What have you done to prevent burnout today? Preventing Burnout at 7 Cups
Hi everyone! This is a forum post linked to the path 'Preventing Burnout at 7 Cups'
What have you done to prevent burnout today?
This can a variety of things like:
• Saying no to a task because you have enough on your plate
• Taking part in self-care activities
• Taking a self-care break from 7 Cups
I only completed the growth path today due to my recent heavy schoolwork and hoping to reach more listening hours after this weekend!
Saying "No" and taking self-care and personal time breaks are very important.
I have already answered this twice. 👍
I am taking time in self-care activities later today.
Today I said no to spending 1 hour with someone.
I did my physical therapy exercises while enjoying music, and spent some fun time with my grandchild.😊
Im trying to take part in listener support room more rather than taking requests. And im also focusing on studying for my uni. : )
focusing more on my studies and spending time in the listener support room
I have felt unmotivated and have not got any time to talk with anyone here on the chats but I have focused more at university.
I said no to meet up with a friend because i was feeling anxious