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Depression Community - How do you actually feel today?

Laura December 2nd, 2014

Let us know in 1-3 sentences. Post every day!

Asdjdjsjwkqowoxksk July 3rd, 2016

I've had some rough patches today but I'm willing to pick myself up again and try to do better.

ConditionedReflex July 3rd, 2016

Like I'm drifting through life, numb and sometimes getting caught up in negative shit.

inneryu July 3rd, 2016

I'm feeling quite angry right now because of some unsupportive people on the depression support room. I filed a report, though.

Never2defeated July 5th, 2016

Frustrated and burnt out. My husbands family is visiting and they are very loud and in your face and I don't do that, it burns me (and our daughter) out so bad.

SympatheticPrune2000 July 5th, 2016

I just feel depressed at random times for no apparent reason. Is this normal? Because its ruining my life slowly

neatWater4954 July 9th, 2016

@SympatheticPrune2000 that's how I feel.

CallMe2 July 5th, 2016

I feel like I'm not here, and when I am, I'm not supposed to be... Each day is the same, yet each day is somehow worse

neatWater4954 July 9th, 2016

I'm so tired of being sad. I just want to be happy again. I'm tired of being happy or okay one minute and then something happens and I just spiral down and out... Things were starting to get better but now they're kinda fluctuating. I'm just so tired of not being happy. I'm tired of not being steadily happy.

NothingGold July 26th, 2016

@neatWater4954 Yup, I know how you feel.

BrightRedFlower2322 July 9th, 2016

We'll I'm still in bed but I feel my anxiety kicking in and haven't even started my weekend yet i wake up happy then around the afternoon it goes down hill I just want one whole day where I'm happy and not it going up down up down its like a rollercoaster that isn't fun at all just plain annoying and scary and I hate rollercoasters

Irishgirl1969 July 9th, 2016

I feel horrible, like I shouldn't be here anymore.

July 9th, 2016

I feel hopeless. I know the theory behind getting better, but I don't deserve to do it.

koreaboo July 10th, 2016

I feel alone and as if nobody is there for me, like they don't care. All i hope for each day is happiness and i cant even get that.

BrokenAngel91 July 10th, 2016

I know I have reason's to be happy but I feel so numb inside. Most of the time I have to force myself just to smile....

ChiMel1101 July 12th, 2016

@BrokenAngel91 I feel the same way, I ccan't remember a time when I diddnt feel this way

ScarletNight384 July 10th, 2016

Today, lonely and lost. Like pieces of me are being torn away.

Kirbypie22 July 12th, 2016

@ScarletNight384 I feel like that everyday

Jaykay11 July 10th, 2016

I have things to be happy about in life but struggling to show or feel it... feel rubbish today. Just curled myself up in my bed majority of the morning. I thought i was getting better after being put back onto anti depression tabs, but the last couple of days i feel like im back to where i started... 🙁

coffeehog July 10th, 2016

Today feel like i could quite possibly kill myself wife theatening to leave me because im always tired and hardly talk. I just not happy

brightCar3608 July 10th, 2016

@coffeehog I'm sorry things are not going well. There are always reasons to go on, though. You're not alone. Reach out if you need to talk.

macarooon July 12th, 2016

I feel terrible. Yesterday, I had a moment where I just felt like I was a complete failure in life. I still feel that way and tbh I don't know when or if that feeling will go away

SpaceQueen277 July 12th, 2016

I feel empty, alone, and suicidal....I just don't know what to do with myself anymore

Danisasquish July 12th, 2016

I feel dead inside. I feel as if everyone in the world is moving in normal motion and I'm stuck in slow. I feel like I'm dragging an ocean of dark, deep sea behind me, trying to get by but I just can't. I haven't got enough energy. My eyes are burning from keeping them open, as I don't have enough energy to even blink, staring at my ceiling, my walls and outside my bedroom window, awake at 3am because insomnia has taken over. I feel as if I am in a hurricane of sadness and the eye of relief keeps missing me.

Blueclouds789 July 12th, 2016

Feel like a failure, I am a failure. Ugly and useless and ungrateful

Ardshf July 12th, 2016

i can't feel anything. That's what I feel everyday though.

GoldieLox98 July 12th, 2016

I really want to die. I feel like I am taking up useless space in the world. I am too incompetent to survive in the real world. I'm 17 and I can't even do 5th grade math. I always make stupid mistakes and everyone gets so frustrated with me. My friends are condescending to me because I'm so dumb. I'm like a joke to them. They only hang around me to see what stupid things I will do next. I hate myself. I just wish I was dead.

koreaboo July 13th, 2016

I feel lazy and depressed, as per usual. Not a good thing, but hey, what can you do?

Whovian92 July 14th, 2016

I feel so overwhelmed. Recently I got in a car accident that was my fault and though I am fine it's changing a lot of family dynamics very quickly. suddenly others are expecting so much more out of me and I am not sure if I can handle. I may have gotten a lot better recently but the accident brought my emotions up and harder to control. I have started to think about cutting again. I haven't cut since November and sometimes it feels like it could help but I know that it's just addicting feeling and that if I allowed myself to relapse I might not be able to bounce back from it again. I just wish life could go back to simpler times where I had more people to talk to when I felt this way and less things to try and handle.

Whovian92 July 14th, 2016

And I feel like such a failure. I should have known better paid closer attention. I should be able to handle everything that's being thrown at me. But I don't think I can't right now

justpeachy22 July 15th, 2016

I feel so lonely yet won't help myself because I have no desire. I guess that's the shit thing about depression right? Understanding how awful you feel but not being willing to help yourself.

Snowsarah2001 July 17th, 2016

@justpeachy22 I feel the same way.. it's so hard and I dont even want to get up in the morning..

RunningWater July 22nd, 2016


Your not alone here. You just have to find people who care. Like your family, even if they don't care. Who gives a shit. Its better to be alone and sad. Then to have people make you feel like crap. Take it from somebody who knows

Stumoart July 15th, 2016

Hi how's things

DaraSalem July 15th, 2016

I feel awful lately. I have a pain in my chest and I feel like I am going crazy. I have to cry and even when I try to not do it, I can't help it. Everthing seems to be the copy of the most boring copy ever. I can't enjoy anything no matter how hard I try. I want to eat but I can't open my mouth, I want to sleep but I can't shut my eyes. I wish I could find a reason to live for. I feel completely empty, meaningless and really really tired.

InfiniteCutiePi July 17th, 2016

I feel good cause its my birthday yaaaaaay!!!! :D

Snowsarah2001 July 17th, 2016

I've been depressed for the last 2 years and I don't know what to do anymore.. it's always fights and I don't want to get up in the morning anymore..

FallingCrescent July 18th, 2016

The same I have for the past days. Lonely, depressed, anxious, confused.

Tigerose July 18th, 2016

A little bettrr today. Got out of the house to go grocery shopping.

Tigerose July 18th, 2016

I have found that watching the birds in our back yard while my cat chitters at them is somwhat peaceful. At least i don't sleep all day anymore.

theashofaflower July 22nd, 2016

@Tigerose the simples pleasures in life, right. Sometimes they can be the most life changing things