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My Silent Voice (Diary)

September 23rd, 2017

My notes for today: Fake people with Fake motives yet they are the ones you are suppose to love and care about??

It is so hard to change me when daily I face the same unproductive crap that keeps feeding on my Traums's How do you get out of this dark hole when everything around you keeps dragging you into this pit. I never knew Love and I've had to make my pain my pleasure and find Happyness in it. Makes me wonder are some people born just to endure torrment and abuse. I trive as I just want to survive, The saying we all have the right to life and the pursuit of happyness. I'm still looking, still trying to find what should already be mine.


Iamwhoiamwhoami November 28th, 2022

I have been stumbling around here and came across your forum/diary. I see you have had a lot of people reach out to you here.

I started reading your earliest posts and it struck me to let you know that I too came from an abusive home. Three sisters , I know for a fact one was abused for a lot of years. The other two were too but I don’t think it was as regular. All three were out of the house as soon as they could. I was the accident baby , sympathy relations or something along those lines. I was also abused in a similar fashion. But as far as I know it the extreme invasions stopped when I was in grade school. There was other things that went on from there and I will drop my rambling there. I guess what I’m saying is I relate completely with what little I have read. I will stop reading if you want me to but if you are ok with it I would like to continue as my mind allows. Thank you and I am thankful to have met you .

November 28th, 2022


Ah, you are so sweet❤️. Yes by all means you may read my diary. Most of all I want you to really know that I intend to try and stay with you as long as you allow me to. You have a friend in me.

Iamwhoiamwhoami November 28th, 2022

@scarletPear1945 Thank you, I am very grateful to have you be part of my journey.

mytwistedsoul November 29th, 2022

@scarletPear1945 Hey you :) You have been in my thoughts my friend ❤️ How are you?

*sending hugs* ❤️

Iamwhoiamwhoami November 29th, 2022

@mytwistedsoul I am still here, still working on things., I am getting ready to head home from work at the moment, I will try to remember to get back to this , I want to be able to focus a little better on my conversation with you. Thank you for thinking of me, talk soon.

Iamwhoiamwhoami November 29th, 2022

@mytwistedsoul sorry I responded to somebody else’s post that was very wrong. I apologize.

mytwistedsoul November 30th, 2022

@Iamwhoiamwhoami Hey :) its ok no harm done and nothing to be sorry for ❤️

I've seen alot of your posts and you really seem to be dealing with a great deal of things. You have been in my thoughts - I don't know everything you're going through but I'd like to offer you a safe hug and I'll send some good vibes your way. I'm only a tag away if you ever want to talk ok?

Be gentle with yourself ❤️

* I like your name btw :) *

Iamwhoiamwhoami November 30th, 2022

@mytwistedsoul Thank you so very much for your kindness.

Yes , I have a lot going on but no different than anyone else here. I am maybe going about it a little differently than everyone else, but we all are doing the best we can with the pieces we have been given.
I wish I could reach out and let everyone here know how thankful and grateful and appreciative I am to have had them be a major part of my journey .
I don’t know what is going to happen to me tomorrow and whatever else I choose to post before my appointment has me scared they may very well be my last posts here. Not by choice by circumstances beyond my control. So my time left here has become an extremely valuable thing to me. I’m trying not to go to sleep. I keep dozing off, but my anxiety keeps waking me up after a short while.
I’m grateful for people like you that have reached out to me, who have made sure that I am aware that I am not alone in all this. I hope that my ramblings have not offended anyone or bothered anyone. My ramblings are my way of dealing with things. Thank you again for everything.

November 30th, 2022


Hey, how is it going? glad to see you. So you go to the doctor soon, and I know your adrenalin is running high. Sending you prayers for good news and a hand to hold while you go into the doctor's office.🙏👋✌️a victory hand.teletubbies-lala.gif

Iamwhoiamwhoami November 30th, 2022

@scarletPear1945 I am ok, I have done my usual postings here with my ramblings. Honestly I’m scared but such is life.

Thank you for asking . It’s wonderful to hear from you. And I will try and remember that you are with me while I’m there. Thank you
mytwistedsoul November 30th, 2022

@Iamwhoiamwhoami I don't think your ramblings have bothered or offended anyone. It's sort of the whole point here. To get things off your chest and out of your mind - to share. You're doing it in a way that feels right to you and I think that's wonderful ❤️

It sounds really serious and I hope that your latest posts were not your last posts. I'd miss seeing you on Cups. I know it's hours after you wrote this but I hope your appointment goes well and that we all continue to see you around here ❤️

Iamwhoiamwhoami November 30th, 2022

@mytwistedsoul Thank you for your kind words once again. I actually am sitting in the hospital parking lot right now, getting the ambition to go in.

mytwistedsoul November 30th, 2022

@Iamwhoiamwhoami @scarletPear1945 and I are with you ❤️

December 1st, 2022


Hello, Hello, calling @iamwhoiamwhoamiphone-call-me.gif

Iamwhoiamwhoami December 1st, 2022

@scarletPear1945 Hello?

December 1st, 2022


Thanks for answering my call❤️😊 You have been on my mind so heavily. I prayed for you. I was feeling that family bond with you and I never want to let you down.

Iamwhoiamwhoami December 1st, 2022

@scarletPear1945 I can’t imagine you letting me down. I may get wrapped up in my negativity and issues, and that results in short responses, but I understand everyone else here is struggling with their own problems and dealing with them in their own ways. I am here with a non-expecting attitude. I don’t expect any responses, it is wonderful to get them and be recognized. I’m not a positive person, and with all of my struggles I have very little confidence in anything I do or say, so I’m not comfortable trying to get the right words out to those who need that kindness and compassion that I have been lucky enough to have received. I want to be there for others, I just don’t have the confidence or enough positivity to actually be worthwhile.

I think I got off track again didn’t I? Sorry.
I’m trying to not do that every time and I just have one of my moments and I ramble not knowing I am doing it.
Thanks again for reaching out
November 29th, 2022


Thanks for checking in on me😊, I have been busy shopping and decorating the outside of the house along with hours of raking leaves. I also renovated my She Shed a bit. Really proud of how it turned o_1669765948.She Shed.jpgut.

mytwistedsoul November 30th, 2022

@scarletPear1945 You have been busy! Wow!! Your she shed looks amazing! You should be proud! It's so cool! You did all that yourself too! Super Pear! ❤️

Oh gosh leaves! I spent some time doing that today too! Ugh Every time I think I have them all more fall! A lesson in futility

You mentioning decorations reminds me need to get the lights out for the porch so I remember to put them up - thank you! 😊❤️

Enjoy that she shed! It looks so nice and cozy 😊

November 30th, 2022


Thank you. How are you doing? these leaves are crazily still coming down and about 1.5 archers are covered with leaves. I only managed to do around the back of my house and partly in front of the She Shed/ Taking small breaks in between. My yard looks as though I just barely made a dent in the leaves. I wanted to burn them but it is now raining. I'll have to wait till they dry out.

mytwistedsoul November 30th, 2022

@scarletPear1945 You're welcome 😊 I'm doing better thank you. Finally getting over the illness that's plagued me for the past month

Sounds like here with the leaves! Its surprising how taxing cleaning up leaves can be. I'm glad you're taking breaks in between. It's raining here today too and I think its supposed to get windy. Hopefully the rain has the leaves heavy enough that they don't blow around again!

Have you had any luck with a therapist? I think about that alot and hope that someone gets back to you soon ❤️

November 30th, 2022


No therapist called and I called Mental Health to ask for an appointment because they are 10 minutes away from me. They told me I had to go to the one that is 28 miles away. That is the dumbest thing I ever heard.

mytwistedsoul December 1st, 2022

@scarletPear1945 That is pretty dumb tbh 😕 Is there a county line or something? Maybe they're broken down into districts? Still pretty dumb. It shouldn't be so hard to find a therapist my gosh! And the fact that none returned your call. That really sucks. They should at least return it even if they don't have any openings

mytwistedsoul December 8th, 2022

@scarletPear1945 Hey you :) You popped into my thoughts today so I wanted to see how you're doing. I see you doing some awesome threads for the 50+ community! ❤️

*drops off some hugs and sends some good vibes* ❤️

mytwistedsoul December 19th, 2022

@scarletPear1945 Hey you :) Hope you don't mind - it's that time of year. Dropping off little holiday ratties ❤️


Peace and love to you Pear ❤️

December 19th, 2022


Thanks so much. How are you doing? Are you already for the holidays?


mytwistedsoul December 19th, 2022

@scarletPear1945 You're welcome :) Tbh - this is a hard time of the year and I'm finding I'm alittle lost. A new part made their presence known recently so that's added to the chaos. Thank you for asking ❤️ Put up a tree and lights outside and got some gifts for the littles - so kind of ready for the holidays

And you? How are you doing? Have anything special planned for the holidays?

December 21st, 2022


I am doing fine. I am having internet and phone issues are the most significant issues. I have got my Christmas candy orders completed and I have played Santa to a few friends now I am ready to settle down for a warm winter night😊.

Happy Holidays to you and all those you love and care about.🤶🎄

mytwistedsoul December 22nd, 2022

@scarletPear1945 Oh man I'm sorry to hear you're having phone and internet issues. I hope it get straightened out soon

Oh you make candy! That's so cool! You're like Willy Wonka 😊

I'd love a warm winters night lol it's supposed to get absolutely frigid here brrr!

Happy Holidays to you too! ❤️

December 29th, 2022

Wake up to a total mess that started with a little drip. My husband ruptured the water line and flooded the whole downstairs. Stood there looking at the water gushing though out the house dumbfounded.

I had to call 911 to the house to cut off the main water valve. I had to lay down sheets all my towels and anything else I could find. Throw rugs dripping wet trying to drag them outdoors. New hardwood floors are bulking. He is still standing looking saying I made a bobo. My head is about to explode. The fire department arrives and gets the water shut off and tells us we have to hire a plumber to cut a hole in the house to fix what the husband broke. No water tonight.

Then he ask me if he should get out of his wet clothes and I replied, no keep them on. I know I was wrong in my answer but I felt it was a dumb question. Then he goes to bed and leaves me to finish mopping up water and hanging out the rugs. I am so *** off.

December 29th, 2022


Seems like every time I start to feel better there comes something to knock me back again. I try so hard to not get sucked into his ish, but here I go down that rabbit hole,

I missed the mark again

Iamwhoiamwhoami December 29th, 2022


Stay out of the rabbit hole. I am somewhere down here and it’s too dark and scary.

December 29th, 2022


Thank you, I am trying my best😊thanks for the reminder.

mytwistedsoul December 29th, 2022

@scarletPear1945 Oh Pear 😞 I'm so sorry all this happened. Its got to be so frustrating for you having to deal with this. Its not much I know - but I'm sending you strength ❤️

December 29th, 2022


Much needed and accepted. I am just so angry. our floors are going to have to be replaced money money money that I not long ago paid to have these things done. If he would have fixed that leak when I first told him about it, this would not have happened. I try to be understanding of his condition but it has always been when he did not want to do something he made a mess of it so you would not ask him again. Just don't do it if you don't want to. Now you are costing us several thousand to replace what you damaged. Taking money that could be used or saved for this dumb ish.

mytwistedsoul December 29th, 2022

@scarletPear1945 Oh gosh yeah. I can totally understand why you're angry. And the cost of everything is just so high right now. And if before he would mess things up so he wouldn't be asked to do something again - it would be hard to know if this is the dementia or that. Which would be extremely frustrating. Will insurance help any or - Idk you have to be afraid to see because it might raise your rates. I know around here there clean up places like servepro I think it's called maybe they could help salvage the floors? Idk. I'm just so sorry you have to deal with all this 😞

December 29th, 2022



adventurousBranch3786 January 2nd, 2023

@scarletPear1945 You have been in my thoughts also ❤️.

mytwistedsoul January 7th, 2023

@scarletPear1945 Hey you:) I've missed seeing your name pop up here and there. I bet you probably got alot going on right now with the floors and stuff. I hope everything is going ok

Take care of yourself ok? *sending you lots of hugs and strength* ❤️

bubblegumPuppy68 January 16th, 2023
