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PathStep 907 Compassion hearts1,283 Forum posts300 Forum upvotes441 Current upvotes441 Age GroupAdult Last activeJune, 2016 Member sinceMay 8, 2015
Hello! You can call me Oli. I'm agender, he/him or they/them pronouns please!
I'm diagnosed with ocd and trichotillomania, and it freaking sucks. But I do try to push it aside. The key word that I must emphasize is *try*.
I love algebra and math in general, so yeah!
I'll always be listening to music whenever I possibly can. There's a 95% chance I'm listening to music right now.
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If your ED was a person, what would it look like?
Eating Disorder Support / by Monarda
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July 13th, 2018
...See more My therapist is so helpful. She means the world to me and she's taken the time to help so much more than anyone else I've worked with. One time, we were talking, and she suggested something. She said "So, take this pencil and some paper and draw what your eating disorder would look like as a human being." I thought it was an amazing idea, so I'm suggesting it to you! So, what would your ED look like as a person? Tell me, I'd love to hear :)
Monarda profile picture
Submit your favorite words with definitions!
Depression Support / by Monarda
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January 1st, 2016
...See more Here's how this'll go: You can submit any word(s) you want, as long as you really love them! They can even be untranslatable into English, or in a foreign language! Brighten someone's day with some words! It'd also be neat to hear why you like the words, I think it'd be interesting! Let's get nerdy while getting to know each other! I'll start: Sonder: The realization that each passerby has a life as vivid and complex as your own. Kuidaore (from Japan, 食い倒れ): To ruin oneself by extravagant eating/To eat oneself into bankruptcy Vellichor: The strange wistfulness of used bookshops. Aloof: Conspicuously uninvolved and uninterested, typically through distaste. Cantankerous: Bad-tempered, argumentative, and uncooperative. What are your favorites?
Monarda profile picture
I have trichotillomania- AMA
OCD & Related Behaviors / by Monarda
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August 31st, 2015
...See more Hello! Trichotillomania, in case you don't know, is an overwhelming compulsion to pull out your own hair. It doesn't really hurt, but people with trichotillomania (TTM or "trich" for short) have a super hard time controlling when they pull their hair. is a helpful website if you want to learn more about it. (A bit about me if you want to know: My name is Olivia, I'm 13, and I'm a self-titled band geek :P) So with that said, ask me anything!
Monarda profile picture
I'm proud of myself because... (Big thanks to everyone as well!)
Positivity & Gratitude / by Monarda
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July 14th, 2015
...See more So I was bawling my eyes out today, but it was tears of happiness and sadness and I was really confused initially. This person on YouTube had put together these Weibo challenges (Belly button challenge, collar bone challenge, etc) and the last "challenge" was to love yourself. When I heard that I just lost it because my body image and self-esteem are crap (partly because I'm genderqueer/AFAB and y'know, dysphoria). So I'm going to try and love myself a bit more, even though I think my stomach is too big, my thighs don't have a big gap, and I fail at the collarbone challenge (even though my collarbones are visible). I guess I'll try to do things a bit differently tomorrow and see how my mood changes :) Thank you guys for helping me get to this point. I couldn't have done this without you <3
Monarda profile picture
I feel like therapy won't help me...
General Support / by Monarda
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June 1st, 2015
...See more I haven't told anyone about my mental health outside of this site. I am screwed-up mentally. Whenever I try and talk about my feelings (even on here), I break down and start crying. See, I hate crying, it makes me anxious. I hate crying alone, and in front of people. When I cry, I feel weak and childish. So going to a therapist and talking about my numerous mental health issues would be nervewracking for many reasons. I don't want to be judged more than I already am, and I've made steps towards recovery by myself. I know I should tell my parents, but a part of me says that these problems will go away soon. What should I do? I'm really confused
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Hi there, thank you for reading my bio. My name is Amy and I have been a LMFT...
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