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2024 - Taglist Disability Support

CaringBrit May 31st, 2019

This thread controls an auto-updating tag list. To see the current list, go to Disability Support.

To add yourself to this tag list, press the Post to Thread button above and write the exact words Please add me.

To remove yourself from this tag list, press the Post to Thread button above and write the exact words, Please remove me.

This Taglist will be used for the Daily Check-Ins could even be used for Events etc.

What happens after you join the tag list? You will notice an icon for a little bell up in the right corner of your screen. there is a letter icon, then the bell, then a jar, and then the icon for your account. That bell will tell you about your notifications. When we tag you, it will show up as a number on the bell. Click on the bell and a drop-down menu will appear and it will show you the link to the post where we tagged you.

Current taglist as at July 19th 2024


@777Bre777 @adaptableOcean4193 @adaptablePomegranate1587 @adequatelyInadequate @adventurousBranch3786 @AffyAvo @agreeableTurtle1021 @AguaNector6700 @amusingTalker1267 @Aqua1494 @Arsalanahmed @Ashleylovescats @AttentiveEar @audienta @AutiBoy @Averayne93 @azuladragon34 @BacktotheTrail @BeyondTheInvisible @BlindGrapefruit @blissfulTouch29 @Bndonovan02 @bouncyBreeze44 @bouncyVoice4149 @Breezy2013 @cal1860 @CaringBrit @CheeryPotato @CheerySandi @ChildGoddessFlute @Chloe1644 @cinnamoncocoa @CocoaCassie @Colorfulcatsofhope @communicativePond1728 @considerateBunny7436 @Countrygirl095 @crystallizedrequiem @Daisy7cups @DichotomousDetia @disneymoonlight @Disneywoman @DoISayIt @DonaldK @DylanMark @Edobre399 @Emiliako @emotionalTalker2260 @enigmaticOcean8813 @enthusiasticOwl866 @enthusiasticTortoise6681 @fairmindedWater1140 @Fireskye13 @FrenchMarbles @friendlyEars8792 @goldenSpruce1512 @greekcatperson @IcedCoffee211109 @IndigoWhisper @InfiniteThoughts2k19 @Jamesjones10123 @Jewels012222 @jovialButterfly6752 @JoyfulUnicorn @JoyIntoDarkness @K87 @kenzixo @killaj0ule @Kittibear @KuhnDisabled101 @kwheelz @lightTriangle7748 @LikeABirdWithoutWings @lovelycoacoa @lovelySun2900 @LoveMyRotty @magnifiedfaith @ManinblacK @MartianGirl347 @MeaningfulSilence @Meowsicle @MistyMagic @mnhtx3 @modestHickory2783 @modestOcean1286 @moosprbrk @MyNameIsNicole @NaomiR @NevaehRose @NotKhan2 @Ofenkartoffel @OneErased @PerfectHarmony10 @philosophicalAcai7803 @pinkbunnywabbit @Pixiechu @placidMoth @Plantsaremybestfriends @Poppia @PotFullOfSky2020 @rainbowVibes @Raysofsunshineandrainbow2005 @redGrapes1822 @Redheadmadeofglitter94 @repen13 @reservedCat9143 @reservedOwl6476 @RiggsMortis @sabeyesofblue3535 @Seachele @SmolBurrahobbit12 @SparklyCat @specialPurple1582 @StarsOrchidsOwls @stuffiessytem @sunshinegiraffe123 @tearstruck @theboymoana @TimidBear @TomatoEmi @turquoiseHemlock900 @u2canwin @wahmbrenda @Walker7957 @WeedyGarden @WishUponAStar968 @wonderfulRainbow817 @xandia @xxParkerxx @Zed786

Zed786 January 9th, 2022


Why must this process be so full of hoops?

wonderfulRainbow817 January 9th, 2022

@Zed786, it is an automatic tag list so if those words aren't stated in that format it does not automatically tag a person.

Zed786 January 9th, 2022


Its ok thanks for clarifying, I worked it out eventually. Sorry occasionally I lose composure and just say what I'm thinking with considering impact. I'm aware and reflecting on this post steroid therapy angsty me. Will get back to old me if it you knows what that is in the Lords hands. Anyway moving on... Music💖🤐💨

wonderfulRainbow817 January 9th, 2022

It is ok @Zed786. You have a right to share how you feel. I am glad I could clarify it for you. Take care!

Munkeh January 13th, 2022


Nah you cant share how you feel here or they threaten you in coaching emails, without really saying what you even did wrong. Anyway, matters not, My listening days here are done and dusted. was good while it lasted to keep me alive. heyho there we go, toodle pip :)

Munkeh January 9th, 2022

Add me please

Munkeh January 13th, 2022

Please remove me

enthusiasticTortoise6681 January 14th, 2022

Please add me

enthusiasticTortoise6681 January 14th, 2022

Please add me

enthusiasticTortoise6681 January 14th, 2022

Please add me

IcedCoffee211109 January 23rd, 2022



I tried to view both of the links provided at the beginning for both adding for removal.

I am very sorry, but I am confused.

I think it was said there was to be an inclusive of autism, I think on some list on some part. This is about all I have been able to understand. I realize your directions were probably very clear and very to the point of what you were describing and meaning.

I know the problem is mine with my ability to properly comprehend and do what I need to do. I realize this and admit it.

But I do not know what or how to fix this correctly, I know this is my responsibility to do this alone.

If you do have any time, would you be willing to help me get on the right disability list please? I realize you do not have to do this or not responsible for doing this and I am responsible for doing this myself,

I am just having problems, due to some brain problems, which would take a lot to go into. I sometime function better and sometimes less. Still, I know it is all my own responsibility. I try all I can to hide all this. I guess this would be natural. but it is how I am about all of me and all of my diagnosis.

If you want to help, you can. If you do not, I understand and have no hard feelings whatsoever.

If you want to help, I am just not autistic and need to be on the not autistic part or side and included on that part in all ways, please.

I am sorry to be a bother and sorry I wrote so much.

My brain gets tired a lot also and i wish I knew more. I really do.

I am sorry to bother you. I am so sorry. I will just do my best to find the room and come to it when I remember. Maybe that will be best and cause no body any problems. I hate to cause anyone any problmes. I am so sorry, bye.

wonderfulRainbow817 January 23rd, 2022

Hello @IcedCoffee211109. You are all good. All you have to do to join the tag list is literally type out the words "Please add me" and then click 'Add Post' and our tag list will update.

IcedCoffee211109 January 25th, 2022


thank you @wonderfulRainbow817 😔

IcedCoffee211109 January 25th, 2022

please add me

CaringBrit OP January 28th, 2022

Please transfer this taglist to @AffyAvo

modestOcean1286 February 3rd, 2022

Please add me

IceCream4IceCream February 7th, 2022

@CaringBrit Please remove me

amusingTalker1267 February 7th, 2022

Please add me.

kwheelz February 24th, 2022

Please add me

considerateBunny7436 February 25th, 2022


AffyAvo February 26th, 2022

Please add @considerateBunny7436

RarelyCharlie March 11th, 2022

Please add me. (Just testing 😉)


RarelyCharlie March 11th, 2022

Please remove me now. (It worked 😀)


MyNameIsNicole March 12th, 2022



Aqua1494 March 14th, 2022

Please add me

MikuoniandBlueCheese March 16th, 2022
Please remove me
MikuoniandBlueCheese March 17th, 2022

:D tbh I'm removing myself from all my taglists because notifications go brr

wonderfulRainbow817 March 17th, 2022

No worries. We understand!

AffyAvo March 17th, 2022

@MikuoniandBlueCheese You can always add yourself back in again if you want. I know there's a lot of site changes lately!

placidMoth March 28th, 2022

Please Add me

enthusiasticTortoise6681 April 17th, 2022

@CaringBrit Please add me

enthusiasticTortoise6681 April 17th, 2022

@CaringBrit Please add me

FrenchMarbles April 18th, 2022


please add me

DichotomousDetia May 2nd, 2022


Please add me

audienta July 16th, 2022

Please add me

disneymoonlight July 16th, 2022

@caringbrit please add me

DichotomousDetia July 16th, 2022

@CaringBritPlease add me

theboymoana July 17th, 2022

Please add me.

agreeableTurtle1021 July 18th, 2022

Please add me

SparklyCat July 18th, 2022

Please add me