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L Maven 2
5 star rating
Number of ratings69 Number of reviews23 Listens toTeens & Over 18 LanguagesEnglish Listener sinceJul 8, 2015 Last activeover 6 months ago GenderFemale PathStep 169 People helped147 Chats600 Group support chats492 Listener group chats294 Forum posts1,097 Forum upvotes2,207

note: the information here on my responsibilities is slightly outdated because I've taken quite a long break from this site. I've only just returned, and will update my bio later. Until then, just drop in my inbox to say hi, I'm always going to do my very best to make you feel better. 



Hello there lovely person reading this!





Most people on this site call me Eno, but feel free to get creative & call me whatever you want ツ So, I’m assuming you’re here because (a) you’re a member seeking support, (b) you have a question about this site, or about me, and (c) you need a friend and/or a free hug. (psst, quick note to other listeners- I can verify you, PM me for more info). Well, if you’re here for the above reasons, I’d be delighted to oblige ツ I give out free hugs 24/7 and, note to lovely members- I’m currently available for chats. So don’t be shy, drop me a PM! The chats that I have the most experience with handling are self harm, depression, and LGBTQ+, but I’ll help out anyone with anything





Awesomesauce Community Projects I’m A Part Of





~sidenote: check out all the awesome projects you can get involved with here!~





Forum Supporter - While I’m technically under the categories of LGBTQ+, Self Harm, & Depression, my love of the forums can’t be confined to categories, you’ll catch me all over the forum jungle :p





Proud Teen Core Leader of The Stigma Warriors - So, my warriors, go ahead and shoot me a PM if you have any questions at all. Learn more about the project here.





Peer Supporters - Being a listener is tough, I know. So if you’ve had a tough chat, I’m here to support you through it!





Group Moderator - Because a safe chat room is a fun one, I wear this green badge with pride :p Do PM me if you need help in a chatroom, and you can find Emergency Mod Request forms here.





LGBTQ+ Support Team - I’m committed to making LGBTQ+ individuals feel loved and accepted in this sometimes cruel world. Shine like the Unicorns you are ;) I have weekly support sessions every monday at 1pm EST, you can check them out on the community calendar here.





Special Events Organiser - Any questions about an event I’m organising? Any questions about special events at all? Well, then my PMs are waiting for you ツ





Project Agent (Forum Team) - PM me if you need help navigating the forums or writing a post. Or even just to fangirl about the forums. I won’t judge :p





Appreciation Buddies - I love giving sparkly shoutouts via PMs, Feed, and most of all Forums. Want to celebrate an achievement, or know somebody who could use a little extra love? let me know :) 





Appreciation Committee Core Team (Special Projects)





Feed Team-er -Managing the daily hashtag #DailyLyrics. If you have any cool song lyrics, feel free to PM me!





My lovely beautiful listener twins are @221Skye, @amazingrea, @MidniteAngel@Charli and @PointlessQueen. I love em a ton. They rock. Y’all should hit them up if I’m not around.





❈ Never stop shining ❈





❈ Fear is a friend who’s misunderstood ❈





❈ Telling someone they can’t be sad because their problem is too small is like telling someone they can’t be happy because their source of joy is too tiny ❈



Recent forum posts
7 Cups Taught Me... *fill in*
Community Projects & Events / by NewRomantic677
Last post
February 22nd, 2017
...See more Today is part of the celebration of this lovely site's third birthday! So, I know the title is pretty self explanatory but still. I think a lot can be learnt from a site that, as @KrinkTheMellowUnicorn has put it, is an "online compassion machine". Both members and listeners alike can learn from this site, a I'd love to have people share what 7cups has taught them! ❤ Tagging- @Laura @Anomalia @QuickJazz @YayyySphere @MidniteAngel @IreKat @ItJustMeKitty @arxxxh @skyisblue @SimonTheGr8 @IssyTheGlitterbug @ihope4ever @KitaKat @ItsE @amazingrea @itsadrian @LovaLot @justkeepsmiling26 @AmyBear @CoryIsHere @CalmIdea @Charli
✨ Feb 13th- Self Love Day ✨
Community Projects & Events / by NewRomantic677
Last post
February 28th, 2016
...See more OMG GUYS, ITS FEBRUARY. THE 13th. DO YOU KNOW WHAT IS HAPPENING TODAY? (go on, guess. or read the title, Im waiting :p) Thats right, you guessed it! iiiiittttts *drumroll* ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ SELF LOVE DAY ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ Now, this day is a very coolio day, ‘cause (a) I can dance like a fool in my room to Flawless by Beyoncé more than usual and (b) cause yknow, you get to treat yourself with the love and respect (and pizza) that you deserve. Weve got some awesomesauce activities planned for you guys, so go on and spread that (self) love today! ✯ Fabulous Discussions ✯ Adult Member discussion-- Self Love hosted by: @ObscureSam & @Annie time (EST): 1pm, Guided Discussion Adult Listener discussion-- Self Love hosted by: @Eunoia time (EST): 11:30PM, Listener Community Room Teen Member discussion-- Self Love hosted by: @BeccaBoo98 time (EST): 5pm, Guided Discussion Teen Member discussion-- Self Respect hosted by: @Charli & @ih0pe time (EST): 5pm EST, Teen Support Room Teen Listener discussion-- Self Love hosted by: @skyisblue time (EST): 7:00AM, Teen Listeners Teen Listener discussion-- Understanding Our Needs hosted by: @RebeccaEmily time (EST): 3:00PM, Teen Listeners All these discussions sound awesomepossum, amirite guys? Were looking forward to seeing you lovelies participate in them! AND TO TOP THAT, weve got some absolutely stellar ✯ Forum Posts ✯ Boy guys, have we got some sizzling forum action for this day! I'd love to see you all participate in these threads, go ahead and post away ❤ ⭐ Name [] one thing you love about yourself! [] ⭐ Go on and hop onto this thread, giving me one (or more, cause you're all super fabulous) thing(s) that you love about yourself! ⭐ What [] does Self Love mean to you? [] ⭐ Yep, it's time to get ~deep~ about the meaning of self love- whether it's the role self love has played in your personal development or simply how you define self love, hope on over, I'd love to hear your thoughts! ⭐ Give yourself a shout out [] ⭐ Cause you know you deserve it ;) lets wipe the dust off this thread! from big spectacular shout outs to tiny humble ones, let's spread the (self) love today guys! -throws confetti- I'm excited to see you guys give yourselves the love you all deserve ❤ ✯ Feed Activities ✯ for the feedlings, weve got tons of feed activities planned as well, using the #SelfLove and #ILoveMe, today you guys are being challenged to tell us one thing you love about yourself, and also to post about one nice thing youve done for yourself, using both hashtags--> #iLoveMe & #SelfLove go forth and love yourselves, because all of you rainbow unicorns deserve appreciation from the most important person out there- you.
⭐Self Love Day- What Does Self Love Mean To You? ⭐
Community Projects & Events / by NewRomantic677
Last post
February 21st, 2016
...See more -boops your noses- Hello fantastic peepsicles reading this ❤ today, February the 13th, is Self Love Day! (at least in my time zone it is xD hehe, go self love!) WootWoot! And that means we're here on the forums to discuss the more deeper implications of self love, what it means to love ourselves and how we can improve on loving ourselves. Personally I look at self love as a (seemingly never-ending) journey that just has you constantly learning things about yourself and your environment on the whole. Self love has been a hard lesson for me to learn and what I've found is that loving myself makes it easier to accept myself as well! I think my decision to start making a conscious effort to love myself more has started paying off in my personal life, as well as increasing my confidence and helping with my social life as well :) that was just my take on Self Love, and what it means to love yourself ❤ to love yourself is to have learnt a trillion lessons and to have accepted your flaws for what they are, but that's just in my books and I'd love to hear what you guys have to say! Go ahead, and share your ideas on what self love means to you ❤ it could be anything from how you would define self love to the role/impact self love has made on your personal life :) Have an awesome Self Love Day 2016, and an awesome day in general everyone!
⭐Self Love Day- Name One Thing You Love About Yourself! ⭐
Community Projects & Events / by NewRomantic677
Last post
February 26th, 2017
...See more Hello lovely human beings reading this ❤ in honor of self love day, which is on the 13th of February (one day before Valentines day, who wouldve guessed?) We're all gonna take turns posting about one thing we love about ourselves! It could be your wacky sense of humor, your strength, your smile, even something tiny like the way you skip to class in the morning. (Seriously, name any one thing you love about yourself ❤) I know for a few this may be harder but hey guys, you're all awesome. Happy Self Love Day 2016, I hope you guys are able to share what you find awesome about yourselves, cause trust me you're all beyond fantastic in your own ways :) **throws confetti and leaves**
☆ An Adolescent Learning- "How Relationships ~actually~ Function" ☆
Relationship Stress / by NewRomantic677
Last post
February 12th, 2016
...See more my boyfriend and I had our first anniversary a few days ago. and hey, 365 days of chaos, happiness, and every other emotion out there sure was a rollercoaster ride worth celebrating (us teens, we just look for excuses to celebrate stuff xD) I've been in a few other relationships, but this one had something the others didn't. In our 16 year old mindsets, a year is a pretty long time, and what's even more remarkable is that we're looking forward to the next anniversary (gosh, I know I am, if he isn't that'd be suuper awkward) anywhoo, over the year, I learnt a lot about how relationships actually work. When I got into the relationship at first, I was kind of still stuck in my hopelessly romantic, starry daze of sappiness and unrealistic perfection around the very concept of relationships- that's right, guys, I was a bit of what you'd call a hopeless case when it comes to romantic daydreams (still am) my first relationship was a bit of an eye opener for me in that sense xD without further ado, here are the things I've learnt about how relationships *actually* function- ♦ If you don't ever disagree, something is wrong. Like, gosh, in the year we've gotten into dumb fights about things I don't even remember. and it doesn't help that we're complete opposites. What I've learnt is that in the (somewhat less dreamlike) real world, no two people will ever get along perfectly. Hey, it's just human nature. ♦ Alone time is both the enemy and the angel - Y'know, especially in the earlier stages, I think not only I but also he constantly needed a reminder of this. We just kept seeing each other and texting each other and in general being super duper involved with each other, consistently in most aspects of each others lives. It got a little exhausting after a while, and after having a little alone time we both realized there is a limit to everything, and while together-time was fun, balance in our relationship was just invaluable. ♦ Disapproval from other people shouldn't weaken your relationship- It's no secret that our relationship was less-than-popular: with my friends, my parents, his parents.. the list goes on xD and honestly, at first I had my reservations about entering a relationship which so many people resented. But then I realized he had exactly the same dilemma going on in his brain, and I think having that conversation opened up the both of our eyes and made our relationship a lot stronger.Having people who oppose your relationship is normal (in a world of 7 billion, I'd say it's expected at some point) but evaluating why these people are not as sure about your relationship as you are and talking about this is what really counts. ♦ Tough times don't last, tough relationships do- our relationship has, in one year, been through a lot of ups and downs, more than the average relationship. I'll be blunt- during the year I've been with him, I self harmed, came out as Bisexual, and totally went full out crazy on him (that's right, even the ugly crying, I ugly cried on him xD). These tougher times in the\e relationship that we lasted through led me to taking the quote "tough men don't last, tough times do" and, well, altering it xD If the people within the relationship are willing and determined to make the relationship work, it will. ♦ Sometimes it's okay to get mushy- yep. Sometimes it;s okay to sit down and get suuuuuper mushy with the person you're in a relationship with. In fact, I'd say it's healthy to do so (but that's just my opinion) Just mean what you say during the mush-sessions, and you're on the right track! so, those are the main things I've learnt from a year with someone. To anyone who managed to reach the end of this post (because I know, it is long and kind of boring xD) thank you for reading! there are probably tons more lessons out there for me to lean that I just haven't yet, or ones that I've unknowingly learnt and haven't realized it yet cause I'm just a little clueless like that. Cheers, Eno x
Feedback & Reviews
After many failed chats, I finally found the listener who had the patience and sensible heart to hear me and let me express my fears with honesty. I am very thankful to NewRomantic for making me feel supported and cared for.
She is the best listener I've ever had on this website. She makes you feel so loved and cared for!!
She's one of the best listeners I've personally had on this site mainly because she really cares about you on a skyrocketing level. Her cute nicknames make us feel close and she's always worried about me.💜
She's honestly the nicest girl I've met
thank you so much for all your help!! you've really supported me and aided my thinking process, and after some reflection i believe i'm much further than i started. thank you sm and i hope you keep being the amazing listener you are!! you're doing great things, and i'm honestly so thankful for people like you.
Great help
She is very kind
OMG.. She's the best listener in here guys. My bae team mate, an angel. She's really nice, empathetic and says warm words to cheer us up.
Thank you so much Eno!
-The Mad Teammate. XD
very friendly and helpful. thanks so much!
Offers so much support and is so understanding
Thank you so much! You give the best and most helpful advice!
She's a lovely human being and she can relates to your situation and not taking too long to respond. She's full of kind words and I love her so much for it
Thank youuuu! :)
Thank you awesomesauce :D
Great with all of those things. Including sense of humor!

@NewRomantic677 you are so very funny! Thank you for cheering me up when I felt down!

she was amazing, and so helpful. I really needed that.
She was extremely supportive and kind
thanks a lot for your advice... i would definitely come to you again. :)
They seem pretty cool
Very nice and helpful if you need someone to chat with, definitely a very caring and compassionate person.
NewRomantic677 had some really good advice and was super quick to respond. Would definitely recommend her to anyone needing help.
The support was perfect and really really helpful.
you are such an amazing person!
Badges & Awards
97 total badges
Listening Ear Long Ears Magnet PenPal Jester of Smiles Clerk of Bear Hugs Ellen Jump Start Anxiety Depression Eating Disorders Managing Emotions Panic Attacks Surviving Breakups Traumatic Experiences Crisis Intervention Peter Pan Work Related Stress Self Harm Sexual Abuse Alcohol & Drug Abuse Family Support Grad Cultural Diversity Verified Listener Bullying Chronic Pain Psychological First Aid Family Stress Sleeping Well Graduate Love Bug Refresher Appreciation Buddy Light Chat Tiny Chat Small Chat Chit Chat Big Chat Voice Talker Communicator Speaker Orator Ray of Hope Shining Light Florence Nightingale Relationships College Guide Loneliness Guide Test Anxiety Exercise Motivation ACT Therapy Affirmative Reflection Chat & Text Listening Ace Active Listening Guest Host Conversationalist Oprah Community Builder Startup Support Perinatal Schizophrenia Special Events Organizer Scrum Report People of Color Guide People of Color Support ADHD Social Anxiety OCD Boundaries Forgiveness Grief Managing Bipolar Managing Finances Aficionado Surviving Domestic Assault Getting Unstuck 3rd Bday Hug-a-friend 2nd Birthday Party Sparkler Loyal Friend Tick Tock Fellow Friend Mod Siren Evolution Steadfast Soul I Reconnection Hero I First Chat First Post Five Steps High 5 Hang 10 Open Door Thankful Heart Gratitude Abound