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4) Team Lightship: Tweeting Empathy

SoulfullyAButterfly January 31st, 2021

In our introduction, we briefly understood an introduction to how social media-based marketing at 7 Cups uses a project called Team Lightship.

In this discussion, we will understand how the Lightship initiative works in terms of using tweets for spreading awareness, support, as well as 7 Cups content and other service information. We will also learn how the Twitter platform can be used to outreach to people requiring and in search of mental health support, in order to ensure that mental health is not ignored or stigmatized on social media.

(i) Using Tweets to Spread Awareness, Support, and Content/Service Information:

As previously discussed, the goal of Lightship is to use social media to reach out to those in need using kind and empathetic messages.

General tips include:

  • What you tweet about should reflect the compassionate, supportive, and kind community that 7 Cups is. Use your best judgment.

  • View your Team Lightship account as a force for good, and for spreading the 7 Cups mission and values.

  • Feel free to discuss emotions, situations, and topics that often occur on 7 Cups.

  • You might also want to post/retweet quotes or pictures, and that’s 100% okay! Just remember that reaching out to people should be a priority. Think of how social media graphics can be used in that sense, to engage people.

  • Note: Lightship uses referral links (found on your dashboard page under the list of chats) to direct users to the 7 Cups site.

Tips in regards to which areas or services of 7 Cups you can mention (apart from the general fact about 1:1 or group chats!): Self-Help Guides, Expert Articles, Free Mindfulness Exercises.

Sample Tweets:

Having a tough time? Don't keep it all inside. If you want to talk, we're here to listen 24/7 #7Cups #MentalHealthMatters

Need inspiration from people who have overcome Postnatal Depression? Read these stories of women using their recovery to aid others!

(ii) Using Twitter to Outreach People Seeking Support:

The following steps are helpful ways to identify and respond to people seeking support:

  1. Search for Keywords

Some keywords or hashtags can prominently help search for people in need of support.

Note: The following and other mental health-related tags on social media platforms can contain potentially triggering content.

  • Prominent Tags: need to vent, need a friend, feeling lonely, anxious, and depressed.

  • Other Tags Examples:

  • #depressed #anxious #depression #mentalhealth (high volume tags)

  • #needtotalk

  • #bullying

  • #chronicpain #chroniclife

  • #coping

  • #peersupport

  • #selfcare

Note: These keywords or hashtags can also be used in your own tweets to help ensure visibility and engagement.

  1. Reply to Tweets

After your search for important hashtags and keywords, when you find someone who has tweeted using one of those tags, and looks to be in need of support, reach out to them! Respond to their tweet with a message that includes information about how 7 Cups can support them.


Using what you learned about the Lightship protocol:

  1. Create one general hypothetical tweet that is supportive and compassionate.

  2. Respond to this Tweet using the outreaching tips:

3. Reply to one other student’s responses for both (1) and (2) and offer a review about their response: don’t forget to mention strengths as well as improvements they can make!

Please do not forget to personally save your activity answers as well as your reply to another user’s answer (recommended on Google Doc or other means) as you will be asked to share this for your Weekly Progress Report.


This post is brought to you by the Content Development and Marketing Program, find out more information about the program here

SynSavory February 2nd, 2021


Create one general hypothetical tweet that is supportive and compassionate.

Sometimes, we all have our tough moments. It's okay to reach out for support. If you need to talk to someone online, we're here for you. #7Cups #MentalHealthMatters #selfcare

Respond to this Tweet using the outreaching tips:

It is incredibly frustrating having to worry about our safety, especially during a time like this. If you need some moral support to help you keep going, we have you covered. #MentalHealthMatters #7Cups

Azalea98 February 12th, 2021


Activity 1

Great use of hashtags and using links to direct them to the site! That would be very helpful and practical!

For my improvement: (now this might be me misreading it!) The word "sometimes" doesn't seem like it belongs in that sentence. Starting it with just "We all have our tough moments" might be a bit more impactful!

Activity 2

You showed great empathy and sympathy to the person and made references to relate to things in their tweet such as the inculsion of the global pandemic.

For the improvement maybe change up the tags? Using a wider variety will more likely make more people see it!


You did great well done ♥️

SynSavory February 15th, 2021


Thank you. I don't know - I used "sometimes" at the crisis line and no one's said anything yet. It was kind of taught to me if that makes sense. I'll keep in mind though.

SoulfullyAButterfly OP February 15th, 2021

I agree - sometimes is a word that could signify that we all have good or bad days so it is ok if it is difficult at times ❤️ - you could remove it if for example you face a character limit on Twitter - as for "free" I was just giving you another example!

SoulfullyAButterfly OP February 13th, 2021

@SynSavory great display of support! love how you use the word "online" as initially some people may not know that online support is available - we could similarly use the word "free". Great validating response too

SynSavory February 15th, 2021


Thanks - I suppose I could have clarified with free. It would make sense. I'll keep this in mind.

soothingLove6591 July 31st

@SynSavory having relatable tweet and its tip is great. I don't know how to evaluate quotes or tweets, but yours is perfect.

KatherrinneP February 6th, 2021


1) Create one general hypothetical tweet that is supportive and compassionate:

In every person’s life, there are always going to be both good and tough times.

Just as we are sharing unforgettable moments with our loved ones, we should be capable of reaching for the support we deserve when we need it the most.

#needtotalk #peersupport #7Cups #needafriend

2) Respond to this Tweet using the outreaching tips:

I’m so sorry to hear that you are feeling anxious because of this situation.

It’s very understandable why you’re feeling this way, your own health is extremely important.

If you wish to vent over and get it all off your chest, you can always join us on 7 Cups! It is an on-demand emotional health service and online therapy provider.

You can check us here and easily log in as a member, or create a member account for free!

February 7th, 2021

@KatherrinneP Original and heart-felt words used in the tweet. Good use of hashtags as well. One suggestion is to use even less words to say even more things. (using less words and yet conveying a lot)

For Activity2-

Your response is very empathetic and once again heart-felt. Keep using your ink to comfort and uplift the readers.

sunlightspirit March 15th, 2021


1: I like the compassion you show in your words

2. You can change the text of links by right clicking and choosing edit to change the text (keeping the address hidden)

Azalea98 February 12th, 2021

Create one general hypothetical tweet that is supportive and compassionate.

Sometimes needing to rant or vent to someone is all you need to change your mindset! 7 cups knows Feeling heard is very important! #removethestigma #mentalhealth #wehearyou #7cups

Respond to this Tweet using the outreaching tips:

I think we can all sympathise with what you are feeling. Recently, many people have been finding themselves increasingly more frustrated and anxious each day. Maybe you need to vent in a non judgmental place? Come join 7 cups! #nojudgement #anxiety #covid

SoulfullyAButterfly OP February 13th, 2021

@Azalea98 I love how both of your tweets have a sense of connection as well as support! I would be very interested in giving 7 Cups a try after reading them so thanks for presenting it like that.

optimisticMoment4139 December 19th, 2021

1. the hashtags are simple and clear

2. your work is amazing

Happy900 February 13th, 2021

Team Lightship: Tweeting Empathy

If you have issues with #mental health, 7cups is here to help.

At 7cups we have trained active listeners, and a mental health team, who can help.

Why do we do all that?!

Because #You Matter!!

11820Read February 17th, 2021


Compassionate tweet! I personally think it's slightly long, but it sure is concise.

sophiasanae July 13th, 2021


Hey! I love your tweet! My one suggestion would be to take out the word "issues" and just say "Do you need help with #mentalhealth?" in order to make it just a tad more appealing to members seeking help!

AliveandAlive January 29th, 2022

It's a very empathetic tweet. It definitely catches attention. A few improvement areas could be:
You can include link to the resources and adding a few popular hastags would help.

Happy900 February 13th, 2021


Respond to the given Tweet

If you need to talk about mental health issues, then please visit for more information. #Mental Health, #You Matter

11820Read February 17th, 2021


Non-judgmental, but personally I think it's a little too general and still can be tailored to make the reply sounds more personal. :-)

11820Read February 17th, 2021

Create one general hypothetical tweet that is supportive and compassionate.

Rest your worries on us. We always have a shoulder for you to cry on. #MentalHealth #MentalSupport #Compassion #VolunteerListeners #7Cups #ShoulderToCryOn #Tea #Rest #Worry #Anxiety #Depression #Gratefulness #WeAreHere #Help

Respond to this Tweet using the outreaching tips:

That's a very reasonable worry. Let's discuss more about it and find some solutions together over a cup of (virtual) tea. #MentalHealth #MentalSupport #Compassion #VolunteerListeners #7Cups #Tea #Rest #Worry #Anxiety #WeAreHere #Help

SoulfullyAButterfly OP February 20th, 2021

@11820Read Both tweets are excellent as they provide validation as well as an invitation for further support - great work. Twitter might support a few number of hashtags so we can pick any of what you mention.

sophiasanae July 13th, 2021


I love the part about discussing solutions over a cup of tea! Very creative and cute!

CaringBrit February 18th, 2021

as Twitter has a character limit I prepped mine within Twitter so the replies were accurate

Create one general hypothetical tweet that is supportive and compassionate.

sorry to hear you have been feeling really depressed and feel that you have no one to talk too why not check out 7cups. free 24/7 listening ear when you need us to click following link its kept confidential too when you reach out to a listener #YouMatter

Respond to this Tweet using the outreaching tips:


I understand how you feel certainly isn't easy seeing people not following rules if you are needing someone to talk too 7cups is a free 24/7 service with volunteer listeners who are around if you need them #Anxiety #covid

azuladragon34 August 31st, 2021


1) I love the tweet. Very concise and to the point. I can feel the empathy radiating off your tweet

2) Very empathetic and shows the potential member that there's someone to help them

azureOwl6812 February 19th, 2021

Create one general hypothetical tweet that is supportive and compassionate.

Feeling like talking to someone but afraid of sharing? No fear,when 7 cups is here! Talk as much as you want with our 7 cups listeners anonymously :) #mentalhealthmatters

azureOwl6812 February 19th, 2021


Respond to this Tweet using the outreaching tips:

Seeing people not socially distancing for their own and other's safety can be anxiety and fear inducing. If you ever feel like venting, know that we listeners at 7 cups are here for you :)

azureOwl6812 February 19th, 2021


Create one general hypothetical tweet that is supportive and compassionate.

Feeling like talking to someone but afraid of sharing? No fear,when 7 cups is here! Talk as much as you want with our 7 cups listeners anonymously :) #mentalhealthmatters

(please ignore the previous one :))

SassyClassyBrunette February 19th, 2021


I am so sorry to hear about your #anxiety . Are you repressing any other #mentalhealth problems? We, volunteer listeners, invite you to contact us at so you can be able to vent out your feelings in a safe space.

SassyClassyBrunette February 19th, 2021


Life during the ongoing pandemic might take a toll on our #mentalhealth. If you ever feel like venting, do know that we volunteer listeners at 7 cups are here for you!

electricWhisper3694 February 21st, 2021

Hi! I understand how you feel, it is scary times for all of us. If you need someone to talk to about this we have verified active listeners available on 7cups for you! #7cups

electricWhisper3694 February 21st, 2021

Feeling a little down? It is okay, you are not alone. Talk to someone with #7cups

February 22nd, 2021

@electricWhisper3694 simple and sweet. However, we can try more popular hashtags maybe? Example #loneliness.

electricWhisper3694 February 22nd, 2021

okay thank you for the feedback! much appreciated

February 22nd, 2021

@electricWhisper3694 Nice response.

February 22nd, 2021


  1. Create one general hypothetical tweet that is supportive and compassionate.

We all need care and support from time to time. The best kind of care is #self-care. Login to to learn more about it.

2. Respond to this Tweet using the outreaching tips:

I totally understand where you are coming from. The gravity of the situation and people's negligence towards it can be alarming. If you feel you would like to talk about it to someone, listeners at can listen to you compassionately. I hope it helps with your anxiety. Take care Red heart

lyricalAngel70 March 3rd, 2021


Your response is empathetic & I liked the way you've responded to the tweet by making the anxious person feel at home. However, I feel that you could have added a little bit more while creating the hypothetical tweet in your first response. Overall, very well done & keep it up! <3

lyricalAngel70 March 3rd, 2021


Create one general hypothetical tweet that is supportive and compassionate.

Hello beautiful soul, is there something that bothers you inside? Do you want to be heard but no ears to listen to you? Anything that you are afraid to tell your own self & can't even talk about it with people around you? This is Angel - an active, trained & verified listener on 7 Cups' of Tea which is an on-demand online emotional support providing platform. Please consider joining us at because we truly care & have your back. heart#MentalHealthMatters #NeedToTalk #VentOut #7Cups

Respond to this Tweet using the outreaching tips:

I am extremely sorry to hear about your #anxiety. I understand that people do not pay heed to social distancing even with this pandemic. I believe that it is indeed frustrating enough to irritate any of us. If I were you, I would feel the same about your current situation. However, there are quite a few things that I find helpful when anxiety hits me. They are as follows:

Reading self-help books, Practising mindfulness, Regular Workouts, Talking to my parents/fiancee/friends, Sketching/Painting. Please consider following any recreational activities among these or any of your hobbies as you may find them beneficial. You may also want to check out few useful links from #7Cups for #anxiety:



Lastly, I would like to welcome you to join 7 Cups' of Tea which is an anonymous, secure, emotional support providing platform through online chat. Kindly find us here - Because you're not alone, thank you! heart #Anxiety #Covid19 #SocialDistancing #Pandemic #7CupsofTea #ActiveListening #AnxietyChat

3. Reply to one other student’s responses for both (1) and (2) and offer a review about their response: don’t forget to mention strengths as well as improvements they can make!


RationalMe7 March 8th, 2021



Both your answers are great & well drafted.

The only improvement I can suggest is to make it a little more condensed and shorter. Still your answer is great. Good going.

lyricalAngel70 March 8th, 2021


Thank you so much for your suggestion. I will keep that in mind next time. Have a great day. ❤

RationalMe7 March 8th, 2021

Cheers, @lyricalAngel70 laugh