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PathStep 13 Compassion hearts21 Forum posts5 Forum upvotes7 Current upvotes7 Age GroupTeen Last activeDecember, 2023 Member sinceSeptember 30, 2023

Hi hi! You can call me Jakey.

I play a ton of games, mostly Overwatch nowadays. I'm also a fan of Detroit Become Human, Stray, Valorant and many other games. I read and write a lot in my free time as well. I'll probably post lots of writing here on 7cups! 

Anyway, it's nice to meet you! It's a wonderful time and it's wonderful that you're here! I'm always open for a chat - No judgement, all open arms and smiles! :D

Recent forum posts
Something I wrote. It's a little sad, but at least it's out of my mind and in the world.
Reading & Writing / by jakeyjam
Last post
October 13th, 2023
...See more Hello, everyone. I thought I'd share something I wrote. It's about someone I love dearly, I hope that one day I may meet him again. Once, you told me that I could always talk to the moon, Ms Tsuki. You told me that she'll always be here for me and that she always has and always will be there to light up the night and make it feel more safe. You told me that your entire life, you've always talked to the moon. What you said, those words... they were, they are, so beautiful. I didn’t know what to say back then and I still don't have a clue. I had never heard anyone say such wonderful words before, had never met anyone quite like you. And you even told me that to you, I was the moon. At that time, after staying silent for so long, I cried and thanked you for sharing that, thanked you for your beauty. When you were still here, I was too nervous to speak to Ms Tsuki, I just snuck glances at her, nervous about talking to the person that you had admired and known for so long, about talking to the very person you said I embodied. But then you left. I never got the chance to speak to her when you and I were still talking. And when you went, I was too caught up in my grief, in my thoughts, in my head, to speak to anyone. Then hours turned to days and days turned to weeks. And one day, at night, when I was lost in my head and surrounded by the dark, Ms Tsuki peeked through my curtains and called to me softly. "I'm here, dear," I could almost hear her say. And so I drew the curtains back and let her light shine through into my safe space. Saw her shine on everything, even my own skin. I felt like crying at that moment. It had not even been a second yet I understood exactly why you said the things you said about her. Then I spilled my heart out to her. I told her about how much I miss you, about how you're stuck in my head and refuse to leave, about how you haunt me so much to the point where ending everything sounded better than living on with our memories, living with this grief. I told her about how no matter where I go, I can't stop thinking about you because I'm surrounded by forests and lakes and flowers and every other kind of nature that reminds me of you. I told her about how I miss your words, your smile, your laugh, your voice, your love, everything. I told her everything. It didn’t make me feel better but it made me feel heard and accepted. I still talk to Ms Tsuki now, whenever I can. And I tell the people in my life about her, just as you did for me. I tell them that she's been there their entire lives and that she'll continue to be there forever. I tell them that if they ever need to get their thoughts out but they don't feel like talking to someone, they can talk to her and tell her about anything and everything. I tell them about her beauty and her warmth despite being the queen of night. I tell them.. about how she'll always love them and always keep them safe during the night while they're sleeping or awake. Recently, I made a wish to her. I said... "Ms Tsuki, I.. I have a wish. I know you don't usually do this but.. could you try and convince him to come back? Convince him to talk to me and explain everything, explain why he left with no warning or anything when things were good. And.. can you let him know that no matter how much time passes, I'll always love him and that he's always welcome to come back to me?" I think I heard her say, "I'll try, dear. But you should rest now. I'll watch over you always. Drift off to dreamland, everything will be alright." It's been a few days since that. I hope you'll hear what Ms Tsuki says. I hope. I love you. I'll always be here for you.
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