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My Silent Voice (Diary)

September 23rd, 2017

My notes for today: Fake people with Fake motives yet they are the ones you are suppose to love and care about??

It is so hard to change me when daily I face the same unproductive crap that keeps feeding on my Traums's How do you get out of this dark hole when everything around you keeps dragging you into this pit. I never knew Love and I've had to make my pain my pleasure and find Happyness in it. Makes me wonder are some people born just to endure torrment and abuse. I trive as I just want to survive, The saying we all have the right to life and the pursuit of happyness. I'm still looking, still trying to find what should already be mine.


adventurousBranch3786 January 6th, 2022

@scarletPear1945 Just dropping you a note because you were in my thoughts and wish you a belated Happy New Year.

March 6th, 2022


How are you my friend? sorry I have not been responsive. Thanks for caring enough to just stop by😊

January 3rd, 2022


Really do thank you😭

mytwistedsoul January 3rd, 2022

@scarletPear1945 You're welcome ❤️

mytwistedsoul January 8th, 2022

@scarletPear1945 Hey you :) you've been in my thoughts the past few days and I hope you're ok - but I also I understand if you're not. I guess I just wanted you to know that we're here for you - me and Branch and others. We're here through the good and the bad. Holding a light for you ❤

January 14th, 2022


Thanks for keeping me in the loop of your thoughts. Means a lot to me. I wish I had some good news to tell you but I am just doing all I can right now to maintain my self and everything else.

mytwistedsoul January 14th, 2022

@scarletPear1945 You're welcome ❤️ It's ok - I know that there are days when that all we can do - just barely keep our heads above the water that threatens to drown us. I'm sorry you're having a hard time right now and I hope things get better for you *leaving you a hug and sending you strength*

January 17th, 2022


thinking about you and @aventurious ❤️

mytwistedsoul January 17th, 2022

@scarletPear1945 Thank you :) You've been in my thoughts too 💙 How are you?

January 19th, 2022


I love this family so dearly. I guess it ain't in the Blood but in the Love❤️

mytwistedsoul January 19th, 2022

@scarletPear1945 You're absolutely right! *sending you love* 💙

adventurousBranch3786 January 17th, 2022

@scarletPear1945 So nice to hear from you. You have been in my thoughts.❤️

January 19th, 2022


Thanks for your continued concern for me, it really makes me feel so much better. No one else in my none internet family seems to even care except for what I can do for them. So just trying not to burn myself out.

mytwistedsoul January 29th, 2022

@scarletPear1945 *dropping off a hug* you've been in my thoughts ❤

mytwistedsoul February 8th, 2022

@scarletPear1945 You have been in my thoughts the past few days. I lit a candle for you tonight and I'm sending good vibes ❤

February 8th, 2022


Hi, Thank you for the candle and your thinking of me. I have been struggling with DID and my home life really not good. It has been one thing after the other not getting to catch my breath. Not sleeping much because the night terrors are going wild whenever I close my eyes. I never got my taste back after Covid so my appetite sucks. My sugars keep dropping very low and just worn down.

I keep trying to pick my self up, but it is so very hard, when nothing else is changing.

mytwistedsoul February 9th, 2022

@scarletPear1945 I'm sorry you're struggling ❤ is your therapist helping any with the DID? Would you like to talk about it? I mean - I dont have all the answers but I'll listen - there's no pressure of course - just - I'm here if you'd like to ok?

I'm sorry to hear you haven't gotten your taste back - that would make it hard to enjoy eating anything :( is there anything that helps with the low sugar?

I'm sending you strength. I hope things get alittle better for you all the way around. With home and Illnesses ❤

*leaving you a safe hug* no pressure though ok?

mytwistedsoul February 19th, 2022

@scarletPear1945 You've been in my thoughts the past few days ❤

February 19th, 2022


Hi, I am ok have been learning how to communicate with my headmates and trying to calm down the internal dialog. It has been hard but making progress slowly.

mytwistedsoul February 20th, 2022

@scarletPear1945 Hey :) That's great! I'm glad to hear you're working on communication. That's the most important thing. I hope things keep going good with that ❤

* leaving you a safe hug* no pressure :)

mytwistedsoul March 3rd, 2022

@scarletPear1945 Hey you :) just dropping in to see how things are - no pressure to reply. Tbh - I feel like a mosquito lol - I'm sorry if I'm pesting ❤

March 4th, 2022


Hello friend, I always love to see a reply from you. You are always welcome in my life❤️.

Still having a terrible time as my husband has got us in a real mess that I have been trying to straighten out but have been running into brick walls. This time his Dementia may have gotten us in big trouble. May even lose our home. I am pissed that I can not get anyone to block his account to stop him miss spending and not paying the bills. Not the bank or Veterans affairs nor anyone can stop him without a court order. I am so tired of trying to be the one that cleans up the messes he makes. This time it may not be possible for me to do anything. My nerves are shot and I don't know what else to do that I have not already done. I can not focus on my own healing for being pulled into his mess and then the organizations telling me he is not responsible and that I have to change the way I talk and interact with him. He is getting aggressive and I will not tolerate from him no matter what they say. I am human and have feelings too. I just want to throw the towel in and say the he.......l with it all and just leave. Our home is more than I can handle by myself .

mytwistedsoul March 4th, 2022

@scarletPear1945 (safe hugs) Oh my. You definitely have a full plate right now. It's so sad how hard people make everything when you're trying to get things handled. On top of everything else you're dealing with too. It sounds as though the people you're going to for help aren't very sympathetic towards you either. I understand that his thinking isn't right and that while it may not really be his fault, surely they could offer more then just to have you talk and interact with him differently. You need support with this not just suggestions to talk differently. None of this is very helpful to your stress and I would imagine his aggression is probably triggering for you too. I don't blame you at all for not wanting to put up with that. It's scary and usually ends up with someone getting injured.

I have a few idea's but I also understand if they might not work for you. First, is there anyway that you can have some of the bills put on automatic payments? That way they get paid on time and you don't need to worry about them. I understand too that it might not be possible because some times we have to jockey things around in order to pay bills. Unfortunately money doesn't grow on trees and when there's more money going out than what is coming in, it makes it even more difficult. Second, I'm going to assume he has a bank card. Is there anyway you could just hide it and replace it with something that's pre-loaded? Are you able to discuss any of this with him? That you could explain what you're doing and why you're doing it? Would your daughter be able to help you talk with him? Or maybe even his doctor? If not, then you may have to get a court order and get power of attorney. It shouldn't be too hard but you'll probably need paperwork from the doctor, his medical records. Do you have an attorney that could works with elder law? Or could recommend someone? I'm sure this is the last thing you want to deal with right now and I'm so sorry that you're facing all this. I've added a link but depending on where you live it may not be of any help to you. Alzheimer's Association - hopefully it will be of some use or maybe will give you some idea's.

❤️ Sending you huge amounts of strength right now!

March 6th, 2022


Thanks for the suggestions, Because his Dementia is yet in the early stages he can still say yes and no the bank would not let me do that without a court order. I took them our power of attorney and all our last will and testament documents and they still won't do anything will not agree to anything at all. I even went to the VA and they said I could get a caregiver if he agrees and signs the paperwork, he won't do it. He wants me to be his personal nurse. I don't want the job.

mytwistedsoul March 8th, 2022

@scarletPear1945 I don't blame you one bit for not wanting the job. You have enough you're dealing with right now. He hasn't been very supportive of you with anything either and that's just sad. It's -well - to be blunt - it sucks that you have no options and you're the one doing all the work to save your house after his misspending and not paying bills. It's not fair to you at all. It's not right that there's nothing you can do until it's basically too late. The laws and rules they have in place - they've never been in this position themselves or they would be more understanding of the position your in and the fears you have

I know it's not much but I'm sending you strength ❤️

March 8th, 2022



mytwistedsoul March 8th, 2022

@scarletPear1945 Hugs to you too ❤️

mytwistedsoul March 17th, 2022

@scarletPear1945 Hey you :) Dropping off a hug ❤️

March 28th, 2022


Now I am stopping by to check on you. I got a great big hug for you _1648510693.image.png

mytwistedsoul March 29th, 2022

@scarletPear1945 This is so nice :) Thank you! Sending you a big hug back ❤ You've been in my thoughts my friend and I've been wondering how things are going

March 30th, 2022


Today has been an eventful day. I was fine until about 1:30 today. Got in my car to go to the bank and I got this overwhelming flood of wailing just took me over out of nowhere. Nothing on my mind just wham! then my body began to shake and quiver. I felt so out of control I had to get off the road and pull into a parking lot and try to regroup myself. I don't understand what was happening. I know that one of my insiders Hortence does not like to ride in the car. But even if they were coming from her, what made it so intense this time? is there something I should have gotten from this? Still feel some of this emotion and my emotions have been dead for years. I guess that is another reason this is shocking

mytwistedsoul March 30th, 2022

@scarletPear1945 It's allways scary when that happens - especially if you're driving or doing anything that needs you to be in control - it was really good thinking to pull over

Does Hortence talk to you? Did you have the radio on? Could it have been a song or even something you saw? When that happens here - I remind everyone we're safe, we're ok and I ask what's wrong - what has whoever upset and I ask them to please tell me - to please talk to me. I have to admit - I get frustrated and impatient sometimes and I snap at them. Even if she doesn't have the words for it - maybe she could draw you a picture? Sometimes it can be that they're just in a mood and it gets so intense because it's like a temper tantrum - well - not like one - it is one. Maybe she just really really didn't want to take a car ride. Do you have an insider who is mean? Could they have told her something that upset her? But if it's still affecting you - hours or even days later it's definitely something to try and figure out

There are times when going out here is a big issue too and I'm not too ashamed to admit that I have resorted to bribery - if we do this or that - whatever - we'll get donuts afterwards or they can pick a treat when we get groceries. It can help too to let them know the day before that there are errands that need to be dealt with - like a heads up. This is where we're going - what we're doing and why. Maybe it could help?

March 31st, 2022


Great things to try. I did journal some of the things you mentioned. I asked if it was Hortence but as of now no reply. The therapist tried to get us or Jamie to draw but they did not want to they played with dolls figurines and talked about their playing roles. When I started to feel some emotions rise I quickly changed our direction to another subject. My therapist thinks that maybe I am ready to handle the unknown that I did not want to face.❤️

I am going to get away for 2 weeks out of state with my Grandson. You stay safe❤️

mytwistedsoul March 31st, 2022

@scarletPear1945 Hopefully someone will eventually let you know what caused it. I know it can take time for everyone to be comfortable enough to admit to things and talk about other things

That sounds nice! Some time away. You deserve a break! Thank you! I hope you have a safe trip and get to have some fun ❤

* big hugs * Take care of yourself ok?

mytwistedsoul April 27th, 2022

@scarletPear1945 *safe hugs* An official welcome back :) I hope you had a nice trip with your grandson and that hopefully things are going alittle better ❤️

April 27th, 2022



So glad to be back home. Had fun for the most part. No place like home. Went to see therapist for the first time in weeks. The DID stuff is on the rise. Yet I wonder why I had never heard of this until now. A lot of the symptoms match but then many don't. Still in denial about that but some fit like a glove.

How are you doing? you are always here encouraging others, how about your own mental issues? who supports you, my dear friend? If and when you ever need a hand to hold or an encouraging word, I am here for you. I feel we have grown very close to one another and I see you as my family. I really care about you.❤️❤️❤️

mytwistedsoul April 29th, 2022

@scarletPear1945 I'm glad to hear you had fun :) That first visit back with the therapist is allways kind of awkward. That might just be me though lol. It's like I have to get reacquainted all over again

I'm sorry to hear things are on the rise with DID. That can be scary and frustrating. Alot of times we don't know we have it because everything is kept hidden. And it - like everything else mental health wise is on a scale. Yay! I don't mean to make light of things but sometimes it feels like if I don't - I'll lose what's left of me

I haven't been too bad. I'm learning to enjoy my own company. I keep busy. Its spring here now so there's alot of things to do to keep busy. Keeping busy keeps me from thinking too much. Tbh - I'm not sure I have much support wise other than the therapist. I mean there's a few people here that will talk with me and offer encouragement if I say I'm having a hard time. I guess I sort of noticed that most people like it better if things are ok - know what I mean? Positivity seems to be key - so I just keep most of the bad stuff to myself now

Now you got me alittle weepy here. Thank you Pear. I care alot about you and I'm so grateful to have gotten to know you and to have you think of me as family - you have no idea how much that means to me *big hug* ❤️

mytwistedsoul April 29th, 2022

@scarletPear1945 I'm glad to hear you had fun :) That first visit back with the therapist is allways kind of awkward. That might just be me though lol. It's like I have to get reacquainted all over again

I'm sorry to hear things are on the rise with DID. That can be scary and frustrating. Alot of times we don't know we have it because everything is kept hidden. And it - like everything else mental health wise is on a scale. Yay! I don't mean to make light of things but sometimes it feels like if I don't - I'll lose what's left of me

I haven't been too bad. I'm learning to enjoy my own company. I keep busy. Its spring here now so there's alot of things to do to keep busy. Keeping busy keeps me from thinking too much. Tbh - I'm not sure I have much support wise other than the therapist. I mean there's a few people here that will talk with me and offer encouragement if I say I'm having a hard time. I guess I sort of noticed that most people like it better if things are ok - know what I mean? Positivity seems to be key - so I just keep most of the bad stuff to myself now

Now you got me alittle weepy here. Thank you Pear. I care alot about you too and I'm so grateful to have gotten to know you and to have you think of me as family - you have no idea how much that means to me *big hug* ❤️

mytwistedsoul April 29th, 2022

@mytwistedsoul ugh so it posts twice 😂

April 30th, 2022

@mytwistedsoulI love it and I really mean what I say, I am here for you and I get what you mean that some would not like to hear us talk about our struggles but rather keep things upbeat. My thoughts on that are I am who I am and I am here for a reason. Take me as I am or not at all because I am tired of hiding behind the mask to please others. You can always share or vent with me😊.

My husband's sister died and things are kind of upside-down right now. But things will smooth out soon, I have to keep busy to to keep my mind busy to so I am not focused on my thoughts. I also got me a little part-time job working for a contractor doing his filing, just a few hours a couple of days a week. The change comes in handy😃