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Depression Community - How do you actually feel today?

Laura December 2nd, 2014

Let us know in 1-3 sentences. Post every day!

October 25th, 2015

Alone. Nobody understands me. Pissed. Very pissed.

lovingPine3496 October 25th, 2015

I feel empty..

He's gone and I don't know what's going on with him.. Is he gonna come back? Are he and I ever gonna get to be an actual couple? Is he ok?! I don't know..

I guess this is what I get for merely attempting to be happy. I can have him... But I can't always.. Or ever see him. I just.. I miss him so much. Sometimes I'll be doing something that I actually enjoy and I'll just randomly think of him.. I always expect him to text me.. Or miraculously show up at school again.. But everyday I'm disappointed.. I can't text him cause I've literally sent 4 texts since he last said "hello" nothing since..and I don't wanna bombard him with my nonsense..

imwaitingformysunshine October 26th, 2015

There are so many emotions covered up inside me that its just a mix of unsettled feelings that swarm my mind and clog my lungs so that I can not breathe.

Chiaroscuro1 October 26th, 2015

I feel tired and withdrawn. I want to go to my room and stay there and not talk to anyone.

Monarda October 26th, 2015

If anyone on here feels like no one cares, I actually do. Yes, I'm a stranger and you may be more than what you say but I really do care. All of you are valid. All of you are real and if you are in pain, you deserve help. I hope that you can get that help soon <3

I love you guys, I really do. I know what it's like to be depressed. To not be able to get out of bed. To feel empty, without emotion. I know the lows of depression as well as you do, so I won't judge. If you need a listener, please go to, because there are people worldwide that care. You have a beautiful smile and I know sometimes that smile isn't real but it will be real in time. I hope you can see that moment, when that smile is finally real.

Take care, and I wish you all the best <3

lovingPine3496 October 26th, 2015

I feel neglected.

creativePlace744 October 27th, 2015

I'm feeling lost, confused, and so very alone.

jcisnotonfire October 27th, 2015

today i went from 269 days clean to 0 and i've never felt worse than i do right now

RedCar6767 October 27th, 2015

In the last 10 years, I have been fired eight (8) times for stuff being on my control.

Work at a place on average for 1 or 2 years, make a great first impression but out of the blue I get fired for no reason.

Wish there was a mental health solution on solving this problem.

RedCar6767 October 27th, 2015

*beyond my control....

pluckyTree9287 October 27th, 2015

I feel numb . I feel like I'm just sitting down and feeling my self breathe and that's it , yet I feel every negative emotion , mostly anger but I don't now why . I dont even know what triggered it . And when I cry I feel nothing again . For a week I have been trying to resist my urges to cut but I don't think I can go on much longer . I want to feel again . But I don't at the same time . I like feeling numb because I try so hard to be disconnected with my emotions . But sometimes I want them back , just to feel like a human again . But when I do get them it always causes me to want to do may horrible things that I'm trying to stop doing . I don't know what to do anymore . I'm hopeless .

CosmicFeelings October 27th, 2015

Today sucks. I feel like I woke up on the wrong side of the bed. I'm just getting over my hormonal lady problems and it didn't do anything to my mood, and tbh it actually made it better.. Now, I feel just as gross as I usually do. I'm having some real self-esteem issues. Every time I pass a mirror I look at it and tell myself 'do I really look like that?' 'Who would want someone like me?' 'I'm just the ugly friend.' I know this isn't good but I'm hoping it goes away soon.

Lacieme123 October 27th, 2015

Not sure if its depression but feeling so down that you can't get out of bed ( friends tell me i'm just lazy), lack of motivation, crying without a reason, easily get tired, feeling so numb and so empty...that's how i feel right now

JustOutForARip October 27th, 2015

I feel anxious for no reason.

fairmindedPineapple143 October 27th, 2015

I just feel like complete shit

energeticSpring4866 October 27th, 2015

I feel tired of everyone and everything. I just want to sleep for the rest of my life.

Carebear14724 October 27th, 2015

I know how you feel. I sleep get up and do it all over again. I'm here for you if you need to talk

bifesky October 28th, 2015

I'm too tired to concentrate also school tests make me feel stupid and brainless. My mom's driving me crazy and i feel like I should apologize for breathing. I guess it's a normal day for me. (Also I can't sleep and I feel like everyone hates me and my heart is too cold for love)

zombie333 October 28th, 2015

@bifesky its just a small advice, but dont feel like im trying to press on you or anything, but if you take action and try to break to this world, maybe you will feel a bit alive, if your mother is driving you crazy maybe you could talk with her, but you have to mark that its hard for you and that you want to change something, say how you feel, dont blame anyone or anything, and i know this part is the hardest, but try to understand her, she have her own problems as well and cant understand you unless you talk to her, and maybe she felt once the same. i cant say much since i cant precisely understand your situation but i know the feeling you have right now and if you wont fight it now it will only get worse.

bifesky October 29th, 2015

I've already done that, that's why I feel so hopeless because I don't know what should I do more.

creativeMelon1653 October 28th, 2015


lovingPine3496 October 28th, 2015

Unstable!! I can't even express how I feel. I've been in a state of "not ok" since I walked through my front door after school.. I blasted music hoping it would help..didn't. And ice just been briefly uncomfortably laughing at anything that made me upset..its pretty sad..

McNumb October 28th, 2015

Tired.. Went to my first counselling session so I'm proud.. But all I could think was how tired I am

Monarda October 29th, 2015

@McNumb I am so proud of you for going to counseling. I just want to give you a hug, you're so strong! Also, you said you were tired. Did you tell your counselor? I think they might be able to help with that, but I'm not sure.

You can get through this. If you're having a rough time, reach out to someone you can trust, or your favorite listener on here! You deserve help, don't let anyone say otherwise. Best of luck! <3

ScreamingForSanity October 28th, 2015









Trixey October 28th, 2015

Hi, Im new here and I wonder if anyone can help me. Im looking for a discussion that started at 10? I think its called thoughts and feelings?

Scaredsister118 October 28th, 2015


LethalUnicorn October 28th, 2015

I feel empty. Like I have no feelings. Like... (this may sound morbid and maybe trigger warning? idk) if I were to be hit by a car I wouldn't mind too much. I'm not considering suicide or doing reckless things, but... yeah. Empty, as it were.

DressedLikeADaydream October 28th, 2015

Worthless. Like I don't matter, like nothing I do will ever matter. Also broken, but broken to the core, not just upset, as if there's something deep inside me that needs fixed but I can't fix it.

zombie333 October 28th, 2015

Today i felt happy because of the people i talked with in the chat rooms, because i knew they wished me well and i knew i could at least hel them myself a bit. I feel like even if im afraid or drowning that if i say at least one nice thing to someone i can make someones day, someone will be happy for at least a moment because of me and maybe id me funny for them but im happy i can make others happy. Even if im lonely i can become a part of this circle by just saying that someone look pretty in a dress. There are 70+ pages of how peole feel, and if every one of them is sad, i just want to tell you guys you dont have to be that way, it sometimes feel bitterly good, but its better to feel a genuine happines. I know how hard ot is, i am here as well.

ScreamingForSanity October 29th, 2015





Alexmythia ridden


Meghlyn25 October 29th, 2015

I should be happy. I hung out with a friend, went out after work. And now I just don't want to function. Why am I crying? Honestly I don't know. I want to give up. I don't want to be here anymore.

lovingPine3496 October 29th, 2015

Numb, I guess.

I just broke up with my boyfriend...after nearly 20 days..we hardly talked...and he hasn't come to school in so long. Its best to just let it go early instead of continuing to let myself hurt. I had dreams..plans.. Noe I gotta throw it all away..

ivoryGlobe5931 October 29th, 2015

Lovingpine! Warm hugs to u. I have been through same situation like you. U was saying its 20days since no contact. But mine its was 2months. I did everything for him. I loved him what the way he is. He used to say me as his world, nd am amazing nd beautiful n so on. But suddenly stopped chating with me, without reason. When ever i try to contact him, he says silly reasons to avoid me. We are miles apart but ours was true love i believed. I feeling like insult to me, he ignored me. I gave him time n space nd i was waiting for him for the day he may realise my feelings. But no. He is being so rude. He not even says reason for his change. I begged him sorry for even if its not my fault. He didnt have soft corner for me. I cried for him..looking at mobile all the time tht he would call me. But no. I cried day n night, i spoiled my life, i hardly cant focus on anything. But i was reading positive quotes after that it says if someone ditches you, its not your fault but real losers are they. I was in deep depression state but gradually getting out. I came here in 7cups met people with beautiful heart. Makes smile on face for while. Today i feel am lucky am positive energy and im special person. Because he lost me lol.

Yes you have bright future dear. Never let anyone makes you down. U hav power in you. You have to many more good things in life. He is not much important anymore. I wish you would definitely get loving and caring affectionate man in your life. Who appreciates u, makes u smile , respects u, who is there for u in your happiness n sad. More over who knows how sweet you at heart nd worthable, special person in this earth.

I feel like i must reply to your post. Hope all goes well for u. Happy days ahead to you my friend. We all here for you to share your feelings any time. Really amazing people here to support.

Love you

lovingPine3496 October 29th, 2015

@ivoryGlobe5931 yes, im slowing moving on. its going to hurt a bit because i actually thought he loved me like he said. i had so many plans for us, i was going to ask him to the winter formal at my school, which we both attend. But i can just throw all those thoughts out. if he really loved me, he would've done everything in his power to tell me what's going on with him. I still don't know if it was him who actually called me a c*nt, or a complete dumba**. i did nothing to deserve it. it is pretty suspicious that it happened so suddenly, but that's always the same story with me and anyone who claims they are even remotely attracted to me. one girl gave me multiple excuses as to why she couldn't date me...but soon after was dating someone else. one guy would cheat on me, lie to me about it, ignore me, and just expect me to be ok with it. another...i don't think i can trust him honestly, i haven't told him that but i feel like he was dating another girl at the time we were together. But i can't be completely sure.

vanillawafers October 29th, 2015

really angry and sad even though nothing bad happened today. only what i did to myself by being grumpy. i hate myself and death sounds cool

WasteWanderer October 29th, 2015

I hate my self. Soo much. I which i would did. I don't have the balls to kill myslef or else i would. I eant to cry and run away. Or die. Which ever comes first. Ill just wait

Monarda October 29th, 2015

@WasteWanderer I know that depression is very hard. It always is. You mentioned wanting to kill yourself, which makes me very concerned. But it seems like you don't want to go through with it just yet, which is very relieving.

I am not referring you to these hotlines, text-lines and online hotlines because I don't care. It's just that 7cups isn't a crisis resource. But feel free to vent to a listener about what's making you feel this way!! :D

Hotline (in the US): 1-800-273-TALK(8255)

Text-line: Text "GO" to 741-741

Online crisis centers:,,

kennaaa31 October 29th, 2015

I'm so empty, I don't care if I live another day I just can't take this world anymore. Society is killing me. I have no one to talk to without being judged. I'm just done.

Monarda October 29th, 2015

@kennaaa31 Just remember that even though I'm not a listener, you can talk to me anytime you want. I care. I will never judge because I'm going through depression myself. I know that deep down inside, you want to get help because why else would you be here? So, I just want to say that no one on 7cups will judge you. <3