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slayteralmighty January 16th, 2015

Hello there everyone!

If you're reading this it means that you probably are quite fond of poetry and writing it to. This is a thread to post all and any poetry that you may have, be it happy, sad, angry or just silly. All styles are welcome (free verse, couplets, slam) and it would be great to have at least one poem up a day for all of us to enjoy together!!smiley

Hopelesslyhopeful531 September 5th, 2015


This Roller coster called life

Has taken me high and low

With all its twists and turns

I don't know where to go

I'm trapped inside me head

I've Built walls up too high

Staring through a window

Watching their happy lives go by

Feels so cold all alone

Everything I know is dead

now my only home

Is the hell inside my head

I keep wishing for what I cannot have

Happiness always outta reach

I tell everyone there's no reason to be sad

Yet I can't practice what I preach

It's hard to drown the demons

Who live Inside a head so dim

The demons who are killing me

Have learned how to swim

The biggest lie I've ever told

Is "there's nothing wrong"

"I'm honestly fine" I tell them

I've been acting for too damn long

Tangled in the lies

But fighting to survive

Rapped Up in fibs

Trying to stay alive

Ill sit here all alone

Watching from within my walls

My dark lonely room

With no doorways or halls

I couldn't leave if I tried

It's almost like I'm strapped

Just living here forever

I'll always be trapped

UnicornFae September 6th, 2015


Watching from the clouds,

the rain descends

Into valleys and mountain tops.


we all get wet.

But some of us drown.

QuietPastelRain September 6th, 2015

"Aching and Breaking"

Take me away from here

Follow the lights home like

Blurred ghosts in peripheral vision

The cold car window heats up with

My sigh but even for this internal warmth

My soul is colder than winter

My heart is aching and giving up

I don't blame it

I'm just waiting for the sadness to kill me.

QuietPastelRain September 6th, 2015

"Unhappy Birthday"

Blow out the candles

I'll turn out the lights

I'll sleep all day

Stay up all night

I'll cry on the inside

And then I'll pray

That maybe the whole world

Would just go away.

SayEffumKdot September 6th, 2015

Rocky Mountains

Tossed and tangled like a toddler in bedsheets . Frustrated and emasculated because something so simple as being misplaced in a fabric is escalating into a intrapersonal struggle . Screaming under the abrasive tongue-incarcerated linen as if it were made of bob-wire . Scraping and disfiguring my identity that I built up over the years. Lavender-scented bedsheets with a sweet kiss of chamomile , how could you dare trick me ? Allowing a wide-eyed wanderlust escapade to evolve into a war with one's own heart , one's own self . Too comfortable with being in control of my past-influenced fears , I've failed to realize that if I just lie still like a Down-South river , the flame-inflicted bedsheets will only cover my Antarctic body allowing me to sleep peacefully .

Overdrive September 6th, 2015


Memoirs of an era now obsolete
A symphony bitter,
Not a trace of sweet
An abundance of pillars carried the torso
Then you came along
And even more so
Tried to carry the weight of my world
Succeeded your plans and
In your arms I curled
Up, yet you changed your purpose
The building collapsed
While the devil usurped us

Overdrive September 7th, 2015

[Possible trigger warning; I'm not certain]


These portraits sprout
Like vines from my quill
Strokes without doubt
Yet not due to skill

You are my source
Of anguish and ire
Your actions force
My hands on the lyre

No craft I'll try
Could charm me like this
You make me cry
The tears that build bliss

But if I'm brought
To happier lands
Without one thought
I'll cut of these hands

fionaapples1997speech September 8th, 2015

i dreamed i was a dreamgirl

running up and down

running up and down

i dreamed i kept composure

i dreamed i held my own

i did not speak and

when i did it was not empty

i welcomed the air on my teeth

and the pang in my lower intestines

i climbed the concrete staircase

i watched the silence from twelve steps away

wingsbro137 September 8th, 2015


New faces,
Every year.
New places,
That's my fear.
Different people,
All the time.
Different friends,
Are hard to find.
What if I'm,
All alone?
In this place,
Far from home.
And if no one,
Knows my name.
Do I have to,
Be the same?
If I would be,
Someone else.
Will she,
Become myself?
Would I love,
Who I became?
Or would I,
Again, be forced to change?

2love September 8th, 2015

If She had the Strength for Words

What seemed like an eternity were but mere seconds that just ticked by.

She feels as though the painful times are the longest parts in life.

To soar above her troubles, that's what she'd love to do,

But to pain she feels bound and as for how to escape, she hasn't a clue.

Pain is like a wall that only time can climb and scale.

But if each second is an eternity, within moments, she will become frail.

What happens when those chains become much too heavy to bear?

Will you look deep into her eyes and tell her that you care?

When she looks in the mirror, what stares back is a weak and fragile mess,

Someone who couldn't possibly go lower even if she wanted to be less.

But maybe that's an image; one that can be altered by your touch,

A simple act of love perhaps. It doesn't have to be much.

So authentic is the pain that she can still show you all the thin red lines,

Charged by pure emotion, they are proof that she has paid painful fines.

But those, in time, will heal just as her heavy, weary heart,

And as you hold you hand, the healing process is sure to start.

She knows pain thrives in darkness but you seem to be her light,

Chasing away the horrors of this life that's like perpetual night.

She dreams of the day where in unison the sun rises as you begin to utter

That she alone is your light, too, and just how much you love her.

If I , right now, had the strength for words, I'd tell these things to you.

My fears, my scars, my darkness. You don't even have a clue.

And sometimes I wish you noticed just how much of an impact you can be

To a lonely girl who longs for love because that lonely girl is me.


professionalPerspective60 September 8th, 2015

Time Is Meant To Heal

Although unheard I thank you

For always being there

Even when you were bedridden

You always seemed to care

You meant so much to all of us

you were special and that's no lie

you brightened up the darkest day

and even the dullest sky

Many tears I have seen and cried

They have all poured out like rain

I know that you are happy now

Cause your no longer in pain.

For years on I remember you

And what you used to say

You made each of us smile

And live to the fullest each day

They say in time it gets easier

I believe this isn't true

Because even after all this time

I still don't have a clue

I was not ready to say goodnight

Your disease just over took

So on this day we remember you

I take a second look

Our friendship is forever

Until death, did we part

Although your away physically

You're always in my heart.

Good night my friend

Now you take care

I'll always be at your side xx

lightLake6523 September 9th, 2015

You can be the prince
And i could be the princess
Cause i must confess
You are looking so fresh
What you know about love?
I know you've been hurt by someone else
Your not easy to love like anyone above
I will care for you, Ill take care of you
I just want you close
We're the perfect two
I swear the whole world stops
No one can get in the way i feel for you
You'll always be mine
They don't see you like i do
I make it look like its magic
Cause i see nobody but you
Looking in your perfect brown eyes
It's you that im in love with
I ain't judging you boo
Ill be there, if you really need me
Ill show you how to love me the right way
When it comes to my heart baby
Ill let you love me everyday
I'd be your wife
In the real life
Frozen in time
Always be mine
Young forever
A love that never ends

fionaapples1997speech September 9th, 2015

men who can see right through me

tell that i'm just scared ---- you

give me a example of a man using

his sensitivity for good

expletive deleted by forum mentor Annie
Lilylistens September 9th, 2015

Thank you to every person who shares in this thread.

RxPoet September 10th, 2015

need a muse that is actually romantic
Ive decided

I want to be surprised by my lover
very analytically

write what you value, offer, require
an exercise in emotional needs

you know the thrill
when youd travel for five more minutes

to be back on that couch
and I tried to crack a mountain

with a bow and arrow
looking for a fountain, a tidal, vital wave

to explode out from the stone, so I
chipped away, determined, until I shot so true

that I pierced straight through
and saw that it was only stone all along

not a trickle, not a single drop appeared,
only the blue sky of clarity

through the pinhole of my skill.
Why did you look for water in the rock

when you are a sea-seeker?
Foam, brine, salt, crash and tide-seeker,

splash, dive, swim, and drown-seeker,
float by the buoyancy of the other

seeker. You need no arrows
at the ocean; so vast you need no aim

no angles, no sharp weapon.
Not even clothing.

You know the thrill
when your bare feet touch mud

and the touch of the water comes rushing up to meet you
and invites you back out with it.

GeneStealer September 10th, 2015

Don't tell me you forgot so soon

Those promises of always

Don't tell me it will work out

As you walk so far away

Don't tell me you care

It's clear you don't

Don't say sorry

I won't hear

bigPanda91 September 11th, 2015

I listen to his favorite songs

But each sentence were never meant for me

What would you do

When everything start to make sense?

The lyrics belong to someone else...

politeSpring1022 September 11th, 2015


With everything
I please to say
The one I bring
I love you kay
So blind
So stupid
I find
That this is
But I cant resist it
No matter how so I fear
Fear to love and not shed tears
All rise
And all appear
Ill traumatize
All who interfere
I apologize
Every time
For my graphic infer
But I promised to
Be there for you
All who appose you
Just so you know you
Mean more to me
Than my life and my being
I love you dear kay
How much I would say
Those words that make
Me scared as such
I fear so much
But worth the fear
You are, Im here so far
And will never leave
And will never go
And always will know
That I love you
And wish to be
Yes I do
To be with you
But I denied
Just a few times
Before I wrote this poem
But kay you are my home
And I love you so
So tell me what and tell me how
I beg please your love for now
Just tell me how you love me
Please be the one to love me
How do you love me kay
I wont bother the question again
If you dont know Ill just wait in
Within my patient loving state
I wait…
I wait...

QuietPastelRain September 11th, 2015

"Silver Linings"

Someone has hurt us all
Ironically we say we're fine
Love is such a foreign concept
Very few of us get to grip,
Even though it's tough sometimes,
Remember these words:

Love exists everywhere in the world.
In me, in you.
No one can be devoid of it.
In case you're feeling bad,
No one can take your ray of light.
God only knows when you'll see it, though.

(It is there.)

politeSpring1022 September 12th, 2015


My love she knows

My love she is

It is k who goes

To seek her kiss

She said would

Now give me a chance

I did all i could

Now i will again

I will never forsake you

Try not to mistake you

Be there to take you

From sorrows grip

I promise I'll hold you

I have been told you

And i would be great together

And you've excepted my offer

I won't break your heart

If you read this art

Know my promise to you

All i will do

Is everything for you

MidniteAngel September 12th, 2015


Utopia is a dull oppression

Put forth by society's perception

Of absolute perfection

But they forget the pure definition

As Utopia is not a place

Nor desitination

But an endless journey

In a single direction

Our aspirations

For this world lacking imagination


Or motivation

Destroys chances of contemplation

Removes our ability to question

Depletes our innovation

Simplifies explanation

And stops examination

This single minded

Unity and blandness

Is a world of destruction

Madness and oppression

Because a Utopia

Is an illusion

That masks the depression

Of absolute perfection

Thus is why

We must learn to accept

Our wonderful

One of a kind




And Imperfections

Anushka1 September 12th, 2015

Hey guys! Absolutely love the original poetry on here, you guys are so amazing. <3 There's an Arts competition being held, I really hope to see you all participate!!!! You can check it out here. :)

Iamallcalm September 13th, 2015

Pain, without love.

Pain that I cant get enough.

Pain that I would rather get rough Than really feel nothing at all.

Cry like a thunder, in a second, and it was gone. I didnt realise what actually happened, but now I know it was because of that one! You think that I dont love you and that I want to break it up. It is not real but I cant show it and Im just like: Sup?"

I miss you every day and every second of my life. I am hoping that I will marry you someday, To be my beautiful wife! I know that sometimes it can be hard to imagine, That I love you and I wanna hold you tight, But when you ask me for a hug, You will find out that you dont need to ask, Because baby, that is your right!

I could spend my entire life just sitting here, just looking into your eyes, They are so wonderful and beautiful but at the same time theyre cold as ice. Cold as ice, But I would absolutely sacrifice. If youre wondering how it would go, You should read this poem from up-side to below.

I may not be the most good looking man, But girl, give me a chance. You are my wonderland, And I wanna hold your hand. Like a glowing star in front of all, My heart always beats faster, Whenever you give me a call. So dont ever think that, I dont care for you at all.

Through the fire, the flames, until the end of this poem, I want you to know that, Your heart is my home, And I dont wanna be alone. Without your heart, I would be afraid and sad. I would not be happy, I would go mad!

Now, I will end this poem with class, Go to the club and play some bass. You probably think Im crazy, Oh girl youre driving me crazy. Just like a crazy monkey in the zoo, Because all I want is you!

Just wanted to share my own personal poem with you guys!:-) Have a good day, and remember you are beautiful in each way you are.:D
DanielB September 14th, 2015

The Screaming From Heaven

Parting lips and shivering fingers,

She quivers.

The dagger drenched in death,

It melts it's metal like acid.

A new mixture that smells of Hell drips to her feet.

Frantically, her cold heart struggles to pulse,

The last breath she gives is a name.

The name of her lover last summer,

Who said he didn't love her.

A safe call from Heaven bellows to space,

No one hears her voiceless screaming.

The searing pain sets her throat ablaze.

She lays dead, again,


She's ready to do it again.

No one will hear her lifeless call,

Maybe Heaven isn't Heaven at all.

harana September 14th, 2015

Conjured Couplets

Would it be safe or sane to sate-- to ask to be thought of?
What would it take to make or break this strangeness into love?

How many maps will mark the traps and flaps across the land
Of nothing-words and humming-birds I do not understand?

Why is our time together always never quite enough?
What would it take to make or break this strangeness into love?

I'm haunted by a butterfly and haunted from a hum
Of lower note than lowest quote of tall and heavy drum

Why does that silver ribbon split the sky so harsh and rough?
What would it take to make or break this strangeness into love?

My skin is thin; I feel within a violin begin
To change a chord from deep discord to chocolate chagrin

Why do we kiss and feel no bliss and miss and liss and shove?
What would it take to make or break this strangeness into love?

harana September 14th, 2015

Mood Swing, Coffee Thing (a song)

I sat on a tried and tired tyre
That hung from a rope of hope
The clear from up here's what I admire
As bright as a well-played trope

I sang a high tune, a Claire de Lune
And you heard and said it was fun
Immune from typhoons, that afternoon
We laughed as we painted the sun
You had me undone

So sane and so plain in the rain in a green parasol
Though I'm coy, dare I toy with this boy dare I break a wall
Soft and aloft in a coffee shop up top with mirth
Cinnamon bun too good for this sinful earth

sat on a bored and beautiful board
And we
lifted our feet to greet and meet the fleet
And we
Swung from what hung from a cord that soared
And we
Were loud and compound and complete

My mien has been locking your clean screen
Today was gray and gay and caramel latte
Casual cuisine and plastic cup caffeine
I say and sway astray in this small cafe
This scene we portray

So sane and so plain in the rain in a gray coat and hat
Though I'm coy, dare I toy with this boy dare I dare tell him that
I find that aligned and kind are our stars, and he's worth
A cinnamon bun too good for this sinful earth
Too good, too good, too pure for this sinful earth

Overdrive September 16th, 2015


The seventh exodus
Compels me to the sanctuary
Once again

I approach
But my pagoda lies fractured
Its halls intact
Its walls not cracked
But no man will find shelter here
For you left this place
A wasteland

Foul zephyrs
Now flow through this shrine
My hallowed abode
By the choices of one
And its destruction brought forth my own

Yet I will try to reconstruct it
And with it
I will try to reconstruct me
But it takes more than four walls
To build a home

chinupdarlinx September 16th, 2015

I wrote this for my English homework so any feedback would be greatly appreciated!!


You're defective.
Childish sometimes.
Forgetful always.
Shy, and for the most part, awkward.
My love,
Are flawed.
And you understand me like no other.

When Temptation shows no mercy,
You put up a valiant fight.
But we all know that for every being there comes a point.
A point -
When even the best of us cannot help but cripple,
Defeated by her savage gaze.
But, my love,
I like that you tried.

Like every cruel, cold-hearted specimen
That roams this wretched world,
You have lied time upon time.
And yet, inexplicably,
I see not malice, but a pureness in your nature,
Fragile as a butterfly's wing.
You protect the things you love,
That's all.

We've all been reckless.
We've all been cold.
But you alone can make me speak the silent language of sorrow -
Only you.
Because through my love,
For you, my love,
Your actions are magnified.
You can make me happier than anyone else.

You see,
I know all your imperfections,
Those little things,
That make you a tad harder to love.
And with this knowledge,
It is of my understanding,
That I, Could crush you to the ground.

But in your childish behaviour,
I see innocence,
And in your shyness,
The pain you've caused can be forgiven,
And the other things improved,
For your vulnerability draws me ever closer,
And your awkwardness makes me smile.

To this day I've known no kinder soul.
You're the kind of person with whom I'd like to grow old.
But for now, my love, just promise me this:
You'll be my lovely valentine.

braveSugar7964 September 17th, 2015

That's beautiful! Did you write it about a particular person? It's wonderful, thank you.

Knaiv September 17th, 2015

ride hard in the rain
to hide these that never fall
on the way to duties other than alcohol
off the ball
if there ever was one
now it's gone
busted ballon skin for lungs
nothing you do now is for fun and that's fine
what do I have to do to live a life
have a long slow death
the thoughts in my veins watching me sleep
I miss my friends
I don't even think about it
I can never speak
I just see the eyes I've seen
I hear the whispers about me behind their faces
with calm smiles in their places if even that

What do I have to do to enjoy my long slow ride?

Knaiv September 18th, 2015

Don't answer when they ask for you
when they care don't reply
sulk away with your shadow
Grow absurd with your lies
hanging like heavy hooks in your chest
Ache when it pounds as you walk
Burn in your throat with your breath
the burst of thought caught you in an awkwardness
Like writing the word false does
Like how your emptiness laughs at your pulse
because you're not really a person
You're just a shell walking through the motions of a purpose
you're not even really hurtin
It would take emotions to show it
but you don't know em
You don't even remember those eyes
when they cried and you used to feel
When a hug was a higher real
When love was a filling meal
You don't remember that
instead you've learned to forget
It's been so long but not at all

defygravityXD September 18th, 2015

My Depression Progression

My depression is wearing black sweatshirts in 80 degree weather

My depression is laying on the bathroom floor

My depression is sleeping in the middle of the day

My depression is constantly on the verge of tears

My depression is always looking at the ground

My depression is physically exhausted

My depression is not talking to anyone

My depression is locking the door

My depression has no concept of deadlines and duties

My depression is cutting

My depression is hating

My depression is pushing my loved ones away

My depression is controlling my life

November 8th, 2015

@defygravityXD if you would allow me to give you this virtual hug. -hugs you-

defygravityXD March 22nd, 2017

@weepingartist Two years later, I am revisiting this thread. Even after so much time, your virtual hug means a lot. My depression worsened progressively until the end of 2016 when, as what felt like a last resort, I started taking antidepressants. Medication in combination with continued talk therapy worked wonders for me, and I am happy to say that now, in March 2017, I am coping very well and living happily.

March 24th, 2017

@defygravityXD i'm so happy for you. around 2016 was the same time I took therapy seriously, it was more of a group talk therapy, with no meds, but it was intensive. i'm giving you another hug this time for congratulations <3 and also a thanks, for going out of your way to say this. it made me see that not all little acts of love go to waste.

defygravityXD April 3rd, 2017

@weepingartist I believe that small acts of kindness have the greatest impact <3 I'm glad to hear that you are doing well. I hope that your future only continues to get brighter!

Overdrive September 19th, 2015


A single lock of burgundy
Forgotten in a feathered corner
Engulfs my weary sight
And plunges me into blissful abyss
Where eternally I'll witness
Your brazen tango

A single lock of burgundy
Abandoned in a covert fort
Ever retains its soothing aroma
And guides me to a fertile meadow
Where acres of berries sprout
And none go hungry

A single lock of burgundy
Cloaked beneath a velvet cover
Enchants my jaded fingertips
And recalls that dazzling twilight
Where our maker looked the other way
While I seized the apple

A single lock of burgundy
Exposed before a heavy heart
Irrigates my obscure eyes
And once more shatters my mending bones
For now I know that when you left it
You had already left me

ve99 September 19th, 2015

Sometimes I wake due to nightmares,

the stars are not that made me scare.

The thought you i get is something even the angels failed to know,

we found love through to's and fro's.

when you hold the mobile in darkness

scared of the demons,

I will stand there with my piles of hopelessness ,

hoping to see you on,

rest your head ,

Im nothing in your life

soon I will regret

that i gave my love for free..

proactiveDime3437 September 19th, 2015


She laughed, she smiled,

She obeyed and sufficed.

She lived up to their expectations,

And never ceased to restrain the accusations.

She was the ideal human,

Praised by men from afar,

But she just smiled and blankly replied,

'I'm glad for it all'.

Little did they know I looked at her in the eyes,

Saw through those empty holes and her dreadful plight.

Her eyes glazed and pupils dilated,

There was more to it than mere perceptions.

That day I peered into the mirror to seek,

What was real and what had been tweaked.

Their perceived preconceptions were not accurate at all,

And I saw the truth for what it was,

Behind the veil, she was waging a war.

I cried for her, I wept so hard,

For the crazy nonchalant soul, a possessor of what she once was.

Building up on the wildest of dreams and aspirations rising strong,

She erected skyscrapers even though she didn't prefer heights at all.

She walked humming a melody, on the boulevard so sturdy.

But there always is the villain to a story, who was sick of this all,

The people, they yearned her to be, what they moulded her for.

Her opinion was of no importance,

Amongst this chaos, she was a mere mortal.

Those people, they broke her from inside out,

Cowering with her fears, she was left to sustain on her own.

They tore her apart, her mindset was controlled by what they said,

They left her with harsh words and brought her to their test.

She was afraid now, afraid to live,

Afraid to be the one, that she once so independently did.

She became a puppet in the masters' hands,

She didn't want to see anyone hurt,

Her conscience would prick her to death if she did that.

So she suppressed herself to remain accepted,

The tarnished truth this way shall never be uncovered.

I looked in the mirror once again,

Tear-stained, glazed eyes with pupils dilated,

Only to discover that she was yet again,

Wearing that mask so professionally over her frame.

magnolia15 September 19th, 2015

hyde park

castle on the sky's 31st floor
it sits, blinking, in the dust motes

vintage wedding dress swinging alone in the closet

echoes of words never said,
pulse, pulse

the lake swells,
licking rusty bike rims
flooding empty space

all I had, singed . . . carried off on his apathetic breeze

the prince continues, oblivious
living on fumes of self-satisfaction
unhearing, unaware