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slayteralmighty January 16th, 2015

Hello there everyone!

If you're reading this it means that you probably are quite fond of poetry and writing it to. This is a thread to post all and any poetry that you may have, be it happy, sad, angry or just silly. All styles are welcome (free verse, couplets, slam) and it would be great to have at least one poem up a day for all of us to enjoy together!!smiley

unforgottenlove July 30th, 2015

I think everyone in the world has a different idea of beauty.

because when I see a butterfly, I always think of the beautiful symmetry of its wings.

but other people like the randomness in life, when it's not symmetrical,

because we all like different things.

and there's an angel in your eyes and a demon in your mind

yes they contradict, but that's a love of another kind

because everything is special if you look past the flaws

and everyone can judge at times, but beauty has no laws

and when I think of all in my life and all who walked away

I can only wonder what I did to live to life I lived today

and no it is not perfect, but it's all that I know// the good & the bad is always where I go

and I'm getting used to it, not sure of how I feel

and I'm not even positive that what I feel is real.

but accept me as I am and now my beauty from within

because my major goal in life is to wear my soul on the outside of my skin.

BraveSpirit August 1st, 2015

@unforgottenLove, this is a cool poem. I like the rhymes a lot, and I agree with how people look at things so differently.

NewRomantic677 August 1st, 2015

Even I've been working on wearing my soul outside my skin, but there's so much work, and I don't know where to begin. See my soul likes to hide, as its been hurt quite a few times. For those who wish to hold it, can't quite see it in daylight. In darkness it dwells and fear grips it tight. But fear is a friend that's misunderstood. Darling we'll be fine. I love your poem. :)

TheLPSoldier July 30th, 2015

The Atmosphere Is Crumbling

The Atmosphere is crumbling
Because she cannot see her love
The Earth below is shrouded in cloud
Too dark for her to see through

The Atmosphere is crumbling
Thunder pulses through her
And gravity is pulling her down
As outside forces beat at her bright shine

The Atmosphere is crumbling
She hates this growing pain
All she wants is to see the Earth
But the clouds just will not fade away

The Atmosphere might crumble
There is just no way to know
But every day she reminds herself
That if she falls, Earth is left unprotected and alone

BraveSpirit August 1st, 2015

@TheLpSoldier, I like how the images are all about the Atmosphere, the universe, gravity, planets and such. Excellent poem!!

majesticSapphire July 30th, 2015

I remember when we realized,
Our favorite song was the same,
I felt like you had looked at me,
And seen straight into my brain.
You'd stroke my face while singing,
As I drifted off to sleep,
And I swore that those fond memories,
Were the kind Id always keep,
But even good songs finish,
And as the winters silence grew,
My cheeks went from a rosy pink,
To a mottled black and blue.
So I grabbed the person I'd become,
And fled into the night,
You told me that I'd come back,
And you still think youll be right,
But let me tell you something;
Our song was on the radio,
But its been so long since Ive heard it,
Ive forgotten how it goes,
And I've learnt it takes just 7 years,
For all your cells to be replaced,
So one day you will have never touched,
The skin upon my face.

lonelydeviantsoul July 31st, 2015

Absolutely BRILLIANT!! I love this type of lyric/poem. I had to read it twice.

NewRomantic677 August 1st, 2015

Honestly this poem is AMAZING... It just speaks to me on so many different levels and seems so relatable, so human. I adore it, and I'd love to see more of your work. In fact, in gonna scroll through the thread and search for it. Cause you have some insane talent :)

Nyao July 30th, 2015

(written while on vacation in Amsterdam)

Things I want to put in a jar
and bring home

The cold, crisp air
The lazy, laidback feel
Long days and short nights,
that hour before sunset
The diversity of skin and race
That curiosity of wanting to know
where everyone's going,

where everyone is
The lingering smell of waffles in the air
That feeling of being caught in between
the new and old

This peace I feel when I'm writing
this, thinking of you

And my longing for you


NewRomantic677 August 1st, 2015

I love this so much.. And Amsterdam is genuinely beautiful place

Annie August 2nd, 2015

@Nyao, this is utterly lovely. It captures the feelings and memories so perceptively heart

KnighTerrAin July 30th, 2015

I get distracted from my problems when I'm attracted to formed flaws holding a mystery that ends up just me being the concerned cause

KnighTerrAin July 30th, 2015

Always falling for the girls that are attached to the ones trying to drag me down. Everyone pretends. I stopped bothering to defend. I'll laugh at the time let it pass like I'm blind. Then it'll come back around to bite me. I'll spend the whole night fighting myself and biting my own neck. I must look like a trapped wolf chewing off its own leg. I tapped a peg into the wall and now I can't get it out. They did that to me. The peg is eating my soul bit by bit and small chips drifting through as the blood drips. Pumping shards past my heart and people wonder why I can be such a slumping grumpy barstard. But once I get the bars apart and the quicksilver flaking stake out my painted brittle safe that I call a soul. I'll find what's untold. It'll be written and enscribed on the triple bladed knife they stuck from my eye and slided halfway down my arteries. Left it there and let it be a part of me. It slowly started twisting with the friction from the spinning gears that tear apart my calm mind to the rythm of timid acid Chinese water torture. And in the meanwhile they all just laugh and smile never ask how I've made it my own. Bleeding art like passing pardons through a wilted rose. And they hid it from me like it would help me not to know. But only left me with suspicious looks forced to hang around with putrid crooks. While they told the story like I was the one who was awful. After they told me to tear the rulebook and we all laughed and snared as the hilarious evil took hold of my soul. Implanted in my skull left to grasp hold of my broken trust and tell it it's just a must. Have to carry on. Can't change them. Do something different. Accept it keep cool. Yeah I learned. They adapted. I was left with them making the facts since I was a kid. They learned. They had control of what was heard. They could say anything they want and it would pass as law. Like I was on a crucifix and burning as they judged their pear shaped stories as if it was in a bible as a lesson you should avoid to learn

KnighTerrAin July 30th, 2015

Shamanism has a meaning for life, they say there is two wolves in your soul,they are opposites, they are good and evil. And they will fight till the end of time. And that fight can either motivate you or destroy you. If you haven't chose a side the conflict will catch you in the crossfire. You have to choose which wolf to feed. You can't always feed both. The battle will just conflict you more. You shouldn't feed the bad wolf because people will see which side you're on. You should feed the good wolf, because then it will win. And you will find inner peace with a companion and that peace will reflect through your whole life. If you let the evil in and watch it win, you'll be clouded and blind as to why your life is falling apart. And you'll get more angry and the world will turn and twist into a terrible cage that extends everywhere you go. And people will torment you the whole way. And eventually get a reason to make that cage physical

QuietlyDreaming July 30th, 2015

This is a song I wrote about my father.

My dad always made me feel special, and when he left us, it tore out a piece of my heart.

When I wrote this, he had just told us, by text message, that he was ceasing all communications with us.

So, here it is: You're never supposed to blame the other party.

Even if they are the ones to blame.

And you could give 10 thousand excuses.

And my reply would remain the same.

You, my friend, are a coward and a liar,

Whose fire was barely a spark.

And you, my friend, are a thief and a child

You've stolen and broken my heart.

I'm not supposed to call you out on your faults.

Even if the fault is solely yours.

And with so many tears I've cried in your absence,

I know that when it rains it pours.

You, my friend, are a coward and a liar,

Whose fire was barely a spark.

And you, my friend, are a thief and a child

You've stolen and broken my heart.

It doesn't take a genius to see that I'm hurting.

A fact even your blinded eyes could see.

And when you said I love you I knew it was a lie,

Because love has no boundaries.

You don't throw something away if you treasure it.

You don't punish kids by running away.

You don't act like a titan who can leave lives in ruin.

And never return to save face.

You, yourself, are a criminal.

Who refuses to pay for his crimes.

I didn't ask you to do what you did.

And I don't deserve doing your time.

You make me feel like the mistake I am.

You, my sire, are a coward and a liar,

Whose fire was barely a spark.

And you, dear father, are a thief and a child,

You've stolen and broken my heart.

I am a coward and a liar.

By saying that I don't even care.

But you are a force of destruction

Who has dissipated into thin air.

I can't seem to let go

You're a part of my being, naturally

Someday I'll forgive your cowardice and lies,

And the hell you inflicted on me.

And the hell you inflicted on the rest of our family.

QuietlyDreaming July 30th, 2015

Once again, the spaces that were there magically disappeared. Probably because I'm on mobile. Oh well.

Annie August 1st, 2015

@QuietlyDreaming, I tried to add the line breaks based on your capitalizations. Send me a message if I got it wrong, okay?

KnighTerrAin July 31st, 2015

Lost for words. I'd like to hear more from you. As much as you can write

QuietlyDreaming July 31st, 2015

Thanks :)

lonelydeviantsoul July 31st, 2015

Great lyrics! I can relate to this pain as well. I love how writing can feel so therapeutic.

Thanks for sharing.

NewRomantic677 July 30th, 2015

So come now

put your arm around me

me and my broken pieces

come now

kiss me goodnight

and hold together my bursting seams

hug me tight

when you put out the lights

'cause those demons in the dark

they come from my mind

so who will come now

to me

in broad daylight

my devils will be hiding in plain sight.

KnighTerrAin July 31st, 2015

My jesus

KnighTerrAin July 31st, 2015

I'm fanning myself here. It's like you took all the air

NewRomantic677 August 1st, 2015

Thank you :)

KnighTerrAin July 31st, 2015

Strange food for strange thoughts. We can't ask each other to turn the world for us, but we should ask how atlas can hold on with everything spinning like this.

samc95xc July 31st, 2015

YOU GUYS ARE AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!heart

NewRomantic677 August 1st, 2015

Aww :) and YOU'RE AMAZING TOO *high fives*

NataliaNectarine July 31st, 2015


Shadows awakened.

Under the window of my eye -

Danse macabre

A dreadful serenade;

The smell of moist asphalt.

I am waiting.

The dark spider web of silence

Drags across the walls

Catching the warm sounds

Of your clueless footsteps.

In nothingness

I lie, awake.

A writing crawls

under the scroll of my skin.

I am the Book

of darkness and shades.

Once you come

Burn cardamom and thyme,

Place me into the tefillin

Of your ever-awake soul.

Cry no more tears, dearest.

The dawn is soon to come.

To D. 26.7.2015.

Elinxs27 July 31st, 2015

Wow this totally speaks to me, you're a beautiful writer ❤

NataliaNectarine July 31st, 2015

@Elinxs27 Thanks a lot, dear.

eQuatiun July 31st, 2015


Loneliness is many things

Being without company


Simply feeling alone

Worthlessness is many things



A feeling

Unworthiness is a decree

Given to one by another or themselves

It doesnt matter which

I have no confidence

I doubt myself at every turn

I cant talk to new people

I dont want to talk to most of the old people

At times I wish I were a solitary creature

If Im not a part of someone

Or a part of their life

How can I hurt them, how can they hurt me?

I cannot, and they cannot

I cant drag them down

When they are busy rising to their potential

Without those around me I believe I am nothing

I do not always see what I am

I need someone next to me to show me what I am

Who I am

What Im worth

Because I dont always see it

Im smart

I excel in school with almost no effort

But Im dumb outside the books

When the last page is turned I become clueless

No one has ever requited my feelings

I fear because of this no one ever will

I have written for them

Bought them gifts

Done anything and everything for them to know how I felt

No one ever gave it back to me

There is always a thank you

Thats really sweet

There is always a condolence

Youre a really nice guy

But the thank you feels as empty as some promises

As empty and void of emotion as the promises people make

People tell you theyll always be there for you

They say you can count on them

Then when you call them

Reach out in a desperate cry for help

They turn their backs

They dont have time for me

They dont acknowledge me

They make you feel alone

Loneliness is, simply, feeling alone

These people that reject my being (here)

That dont support me

They are the reason I feel lonely

They are the cause of my loneliness

Elinxs27 July 31st, 2015

I'm sorry for your loneliness, i understand how you feel. People always say they'll be there for you, but when they aren't, you feel like a burden disturbing them. Wonderful poem though :)

eQuatiun July 31st, 2015

Thank you very much. (:

NewRomantic677 August 1st, 2015

I LOVE this poem so much.


Lezlie July 31st, 2015

I was smaller than him, yet he hit me He laughed when I cried, and told me to die Did I do something wrong? He touched me, he felt me, there is fear in my eyes But nobody believes me, nobody hears my cries They just tell me I

Elinxs27 July 31st, 2015

We'll protect you sweetie :) you're in safe hands now or at least safe ears and eyes - we believe in you❤

NewRomantic677 August 1st, 2015

We're always here for you :) *hugs*

GeneStealer August 1st, 2015

A red rose and a promise

NewRomantic677 August 1st, 2015


fear is a friend

that's misunderstood

hard to believe,

but oh so true

in times of darkness its always stood

and ever changing constant

driving us to be good

and a fear of the past

you may think it holds you back

but really its asking you to ask yourself

what you lack

and when the answer comes back

that you lack nothing at all

the fear slips away

and leaves you standing tall

fear of the future,

that's just the same

when lingering fears of the past remain.

fear is a friend that's misunderstood

after all if you treat it right

it can only do you good.

KnighTerrAin August 1st, 2015

I want to leave a reply but I can't put my thoughts into words. So, more pls Very accurate perspective of fear. Could you write something about the dark?