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Forum Functionality: Provide Feedback Here!

theriverissinging March 31st, 2022

Hello, everyone!

As you might be aware, there are some on-going forum changes taking place. You can use this thread to provide any feedback, suggestions on forum functionality (functions, features, utility, any technical aspects only) or bugs that you encounter.

This is mainly being done to help keep things organized as it can be hard to gather it from various places/people and ease up the process for everyone to pass on feedback further to the 7 Cups team.

We encourage everyone to use this thread for its purpose anytime and use it for only that. Kindly review this post for any other feedback/behavior reports that don't involve forum functionality.

Sunisshiningandsoareyou August 21st, 2023

Oooh I think we can now see "who" (like a good "randoMusername upvoted your post") upvotes our posts, this is a really cool addition/ update for site-users, a much requested one too! Thankyouu, team! 🥳

HealingTalk August 24th, 2023

I am trying to reply a post and I am getting the same "Uh oh! An error was encountered saving your post. (Code 064)" error message mentioned some posts above.

The problem started at 3:30 PM ET August 24, it's 3.57 pm ET and I still can't post.


HealingTalk August 24th, 2023

I removed a word that might be disliked by the system and I could post it.

If "Code 064" means the posting is blocked because there is some forbidden word, I suggest replacing the opaque expression "Code 064" with something like "There is an inappropriate word in your post. Please review your post and remove it"

And ideally tell which is the problematic word.

In my case was the name of a 7 Cups app competitor that was mentioned within an image in the post I was answering, in the context of a discussion about AI bots referrals to emotional support apps, in the Site Updates community.

JerseyGrizzly August 24th, 2023




AffyAvo August 29th, 2023

Forum lists are being slow to update.

HealingTalk August 29th, 2023

The procedure to join a Community from the phone app is hidden.

It does not promote that people join the Communities.

It results in many people making one post and never again getting to know about the Community.

I suggest making a visible "Join" button, inside each box corresponding to a community (in the lists of communities under "Topics", "Health & Wellbeing", "Peer Groups" etc. )

And a way to join within each Community forum. at the same level of visibility as the "Create new thread" button.

HealingTalk August 29th, 2023

In the phone app, the top bar containing "Topics", "Health & Wellbeing", "Peer Groups" etc. looks unimportant compared to the very important role it plays in browsing, seeking, and reaching the relevant community for a newcomer.

I suggest some other navigation system is implemented for reaching groups of communities.

The navigation system for Communities in the phone app, in general, is opaque and not intuitive, nor inviting.

AffyAvo August 29th, 2023

@HealingTalk I haven't used the app, but I do recall when that first started for the computer browser, and it wasn't all that obvious to me immediately. I think they are too separated, there's no visual connection form the left hand side to the middle. On the phone browser it's more obvious, because it needs a click to even bring up newbies, fun, topics, etc.

HealingTalk August 29th, 2023

In both PC and phone, the word "Topics" does not describe the content it points at. It might be misleading and overlooked.

I suggest changing it to "Emotional Issues" or "Mental Health" for example.

Sunisshiningandsoareyou August 29th, 2023

Hii team!

What's with the API error codes lately, please? (especially post the recent forum updates/ restructure etc), they didn't come up as often before and weren't as pesky as they are now, or weren't as annoyingly recurring and noticeable!

It's incredibly disheartening having to type out an essay-length post then see the codes flashing and not letting you post your thread/ comment in a thread!

Specially when there's nothing inappropriate or violating-forum guidelines-like in it.

Despite multiple trial and (unknown) errors, it's just impossible to get something across at times.

It would be much appreciated if these codes were looked into better, and/ or we could know the reason behind these so we could make the necessary change instead of losing an entire write-up, that could've taken hours to put together with the formatting and such also~ As someone else pointed out too, regarding code 064 error!

HealingTalk August 31st, 2023



The more you try to contribute, the more you are punished!

It's discouraging.

Sunisshiningandsoareyou September 7th, 2023


Aw I feel you, Marcelo, it's definitely not fun! (':

Some of my recent posts (that didn't come through) still show up in the needs reply section lol, it's embarrassing oof! I still couldn't let it post, and am now hesitant to try again! (':

HealingTalk September 7th, 2023


How bad!

I think technical human resources are not well allocated.

Instead of making sure the basic tools work well, they are always changing or bringing new things.

Some are nice real improvements.

But "First Things First", you can only tinker with a system once it is robust and all is working properly.

Complaints about the Post Editor, for example, pile up, nothing is done about it, but superficial (but time-consuming) facelifts are introduced all the time.

We need a robust, trustworthy Post Editor, transparent in its rules for blocking posts, able to handle well all the formatting tools it has, and that posts consistently what we write and design.

CheeryMango September 8th, 2023


I apologize for the inconvenience you've been experiencing with the recent API error codes. We understand how frustrating it can be, especially when you've invested time and effort into your posts. The API error codes are in relations to the censors that were added when we encountered that mass trolling incident in the forums a few months back. The API error code 064 refers to a censored word(s) in the post and it prohibits the post from being posted until the censored word is removed. I know the issue arises when you don’t know what exactly is being censored in your post. If you see finding that none of your posts are containing anything inappropriate or mentions things are usually not allowed, please when you come across the API error code again, please attach your post content here so that I can ask Jon and the team to look into it further for you.

The next API error code that usually comes up is 065. That’s the error for pasted images being detected. When pasting images, paste them in without any formatting. This should help to resolve the issue.

Sunisshiningandsoareyou October 8th, 2023


Tagging you, if this helps with the issue you mentioned here.

HealingTalk August 31st, 2023

I can't find how to edit a post from the phone app.

I was asked by a Forum Supporter.

There is no "Edit" icon at the end of each editable post

From the phone app, FS can't edit their own posts, CMs can't edit nor delete any post in their Community.

CheeryMango September 8th, 2023


Are you talking about the 7cups app from your mobile device’s app store? If you are, then there isn’t the ability to edit posts from it. You can only edit from accessing the site in a mobile browser or using another device to access the site.

HealingTalk September 8th, 2023


I see, understood.

It would be nice to add editing capabilities in the phone app as so many people do their Cupsing from there, but not indispensable of course.

HealingTalk August 31st, 2023

In the phone app, pinned threads don't stay at the top.

I reported this some time ago.

I reported afterward that it was solved, but now I think I was mistaken. It might have been a coincidence that the time I looked, pinned threads had the most recent posts, so they went to the top.

But no, pinned threads sink down in the phone app.

CheeryMango September 8th, 2023


When you’re visiting a community, the filter is automatic set to popular threads based on how much engagement threads are getting. If a pinned thread has received a lot of engagement then it will appear until this filter. But pinned threads can always be accessed using the pinned threads and limits the amount of scrolling you will have to do using the popular or recent filters.



HealingTalk September 8th, 2023


Thank you, Mango!

"Pinned" threads always went to the top in the Forums. And stayed there no matter what ("sticky").

This is particularly useful now. Now that there is no check-in button, we can pin check-ins. Same with featured threads, which lost their past high visibility. Or any thread we wish to spotlight because we want to show what we think is the best the Community has to offer.

Recently, it was changed to only the last 3 pinned threads. Which is enough, I think.

In the phone app, however, none of the "Pinned" threads go and stay at the top.

So the browser UI and the phone app treat pinned threads differently.

Is this intentional? That in the phone app we can't control any longer which threads go to the top?

If so, I ask you please to adopt for the phone app the same criteria for pinned threads as now now in place in the Browser UI, and make pinned threads go and stay at the top. For the reasons I mentioned above.

It might seem irrelevant, but pinned check-ins and other threads (events, discussions, etc.) help promote that Members meet at the same place prepared with the purpose of "building Community".

That is, that the Community is addressed as a whole (and not just isolated posts) and we promote that people know each other and interact on a regular basis.

If "building Community" is no longer a goal in the Communities, then please let us know, so we stop wasting time trying to do so.

Thank you very much!


mytwistedsoul September 7th, 2023

New notices and up vote notices are blue?

Sunisshiningandsoareyou September 7th, 2023

@mytwistedsoul for me too! :( seems like another bug. 😅

mytwistedsoul September 7th, 2023

@Sunisshiningandsoareyou *hands Sun the bug spray* 😁 maybe a rolled up paper would help better lol 😅

Sunisshiningandsoareyou September 7th, 2023

@mytwistedsoul Lol Soul xD thank you haha!

I hope this wasn't an intended change because its certainly not helpful, and the old colors return! :/ Too much Blue in the eye lol!

mytwistedsoul September 8th, 2023

@Sunisshiningandsoareyou You're welcome 😁 I hope it's not something they intended too. Because as you said it's certainly not helpful

AffyAvo September 7th, 2023

@mytwistedsoul It seemed to happen along with this change -

I definitely preferred upvotes being a different colour than new posts! So hopefully upvote colour will come back.

mytwistedsoul September 7th, 2023

@AffyAvo I had seen that post! Took me alittle to figure out what it pertained to. The different colors definitely made it easy to differentiate between the upvotes and new posts that's for sure

Fingers crossed that they put it back the way it was and maybe fix the pesky scrolling issue

AffyAvo September 7th, 2023

@mytwistedsoul Yes, I was confused about the post too, until I went looking at profiles! I hadn't even noticed it before then.

mytwistedsoul September 8th, 2023

@AffyAvo I'm still not sure what the purpose of it is tbh. It seems unnecessary

AffyAvo September 8th, 2023

@mytwistedsoul We had something like that before, I forget exactly where with all of the changes that have happened. I'm hoping that maybe the duplication will stop. Ie. the site updates in one place, and our personal notifications under the bell.

Fradiga September 7th, 2023

Hi! The only beef I have is that when you answer a post, the text you are answering to is covered by the new window. Also, when I want to change the font size, the drop-down menu stays there and does not want to minimize again.

Thank you

AffyAvo September 8th, 2023


For the text size/font colour, if you click at the same spot again it will close so it's not overtop of the typing area. It's a bit odd and I discovered it by fluke, it's not really consistent with how most drop down boxes work.

Fradiga September 8th, 2023


Thank you! I will try that

Fradiga September 16th, 2023


I did try it and it works. Thanks

mytwistedsoul September 8th, 2023

Can we loosen up on the censors alittle? I understand the need for them but holy moly. It gets a little hard to speak freely and I don't mean cuss words either. If I say something along the lines of j*mp right in - I have to censor the word jump with a *

Tags aren't working all the time. And of course it's all blue. I'm still scrolling to find replies. The API code pops up randomly and the code 64

I understand it's hard work and that the tech people are working hard to update things but maybe we could fix a few things first? It's getting a little frustrating. I'm sorry to complain but could we maybe have a little break from all the updates? Please?

HealingTalk September 8th, 2023

"Featured Thread" notifications are not working. This happened Friday 8 at 7 pm EDT

Notifications for some posts answering mine didn't work either. I discovered those by chance while reviewing the threads for moderation purposes. No notification whatsoever.

Posts + upvotes show only notification for last upvote in most cases (even if there are various posts answering mine).

HealingTalk September 15th, 2023

"Featured Thread" notifications are working in the phone app, but not yet on the 7 Cups website.
Checked on Thursday 14 at 10 pm EDT

HealingTalk September 15th, 2023

I posted a thread with many tags. Some people received the notification, others didn't.

HealingTalk September 16th, 2023

I am sorry for spamming you with these "notification" issues. But they are very important for us to communicate and involve the Community as a whole in common activities.

Last night we posted a check-in from Grief & Loss with a large taglist, and the taglist notifications seem to have worked perfectly. Wonderful! It helped my sleep....

I set this check-in also as "Featured Thread", but it didn't send the notifications to my member account on the phone app, nor to the people I asked to check. Those notifications to the phone app were working ok the days before. No notifications to browsers either, as I had expected.

Today I checked again setting a couple of threads as "Featured Thread" from both the Depression Support and the Grief and Loss Communities and it did work for the phone app in both cases. "Featured Thread notifications were immediately sent to the phone app. Which is great, as I suspect most people enter 7 Cups through the phone app.

By the way, it would be useful for us to know what approximate proportion of log-ins are done from a browser compared to the phone app. It might help us design the threads we post, and estimate how successful are our communications when these notification issues arise.

"Featured Thread notifications still don't work for website browsers as far as I can tell.

Thank you for reading this!

I hope these notification issues are stabilized and fixed, as they are vital for the Community team to stay in touch with our Community.