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Help Us Capture the 7 Cups Spirit: Join the 7 Cups Slogan Challenge!

Heather225 August 14th


We’ve built something truly special here at 7 Cups. Through the collective efforts of our listeners, leaders, and beloved members, we have sprouted and grown a community that welcomes people from all walks of life who can freely and openly share their experiences, offer support, find solace, and evolve as human beings. It’s a community founded on empathy, understanding, and the belief that we’re stronger together.

We’re constantly striving to capture the essence of 7 Cups in a way that resonates with who we are and embodies the magic of what we do. Everyone has a voice, and every one of you has a little bit of that magic in you, and that’s why we’re turning to you for help!

We’re looking to collect slogans and mantras that encapsulate the spirit of 7 Cups. Something that truly reflects the impact we have on each other’s lives.

A slogan is a short, catchy phrase that is easy to remember. E.g. “think different" “breakfast of champions” and in the context of Cups: “grow through the path of problems.” & “high warmth high expectations” “beams!”

A mantra is a word/words or phrase that’s memorable and easy to repeat. E.g. “I am enough” and in the context of 7 Cups: “listen with your heart” “we listen, we care.”

As you think about 7 Cups, what comes to mind?

I invite you all to participate by replying below with a slogan or mantra (or several if you’re inspired!). 

  1. Upvote the ones that speak to you most and feel 7 Cups to you

  2. Comment on them for extra points and encourage each other!

We’ll rank the highest to feature in the community and across our socials.

Cheers will be awarded to everyone who takes part!

From the bottom of my heart, thank you for helping us tell our (your) story!




silverArrow67 September 3rd


Hugging the wounds of others makes our wounds heal faster. 

aCalmOasis September 4th


7 cups:

"Connection, Compassion, Community"

ChrisAmerica 2 days ago

This is a good tagline in that it is descriptive—it concisely communicates what one can expect upon joining.

Loyaltysuppressed September 4th


It's, we who have to fight the fear together.

ThornyNini Monday


7cups solgan:: 

*Together we rise, together we thrive.

*One voice, many hearts, infinite support.

*We stand as one, we heal as one.

*United we stand, resilient we remain.

*Your voice is power, your story is strength.

*From vulnerability to victory, together we rise.


*I fall ,I rise ,I thrive.

*I am strong,I am resilient,I am unbroken 

* I weather the storm, I rise above 

*Every setback ,is a setup ,for a come back .

DanCat1128 Monday

Emotional support you can feel 

Right person at the right time 

Whenever you need it 24/7/365

DanCat1128 Monday


Feeling overwhelmed, stressed? There's someone to pick you up and dust you off. So you can be feeling like yourself 😄

98YoshiLover Tuesday

@Heather225 A place where you matter 



Where Healing Begins, One Heart at a Time

A Safe Haven for Heavy Hearts.

Embrace Hope, Discover Joy.

A Warm Embrace for Weary Souls

Finding Strength in Shared Stories.

Brew Happiness, One Cup at a Time.

Empathy: The Best Cup of Kindness.

Listen Closely, Happiness Is Brewing.

Pour Your Heart Out, We’re All Ears.

HopieRemi 3 days ago


7cups, you are not alone 

lilacflowergirl 3 days ago

@Heather225 when every thing appears out of place try your best just for another day then a day may come when living does not feel so bad

Kieran000 3 days ago

7 Cups: Every Word Counts, Every Heart Matters 😃❤️

Kieran000 3 days ago

Forgot to tag @Heather225 oopsy xD

RestoreRevive 3 days ago

I think it's in my name itself ♥️. 

Heather225 OP 1 day ago


🥰 perfectly cups aligned name! 

MelodyoftheOcean 2 days ago


Thank you for giving everyone the space to share H! Here's a few more:

Strangers all across the globe, friends through the problems we confront together

It's okay not to be okay, as long as there is someone with you

Life will be difficult, but together we can take it one step at a time

One cup of tea, a cookie shared, an open ear and a friend to bear the difficulties and challenges of life with you

Ange257 2 days ago

I am worthy of love, joy and all the blessings that life has to offer

I embrace my unique gifts and share them with the world, knowing that I make a positive difference

DanCat1128 2 days ago






ChrisAmerica 2 days ago


7 Cups Everyone’s Cup of Me™

7 Cups
 Understanding Right In Front of You™

7 Cups Brimming With Empathy™

7 Cups No Filters, Just Feeling™

OhLookItsRay 2 days ago

I saw it put here somewhere. I forget exactly where. But it said.

"You make sense in the story of your life." It really resonates with me.

Sparklingdiamonds 2 days ago


Wonderful idea Heather. 

You are stronger than you think. 

The 7 cups of me(Time)

A supportive environment where we cheer each other on.

Everyone belongs, there is no nobody's.

An empathetic buddy support system.


@Heather225live for yourself and watch youself thrive

"Healthy living is a daily choice. Nourish your body, mind, and spirit for a vibrant life."

AmazingVictoria 2 days ago


INFJstyleMe 2 days ago


Healthy, happy.