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Whats some advice you d give urself if u could go back in time

flowlikewater07 August 23rd

Could be a letter to ur past self.. could be wt u wish someone would hv told u back then.. smtg u wish other people in similar situations get to know.. here's ur outlet

Marita7391 August 28th

Thank you so much for this post helps a lot xx!!!

Dear 13yr old me,

The current me (14 yr old me)

wants you to know that before trying to live up to your parents and others expectations, change yourself so your classmates like you better, hate yourself constantly and all that, make sure to love yourself too..

Your important too,

We still struggle,

Many things have happened to us,

We definitely aren't perfect,







We're real..

Our gender, is valid,

The way we want to dress, is valid,

Our pronouns are valid,

WE are valid,

Your pretty,


Trying your best to please everyone..

But hey,

Whatever happens..

Don't lose hope kiddo,

Your a fighter,

Your strong..

Don't forget that hon,

You are you,

And nobody!

Can tell you otherwise gurlie <333

Lysm cutie,

Remember to be kind to yourself honey,

Be yourself..

That's okay too..

And not mom or dad,

Can tell you you aren't valid..

BCZ you ARE..

And your classmates!?

Can go get themselves fixed,

It's not you who needs fixing,

You are the absolute best version of yourself..

Always remember..

You are real..

Distressedtwat August 28th

@flowlikewater07 is tell my younger self not to virtually cheat on the best woman in the world

flowlikewater07 OP September 7th

@Distressedtwat Well thats good advice.. i hope she's doing better and has healed from it and that ur becoming a better man by learning from ur mistakes

tidyrose August 28th

don't be afraid to fail. try things, get out there. don't limit yourself because you are afraid of failing or afraid of what other people think. not everything will work out, you won't be talented at everything and that's okay. don't be too hard on yourself. don't shut yourself out. there are many cool people in the world who won't automatically judge you.

flowlikewater07 OP September 7th

@tidyrose Oh this one is an awesomely important oneee

tidyrose September 8th

it is, i wish younger me listened to this advise

ricktgarrett August 28th

@flowlikewater07 I would tell me to not react to your hurt. Don't run from it. Find a way to respond to it. And respond with contemplation and thought. 
I'm really trying show compassion and forgiveness to my past self for not understanding this. I know I did the best I could with the tools and knowledge that I had to work with. I know I was hurt, but reacting only made the hurt worse...then I hurt myself and others with reactionary behaviors and mistakes. Those past mistakes have delivered me to the mess that I'm in now and they jeopardize my future. I've worked hard over the past few years to make changes and repair my life and my soul. And now I'm struggling with this panic disorder making it hard to see past the fear. Right now, I'm in a fog of DPDR and my thoughts are trying to tell me that it's too late, that I just messed up too bad. I'm trying to let this anxiety symptom be and not engage with it, just let it float by. And while I'm doing that, showing myself compassion and grace. :)

flowlikewater07 OP September 7th


Yes both ur past and present selves deserve kindness and compassion. And as for the anxiety, try grounding techniques to remind urself of what actually happened and what ur fear is making it feel like.. i am no professional, but there's a youtube channel of a therapist named "Dr. Julie".. she deals with many topics including anxiety depression etc.. maybe check that out

And a song recommendation- 12345 by em beihold

ricktgarrett September 8th

Thank you! I’ll check out Dr. Julie….and love the song!

Wpdillon August 29th

Your relationship status does not determine your state of happiness. Focus on what you enjoy. Life goes fast, enjoy the small things. Not every is as it appears. The world can be cruel, be kind to everyone you see.

flowlikewater07 OP September 7th

@Wpdillon well said!

Izsla August 29th

If I could write a note back to myself from the past, I would let them know things I wish I knew then. To take more photos with family, to smile more, to be more social, and most of all, to be brave. A blast from the past: To learn German and visit my grand pops more and sit there and listen to him talk about history and learn German. TO visit my grandma and spend more time with her, Daisy, and my grandfather, talk with them, show Daisy more love, and to hug her one last time. To find happiness and safety in myself, rather than be afraid of others. Start eating healthier and exercise more. I would do anything just to be my 8 year old self even just for a day.

flowlikewater07 OP September 7th


All ur experiences gave u this knowledge and now while u cant get a second chance at ur past, u do have the opportunity to do these moving forward, n yes may ur gramps rest in peace! they love u..

live in the moment, hug, smile and yes defo fill that camera roll up with anything and everything

Rhealuv91 August 29th


I would tell my younger self  to stop trying to buy love it never lasts. If they deserve to be in your life they would be. You are enough Rayana stop doubting yourself and letting this people walk all over you, or it gonna keep destroying from the inside out. Put you and your mental health first. 

flowlikewater07 OP September 7th

@Rhealuv91 Whats meant to be in terma of friendships and relationships will happen, those things cant be forced.. trueee

VintageLatika August 29th

I feel I was really awesome, whatever I did or whatsoever choices I made were quite good, infact I should look back and learn from my teenage days …learn to take life easy, and live in present moment ♥️

flowlikewater07 OP September 7th

@VintageLatika Good job and a pat on the back to the teenage u!

sane777 August 29th

@flowlikewater07 siempre vete a la primera! 

flowlikewater07 OP September 7th

@sane777 Hey i dont know spanish so i dont know what that means..

abhuMax August 31st

@flowlikewater07 I would definitely be kinder to myself.  My home was a suffocating home with depressed parents, so I never got the care I needed. After some traumatic events, I thought I was the root of the problem and I hated myself. Since I was 9 I have always thought of ending it and now that I look back I am suffering a lot of health problems because of it. If I could meet the old me I'd love him with lots of hugs and kisses because as a child I always wanted to experience what normal kids experienced. 

flowlikewater07 OP September 7th


To the little boy in u,

Hugs (if accepted).. you are loved you are cherished. you deserve care love and protection and happiness.. whatever state ur parents were in was neither ur responsibility nor ur fault.. and it is not right that u had to pay the consequences for it.. 

With Ice creams and hotwheels,
someone who would have cared for u

2882 August 31st

Even though no-one notices or validates your efforts pay attention in schoola dn keep trying foe the top, you don't have to know everything or pass every subject, but really try hard in the ones that interest you. Your interests will open doors.

engelbrekt August 31st


My advice to myself would be :

First , its okay to accept help, don't deny help from healthcare , and search for help as soon as you get issues , waiting will make it worse .

Secondly, be wise , be smart think twice about big choices and life and study hard . 

AlixChristina August 31st

@flowlikewater07 i would tell myself that social validation only takes you so far. You have to live a life that serves you and not just what others expect of you. Boundaries are not bad and the people who respect them are the true genuine people you need

shiningmirrorball August 31st

The boy who wasn't willing to give you his all wasn't the one. There will once come someone who loves you just the way you are, and you won't have to question why you are not enough.

Many people told this to me back then, but I just didn't feel like they were right. I wish my past self would have believed it, that it indeed gets better and he wasn't the one, because the one wouldn't be afraid to try with you.

StrivingYeah August 31st

It would honestly be to not get yourself into a relationship with a certain somebody. I mean, some relationships teach you lessons, but this one is too much to deal with. I'm losing myself in it. I know how to get out of it, but it's too hard to do so. 

Wpdillon August 31st

The relationship with yourself is one of the most important in life. Never make someone a priority that makes you an option. Other people's opinions of your life are just that, opinions. Believe in yourself, even when no one else will.

RobinGoodfella September 3rd


  1. Read up on autism and how to live without masks.
  2. Spend less time trying to win at life and more time just enjoying it.
  3. Doing nothing hurts more than doing badly.

Comfortcafe4198 September 4th

@flowlikewater07 Something I should've known before was that I didn't need to change myself just to fit into friend groups, that it's better to just have one friend or no friends at all than to change myself to be around people who weren't even good for me

genericbeing September 5th

@flowlikewater07 Only one thing about a girl I dated, otherwise everything went downhill so I wouldn't tell myself anything otherwise I wouldn't have gone forward.

Hereforyouall144 September 5th


Just focus more on what you have.

jacek73 September 6th

Hello, I am a newbie here, but after I began the second half of my life this subject feels very fresh and up-to-date with me. My advice to myself would be:

Do NOT go to the university - it changes nothing in your professional career. Buy yourself a place you could call home instead.

Be even more careful with the most important relationships. Don't be too eager either to start, or to finish them too easily.

Don't let your grandparents get rid of your family's heritage, even when it takes chaining yourself to an apple tree. The beautiful garden of your puppy years may soon no longer exist.

Remember that a piece of a good advice given by someone who may have hurt you before is still a good advice.

Don't worry about the bad things which have to happen on the way, but be looking forward to some pleasant surprises. You can bet they'll be!

blueorchid1010 September 7th

I would say... don't take it too hard.. everything is going to be alright...what you're doing is already enough...i know you're smart enough to make a right decision but try to make decisions responsibly....i know you're hurting and there's a better way to vent out rather than doing something irrational... you'll grow old to be more beautiful and mature...even if no one else love you right now...your future self loves you...and she's proud of you

sensitiveyogini4011 September 7th

@flowlikewater07 never date. Never have a baby. Never live with a man. Don’t give money to family. Go to ashram 

Arisu7592 September 8th

@flowlikewater07 I would give 

' watch out for yellow ' or something 

coolj9 September 8th


Trust your instincts - listen to your body and inner conscience - whatever rest of the world expects is secondary  

RainbowRosie September 9th


Great question 🌹

Could be a letter to ur past self.. could be wt u wish someone would hv told u back then.. smtg u wish other people in similar situations get to know.. here's ur outlet

I’d say to put myself first, don’t let anyone waste my time and to keep positive! 🌹❤️🌹

sympatheticTiger2424 September 9th

don't do drugs with those people

LexiThomas16 September 9th

@flowlikewater07 You don't have to force anyone to love you.


Mmmm I think not to fall love