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Write a sad story in 6 words...

peacefulHug92 February 9th, 2018

NB: Please make sure stories are suitable and non-offensive or they will be removed.

I know that's sad, but it's in 6 words! What story's can you come up with? 💕

Hit send, then hit a tree

Insanepotatu September 7th, 2023


And then there were none...

HelloImAsia September 7th, 2023

@peacefulHug92 my inner child screaming for help

purpleSea7109 September 8th, 2023

There was me doing whatever do.

I am just a click away.Xx

lt159357 September 8th, 2023
@peacefulHug92wandering in the world
mytwistedsoul September 12th, 2023

our feelings are way too loud

Summershy September 12th, 2023

No one cared on Saturday night

amiableBunny4016 September 12th, 2023

It was only me and I

amiableBunny4016 September 12th, 2023

We live nothing but traumatic lives

amiableBunny4016 September 12th, 2023

I *** hate myself too mom

TimewiseHeart September 12th, 2023

"Lost love, fading memories, endless tears."

mytwistedsoul September 12th, 2023

I don't know if I'm enough

TaylorTheFrog September 13th, 2023


the Children fighting their parents war

Tinywhisper11 September 13th, 2023

@peacefulHug92 18 years I was a slave 😥

mytwistedsoul September 15th, 2023

night has never felt so dark

lazyKatz September 15th, 2023

The mornings bright , I never am!

Blahblah1805 September 15th, 2023

Everything is perfect but I'm unhappy.

mytwistedsoul September 17th, 2023

what if I am losing touch

hopelesslylostall September 30th, 2023


i very much feel lost and completely fallen apart and amuck as well. So much potential relentlessly wasted for insignificant dreams of childish wonder and awe... yep.... thats me

lazyKatz September 21st, 2023

Remembering happy times makes me sad

electricPeace6276 September 22nd, 2023

Trusted my uncle. He trafficked me...💔

Trosclair03 September 24th, 2023

I entered the void ; can’t escape.

RedStar01 September 24th, 2023


It's raining again, no sun today!

proactivePlace3164 September 24th, 2023


Your ghost remains, my heart still aches💔

proactivePlace3164 September 24th, 2023


Your ghost left lies, broken💔,tears..

proactivePlace3164 September 24th, 2023

Was it worth shattering my soul?

ChillingRain September 27th, 2023

@peacefulHug92 Found love, lost self; lost all.

mytwistedsoul September 27th, 2023

days and nights blend into one

alicethefrog September 29th, 2023

Looking back, I never truly lived.

not meant to be about €nding yourself but not fulfilling your dreams, to be clear.

mytwistedsoul September 30th, 2023

I'm fine - is my favorite lie

hopelesslylostall September 30th, 2023


There was a man in the very distant past of whom everyone that knew of him would say he was a very talented and amazing man capable of anything he sets his mind and body too. A strong minded and kind soul, of whom which never believed or agreed in anything negative or a walls in front of his path. Until his very eventful and fun loving life that he lived, would soon come around to haunt his every fibrous being of his ragged and beat down vessel that once contained a solid and solemn man. No more.

AverageCoffeeMan September 30th, 2023

@peacefulHug92 Girlfriend Kick Balls And i Cry

proactivePlace3164 October 3rd, 2023


Beneath stars, my tears cascade...

proactivePlace3164 October 3rd, 2023

Lost in the realm of darkness

Sham66 October 3rd, 2023


Trying your best in wrong way😆

jakeyjam October 5th, 2023


"I'll stay." Now a distant memory.

affectionateCat9553 October 9th, 2023


A woman who loved but lost.

A woman with a heart, stolen.

Life without love is not intended.

Divorce is the end of tyranny.

proactivePlace3164 October 9th, 2023

Why am i still looking for u? 

mytwistedsoul October 9th, 2023

we only have what we remember 

Novelist40 October 17th, 2023


She never got to say goodbye.

mytwistedsoul October 18th, 2023

run away you're no longer safe