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Member Oath - All Encouraged to Participate

Laura November 9th, 2014

Our member community is thriving! Now that we have our group support chat rooms, our members are able to interact and support each other in new and dynamic ways. You all have done a wonderful job adjusting to these chat rooms and supporting one another.

As a member of the 7 Cups community, you are all here for a variety of specific reasons. But one thing we all have in common is our love of the 7 Cups community. Our community is a safe haven, a place to find connection, compassion, love, and support.

Our community is only as strong as it's members. We ask each member to agree to these community guidelines and interact in ways that reflect these guidelines and the 7 Cups values.

Today, I would like all members of 7 Cups of Tea to take ownership of their home here. To show your commitment, we ask that you take the 7 Cups member oath. By completing this oath, you are promising to show kindness and support to all those you interact with here. It could be in the forums, with a listener in a 1-1 chat or in the group support chat rooms.

Below this post, type out your member oath. You could cut and paste it, but I feel like this takes away from it. Typing it helps you really think through what you are committing to. Next, at the bottom, sign in with your username like this:

I, ___________________, pledge a moral oath before my fellow community members, making them my witnesses, that I read and understood the community guidelines and ensure its compliance during my stay at 7Cups.

I will treat my fellow members and listeners with compassion, patience, open-mindedness, and being non-judgmental.

I will stay respectful of everyone I encounter in the community.

I understand as a community we are here to provide and seek support.

I will be thoughtful and compassionate in my conversations.

I will use the proper channels to escalate any concerns facing during my stay in the community.

I will be open to learning from others and sharing my experiences and learning with them to grow as a community together.

I will take ownership of my own behavior in the community and understand how I will react to any situation that is my choice.

I will follow the community guidelines and support each other in building the community better for everyone.

Signed: //LauraS//
Date: 11/9/2014

NOTE: Eventually, we will be able to give a badge to all those who take this pledge. The badge will come, as long as you post in this thread, you will earn it!


(Edit; ASilentObserver, 01/10/2020)

LittleLotte July 20th, 2016

I, LittleLotte, member of 7Cups, pledge to follow the Community Guidelines and support the 7Cups Values.

I pledge to use 7Cups to support my own mental wellbeing, as well as supporting others when I can.

I pledge to be kind to all I meet here.

I pledge to step away if I feel triggered or upset, and do my best not to trigger others.

I promise to show respect to this community and all who come here.

Signed: LittleLotte
Date: 20th July 2016

Anna117 July 20th, 2016

@Laura Hello:) I promise to show kindness and compassion. Thank you 7 Cups and all members for being here, just the thought that there is actually always somebody out there willing to listen is already helpful. I will be respectful and show support to others and I hope I will be able to help other people.

Signed: Anna117

Date: 20/7/2016

quietDime4559 July 20th, 2016

I pledge to abide by the 7 Cups rules for as long as I use this website.

I pledge to be kind and respectful when talking to a listener, even if what I'm talking about is upsetting me.

I pledge to do what I can to make this website as welcoming and inviting as possible, for those who need it.

Signed, QuietDime4559

20 July 2016

Ele1987 July 21st, 2016

I promise to listen with respect and without judgement, to offer support and to continue to try and better myself.

avery2103 July 21st, 2016

I pledge to show kindness and support to everyone on 7 cups, just as many have done for me

Sifscar July 21st, 2016

I, Cyprin, pledge a moral oath before the entire community, making the community witness that I will fulfill to the best of my ability this covenant and undertaking. I will show kindness and compassion to all those I interact with. I will work towards bettering my health every time I log on.

I will show respect and never violate the boundaries of my fellow members or listeners. I will take ownership of my mental health and be forthcoming to build supportive relationships which encourage this endeavor. I will respect the time, love and commitment my volunteer listeners bring to 7 Cups of Tea every day. I will use the resources provided to me to continue to learn and grow.

I will believe in myself and understand that everyone's personal journey is unique. I will take every interaction I have on 7 Cups of Tea as an opportunity to grow and learn.I will honor the challenges presented to me in my life, believing in my soul, that no matter, how challenging, I can overcome. I will lean on the community in my time of need and I will let others lean on me in their time of need.

I recognize that my behavior is a reflection of me. I take ownership of my actions and will be thoughtful in all my interactions. I will keep these promises as a means of showing myself and the community that I am dedicated to my personal health and the betterment of the entire 7 Cups community.



Date: 2016-07-21

plumWillow7851 July 21st, 2016

I want to have some support and in return will supply what support I can!

mcorbettd July 21st, 2016


I swear to always be encouraging and open-minded, even if I don't understand at first. I promise to not judge and offer genuine advice when requested.

extraneousletters July 21st, 2016

I promise to show kindness and compassion and to support every member I interact with on 7 cups.

Signed: extraneousletters


MrPiccadilly22 July 21st, 2016

Just trying to help man kind evolve anyway I can. Can't move forward if we're tripping one another.

JoshuaCG20 July 22nd, 2016

I make the oath to be respectful of everyone with whom I come in contact. I am appreciative of this app and the people who created it and participate in it. I solemnly swear to always remember that and to behave accordingly. Thank you.

JustOneOfThose July 22nd, 2016

I take my 7 Cups of Tea Member Oath to work on opening myself up to allow positive people and positive outcomes to come into my life, so that I may give back, better appreciate, and understand others and myself through patience and practice. I will adhear to moderator direction and always keep in mind the 7 Cups Values. All of this, I pledge on July 22nd of 2016, and look forward to expanding upon these promises in the future when I am healthy, productive, and ready.

baZzchik54 July 22nd, 2016

My Members Oath;

I, baZzchik54, pledge a moral oath before the entire community, making the community wines that I will fulfil to the best of my ability this covenant and undertaking.

I will show kindness and compassion to all those I interact with.

I will work towards bettering my health every time I log on.

i will show respect and never violate the boundaries of my fellow members or listeners.

i will take ownership of my mental health and be forthcoming to build supportive relationships

i respect the Time love and commitment my volunteer listeners bring to 7 cups

i will use resources provided to me to continue to learn and to grow and learn.

i will Believe in Myself and understand that everyone's personal journey is unique.

i take every interaction I have here on 7 Cups of Tea to grow and learn.

i will honour the challenges presented to me in my life believing in my soul that no matter, how challenging I CAN overcome .

i will lean on the community in my time of need and I will lets others lean on me in their time of need.

I recognize that my behaviour is a reflection of me. I take ownership of my actions and will be thoughtful in all my interactions .

I will keep theses promises as a means of showing myself and the community that I am dedicated to my personal health and the betterment

Of the entire 7 cups community.

signed Sincerely,



carefulBanana3419 July 23rd, 2016

My Members Oath;

I, Carefulbanana3419, pledge my personal oath before the 7Cups community, that I will strive to fulfil the following to the best of my ability every time I engage with them:

I will show kindness and compassion to all those I interact with.

I will work towards bettering my health every time I log on.

I will show respect, and never violate the boundaries of my fellow members or listeners.

I will take ownership of my mental health and be forthcoming to build supportive relationships

I will respect the time, love, and commitment my volunteer listeners bring to 7 cups

I will use resources provided to me to continue to learn and to grow.

I will endeavor to believe in myself

I will make every effortt to understand that everyone's personal journey is unique.

I will learn and grow from every interaction I have on 7 Cups.

I will strive to honor the challenges presented to me in my life, and work towards overcoming my personal obstacles.

I will lean on the community in my time of need, and I will let others lean on me in their time of need.

I recognize that my behaviour is a reflection of me. I take ownership of my actions and will be thoughtful in all my interactions .

I will keep theses promises as a means of showing myself and the community that I am dedicated to my personal health and the betterment of the entire 7 Cups community.




resourcefulSpring8212 July 23rd, 2016

@Laura Hi, I take the 7 Cups members oath and agree to the community guidelines and to interact in ways that reflect the 7 Cups values.


WaterfallLily July 23rd, 2016

I pledge to show kindness and support to everyone I interact with, not only on this website, 7 cups, but anywhere else in life. I will do my best to be a ray of sunshine in an otherwise dark world.

signed //WaterfallLily//

Date: 23/07/2016

change4me2038 July 23rd, 2016

I pledge to be a caring compassionate listener who is kind and nonjudgmental.


TrixielaReux July 24th, 2016

I pledge to be open-minded, empathetic, and kind. I pledge to treat anyone who seeks my help with the same respect that I would wish for myself. I pledge to not overextend myself, and to recognize the limitations of my abilities. I know that I will want to fix everyone's problems, because that is human nature, but I recognize that is not in the member's best interest. Thus, I pledge to pass the member on to someone more well-equipped when I have reached the end of my usefulness.


Truthaboutlife July 25th, 2016

I pledge to myself and to all whom I help to be endowed with their lives, listen to what ever problems they may have and no matter what tell the truth. I promise to help them in their rough passages and do the best I can until they are cured. I promise to no matter what give up on anyone, nor abandon them and make sure that I don't hurt anyone. I promise to keep their problems and my problems separate and let no interference come between us. I promise to devote full attention to all I help and to leave no one behind.

GianHelp123 July 25th, 2016

I promise I will always work hard and dedicate some of my daily time to this community.

I promise I will be empathetic and compassionate to those with whom I have the pleasure to talk to.

I promise I will share kindness and love in this community and out of it.

I promise I will always be mindful, caring and loving.

I promise I will help as many people as possible.



Date: 25/07/2016

Mirea July 27th, 2016

I promise to be kind - to everyone on this site, to the people in my life, to strangers, to animals, and to myself. I will give the kindness I want to receive. I will be honest. I will continue to strive to be my best self. I will forgive myself when I fail at that and I will give the same forgiveness to others.

I will work hard to be kind to those who have hurt me.

YourstoholdC July 31st, 2016

It's easy to show someone support that will means so much to them. Let's make this world better.

Renee1315 August 1st, 2016

I pledge an oath to be kind to every one on 7-cups.

bubblyunicorn August 3rd, 2016

i promise to be kind and supportive to everyone i talk to.. ! :)

bubbly unicon

comfortableWings52 August 5th, 2016

i pledege to show kindness , respect and support here on 7 cups and to help people as best i can

Missionmagic101 August 6th, 2016

I pledge that I will do my best to help my fellow members and guests while practising active listening and being thoughtful in my interactions. I will show respect, compassion and kindness to everyone who crosses my path also understanding that everyone is a different person and more importantly a human being with feelings. I appreciate the time and effort 7 cups volunteers listeners give to our community and will rely on them to help me overcome some obstacles while always being present to help if needed. I will never insult, disrespect, violate boundaries or have any sort of behaviour that harms anyone. I will always keep challenging myself to grow not only as a listener but also as a person learning more with the resources 7 cups give and with every experience and every step of my path. I will believe in myself and take care of my mental health seeing every obstacle in life as a possible challenge to overcome and grow.

I promise and I will keep every promise written above to show the 7 cups community that I am dedicated to help and make it even better that it is. I also promise to be dedicated to my own self protecting and taking care of myself so my personal health doesn't interfere with my work as a listener.

That being said, I also thank the community for the amazing ideas and for the warmth in everything they do.

As signed:


August 6, 2016

calmJet2047 August 6th, 2016

-Signed, CalmJet2047 August 2016

I take the member oath to always respect my fellow members, take the time to care and listen, help others whenever and however I can, show kindness and consideration, help & take care of myself as well, and generally give a positive contribution to this community.


persistentPeach3848 August 12th, 2016

The only thing i can pledge and promise here is to try my best in every situagion


Friendlyear92 August 13th, 2016

I pledge to show kindness and support to all those who need it. I will not be judgemental or presumptions and will listen to those who me.


YuukiKuran1996 August 15th, 2016

I pleage to try every single day to do my very best as a listner

I pleage to try to be comphrensive to the people i listen too

I promisse i will support them

I promisse I will truly dedicate my time to them

I promisse i will never judge them

I promisse to be honest and kind

I promisse to treat others the way i would like to be treated

I promisse to put my heart in every single chat , in every single question answered , in every feed and hopefully I will touch other hearts too


YuukiKuran1996 August 23rd, 2016

Signed: YuukiKuran1996
Date: 15/08/2016

AdaCC August 16th, 2016

I, AdaCC,

Promise to help anyone and everyone in need

Promise to respond quickly

Promise to not judge

Promise to be responsible

Promise to be respectful

Promise to be on time

Promise to be truthful

Promise to be the best listener I can be!

Luigi1000 August 20th, 2016

I promise to behave in a compassionate manner to myself and others on 7cups. I will take the Member Oath.

listener name: Luigi1001

signed Saturday 20/08/16 22:40

oneness1 August 24th, 2016

I promise to value everyone

i promise not to judge anyobe

I promise to be compassionate

madelynrmarlow August 28th, 2016


I take an oath to love myself, all my fellow 7 cups members, and adhere to all the the 7 cups rules, goals, and values. <3




xoMorgs August 28th, 2016

I promise to be there for myself, and for others.

I promise to always be kind and compassionate.

I promise to always try my best.

I promise to always move forward

I promise I will never give up

My members oath <3




calmSpring51 September 1st, 2016


I promise to give positive responses to those I listen to. I promise to maintain respect for every individual I come in contact with as a member of 7 Cups. I promise to give insight and thoughtfulness. I promise, where I can help, I will help. As in these promises, I take the oath to be a member adhereing to all rules, regulations and moral support that is required. I will help make the world a better place to all the best of my ability. Thank you. Jay aka calmSprings51

mkennelly September 3rd, 2016

I, @mkennelly

Promise to help anyone and everyone in need

Promise to respond quickly

Promise to not judge

Promise to be responsible

Promise to be respectful

Promise to be on time

Promise to be truthful

Promise to be the best listener I can be!

Signed: Morgan 9/3/16

JungleLaw4862 September 5th, 2016

we really need an insomnia chatroom... a lot of members don't know where to go to get help on insomnia.... Providing company on lonely /sleepless nights as well ... we have a healthy living room and even a ' share your story' room for gods sake ! then why not an insomnia support ??

sereneHoliday36 October 15th, 2016

@JungleLaw4862 This is one good idea! I'll be there!