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4) Team Lightship: Tweeting Empathy

SoulfullyAButterfly January 31st, 2021

In our introduction, we briefly understood an introduction to how social media-based marketing at 7 Cups uses a project called Team Lightship.

In this discussion, we will understand how the Lightship initiative works in terms of using tweets for spreading awareness, support, as well as 7 Cups content and other service information. We will also learn how the Twitter platform can be used to outreach to people requiring and in search of mental health support, in order to ensure that mental health is not ignored or stigmatized on social media.

(i) Using Tweets to Spread Awareness, Support, and Content/Service Information:

As previously discussed, the goal of Lightship is to use social media to reach out to those in need using kind and empathetic messages.

General tips include:

  • What you tweet about should reflect the compassionate, supportive, and kind community that 7 Cups is. Use your best judgment.

  • View your Team Lightship account as a force for good, and for spreading the 7 Cups mission and values.

  • Feel free to discuss emotions, situations, and topics that often occur on 7 Cups.

  • You might also want to post/retweet quotes or pictures, and that’s 100% okay! Just remember that reaching out to people should be a priority. Think of how social media graphics can be used in that sense, to engage people.

  • Note: Lightship uses referral links (found on your dashboard page under the list of chats) to direct users to the 7 Cups site.

Tips in regards to which areas or services of 7 Cups you can mention (apart from the general fact about 1:1 or group chats!): Self-Help Guides, Expert Articles, Free Mindfulness Exercises.

Sample Tweets:

Having a tough time? Don't keep it all inside. If you want to talk, we're here to listen 24/7 #7Cups #MentalHealthMatters

Need inspiration from people who have overcome Postnatal Depression? Read these stories of women using their recovery to aid others!

(ii) Using Twitter to Outreach People Seeking Support:

The following steps are helpful ways to identify and respond to people seeking support:

  1. Search for Keywords

Some keywords or hashtags can prominently help search for people in need of support.

Note: The following and other mental health-related tags on social media platforms can contain potentially triggering content.

  • Prominent Tags: need to vent, need a friend, feeling lonely, anxious, and depressed.

  • Other Tags Examples:

  • #depressed #anxious #depression #mentalhealth (high volume tags)

  • #needtotalk

  • #bullying

  • #chronicpain #chroniclife

  • #coping

  • #peersupport

  • #selfcare

Note: These keywords or hashtags can also be used in your own tweets to help ensure visibility and engagement.

  1. Reply to Tweets

After your search for important hashtags and keywords, when you find someone who has tweeted using one of those tags, and looks to be in need of support, reach out to them! Respond to their tweet with a message that includes information about how 7 Cups can support them.


Using what you learned about the Lightship protocol:

  1. Create one general hypothetical tweet that is supportive and compassionate.

  2. Respond to this Tweet using the outreaching tips:

3. Reply to one other student’s responses for both (1) and (2) and offer a review about their response: don’t forget to mention strengths as well as improvements they can make!

Please do not forget to personally save your activity answers as well as your reply to another user’s answer (recommended on Google Doc or other means) as you will be asked to share this for your Weekly Progress Report.


This post is brought to you by the Content Development and Marketing Program, find out more information about the program here

lyricalAngel70 March 8th, 2021


Cheers to you too laugh

RationalMe7 July 13th, 2021

@lyricalAngel70 (re-posting)


Both your answers are great & well drafted.

The only improvement I can suggest is to make it a little more condensed and shorter. Still your answer is great. Good going.

lyricalAngel70 July 13th, 2021


I did note it with thanks the first time you mentioned it. Thanks again though. ❤

QuietLotus March 3rd, 2021


1. Create one general hypothetical tweet that is supportive and compassionate.

Need a step by step guide on how to increase your confidence and self-esteem provided by people who care and understand? Visit and try our tailored growth path. #7cups #mentalhealth #moreconfidentyou!

2. Respond to this Tweet using the outreaching tips:

It can be intensely frustrating when people don’t abide by the rules designed to keep us safe. Moreover for someone with #anxiety. If you would like a safe place filled with warmth, understanding, and ears ready to listen, visit #7cups at

Daf8 September 6th, 2022

❤️ @QuietLotus ❤️

❤️ For the hypothetical tweet, I really like how you used such a compassionate approach! It could be a more general tweet, but regardless of that, you included an amazing resource. Your response is great! ❤️

❤️ Your response tweet is really validating! It could use your referral link and more hashtags, but you cleverly used the ones you included. You also were kind and warmly presented 7 Cups! ❤️

❤️ Overall, your work is awesome. Keep it up! ❤️

RationalMe7 March 8th, 2021


1. Are you struggling with panic attacks? Does anxiety affect your daily life? If you believe that a listening ear can reduce your burdens, we are here.

#selfcare #anxiety #help

Visit us at:

2. I understand it’s a tough situation that you’re in. It can be really concerning especially when the pandemic is still going on. If you need emotional help, we can have a talk and help you feel better.

Visit us at:

shoag March 8th, 2021


Your general tweet is very informative and positive, but to have a bigger impact it should be more empathetic or relatable through the use of more comforting words.

Your response to the tweet is very sympathetic and helpful to the tweeter, you did really well.

RationalMe7 March 9th, 2021

Thank you for the inputs, @shoag

shoag March 8th, 2021

1. Create one general hypothetical tweet that is supportive and compassionate.

Need a safe space to let out your #feelings? Head over to 7 Cups and discover ways you can vent!

2. Respond to this Tweet using the outreaching tips:

Agreed! #Anxiety levels are peaking especially during this time in the pandemic. A healthy way you can let out your feeling is on 7 Cups, where we can listen to you!

KristinHelps March 9th, 2021


Create one general hypothetical tweet that is supportive and compassionate.

Let’s spread kindness today, you never know who needs it the most <3 if you’re needing to talk to someone about your mental health, reach out to a listener on #7cups. Your mental health matters!

Respond to this Tweet using the outreaching tips:

I’m sorry to hear about your anxiety in regards to this difficult pandemic. You don’t have to bottle things inside and I would love to support you on #7cups. This is free and anonymous and you do not have to go through it alone!

FrenchToast March 18th, 2021

@KristinHelps I love both your answers. They are filled with so much compassion and care.

sellistens August 13th, 2023


I like how empathetic you are and how you calmingly explain how 7 Cups works. I feel like it might need to be a little longer. Good job though!

CocoaCassie January 23rd


Your first tweet was clear and concise, bang on point, but I would have used a few more hashtags to make it more visible I think. Well done!

CocoaCassie January 23rd


Great reply! I think I would have added in two more hashtags I marked in red.

I’m sorry to hear about your #anxiety in regards to this difficult  #covid pandemic. You don’t have to bottle things inside and I would love to support you on #7cups. This is free and anonymous and you do not have to go through it alone!

AnisiaCocanMA March 12th, 2021

Struggling with #loneliness ? We are here to offer support via 1:1 chats , self-help guides and meditation exercises , all on ! #together

FrenchToast March 18th, 2021

@AnisiaCocanTherapist That's a great way to collect all the resources into one!

Lugi123 May 13th, 2021


Love your tweet, it is short and highlights the different resources of 7 Cups. I also liked how you included your personal profile too.

The only tip I have would be to be mindful of not having space in front of punctuations. You can use tools like Grammarly that can help you spot and correct these.

Happy900 May 16th, 2021

@AnisiaCocanTherapist Nice job.

Keep it up.

giggleBubbles6722 June 12th, 2021


Sraight forward and to the point

could use some empathy and some words that seems warm inviting and personal

KACOSMIC July 29th, 2021


Greet tweet and nice job citing 7 cups, the only thing it could be more warm and empathetic.

Iamanotheru August 1st, 2021

I loved the use of hashtags and your tweet, in general, is amazing.
Just the space between the punctuation marks could be avoided.

GoldenRuleJG January 22nd, 2022

@AnisiaCocanTherapist I love your tweet - short and crisp and use of hastags. Thank you.

Hemaja31 January 31st, 2022

"To bring joy to others around the world..

AnisiaCocanMA March 12th, 2021

Response to given tweet

Although high anxiety levels can be really challenging, you are the only person who will take care of yourself as you need. Keep the attention on your protection and be the one who shows respect and maybe others will follow ! #together

MizuKagami April 26th, 2021


This is a nice sentiment, and definitely something to keep in mind, but sometimes we just need to talk to someone. However, you haven't left this person a link to the site, and therefore didn't give them a chance to get help and support here.

Lugi123 May 15th, 2021

@AnisiaCocanTherapist I like the reminder that you gave the person of how they are in charge, thus empowering them. I am missing a link to 7 Cups which would help the person be able to get support if needed.

Iamanotheru August 1st, 2021

Your response is very informative and good. However, the link to the 7 cups website is missing.

sunlightspirit March 15th, 2021

#1: Hypothetical tweet:


Feeling depressed, anxious or having trouble coping? Ever wish you could just talk to someone about your thoughts and feelings? You are not alone. At 7cups, you can express your voice free of stigmas and stereotypes by talking with a compassionate listener 24/7. Perhaps you are looking for self-supporting tools? 7cups has inspiring Self-Help Guides and Expert Articles. #depressed #anxious #needtotalk

Please be sure to: Check out my 7cups listener profile

#2: Respond to tweet:

It sounds like you feel anxious about others not practicing social distancing and you just want to feel safe in your environment which is understandable. You are not alone with your frustrations. You can contact 7cups 24/7 to share your feelings with a supportive listener. #7cups, #anxious, #support

sunlightspirit March 15th, 2021

Link to profile was incorrect: corrected here

Please be sure to: Check out my 7cups listener profile

Happy900 May 16th, 2021

@sunlightspirit Nice job.

No worries, we all are learning and growing.

wagwanianPA May 11th, 2021

1. One thing you can work on is your character count, as Twitter only allows for 280 character tweets.

2. This one is a bit shorter, but it's still over 300 characters. My recommendation is you write directly into a platform like MS Word or WordCounter where you can see the characters in real time!

GoldenRuleJG January 22nd, 2022

@sunlightspirit amazing work - lovely image and construction of the message. Well done :)

FrenchToast March 18th, 2021

1. Create one general hypothetical tweet that is supportive and compassionate.

Whatever you are feeling, it's okay. If you want to vent, talk, share, feel, listen, we are here for you. 7 Cups is full of anonymous listeners who are here for you, 24/7! #7Cups #MentalHealth #SelfCare #needsomeone

2. Respond to this Tweet using the outreaching tips:

I agree, #COVID has us all scared and anxious. But that's okay, we are here for you on 7 Cups to provide you with a listening ear to share your burden.

Happy900 May 16th, 2021

@anotherfrenchtoastclub Amazing job.

I love the bold font.

Very Professional looking.

caffeinatedcatio June 17th, 2021

Loved the general tweet, and the hashtags incorporated! Limited, but useful.
The response to the tweet also shows empathy and is informative, but one thing I'd suggest you do is to add your referral links to both so they can have easy access to the platform! Other than that, these responses are pretty good :)

followup March 21st, 2021


Create one general hypothetical tweet that is supportive and compassionate

Feeling worried or afraid. Are you unable to cope right now?

#talk, we listen. @ 7 cups

Happy900 May 16th, 2021

@followup Love it.

Job well done.

KACOSMIC July 29th, 2021


Greet job citing 7 cups but it could be include more information about how we can support, not just listening.

mvpeng March 21st, 2021


Create one general hypothetical tweet that is supportive and compassionate.

Have you been feeling #down lately? You deserve to feel #okay. Reach out to 7 Cups if you #NeedToTalk

Respond to this Tweet using the outreaching tips:

It can be incredibly frustrating when people are not wearing their masks. Please know that you can only control you, and you deserve to have a good day and to enough the things you love, even if others are not doing what they are supposed to. #covid-19 #PandemicFeels

mvpeng March 21st, 2021

@mvpeng I meant enjoy the things you love, not enough. I think autocorrect got me.