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Help Us Capture the 7 Cups Spirit: Join the 7 Cups Slogan Challenge!

Heather225 August 14th


We’ve built something truly special here at 7 Cups. Through the collective efforts of our listeners, leaders, and beloved members, we have sprouted and grown a community that welcomes people from all walks of life who can freely and openly share their experiences, offer support, find solace, and evolve as human beings. It’s a community founded on empathy, understanding, and the belief that we’re stronger together.

We’re constantly striving to capture the essence of 7 Cups in a way that resonates with who we are and embodies the magic of what we do. Everyone has a voice, and every one of you has a little bit of that magic in you, and that’s why we’re turning to you for help!

We’re looking to collect slogans and mantras that encapsulate the spirit of 7 Cups. Something that truly reflects the impact we have on each other’s lives.

A slogan is a short, catchy phrase that is easy to remember. E.g. “think different" “breakfast of champions” and in the context of Cups: “grow through the path of problems.” & “high warmth high expectations” “beams!”

A mantra is a word/words or phrase that’s memorable and easy to repeat. E.g. “I am enough” and in the context of 7 Cups: “listen with your heart” “we listen, we care.”

As you think about 7 Cups, what comes to mind?

I invite you all to participate by replying below with a slogan or mantra (or several if you’re inspired!). 

  1. Upvote the ones that speak to you most and feel 7 Cups to you

  2. Comment on them for extra points and encourage each other!

We’ll rank the highest to feature in the community and across our socials.

Cheers will be awarded to everyone who takes part!

From the bottom of my heart, thank you for helping us tell our (your) story!

SparkyGizmo August 14th


😊 ❤️

Stronger together, never alone. 

PetiteSouris August 15th

"Stronger together, never alone"


This slogan spoke to me: I feel & love the unity within our community.


SparkyGizmo August 15th



TJItalia August 16th


Few words but very powerful. Especially the "never alone"

SparkyGizmo August 16th



jesusredeemedme2425 August 15th


SparkyGizmo August 15th



VictoriaLove7 August 15th


I like this 'Stronger together, never alone' because it means I'm not alone in my struggle ٩( ᐖ )۶


SparkyGizmo August 15th



FeureVox August 16th

@SparkyGizmo Whenever you need me, I am just a call away.

SparkyGizmo August 16th


Thank you wonderful Vox! 😊 ❤️ I appreciate you ❤️ as well as your kind and generous offer! 

*high fives* 😊 and *hugs* ❤️

FeureVox August 16th

@SparkyGizmo As I said, I am just a cal away :)

ChrisAmerica 2 days ago

@SparkyGizmo @Heather225

This is the current tagline, correct? It's what's at the end of the screenshot-2024-09-17-at-4-41-02-pm_1726609401.pnge packet

Rebekah August 14th


"7 Cups: a place to share, a place to care." 🌟

faithfulLemon3060 August 15th



unassumingEyes August 15th

@Rebekah love this one 🩷 

FeureVox August 16th

@Rebekah Great!

TJItalia Monday


Very thoughtful and poetic....

calmMango9611 August 14th

@Heather225 You're never alone.

VictoriaLove7 August 15th


I like this one too 🥭☺


FeureVox August 16th

@calmMango9611 You are also not alone.

fancyIris3 August 14th


"Gifting Understanding"

Rationale: As I see it, all stakeholders (members, listeners, paid subscribers, paying institutions, researchers, 7 cups itself) are gifting an understanding to other stakeholders.  

FeureVox August 16th

@fancyIris3 A Perfect Pitch.

Our presence is a Gift to others.

fancyIris3 August 16th

Thank you!

It is indeed a gift! 🎁

AnnaSilverberg August 14th

7Cups - For your paths guidance filled with care

Never stop healing

VictoriaLove7 August 15th


This part is powerful ϵ( •Θ• )϶ 'Never stop healing' 🐋


AnnaSilverberg August 15th

Thank you Victoria,
it's taken from my bio😊 
FeureVox August 16th

@AnnaSilverberg That's a beautiful contribution.

AnnaSilverberg August 16th

Thank you, 
I'm glad you like it!

onwardforevenmore August 14th

Your Listening Ear, Anytime, Anywhere.

Tinywhisper11 August 15th

@onwardforevenmore this ones good I give 3.5 votes😁

FeureVox August 16th

@onwardforevenmore, And I am yours whenever you need me.

easyHuman7200 August 15th


Share a cup, share a problem

FeureVox August 16th

@easyHuman7200 Your cup is mine, and mine is yours.

PetiteSouris August 15th


Slogan for 7cups:

" A place where every word is heard.."

✤── ⋆⋅⋅⋆ ──✤

VictoriaLove7 August 15th


This is a cool one! 🐁😎

'A place where every word is heard'. 


PetiteSouris August 15th


The souris pics you have are so adorable..

Thank you for appreciating my slogan


SparkyGizmo August 15th


Sweet Petite, I'm a big fan of your slogan as well! 😊 ❤️ There is something very special in what you said and it truly resonates! 

*high fives* 😊 and *hugs* ❤️

PetiteSouris August 15th


❤︎ Thank you ❤︎



SparkyGizmo August 15th


You are most welcome my sweet friend! ❤️