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7 Cups Culture Guide + Badge!

GlenM August 12th, 2020

Hello Community!

Ive been enjoying the launch of the Leadership Development Program (LDP). We are all learning a lot. We have a lot of great new leaders signing up to serve our community. Im thankful for them and their service!

One thing that has struck me is the impact of the 7 Cups Culture Guide. I wrote the first draft of ths on a long flight back in 2017. New leaders were commenting that it was meaningful and some were surprised to see how it is a foundation to all the work we do here on 7 Cups. New leaders review the guide and take a test as part of the first course in the LDP. Their reaction to the guide and the test made me realize that we should more deliberately extend access to the guide and test to our broader community.

If you are interested in learning more about our culture and embracing it, then, please

Take the test here! (Blue Text is clickable)

Next, post the 3 most important things you learned and why they are important to you. Then, post that you have read the guide and taken the test with the following words:

I, (username), have read the 7 Cups culture guide, taken the test, and am now a 7 Cups Culture Holder.

Once youve made the post, we will award you the 7 Cups Culture Holder Badge. We will do this manually at first so there will be a small delay from the time that you complete the course and receive the badge.

Im looking forward to hearing your feedback. Thank you for being a part of our community!

ethnographer August 13th, 2020

Thank you for your response and support, @LetsCherishLife ! This is a crazy time for everyone, and in the US we are seeing so much going on and the politicization of the virus. I hope, as I do with personal upheval, that the other side indicates learning and improvement.

I love your SWEET winkcake analogy. And you are so right about choosing another part of the task when the one thing gets overwhelming!

Dino12 August 12th, 2020

1) Trust is the foundation of our work and this is so important to make things run smoothly

2) Working together to overcome any obstacles, challenges or situations that come up is important to create a safe and warm environment

3) Failure is a good thing and expected, and this is important because we learn so much from our mistakes and what we can do better next time

I, Dinoprincess12, have read the 7 Cups culture guide, taken the test, and am now a 7 Cups Culture Holder.

Daf8 August 12th, 2020


I learned that we do our best. And that s important because we build a safe, amazing place.

I learned that we care. And that s important because people need people who cares.

And I learned that volunteering is absolutely fulfilling. And that s important to more than one life.

I, Daf8, have read the 7 Cups culture guide, taken the test, and am now a 7 Cups Culture Holder.

LittleBirdie30 August 12th, 2020

I think the three most impactful things I learned from the culture guide are:

1) Failure is okay and a way of learning. I always, ALWAYS beat myself up, especially in my schooling, when I fail. But I always try to remember that it has made me stronger and that as long as I don't give up, I am not failing.

2) I need to learn to take better care of myself. Seriously.

3) I want to have fun all the while helping people. I am so grateful for the amazing community I have found in 7 cups!

LetsCherishLife August 13th, 2020

@LittleBirdie30 I like that response. Being self reflected is a great resource that can help you grow.

LittleBirdie30 August 12th, 2020

I, LittleBirdie30, have read the 7 Cups culture guide, taken the test, and am now a 7 Cups Culture Holder.

Aayla August 12th, 2020


I took at the test, it really encompassed a lot! I got just one answer wrong, and that's because I didn't see the last option - my bad, since the guide itself talks about staying focused and working coscientiously :P

3 important things I've learned:

- Collaboration. Working as a team may not always be easy, but it's important to count on each other, particularly when we realize we can't deal with something on our own. We can grow by letting others helps us, and helping others in return.

- Strengths. We're not perfect at everything, but we have strength that make our work particularly valuable. While it's important to grow in areas where we have weaknesses, it's vital to focus on our strengths, and rely on them to do the best we can.

- Failure. As a person that can sometimes be insecure, it's important for me to remember that failing does not mean you're weak, we can expect failure from everyone and it's not something to be ashamed of, but rather a chance to learn and grow.

I, Aayla, have read the 7 Cups culture guide, taken the test, and am now a 7 Cups Culture Holder.

xoSkyox August 12th, 2020


Next, post the 3 most important things you learned and why they are important to you. Then, post that you have read the guide and taken the test with the following words:

1. People are trying to help those with low resources.

2. "When you help others, they will be much more likely to return the favor and help you."

3. "We

ShaliniA August 12th, 2020


From this activity, I learned how important it is to facilitate connections, build teams, and work hard for what we do here :)

I, @ShaliniA, have read the 7 Cups culture guide, taken the test, and am now a 7 Cups Culture Holder.


TinyTina4 August 12th, 2020


I, TinyTina4, have read the 7 Cups culture guide, taken the test, and am now a 7 Cups Culture Holder. I learned about emotional investments, the 7 cups culture, and the pillars of the community.

BloodthirstyBat August 12th, 2020


Sorry for being on my member account. I saw the notification on my member account. Do I need to switch over to listener account to get rewarded? I did tell my listener account username on the Culture Guide Test.

3 most important things I learned and why they are important to me:

-High expectations and high warmth. These are important to me because if a company were to be low expectations and high warmth then their employees wouldn't be very focused on their work and it would feel too laid back that the employees felt like they don't need to work as hard. If a company is high expectations and low warmth then the employees would be like the slave shops in China or other countries. It is important that I feel valued and that I trust the company to check on it's listeners and members (if they behave bad and won't stop).

-Venn diagram of work that is: I am good at, feel interested in, and reaches a goal. This is important to me because if we meet two things like work that we are good at and reaches a goal but not interested in then we won't feel motivated enough to have effective work on our members.

-Our gas tank and company's gas tank. This is important because if we feel drained on our gas tank then we need self-care breaks to fill up our gas tank or we seek help from others. A company has their gas tank too. Bad people like sexual predators drain their gas tank and makes their members feel unsafe and violated. Good genuine people fill up the company's gas tank and makes everyone happy, welcomed, and safe.

I, BloodthirstyBat, have read the 7 Cups culture guide, taken the test, and am now a 7 Cups Culture Holder.

sinamon August 13th, 2020


LetsCherishLife August 13th, 2020

@BloodthirstyBat I love this response because it is not only repetition of the content but also own thoughts that show you actually had a critical look at the content

BloodthirstyBat August 14th, 2020


Thanks so much for reviewing and loving my comment. I did read through all of the resources. Repeating things I learned but also relating to it helps me to learn better!

Mel August 12th, 2020

Really liked the test Red heart

I, Mel, have read the 7 Cups culture guide, taken the test, and am now a 7 Cups Culture Holder. Red heart

OpenEarsHeart August 13th, 2020


Thank you for this, I really enjoyed going through this comprehensive overview!

Three things I learned are: friendliness dramatically increases trust, 7 Cups is high expectations and high warmth, people become successful when solving problems.

I, OpenEarsHeart, have read the 7 Cups culture guide, taken the test, and am now a 7 Cups Culture Holder.

Leah157 August 13th, 2020


Three things I learned from the Culture Guide are...

1. There are expectations that we must follow and meet on 7 Cups, but there is also a wonderful community to guide us and support us to be the best version of ourselves on here!!

2. Failure is okay. We just have to learn from our failures and use the knowledge we obtained to improve our work!

3. 7 Cups was built on trust, and we must maintain the trust by doing our best for our community and being accountable for our actions. In doing so, we can build a stronger community and help support our mission better!!

I, Leah157, have read the 7 Cups culture guide, taken the test, and am now a 7 Cups Culture Holder. :)

HopieRemi August 13th, 2020


SummerBreeze00 August 13th, 2020

3 most important things you learned and why they are important to you.

1. Accountability: As a listener, I am accountable to my responsibilities and I will try my best.
2. Personal growth: I learn that failures are learning opportunities to refine myself. If I have difficulty, I have mentors, chat supports and peer support to facilitate my personal growth.
3. Togetherness : I learn that I'm part of a community where we work towards common goals.

I, SummerBreeze00 have read the 7 Cups culture guide, taken the test, and am now a 7 Cups Culture Holder.

PeaceLoveandPaws August 13th, 2020


The three most important things I learned is

1) Failure is an opportunity to learn and grow.

2) Trust and accountability are the most important building blocks at Cups.

3) The work we do here is respected and life saving.

I, Peaceloveandpaws, have read the 7 Cups culture guide, taken the test, and am now a 7 Cups Culture Holder.

FinleyTews August 13th, 2020

I, FinleyTews, have read the 7 Cups culture guide, taken the test, and am now a 7 Cups Culture Holder.

Three most important things I have taken from the guide are: the expectations - warmth model, how 7 Cups must simultaneously be a community of high expectations and high warm, and that 7 Cups aim towards people with less income.

August 13th, 2020

I fireskye13 have read the guide and taken the test, I am a cup culture holder

August 14th, 2020


I have learned that failure isn't final and is a chance to learn and grow.

That honesty and compassion lead to trust which leads to a stronger community you have to invest in the community to get the best of the community.

ToniJane August 13th, 2020


Three things I learned:

1. 7cups creates a service which enables and encourages individual and community growth and support.

2. Fullfilling work is work that you are good at, that interests you and that solves important problem(s) and/or meets an important goal (Thiel, 2015).

3. Failure is expected; but with engagement and focus it is learned from!

These are important to me as they align with my own values, make me feel inspired and engaged, and fosters the feelings of being supported while supporting others.

I, ToniJane, have read the 7 Cups culture guide, taken the test, and am now a 7 Cups Culture Holder.

ahealingEndoftherainbow22 August 13th, 2020

I just took the test.

Three things that I learned are

1. That failures are okay and they are actual stepping stones

2. The concept of high expectations and high warmth, conscientiousness

3. That 7 cups is built on trust and about the 7 values.

I, ahealingEndoftherainbow22, have read the 7 Cups culture guide, taken the test, and am now a 7 Cups Culture Holder

NorahListens August 13th, 2020

Three things that I have learned from the 7 cups culture guide:

1. The importance of team work in the process of growth for the community, as well as the individuals.

2. Failure is an essential part of learning and growth.

3. The importance of high empathy and high warmth

NorahListens August 13th, 2020

I, miraculousheart9815, have read the 7 Cups culture guide, taken the test, and am now a 7 Cups Culture Holder.

pizzaiscool August 13th, 2020

I, @pizzaiscool , have read the 7 Cups culture guide, taken the test, and am now a 7 Cups Culture Holder.

I learnt about the how passionate 7 cups is about teamwork. I also learnt how our strengths and weaknesses are important in the way we help others. Finally, I learnt the importance of 7cups for people with low financial resources.



Posting the 3 most important things I learned and why they are important to me:

1. Our emotional tank is important and so is the oone of 7Cups.
2. TeamWork is important.
3. Learning is important.

I, (ThankYouForLettingMeTryingToHelp), have read the 7 Cups culture guide, taken the test, and am now a 7 Cups Culture Holder.

With that being said, I await being awarded the 7 Cups Culture Holder Badge.


Question: I want the "Program Overview" to turn green.
How do I get that?

Leadership Development Program
Program Overview
Personal Leadership 101: Identify and Build Your Strengths
Personal Leadership 102: The Problem is the Path
Becoming a 7 Cups Leader: Best Practices
Foundational Leadership Principles
Building Community

I want the "Program Overview" to turn green.
How do I get that?

Tyedyedbutterfly65 August 13th, 2020


Next, post the 3 most important things you learned and why they are important to you. Then, post that you have read the guide and taken the test with the following words:

3 Important things I have learned are.

1. Be here to be part of a Team not solo..- team work is way better then being alone and feeling worn out.

2.We are here to support everyone = No matter the race, age and income !! Help everyone

3.7cups helps build stronger leadership and supports the people who are here to build the community and continue to grow .

I, Tyedyedbutterfly65, have read the 7 Cups culture guide, taken the test, and am now a 7 Cups Culture Holder. heart

I am proud to be a part of the community and I work hard with the roles I have here ..I take nothing for granted and believe that NO roles or Badge is Meager....No one is a Tiny Person on the site ! heart

Peace and Love,

Tye smiley

Tyedyedbutterfly65 August 13th, 2020

@Tyedyedbutterfly65 I did take the Test of course and I always have to miss 1 question it never fails and this is how it has been all through my life lol.. 1 Question and it is because I am a ocd perfectionist lol so I am tested with this 1 question missed .. hahahaa shows the perfection does not exist !! lol for me anyway. smiley

Tye - Out Peace lol

JaimieF August 13th, 2020


I learned that we work to grow through our path of problems, 7 Cups has high expectations and high warmth, and that having fun is encouraged.

I, JaimieF, have read the 7 Cups culture guide, taken the test, and am now a 7 Cups Culture Holder.

Ylbirda August 13th, 2020


I, Ylbirda, have read the 7 Cups culture guide, taken the test, and am now a 7 Cups Culture Holder.

Ylbirda August 13th, 2020


1. The connection of doing work that fullfils me, that I'm good at and that leads to solving problems.

2. The amount of trust that is behind 7cups is immense and motivates me to work harder.

3. The high warmth connected with high expectations.

AmberLilly21 August 13th, 2020

I have first leaned that trust can really build as a whole and move us deep into what we need to fufil here on 7 Cups. I learned that we need to always try hard and even though sometimes it may be a challenge we will all eventually go through them and that is okay, as well as taking accountability in what we do and if we are not seeking the right thinks and our tank has run out we as a whole need to dive deeper and succeed into filling it to our accapability. All of this to me as a whole is very important to the 7 Cups platform to evaluate our work on here and the feelings for all of us.

I, AmberLilly21 , have read the 7 Cups culture guide, taken the test, and am now a 7 Cups Culture Holder.

WillowSanctuary August 13th, 2020


I LOVED this post and loved reading about the company culture. Feeling so inspired and want to write a similar statement for my company. There are so many points that I want to use in my own life.

3 things I learned:

- high expectations and high warmth. I loved this approach

- failure is nothing to be scared about. you are going to fail a lot and it's perfectly ok

- think about this work like being on a high performance team. Daily practices. Flow states, working out of your strength. You grow through challenges, like in a video game

I, WIllowSanctuary, have read the 7 Cups culture guide, taken the test, and am now a 7 Cups Culture Holder.


Any update about my badge?


Question: I want the "Program Overview" to turn green.
How do I get that?

Leadership Development Program
Program Overview
Personal Leadership 101: Identify and Build Your Strengths
Personal Leadership 102: The Problem is the Path
Becoming a 7 Cups Leader: Best Practices
Foundational Leadership Principles
Building Community

I want the "Program Overview" to turn green.
How do I get that?

99sunshine August 13th, 2020

1. 7 Cups is a high-expectations, high-warmth environment. It is important to have clear goals so that we get the work done, but warmth gives us motivation to get there.

2. For work to be fulfilling, it must be work that you are good at, that is interesting to you, and that solves a problem or meets a goal we have. For me, fulfillment is necessary in life, and these three things are a great way to gauge how a work is fulfilling.

3. 7 Cups mostly helps people with low financial resources. The marginalized are perhaps the ones who need the most love, and I am proud to do so.

I, 99sunshine, have read the 7 Cups culture guide, taken the test, and am now a 7 Cups Culture Holder.

electricbird August 13th, 2020


I really liked the test and getting to know the 7 Cups Culture better, the top 3 things I learned are:

1. How we need both high expectations and high warmth to succeed. It is okay to expect a lot, but also giving the support and the enouragement to guide and help is so important.

2. Failing is fine and the key is to stay focused.

3. Health matters and in order to perform well, you need to take care of yourself.

I, electricbird, have read the 7 Cups culture guide, taken the test, and am now a 7 Cups Culture Holder.

hopedreamlove August 13th, 2020

Three things I learned are:

1.) 7 cups is built on trust

2.) 7 cups is high expectations and high warmth since both those things are needed to succeed and grow.

3.) 7 cups helps is identify work that we are good at, interested in, and that helps us reach a goal, all three of those are important.

I, hopedreamlove, have read the 7 Cups culture guide, taken the test, and am now a 7 Cups Culture Holder.