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Depression Community - How do you actually feel today?

Laura December 2nd, 2014

Let us know in 1-3 sentences. Post every day!

skyzemiatic March 26th, 2015

Today I've felt horrible, I started out the day as breaking down in the morning, then my mom got a letter in the mail that asked "is someone you know depressed?" So I finally got the courage to tell her, and she thinks it's all crap because I don't know why I feel this way.

deepthinker419 March 26th, 2015

Tell her you are serious and would like a dr appointment to at least talk to someone yourself. Hope that helps

xangelix March 26th, 2015

I feel terrible. I want to get out of here. I hate this feeling where your chest burns and tears stream like rivers. When you cant stop crying but you have to keep it to yourself. I hate people. But I like them too. I'm damaged. I'm broken. I want to stop right here.

LovePom March 26th, 2015

I feel like my heart is going to burst. I'm about to give my mom a 3 page letter explaining why I am depressed and why I act the wayI do. I am so nervous I can't even deal with this. I tried to give her the letter on the third of this month but I got scared. Ihope I can do it in the next 15 minutes before she leaves. I just want help

ijustwannascream March 26th, 2015

Give it to her .. don't be scared to ask for help and if she won't listen tell someone else until somebody listens :)

ijustwannascream March 26th, 2015

I want to leave my family... ( boyfriend, son, mother and stepfather) I just want to be alone and free !!

musicmaniac March 26th, 2015

That may sound nice, but you have people who rely on you and look up to you. People that care. Your son and family needs you. Freedom would be amazing and refreshing, but we all have responsiblities.

ijustwannascream March 26th, 2015

Yeah but it's not the responsibility . I don't mind be responsible for things and people.. but I do not like to be around people and they just are always THERE and it makes me irritated

musicmaniac March 26th, 2015

Oh, I get what you're saying. I only feel like that once in a while, but when I do, I can't handle being around anyone. Just remember that they aren't purposely trying to annoy you, and try to stay calm when you're frusturated like that.

deepthinker419 March 26th, 2015

You need a dr. appointment Asap and hugs

GraennBlossi March 26th, 2015

I feel not at bottom

Ashleyrosalia March 26th, 2015

I feel awful. Sort of like a lot of people on here. I feel betrayed and hurt by everyone. I feel like I can't trust anyone or anything. I am so stressed and overwhelmed right now, but I'm trying to stay strong. I'm trying to tell myself it will be okay, but it's hard. Sometimes, I just want people to tell me it's going to be okay.

gentleJar9995 March 26th, 2015

Hopeless. I ate your soup. I drank your water. I took your pills and I had a nap. But when I woke up, I felt the same. Why keep going through the motions?

grayxxmars March 26th, 2015

My day was going pretty well, but then I remembered I have to play softball in gym. Being on the heavy side, I'm really //really// insecure about this type of stuff and I nearly had a panic attack when I went up to the plate to bat. But anyways, it was pretty okay but my band director caused me to be late going home. And then my mom got mad that I didn't want to talk about my day. I didn't really eat much and I slept a lot today. As of right now, I'm really suicidal and I'm talking to The Trevor Project trying to calm down

ivoryTortoise7946 March 26th, 2015

I felt the same way about a lot of stuff and cut my arm up I don't regret it but my friends all look at me different now. I just say be careful what you are doing

Ellseaa March 26th, 2015

Awh, sugar.It sounds like your going through a toughtime at the moment, but I promise you - everything will be okay in the end, and it it's not okay then it's not the end, honey. I'm always here if you need anything, sweet. I'm only ever a message away. Hope the Trevor Project works for you, although please drop me a message so I can support you or at least check that you're okay.
Stay Strong❤

Hannah2499 March 26th, 2015

When I get extremely depressed I feel like I am going mentally insane. Staring at a wall can make me burst into tears and scream into a pillow. I can't sleep, I can't eat, I can't talk, I can't function.

Ellseaa March 26th, 2015

Honey, have you told anybody about these feelings? I feel as if you could do with some strong support, sugar.It sounds like you're really quite unhappyat the moment, andI promise you - everything will be okay in the end, and it it's not okay then it's not the end, honey. I'm always here if you need anything, sweet. I'm only ever a message away. Don't be scared to message you, I'm only here to listen and I promise I would never judge you or anyone, but please drop me a message so I can support you, or at least so I can check that you're okay, sugar.
Stay Strong❤

ivoryTortoise7946 March 26th, 2015

Today I told my friends why on have been distant and out of it but have yet to tell my parents. I feel like crap. Lieing to them why I wear so many braclets. Its getting worse and worse. I'm getting worse.

deepthinker419 March 26th, 2015

Are you already under medical care

Ellseaa March 26th, 2015

Hey, honey. It's alright to feel sad every once in a while, and don't be ashamed. If you think you need to tell someone, tell someone. Nobody will judge you for this I promise you darling. I can't imagine how you must feel, going through such a toughtime, butI promise you - everything will be okay in the end, and it it's not okay then it's not the end, sweetheart. I'm always here if you need anythingsugar -I'm only ever a message away. Same goes for anybody else who reads this.
Stay Strong❤

willingOrange1694 March 26th, 2015

I feel like a confused ghosts who just can't settle on an emotion for more than 3 minutes. I feel like a burden when I tell my two friends (who I am not comfortable talking with about this but are the closest). I can't help myself. I feel unwanted because when I go to school my group doesn't say hi. When they leave and I say goodbye none of them reply back and don't notice when I'm gone. I feel stupid. I keep failing my tests no matter how hard I study. I am so lonely. No one asks me out and I'm terrified of asking them. I want company but I'm scared. I am a loser. I am worthless. It feels like everyone pretends to like me for my sake and I hate feeling like that. I hate myself for feeling like that. I hate everything, I hate depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, I hate looking at food and wanting to throw up just by the thought of eating it, I hate it

Ellseaa March 26th, 2015

Awh, darling. It sounds like your going through such a rough time at the moment, although I promise you - everything will be okay in the end, and it it's not okay then it's not the end, honey. I'm always here if you need anything, sweet. I'm only ever a message away.
Stay Strong❤

TheMusicalViolinist March 26th, 2015

I feel kinda horrible. I hate waking up everyday.....

Ellseaa March 26th, 2015

I'm always here if you need anything, sweetheart.
Stay Strong❤

Ellseaa March 26th, 2015

I'm always here if you need anything, sweetheart.
Stay Strong❤

Ellseaa March 26th, 2015

I'm always here if you need anything, sweetheart.
Stay Strong❤

TheMusicalViolinist March 26th, 2015

I just want this work day to be over. And all days to be over.

March 27th, 2015

I feel old, tired, sick of life, hopeless, helpless and worthless. My AD isn't working anymore, I am trying to withdraw from benzos and I can't even find a decent PDoc. I just want it all to be over.

LovePom March 28th, 2015

Ifeel really anxious and sad.Ialways feel like I'm running out of time. I hateit. Also, every timesomething bad happens to me, it could be the slightest thing like a friend making a joke at me orgetting something small thrown at me, I instantly think of ending it. I guess I've reached my limit?...

Angeleeek March 28th, 2015

I got an orange thrown at me the other day in the cafeteria,i broke down

LovePom March 28th, 2015

Oh, I'm sorry that happened. People can be cruel.

Ellseaa March 28th, 2015

I'm always here if you need anything, sweetheart. If it's not okay, then it's not the end, please message me so I can check that you're okay sugar.
Stay Strong

LovePom March 28th, 2015

Thanks for the offer, it's nice to know that people care, but I'm not over 18 yet. Still a teen :\ (If you were talking to me. I couldn't tell >.<)

Carnage1 March 29th, 2015

I get depressed from music, but it's addictive. Is that healthy?

MyAutumnLeaves March 29th, 2015

I'm feeling really down today. I'm having problems looking in the mirror and not being upset with how I look.

MyAutumnLeaves March 29th, 2015

I'm feeling really down today. I'm having problems looking in the mirror and not being upset with how I look.

emzy73 March 29th, 2015

Mixed emotions at the moment. Im either ok or totally other end and cannot cope with life anymore. This changes within hours. Im confused by these feeling and my nrain feels like its going to explode

emzy73 March 29th, 2015

*brain feels like its gonna explode

AlmostOptimistic March 29th, 2015

There's a point that you go numb from it all. Like not feelinganythingbecause you don't want to feel the pain anymore, you'd rather give up the bits of joy to notfeel all of the pain.I'm tired of loathing around in self pity and self hatred, I'm tired of having to take pain killers to stop the headaches that follow crying, that follow the panick attacks and the stress and the traumatic flash backs of abusive situations. I'm tired of smiling and trying to act happy around friends and family, I'm tired of the stereotypes and judgemental people, I'm tired of trying to care for others when I can't take care of myself... I'm tired.