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7 Cups Culture Guide + Badge!

GlenM August 12th, 2020

Hello Community!

Ive been enjoying the launch of the Leadership Development Program (LDP). We are all learning a lot. We have a lot of great new leaders signing up to serve our community. Im thankful for them and their service!

One thing that has struck me is the impact of the 7 Cups Culture Guide. I wrote the first draft of ths on a long flight back in 2017. New leaders were commenting that it was meaningful and some were surprised to see how it is a foundation to all the work we do here on 7 Cups. New leaders review the guide and take a test as part of the first course in the LDP. Their reaction to the guide and the test made me realize that we should more deliberately extend access to the guide and test to our broader community.

If you are interested in learning more about our culture and embracing it, then, please

Take the test here! (Blue Text is clickable)

Next, post the 3 most important things you learned and why they are important to you. Then, post that you have read the guide and taken the test with the following words:

I, (username), have read the 7 Cups culture guide, taken the test, and am now a 7 Cups Culture Holder.

Once youve made the post, we will award you the 7 Cups Culture Holder Badge. We will do this manually at first so there will be a small delay from the time that you complete the course and receive the badge.

Im looking forward to hearing your feedback. Thank you for being a part of our community!

jaedae August 15th, 2020


I took it again and got 8 out of 10. Does that mean I failed?

jaedae August 15th, 2020


I took it two more times and got 20 out of 20.

jaedae August 15th, 2020


I took the test and got 17 out of 20 correct. Does that mean I failed?

I took it again and got 18 out of 20. Does that mean I failed?
Then I took it two more times and got 20 out of 20 correct.

DayDreamWithYou August 15th, 2020


Hey Jaedae! It's awesome that you have completed the test (only once was required) and good job on getting a 20/20! For the next steps after completing the test please do the following as explained here (I have copied and pasted the instructions for you).

Next, post the 3 most important things you learned and why they are important to you. Then, post that you have read the guide and taken the test with the following words:

I, (username), have read the 7 Cups culture guide, taken the test, and am now a 7 Cups Culture Holder.

Once youve made the post, we will award you the 7 Cups Culture Holder Badge. We will do this manually at first so there will be a small delay from the time that you complete the course and receive the badge.

sweetlife101 August 14th, 2020

I did the test

Sunisshiningandsoareyou August 14th, 2020


3 things I learnt from the guide are -:

1.Failure is inevitable and a chance to learn and grow and ďo better the next time

2. Trust is important, be it laying a foundation of trust with the members or with fellow listeners, 7 cups as a whole is a community based on trust and mutual support and appreciation

3. We are accountable for our words and actions, doing things lightly or halfheartedly is something alien to the 7 cups culture. We should be held accountable for our actions and words how we are performing here !

I, Sunisshiningandsoareyou , have read the 7 Cups culture guide, taken the test, and am now a 7 Cups Culture Holder.

positivePumpkin22 August 15th, 2020


Three things I learnt from the guide:

1. Expecting Failure : "Failure is nothing to be scared of and it is nothing to worry about as long as you are focused and trying." Failure is a natural happening that happens to everyone but the point is how you view failure. Failures teach us much more than success thus it is important to learn from it and make them path towards success.

2. Accoundability : This is, according to me a very imporatant aspect. We need to be accountable of our actions. Its important for me to be someone who can effectively, efficiently, and independently meet deadlines, complete tasks and manage your workload.

3. Equality : Every person is valuable and every person is deserve to be treated with equal respect, enjoys equal freedom, and equal rights irrespective of the gender orientation, race, religion, or any other difference. As a part of 7cups community, we embrace diversity and consider it key in bringing varied perspectives and solutions to difficult problems.

I, positivePumpkin22, have read the 7 Cups culture guide, taken the test, and am now a 7 Cups Culture Holder.

DrNinja August 15th, 2020


What I learned from 7 cups till now is :

1. My free time, which I might have wasted while playing games can be a reason for someone's happiness and can make someone's life better.

2. No one is going to push you, I repeat no one is going to push you in your dark times you have to push yourself by your own, no one is going to show you the path to escape from the darkness, you have to find your path by your own.

3. Sometimes problems doesn't exist, sometimes problems are created by a notorious but wonderful thing that lies in your head, so minding your mind can reduce most of your problems .

And still learning .............................. ..

DrNinja August 15th, 2020


I, DrNinja, have read the 7 Cups culture guide, taken the test, and am now a 7 Cups Culture Holder.

TortueDesBois August 15th, 2020

questions are hard to understand for a non english speaker

GlenM OP August 15th, 2020

@TortueDesBois thank you for trying! I'd love to hear the 3 key things you learned :)

AriadneLove August 15th, 2020

I, AriadneLove, have read the 7 Cups culture guide, taken the test, and am now a 7 Cups Culture Holder.

AriadneLove August 15th, 2020

The most important thing I have learned:

Is that community helps us to explore and develop our strengths in order to do a better job and be fulfilled at the same time?

That & cups based on high warmth and high expectations and everyone contributes to the cause.

Also, a lot of things can feel our fuel tank, self-care one of the most important.

fancyKoala5020 August 15th, 2020


I, fancyKoala5020, have read the 7 Cups culture guide, taken the test, and am now a 7 Cups Culture Holder.

fancyKoala5020 August 15th, 2020


I have learned that volunteer work can be satisfying, volunteering can teach you different things, and that overall this is something that consists of teamwork

jaedae August 15th, 2020

3 most important things you learned and why they are important to you.

One - I learned more about myself andhow failure is a learning experience, not a label.

Two - Helping others also helps myself.

Three - This place is secure and safe for all people and topics.

jaedae August 15th, 2020

I, jaedae, have read the 7 Cups culture guide, taken the test, and am now a 7 Cups Culture Holder.

SmartestCookie August 16th, 2020


1. It is important to create a community of trust.

2. Be accountable for yourself.

3. Have fun and fulfillment.

I, SmartestCookie, have read the 7 Cups culture guide, taken the test, and am now a 7 Cups Culture Holder.


When will I receive my badge?

BloodthirstyBat August 16th, 2020


Still waiting for mine.


@BloodthirstyBat Oh Frowning

SophTheListener2022 August 16th, 2020



SophTheListener2022 August 16th, 2020


3 things I learned that are important to me is:

That failure is ok because you learn and that as long as you try it's ok.

Trust allows us to grow and helps 7 Cups reach its mission into making the world a better place.

And working with others, collaborating helps you and the other person within 7 Cups.

SophTheListener2022 August 16th, 2020


I, SophTheListener2022, have read the 7 Cups culture guide, taken the test, and am now a 7 Cups Culture Holder

MelanieDaniels63 August 16th, 2020

The 3 most important things that I learned from this is -

1.) Faliure is o.k. You have to fail sometimes it is apart of life. Like the saying goes a door closes and another opens (something like that) lol. So if you fail there is always next time etc...

2.) Teamwork. I believe that you need to have teamwork to make something work as a team etc...

3.) Everyone is of value. Why I feel that way because I believe that everyone deserves a chance at least once, everybody deserves to be treated well etc...

I have read the guide and taken the test.

I, MelanieDaniels63, have read the 7Cups Culture Guide, taken the test, and am now a 7Cups Culture Holder.

Lolowise475 August 16th, 2020

Wondering where is the link to take the test?

goodPond6231 August 16th, 2020

@Lolowise475 On the first page within Glen's paragraph. It is listed halfway down.

uniqueApricot19 August 16th, 2020


I uniqueapricot19, have read the 7cups culture guide, have taken the test, and am now a 7cups culture holder.

mintsprinkles August 16th, 2020


I, mintsprinkles, have read the 7 Cups culture guide, taken the test, and am now a 7 Cups Culture Holder.

Some things I've learned:

1. Failure should be looked at as an opportunity to learn and grow. We shouldn't let us hold us back, rather it should motivate us to continue pursuing what we want.

2. Trust is the base of 7 cups. It allows us to grow as people and allows us to build lasting relationships

3. Skin in the game refers to sacrificing time and/or money to make a positive difference. Without sacrificing something, we can't stand to gain anything.

Abeach02 August 16th, 2020



*Be a good person.

A good person doesn't mean that you are good to others. You aren't good because you want people to notice you in a good way ,you are good because you want to be ,you want to evolve and improve.

*Being alone doesn't mean that I am undeserving of love​​​

Just because somebody doesn't have many friends,it doesn't mean he's unlovable. Sometimes we are surrounded by people who don't understand our way of thought or just don't even try. But that's not the end of the world. Sometimes it's good to do stuff by yourself and getting to know you better. Love yourself.

Ps maybe the loneliness you're feeling is temporary,because the people we interact with don't have much in common with us . That doesn't mean that there are not people who share interests with you

* If someone wants to make you feel inferior,leave them.

​​​​​Some people just don't like seeing others shine. It may be not because they don't like you,but because they don't like themselves and don't wanna change. Thing is,do you want to be taken into their dark aura,projecting their inscurities to you and taking advantage of your kindness and patience to feel any form of superiority. Heck no. If you have someone who makes you feel this way,cut tues with them. It may be difficult. You may wonder where did you go wrong. But better be alone than with people who don't want to watch you evolve.

Ps. Don't be jealoys of anybody. You are your own person,they are their own. Also,fight for your best interest.

I , a member of the 7 cups society,have read the manual for cultural heritage and accept the culture badge


When will my badge be ready?

jaedae August 16th, 2020

I learn from you

Batascotch August 17th, 2020

@jaedae i learn from you

TheAtticusFinch August 16th, 2020


3 things I learned:

1. The 7 cups culture of high expectations and high warmth

2. Keeping up a filled emotional battery

3. Finding the middle ground between working on things we're good at, that we're interested in, and that we have goals in.

TheAtticusFinch August 16th, 2020


I, Atticus, have read the 7 Cups culture guide, taken the test, and am now a 7 Cups Culture Holder.

jaedae August 17th, 2020


I learned from you.

jaedae August 17th, 2020


I learn from you.

jaedae August 17th, 2020


I learn from you.

Batascotch August 17th, 2020


i learned from you

Zoff August 16th, 2020


3 most important things I've learned:

1) High expectations & High warmth - wonderful aproach for success. Warmth, patience, and trust help people make much more progress than they have in other environments

2) Failure is OK - as Edison said he didnt fail 1000 times, he just learned 1000 ways of not solving the problem.

3) Take Care of Yourself - In order to perform well we need to be well !!!

I, Zoff, have read the 7 Cups culture guide, taken the test, and am now a 7 Cups Culture Holder.