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Ramblings 3

Iamwhoiamwhoami December 31st, 2023

Nothing new, same issues . I miss the people here. I have been really struggling the last few months. I have been really trying and it seems like I am going back instead of forward.

Iamwhoiamwhoami OP September 5th

One would think that the details make the difference. Those details wrapped inside those darkest of thoughts may hold the key to help. I am sure that whether it is someone who experiences this long term or short term, the key thoughts are going to be scarily similar. And considering the millions of people who have experienced these thoughts, granted many will never admit it ,even to themselves because it has become such a taboo topic. I don’t remember much of anything from my youth, but I do remember one particular therapist that was on my wavelength and was not afraid to speak those taboo words to a struggling kid. Unfortunately I was too stubborn headed to reciprocate and open up. She freely spoke those dark words trying to connect to me those dark words that mirrored the ones in my head. Even though those words and ideas are scarily similar in everyone’s minds, those minds are like fingerprints, all different. Yet the medical community has linked everyone experiencing these thoughts and feelings into a few basic groups . Speaking for myself, I have never fit into any of those groups or categories. Too many variables that impact all these people too many different ways. Infinite possibilities of directions people are pushed into during their journey with depression and/or any other issues added to their mix. Not unlike my scenario.

Tinywhisper11 September 5th

@Iamwhoiamwhoami I think just by writting your thoughts here, is enough. I'm learning from you ❤ I gotta go be back soon ❤❤

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Iamwhoiamwhoami OP September 5th

@Tinywhisper11 ❤️❤️👍 ❤️❤️

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Tinywhisper11 September 5th

@Iamwhoiamwhoami ahhh! Sorry sweetie I'm gonna be gone a while, I'll try check in later sorry sweetie ❤❤ hugs you tightly ❤ I love you ❤

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Iamwhoiamwhoami OP September 5th

💕💕No worries Love 💕💕

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Iamwhoiamwhoami OP September 5th


I thought about your suggestions earlier, and I put one to use and managed to struggle through an ok shower, enough for a little soap on the upper half anyway and an ok rinse of hot water for the legs. Thank you. ❤️❤️

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Tinywhisper11 September 5th

@Iamwhoiamwhoami yaaay! Well done for showering ❤❤ I'm very proud of you ❤ I know how hard it can be ❤❤ my carer has some free time 😁 so we are having a chat, and she's gonna get a game we can play, so you take it easy now ❤❤ gives you a giant hug ❤❤ I'll be back in a few hours hopefully ❤❤ I love you ❤

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mytwistedsoul September 5th

@Tinywhisper11 no cheating 😉😁😂

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Tinywhisper11 September 5th

@mytwistedsoul I don't cheat 👀👀 i didn't know those cards were in my pocket 👀👀

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mytwistedsoul September 5th

@Tinywhisper11 spoken like a true card shark 😂

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mytwistedsoul September 5th

@Iamwhoiamwhoami Hey that's great! I'm glad you were able to get in the shower and wash up alittle! That is awesome news Iam! Thank you for letting me know! 😊 You just gave me the biggest smile right now ❤️

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Tinywhisper11 September 5th

@Iamwhoiamwhoami sorry I wasn't around much this morning. It's not often I get to just spend time with my carers having a bit of fun, so that was nice ❤

did you manage to get some sleep?? Did you take your pills right today??

My carer was letting me shop in 'shein ' on her phone earlier, it's a clothes shop😁 I bought some nice things, and a halloween themed blanket😁 yaaay! I like fleece blanket throws. I always keep my body covered with blankets in the wheelchair, to hide the embarrassing, missing parts

anyways I love you ❤ gives you a giant hug ❤ I hope your ok

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Iamwhoiamwhoami OP September 5th


Having a bit of fun definitely takes priority. Besides this is the time I should be sleeping. Not that it matters right now. . That is wonderful news though. ❤️❤️I got a few hours sleep. Actually I did some stopping earlier as well. , some new jeans with a larger waist. Which may or may not be big enough . Which also may or may not matter anyway, depending what happens with surgeon. I understand your embarrassment, however as far as I am concerned you have nothing to be embarrassed about. 💕💕Hugs, I Love You 💕💕

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Tinywhisper11 September 5th

@Iamwhoiamwhoami a bigger waist line is a good thing ❤❤ and to be expected. Yaaay! Shopping is fun, one day I would love to go to a outdoor Xmas market, I've seen pictures and they look so much fun ❤ and a few hours sleep is great aswell ❤❤hugs you tightly ❤ I'm gonna go to bed soon ❤

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Iamwhoiamwhoami OP September 5th


Isn’t it amazing how the many things that happen to us over the years affects each of us differently? You want to experience it. Me on the flip side of the coin, my anxieties prevents me from even wanting to go physically shopping. I do the majority, well as of now, all my shopping online. Actually now that grocery shopping is an option for my location now, regardless of what happens, unless I am forced to move/relocate , that will remain in place. ❤️❤️Hugs, and sweet dreams ❤️❤️

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Tinywhisper11 September 5th

@Iamwhoiamwhoami yeah it seems to be the way it's going. I wonder if shops will become a dieing thing, when everyone is shopping on the internet. I'm very lucky we have chefs who cook for us here. And if I need anything, my carers help me look on their phones/computers to buy it. Anxiety, fear and just my situation, keeps me from going to shops and things to. But one day when I get braver, I'm gonna be a explorer😁 

but for now it's bedtime ❤ I've took my meds, my pain levels are high. So it's definitely sleepy time ❤❤ hugs you tightly ❤❤I love you ❤

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Iamwhoiamwhoami OP September 5th

❤️Love you too ❤️

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Iamwhoiamwhoami OP September 5th


❤️❤️I Love You ❤️❤️

I will be here when you wake up.

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Tinywhisper11 September 5th

@Iamwhoiamwhoami thankyou my handsome prince ❤

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Iamwhoiamwhoami OP September 5th


You’re forever welcome, my beautiful angel 💕💕💕💕💕

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Iamwhoiamwhoami OP September 5th

This new way of “life” has seemed to have come down to six hour chunks of something or other. Just breathing in and out coming here and doing my writings and responding to those wonderful people who reach out. Six hours, pill to pills.

Iamwhoiamwhoami OP September 5th

This complete darkness, the overwhelming dark thoughts whilst being in the abyss of the darkness, this shame that I and so many others live in because of others judgement because of fear of the unknown, this shame should be allowed into the light , that is the only way to truly help us, bring it completely into the light. Let the warmth of the light, the love, kindness, understanding, compassion, courage, and so much else can help minimize the darkness, and build the courage and confidence of so many suffering in silence to summon up the strength to voice their ugly truths and bring them to the light that is the biggest and and most important medicine. The fear of the unknown that seems to reign over society needs to be a focus as well. That fear is something that needs to be addressed with understanding and compassion as well. Two different battles on the same front. The fear of the unknown according to so many writers spanning decades, centuries, is as old as time itself. One would think that that in itself would be enough to say that changing the course of thinking needs to occur, guided by all of histories examples. Bring these things we fear into the light so they can be accepted and understanding can begin.

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Helgafy September 5th


"Bring these things we fear into the light so they can be accepted and understanding can begin." - Maybe you want to write a bit about it here.

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Iamwhoiamwhoami OP September 5th

@ Helgafy

I try to do that as best I can, Trying to maintain concentration and be careful of my wording so it doesn’t trigger the warning message of my thoughts suggesting I am in trouble and should contact helplines.

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Helgafy September 5th


I see. You must rest, drink some coffee and eat som chocolate and rest. We don't want you to become too tired here!

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Iamwhoiamwhoami OP September 5th


You are completely correct. I should do just that. My mind is all sorts of goofy with trying to focus right now.

Thank you and I hope to hear from you in the future,

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Helgafy September 5th


What shame?

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Iamwhoiamwhoami OP September 5th


Trigger warning for discussion of suicide

I can’t speak for the rest of the world but where I am it is against the law to commit suicide. Plus like I stated hospitals, therapists, psychiatrists, psychologists etc, as soon as it is mentioned that suicide is in your thoughts, the true discussions stop and medication and group therapy is the “cure “, Yes, mindfulness training etc. is done but nobody wants to hear the true details of what one experiences and feels while dealing with it. It is a shameful thing, not unlike one’s sexuality or gender, religion etc. The underlying details of what one actually experiences and goes through, the actual thoughts. Those are the things that are shameful here.

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Helgafy September 5th


I've seen TV-program from Switzerland where they "help" persons to leave this world.

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Iamwhoiamwhoami OP September 5th

Okay, but does anyone want to give the people like me another option, an option to openly talk about what is actually going on inside their mind and helping to figure out how to work with those thoughts and ideas and help with kindness and compassion, realizing it’s ok to feel like that extreme option is the answer but also trying to patiently figure out what is needed to change their mindset. Trying to work with them to work through their dark thoughts not ignore or go around them. We don’t work through those darkest of thoughts here, we ignore and go around.

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Tinywhisper11 September 8th

@Iamwhoiamwhoami I do 🙂❤ I want to listen, I want to hear you, and learn from you ❤ I want to help you ❤

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Iamwhoiamwhoami OP September 5th

As I struggle with the darkness in my mind, the darker it becomes the more important this new train of thought becomes as well.

It becomes more and more clear to me that this train of thought is unbelievably important and crucial to the ability to truly reach and hold onto people who are suffering in silence, I want to add like me to that statement but the reality is I am forever trapped in my prison of my own making.

yes there has been an interwoven thread of kindness, love, support and compassion attached to me, but I am too far and too deep That has no bearing upon my discussion here.

All the schooling and book education only goes so far. Street smarts is a very crucial thing in society as well as regarding my writings here however street smarts needs to be carefully combined with book smarts and experiences. Nobody should ever truly believe they know what is going on inside someone else’s mind nor how their experiences have affected them, no matter how similar or dissimilar they may be to your own. Like I said before, everyone is as different as their fingerprints, including how even the simplest of things affect them. We may be able to relate and partially understand but never will we be able to fully relate or understand.

The root of this is allowing what we fear and refuse to hear regarding this issue to be seen , accepted and heard and truly listened to without judgement and fear. Always being cautious but not afraid.

Someone like me who mentions the overall word of what we are thinking, or those of us who actually go out in a public area and are at the tipping point. Everyones fear kicks in and sll kinds of words and promises are said to dull the edge and put us in a hospital for “help”. That help occurs in the usual forms of sweeping what people fear most and don’t understand under the rug. And this happens by pills and group therapy (which really works well for those who suffer with severe anxieties including social) and as long as we get the hint that it is shameful and forbidden and in some places illegal to do anything relating to that topic in public. Then we are released into the wild again. Ensuring that we suffer in silence because the way we truly feel, and our experiences and mainly that we in turn are not valid as long as that forbidden word is part of our identity.

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Helgafy September 5th


What "forbidden word"?

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Iamwhoiamwhoami OP September 5th


Trigger warning for mentioning of suicide

Suicide and all the truth that goes with it involving the ones experiencing it

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Helgafy September 5th


I see - I think many talks about it here, just a little bit, but not so much - they will get the advice to go to a help-line since we're not therapists here.

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Iamwhoiamwhoami OP September 5th

I am referring to the official help outside of here all the therapists, psychiatrists,psychologists shut down true communication when one tries to discuss these truths.

For example if I left here today and checked myself in to a psychiatric hospital, the psychiatrist there is only concerned about shutting down those thoughts, using medications with no concern at the details that matters the most

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Helgafy September 5th


For a year I listened to persons once a week on the phone. We learned to say if anyone said that they wanted to leave this world; "In what way are you planning to do it?" Well - well. One time I talked with a person - our talks should only last for about 30 min. He didn't want to live. After 4 hours talking he said: "Today you saved my life."

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Iamwhoiamwhoami OP September 5th


That is exactly what I am trying to say needs to happen here , and maybe anywhere else that is not open to it.

Iamwhoiamwhoami OP September 5th


Here those conversations are not anything close to normal. I am sure there are those exceptions, I am glad that they exist. If that kind of open discussion was allowed here, I think that we might be in a better place than we are now.

Point of fact…. It is not illegal to discuss these details at least not that I am aware of. It is just not a topic that the medical profession is willing to discuss, explore, or listen to.

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Tinywhisper11 September 8th

@Iamwhoiamwhoami I agree with every word you just said. By hopefully teaching others from the darkness, and abyss that surrounds our body and mind. Then just maybe we can make a difference, make people think a little harder

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Iamwhoiamwhoami OP September 5th

I expect that eventually I will get shut down because I am even trying to discuss this issue and thinking this way regarding this issue.

This community consists of so many walks of life from around the globe. All came here for the same thing, support and understanding . All those who have stayed the course have found so much more here. A community that supports it’s own as unconditionally as possible considering we understand triggers, and many have experienced them , we educate each as best we can while struggling with our own issues on a daily basis.

Iamwhoiamwhoami OP September 5th

Whole snd complete truths need to be allowed to be spoken and freely discussed with no fear of judgement or repercussions for what is said or believed. With complete compassion and trying not to misunderstand or rush to trying to find a solution or cure. Because there is no true cure for these things. These things do fall into “the human condition “ . I never thought I would ever believe anything actually could be categorized into that truthfully. But it fits, from my eyes, it truly fits.

Iamwhoiamwhoami OP September 5th

I am having some vision problems at the moment. Those light spots and such in my line of sight. So by the time I come back I will probably have completely lost sight of this direction of thought. Maybe somebody someday will consider my thoughts viable and know how to grow this thing into something that is helpful.