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Forum Functionality: Provide Feedback Here!

theriverissinging March 31st, 2022

Hello, everyone!

As you might be aware, there are some on-going forum changes taking place. You can use this thread to provide any feedback, suggestions on forum functionality (functions, features, utility, any technical aspects only) or bugs that you encounter.

This is mainly being done to help keep things organized as it can be hard to gather it from various places/people and ease up the process for everyone to pass on feedback further to the 7 Cups team.

We encourage everyone to use this thread for its purpose anytime and use it for only that. Kindly review this post for any other feedback/behavior reports that don't involve forum functionality.

Sunisshiningandsoareyou October 6th, 2023


As always, thank youu! 

MistyMagic October 11th, 2023

@Jon7Cups I am getting strange format when trying to reply to a reply? See pic below the button is cut off?



Listening - One Step At A Time!

Jon7Cups October 12th, 2023

@MistyMagic was this a one off or happening every time you reply to a post?

MistyMagic October 12th, 2023

@Jon7Cups It varies in degrees as the reply box goes further and further to the right until the buttons are obscured?


Listening - One Step At A Time!

Optimisticempath October 11th, 2023

it's halloween soon but please please please fix this scary mess in the forums and bio and growth paths and legit every where 🥺 it is beyond scary and not comfy at all...

CheeryMango October 11th, 2023


I'm sorry to hear that you're finding the current state of the forums and other areas uncomfortable. I want to assure you that the team is actively working on resolving these issues site-wide. It might take a bit of time but an update will be given as soon as it’s fixed. 

Optimisticempath October 14th, 2023


im so sorry i just panicky 😔 im grateful for you guys and everything you do truly 💕 thanks for your response and working on the fix! 

Jon7Cups October 12th, 2023

Just a heads up that we're slowly working our way through all the emoji/symbol bugs. Thanks for your patience. 

HealingTalk October 16th, 2023


Amazing job cleaning zillions of posts erasing those pesky weird letters and symbols, congratulations!

Also restoring the profiles backup ended up great!

Such a huge relief for all!

HealingTalk October 16th, 2023

Now certain that some tag notifications don't arrive.

I did not receive a notification from this post where I was tagged:

It happened before that I found by chance posts where I was tagged but I have not seen any notification. There was a margin of doubt though.

But this time I am certain the notification (from a post discovered while browsing casually) was not sent because I am using an app on my phone that keeps a log of all notifications, even those already dismissed: "Notification History Log" ( ) so I know for sure no notification was received at the time the post tagging me was made.

Notification History Log

Jon7Cups October 16th, 2023

@HealingTalk I think I made a reply earlier up in this thread about tags that says more. In short, no they do not reliably work 100% of the time. But they do work most of the time. We also want them to be 100% reliable and plan to rebuild that function in the future. 

HealingTalk October 16th, 2023


Yes, I posted this one because it's the first time I have certainty.

Certainty Is the news. 

And the identification of a concrete specimen with the disease, which might help diagnose it.

Maybe if we accumulate enough sick specimens, a pattern might emerge.

I wish you and your team all the luck in the world fixing this, which is so important for us, forum people.

Also, maybe people should know, so they don't get frustrated or even angry at another because they didn't answer. We don't want to ruin friendships 😀

Something like "We have noticed that on very rare occasions, tags might not..."

All the best!


HealingTalk October 16th, 2023

Note: I don't know how the last line in huge type appeared there. As far as I can remember it wasn't there when I posted. 

MistyMagic October 24th, 2023

@theriverissinging  @jon7cups Do we know why some first posts have had most of their content removed? Did I miss an update or something


Listening - One Step At A Time!

Fuechsin October 27th, 2023


I've recently seen this in a lot of posts as well. What especially bugs me is that some of the listener support guides like the one on autism seems to have gone missing as well.

Those guides are quite popular for sharing whenever a listener needs guidance, and it'd be a bummer if that information was lost for good.

MistyMagic October 27th, 2023

@Fuechsin There is a thread asking for threads that we find here

I have added yours :)


Listening - One Step At A Time!

HealingTalk November 4th, 2023

I am getting upvote notifications from old upvotes.

For example I have just received a notification for this one, almost 2 years old (the upvote is from the same person who replied):

I continue to have the issue that most often for a given post I get a notification only for the last upvote. None for the previous upvotes (that would identify who upvoted), nor from the replies to that post (which would alert me there is a post where I am tagged, so I must answer).

Also very often (this started a couple of weeks ago) clicking the notification doesn't land me on the originating post but a few posts above it. No problem for me, but might disconcert newcomers to the Forums and people with cognitive issues, who might find it difficult to figure out what the notification was about and eventually find the relevant post.

HealingTalk November 4th, 2023

This is the old upvote I was talking about I have just received. This shows another (fun) issue, that some notifications come in foreign languages, most probably those of the originators.
Some in alphabets unknown to me that I guess are Chinese, Korean or Arabic.


MistyMagic November 7th, 2023

@HealingTalk I get that all the time, I just assumed it was the upvoters language setting?

HealingTalk November 7th, 2023


Very probably, we can test it.

I will select a different language, upvote and ask.

But this is not a big issue anyway.

BlueRivercares November 4th, 2023

getting an error when i tried to post a new thread

"Uh oh! An error was encountered saving your post. (Code 064)"

BlueRivercares November 4th, 2023

@BlueRivercares fixed... it's okay

AffyAvo November 6th, 2023

I'm finding the editing glitch is happening often today. Ie. I have to refresh multiple times to be able to edit.

HealingTalk November 7th, 2023

Very recent thread temporarily truncated.

Until now I had seen only old threads with their first post truncated. Permanently.

This one is from last September 8, was perfectly ok until last night.

I opened it today and its 1st post was shown truncated at the middle.

Minutes later I opened it again and it wasn't truncated anymore.

Jon7Cups November 8th, 2023

@HealingTalk Probably related to a fix that was being implemented to deal with a bug that was truncating/cropping posts in lots of places. This fix is in place so should be better again. 

HealingTalk November 8th, 2023


Thank you, Jon!

It seems to be working all fine now. ✅

HealingTalk November 7th, 2023

Can anyone explain why my post was deleted?

I made a post with a photo of a Trike in this thread:

What is the first vehicle you owned?

and it was deleted:

This is the photo:

mytwistedsoul November 7th, 2023

@HealingTalk It's happened to a few other people too. Reason was it's accidental and miscommunications.  

Awesome picture tho! 

HealingTalk November 7th, 2023


Thank you Soul! I loved that trike! Only 250 cc and had a lot of power to climb steep hills.

Glad to know was accidental. Do you know if by a Forum Moderator (human error) or a system bug? And miscommunication between who? 

It is to worry that this happened to other people. Maybe happens often now.

mytwistedsoul November 7th, 2023

@HealingTalk It looks like it would have been a lot of fun to ride! I bet you had a blast! 

Those are questions that I unfortunately don't have answers to. I had thought about asking but I figured they wouldn't be answered anyway lol

If I counted correctly on the thread you posted there should have been more posts and pictures? I do remember reading somewhere that there was a big fix coming to threads missing Here and I just noticed that it's now done. Maybe that's why something were deleted?

HealingTalk November 7th, 2023


Yes, it was a lot of fun! I still enjoy the smell of 2-stroke engine smoke. Weird that something so toxic brings me memories of adventures in nature.

Thank you for the link! I saw your post alluding to this. I will tell Heather about this issue there, maybe it's connected. 

All the best!

tommy November 7th, 2023


Hey Healing,

Could you let me know when you posted this? 

Trying to look into it but think it may be a glitch as I've never seen the box saying it's been deleted before!

HealingTalk November 7th, 2023


Hi Tommy!

That box is a new improvement!

It happened a bit more than an hour ago, approx 7 pm EST

HealingTalk November 7th, 2023


BTW, this is my deleted post's URL:

Other posts seem to have been deleted a well.

HealingTalk November 7th, 2023

* as well

tommy November 8th, 2023


I believe this was a glitch and has now been resolved :)

Thanks Healing!

HealingTalk November 8th, 2023


Yes, it's all working fine now!

Thank you for taking care of this so promptly!

PatienceImpatiens November 8th, 2023



That's one radical trike. No wonder it was deleted. Lol. Joke. No, glad it was restored.

Love, Patience

HealingTalk November 8th, 2023


I bought it second-hand very cheap, and had to restore it a bit.

It has a 2-stroke engine, very simple (and primitive) so I could learn to tune it and do some simple repairs.

2 stroke motors have much torque, so it climbs well very steep dirt roads. The suspension and the tires do well and can take much beating from bumpy, rocky, muddy, sandy or any kind of dirt road.

A primitive vehicle whose mechanics I fully understand, and can get me anywhere. 

I have read "Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance" by Robert Pirsig (one of the most influential books in my life), and maybe that influenced my experience with this trike.

PatienceImpatiens November 9th, 2023

I love that book! 💕