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What have you done to prevent burnout today? Preventing Burnout at 7 Cups

Hope March 21st, 2021

Hi everyone! This is a forum post linked to the path 'Preventing Burnout at 7 Cups'

enlightenedWhat have you done to prevent burnout today?

This can a variety of things like:

• Saying no to a task because you have enough on your plate

• Taking part in self-care activities

• Taking a self-care break from 7 Cups

creativeBraid1383 April 4th

I said no to meet up with a friend because i was feeling anxious

NewYorker11 April 4th


in order to prevent burnout and stress today, i did some exercise and listened to some music!

4Jasmine April 9th


Recognizing how much I can handle at one time is often difficult for me. I always want to help more and give more, but my ability to juggle multiple tasks can definitely put me in a tail spin to a quick experience of burn out. Learning how to practice self-care is a work in progress. It actually was a totally new idea to me a short time before joining 7 cups. Right now, one way to provide self-care is to not allow myself to isolate and become myopic. Being accountable on 7 cups, and helping spread smiles, is actually healthy self-care for me. I am so thankful for my mentor, who compassionately and graciously guides, helps and recommends things I should consider in order to avoid burn out. I don't have to do a bunch of things at 7 cups to have a positive impact here. I am learning to recognize my limitations and be ok with them. Maybe sometime later on I'll be ready for a more demanding role. I am actually thrilled to be learning how to do my part at 7 cups, in the role that is a good fit for me! Many heartfelt thanks to my wise mentor, who knew why the present role I participate in was the right fit!

ShadowFaerie April 12th

Today I took time away from 1:1 chats. 

I also spent some time deciding what academy program that I would like to apply to and what leadership position would make the most sense for me, my strengths and interests and the time I have to offer 

I took the time to take a nice, long walk and really enjoy the time outside, noticing how the season is progressing in my area (trees are finally budding, the green beginnings of perennial flowers are starting to push up from the ground)

ShadowFaerie April 15th

Today I checked in with my mentor and got support. I also spent time outside getting some exercise. I enjoyed playtime with my newly adopted kitten. 

violetdreamer07 May 27th

@Hope I let a member know when I had to leave during a chat so that I wouldn't feel overwhelmed/like I was taking on too much.

violetdreamer07 May 27th

@Hope Taking out the time to watch my favourite TV show! 

AskTara June 14th

@Hope Postponing work to the next day because i reached my daily limit.

positivelyLuna333 June 19th

@AskTara It is so important to set boundaries in our lives- and with ourselves. If we push ourselves to our absolute limits, pour from a cup with only few drops so to speak, we are only harming ourselves for the following day. We are pouring from an empty cup. When recognizing our limits, and honoring them, we care for ourselves and prevent burnout. :) 

positivelyLuna333 June 16th

@Hope Today, I have set aside time to be a listener instead of forcing myself to immediately jump on and get it over with. Instead, I am prioritizing other tasks that are causing me stress, knowing that having them finished is going to allow me to be more present and a better listener when I do log on to chat with members. 

wannatalkaboutit June 19th

@Hope I told other listeners i needed to take a break!

wannatalkaboutit June 19th


My way to prevent burnout is to take breaks. It has been a little tough with the internship program but I have made sure to only listen for a few hours every day and then turn it off. 

KristenHR June 26th


What have you done to prevent burnout today?

I have taken the morning off to write.

I played a game.

I looked at my schedule and then looked at what I needed to do and what I could do and what I didn't need to do.

KristenHR July 8th


I have taken time to eat in spite of a full day of responsibilities, and I used my breaks to relax.

Noor511 July 27th


What have you done to prevent burnout today? I reached out for help cuz i needed to 

seaturtle54 August 3rd


I gave myself time to sleep in and recharge before logging on because I knew I needed the rest to prepare for listening to members.

Aimzz78 August 4th

I usually do self-care by watching movies or playing chess.

Aimzz78 August 4th

I didn't take any member chats today and instead spent time with my sister.

MeganRenea August 8th


I prevented burnout by taking a step back from chatting and focusing on the training for my internship. 

Onyx000 August 17th

 I didn’t take a chat because I didn’t have the mental bandwidth

Dorcas00 August 24th


I took a self care break recently from this platform since I felt that I was juggling between a lot of work both personally and professionally.

enigmaticSpring2648 September 1st

I took self care breaks

maia102 September 7th

@Hope today I took a break from college assignments and spent the day for myself along with going through a few growth path steps here on 7 cups!

Dorcas00 Saturday


I was able to set some healthy boundaries for the very first time and learnt to accept the fact that it is good to say No when I feel overwhelmed