💕

ShapeshiftSystem January 6th, 2022


Take good care, Bia. I hope this helps you <3

ToastyMuffinKing January 6th, 2022


I'm so sad to see you go, but I guess it's time to accept it. I delayed it for at least a month, which was good enough for me. I will never forget the amazing things you've taught me, your inspirational words will live on in my head and heart forever. You won't be forgotten. Missed, but never forgotten. You've changed my life for the better.

Thank you,

Jeremy (Toasty)

January 9th, 2022

Bid Adieu

It's a final good bye from me I thought about it many times now I came to the conclusion that I should leave now thank you for all the support & for being here

As I always says know your worth and know you deserves all the happiness in life from today penny is gone forver but I m with you all even invisible.please take care of yourself and you matters!

Tagging some great listeners/com mods and members who helped me In this journey- @Iampapaya @courageousheart96 @CheerfullIceCream @donalddraper

@robynni @amiablepeace77 @communitymodEver @communitymodAlex @communitymodAnne @communitymodcharlie @patthepatience @Feelicity08

Good bye until we meet again!

Robynni January 9th, 2022

It's been a pleasure, Penny. Be safe, be well, take care. Sending you many well wishes and hugs 🤗❤️

January 10th, 2022


Whatever life brings, we will accept 🧡

Whether you get to read this or not, my best wishes will be with you, Penny. *hugs*

cheerfulIceCream January 10th, 2022
💜 @communicativePenny8383
Know that you deserve all the happiness too and I pray life brings you that.
CommunityModEver January 10th, 2022

@communicativePenny8383 Take care!

amiablePeace77 January 11th, 2022


I'm truly sorry to see you leaving but obviously you have thought this through very well. I wish you all the best for your future and foremost health and happiness

May you be safe

May you be healthy

May you find comfort and live in peace

Until we meet again 💙

January 12th, 2022


@patienceImpatience @ZenArashi @ECshuffle16 @communitymodcharlie @brightChestnut1771 @communitymodlynn

@communitymodelliot keep being amazing❤

ZenArashi January 12th, 2022


Stay safe and wishing you the best!

Sunisshiningandsoareyou January 12th, 2022


Hii Penny, you've always been a friendly face around, in the different chatrooms and sessions, you've touched many people here and i am certain you won't be forgotten anytime soon!

This seems to be a well thought-out decision, as much difficult it is to see anyone leave, there's also an assurance that perhaps it's for their good and the "right" thing to do at this time, so I for one, am really proud of you, for coming this far and am only wishing you the absolute best in your healing journey and life.

Remember you deserve all the love, care and support always!

And ofcourse, feel free to hop around here sometime, if you feel like hehe! See you! Take great care of yourself. ❤

emotionalTalker2260 January 23rd, 2022

Hello, this is Emo

🙁 I’m going to be going on a break for at least 12-24 hours, I’m not exactly ok at all at the moment and I kinda need a break from cups.

I wish i could tag all my friends but there is too many of yous, so I’ll only be tagging those who needs to know

@CheeryMango @PoliteOcean @Sher @Fristo

be back not tomorrow but the next day (if I don’t go breaking the break)

CheeryMango January 23rd, 2022

Hope the break does you well Talker. Will charge you cookie tax when you return 🤗❤️

emotionalTalker2260 January 24th, 2022


smh XD it’s the other way around, I’m the one that gets cookies via cookie tax XD