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Depression Community - How do you actually feel today?

Laura December 2nd, 2014

Let us know in 1-3 sentences. Post every day!

ivoryGlobe5931 October 29th, 2015

Kenna, same feeling i have like yours. Really society is killing me too. I just avoided them. I dont go to parties get to functions etc...they always have a comment which hurts me. Some times we have to live around such a society. I almost alone nd happy. Nd more over i recently got here and got positive energy.

Kenna, i can feel your pain dear, i think always there is a solution for everything. You can find a way which makes you happy. I feel happy when chat with good friend online here.

rkrossi2013 October 29th, 2015

I feel removed from my own body, like I don't belong inside my head.

BeingStrong1 October 29th, 2015

For some reason I feel better today. Being on 7 cups reminded me that trying to find things to be positive is the best form of healing. I'm doing my best to be grateful for the things I have. It's an effective strategy- thanks 7 cups! <3

Monarda October 29th, 2015

@BeingStrong1 I want to give you a huge hug <3 You're so strong, and I'm so glad you feel better today. I hope you can enjoy it for a while!

HelpingHand179 October 29th, 2015

I lost my best friend.

pluckyIdea7406 October 29th, 2015

I'm okay I guess

navyPlane2393 October 29th, 2015

I just feel lost, I feel like there's no use for me anymore

Stillirise October 29th, 2015

The same thing just happened to me. I understand you completely :(

Elenmelonn13 October 29th, 2015

I feel really depressed. I feel like my family doesn't care about me, and I feel like my friends don't care about me. I'm not getting the help I need from doctors or anything and I can't do this anymore

crimsonOak2859 October 29th, 2015

I feel okay, not great though. It's morning and usually my intense depression really settles in later on in the day. I guess we'll see.

colourlessyouth October 29th, 2015

There's no point anymore

fairmindedBalloon6827 October 29th, 2015

As my depression lifts my anxiety increases. I don't know which is more uncomfortable.

I'd like to be a whole person. Fully functional. But I just don't think it will happen. I don't even know if I understand what that means.

jenniferlobsinger77 October 31st, 2015

@fairmindedBalloon6827 i know how you fill i have both of those i also have CP a perminte pinched nurve in my left foot saver back pain

BlackWater October 29th, 2015

I feel empty, I just want to lie in bed and forget about everything. I want to be invisible, I don't want to be part of the world today.

Paulywog138 October 29th, 2015

I feel like I'm getting back into the cycle of not feeling anything and I know that's a dangerous headspace for me to be in. I feel like I've been doing what I learned in the psych ward and from my therapist wrong.

lovingPine3496 October 29th, 2015

Alright, so today, i thought would be an easy day. come to school. do my work. go home. get ready for my haunted house. come back home. sleep. It hasn't been easy with my teacher for my last class always asking where my ex is..if that's a appropriate term for him. anyway..she always asks me where he is..and if he's going come back..i don't know anything. We broke up just yesterday and it feels like we were never actually together. i never knew what was going on with him..besides the fact he was always "busy" with what, well he'd never actually say more than he's busy. So i left it alone. I just want to move on. i just realized that last night, i didn't eat dinner. and i fell asleep around 8. i woke up at 12, changed my clothes and went back to bed. my alarm went off at 4:30..but i didn't get up. and then woke up again at around 5:10. i tried to look good today to make myself a little better. that didn't work. at all. i did have a period of just wanting to not even travel to my class. but by my third class i was laughing and having fun, in a way. i literally almost broke out in tears when she asked where he was. today isn't going to end all that great for me considering i can't let my guard down anymore. i feel like i shouldn't believe anyone anymore when they confess feelings for me now. every single time someone does that, i always end up hurt. as far as i can remember i haven't had a real relationship, i haven't had a person have a legit crush on me. Ive literally been used in a social experiment. there is so much i could just going to cut it off here

Noonecares15 October 29th, 2015

I talked to my counselor today, and i felt good, but i still feel no one cares about me, and i have so many thoughts that i have to cut all the time

pretty October 29th, 2015

...Now I'm feeling down...missing a short lasting friend we are not in touch just becoz of bad luck...huh..!!!

Scaredsister118 October 29th, 2015

I feel really anxious but I don't know why

bestRaspberries3130 October 29th, 2015

Crying with stress over my exams next week

LovePom October 29th, 2015

Things are only getting worse. I've talked my problems over many times and nothing changes. I get worse every single year. I don't want to live, but I don't want to die either...

thehoodlum October 29th, 2015

I'm really disappointed and ashamed in myself because I failed a test so badly and I lost my 4.0 GPA because of it

braveYard7914 October 30th, 2015

@thehoodlum Don't be disappointed in yourself! Having a GPA even close to a 4.0 is something I totally wish I could have, but huuuge props to you for accomplishing that! It shows how much you really strive to do well in school. I think in life, there's also the ability to show your character, which goes beyond your GPA. I'm also going through the exact same situation with trying to keep my grades up to apply for colleges, and it's hard and sometimes it doesn't always result the way you want it to, but the best thing you can do is constantly remind yourself that you really are working hard and that you have a really high GPA!!

ScreamingForSanity October 30th, 2015

I really feel like crying, screaming, and having a total breakdown. But I can't.

sensiblePlane510 October 30th, 2015


Lauryith28 October 31st, 2015

Same here, can't let it show but it's brewing inside.

Keiro October 30th, 2015

"My hands are cold, my grip is failing.

Too much longer and I will fall.​"

I often dream of us together, and for a short while, I am free. And every time I wake, I'm left with an empty void within myself. I've waited so long for your arrival. It's been years since I first saw you; Don't you miss us being together? I'm still waiting. Always waiting.. No one's coming to share my pain. I am here and all alone. One last time I'll play our song; I just wish you'd sing along.

"Are you coming now to save me,

or do I have to save myself?"

Bearbear October 30th, 2015

Well I'm at the point where anyday now I ready to be done with life as each day goes bye I think aboult dieing every im just not good anuf for anyone anymore im geting where I can't take it any more im geting where I don't care aboult nothing anymore don't care what happens don't care what goes on arould me on a scale of one 1-5.....1 being ok and 5 being death im at 4 can't get nothing to go right for me anymore just don't know what to do just started my meds but they told me it would take a mouth and a half just to see a Chang in my me just don't know if I'm going to make it safe. Has a hold of me and he is dranging me down fast he must realy won't me hmmm

lovingPine3496 October 30th, 2015

Moving on is hard. So yeah, I'm still hurt. I woke up this morning and he was the first thing on my mind...I tried to make it go away..and ultimately failed. Yes. I miss him...but there's nothing I can do. Yes. I still have feelings for him..but I can't do anything with them. I will have to devote myself to my arts and writing just to make myself feel a little better. One of my friends wanted me to hold on...we were honestly the cutest couple ever..but I held on for about 18 days before ending it.. so.. Yeah.. I'm just really hurt.. Heartbroken really

easyWater4109 October 30th, 2015


i know it sounds like such a cliché but time really does help, eventually it won't feel so hard.

Distraction helps too. Perhaps another fish in the sea to keep you company? Whenever your ready of course.

you will survive this, I know it feels brutal right now. I had a break up once and it consumed me everyday for about a year-absolute torture. It eventually faded and the best thing I did was remove myself so I wouldn't see that person around. Good luck and sorry your hurting.

lovingPine3496 October 30th, 2015

@easyWater4109 this, i thought was a person who was genuinely interested in me. i don't think there are any other fish in the sea for me. i mean honestly who would want a self loathing ball of erratic emotion?

easyWater4109 October 30th, 2015


you have your whole life ahead of you. Believe it or not this heartbreak is part of your journey. You are dating to get to know people and learn about what you may want one day for a life partner. Don't let this ego blow keep you down. Keep your head up and keep going.

GoodVibes8 October 30th, 2015

I feel really guilty. I haven't been to school in 4 days (last week I missed 3 days in a row, too) because my depression just makes it so difficult for me to get up in the morning. I'm also a little proud though because I've been taking my meds lately :D

Barenziah432 October 31st, 2015

I'm feeling pretty down, misunderstood, confused, and useless. I put on a strong face at work but I feel like I'm a bad worker when I try so hard to be a good one. It seems like there is always something wrong with the way I do things and I don't want to keep making mistakes. I had a nightmare about work today and it's hard falling back asleep. My sleep schedule has been thrown off and I can't seem to get a full night. I feel like no matter what I do or how hard I try something always happens. Maybe I'm just not as good at what I do as much as I thought I was. Maybe I'm not the person I thought I was. Well so much for confidence.

SeaShell09 October 31st, 2015

You are. Even if you fail, even if you fall, even when you disappoint everyone. Even when you disappoint yourself. You are good enough. You are the most important thing in your live. Forgive yourself, love yourself. Everyday. I never give up on trying. Good luck, keep strong

intelectualcurls October 31st, 2015

I know this is probably not as depressing or some may not think it's as important as others, but I lost my dog 2 days ago and I haven't been able to stop crying. I somewhat feel guilty because unfortunately I took him to a vet which did a horrible job and I lost him in a week after they treated him. I feel like I didn't have enough time with him (8yrs) and I just wasn't ready to say goodbye..I can't get a good sleep for more than 10mins, I cant walk past his area where he used to sleep without bursting into tears and sometimes I think this is just a dream where I cant wake up from. :'(

pioneeringTurtle4255 October 31st, 2015

Same as most days... I really don't want to live anymore but I'm scared of taking my own life, so I'm stuck in this never ending suffering. I always pray to just die in my sleep, to not wake up to another day of pain and misery. I think I'm not meant to be alive, I get extremely depressed and hurt over the smallest things so I'm never happy, and I don't remember the last time I was.

Tiana3 October 31st, 2015

I just feel empty and I have no way of explaining that to friends and family.

Sadgirll223 October 31st, 2015


positivebunny333 October 31st, 2015

sad , tired , don't really wanna leave bed but I'm gonna have to eventually