Depression Community - How do you actually feel today?
I feel like I'm dying. I feel so alone and I don't have anyone.
Emotionally stagnant, no ambition, no aspirations.
@hehku in the exact same boat right now. I hope things look up for you. <3
I've had some rough patches today but I'm willing to pick myself up again and try to do better.
Like I'm drifting through life, numb and sometimes getting caught up in negative shit.
I'm feeling quite angry right now because of some unsupportive people on the depression support room. I filed a report, though.
Frustrated and burnt out. My husbands family is visiting and they are very loud and in your face and I don't do that, it burns me (and our daughter) out so bad.
I just feel depressed at random times for no apparent reason. Is this normal? Because its ruining my life slowly
@SympatheticPrune2000 that's how I feel.
I feel like I'm not here, and when I am, I'm not supposed to be... Each day is the same, yet each day is somehow worse
I'm so tired of being sad. I just want to be happy again. I'm tired of being happy or okay one minute and then something happens and I just spiral down and out... Things were starting to get better but now they're kinda fluctuating. I'm just so tired of not being happy. I'm tired of not being steadily happy.
@neatWater4954 Yup, I know how you feel.
We'll I'm still in bed but I feel my anxiety kicking in and haven't even started my weekend yet i wake up happy then around the afternoon it goes down hill I just want one whole day where I'm happy and not it going up down up down its like a rollercoaster that isn't fun at all just plain annoying and scary and I hate rollercoasters